My Daughter is So Amazing

Chapter 224 - Long talk

Anya stared blankly at the interactive game between Luo Er and Little Donkey, and then she hurriedly got up for a while and ran to the window to check.

As a result, seeing the little donkey throwing the little milk cat high, he jumped up again and held it firmly.

The little milk cat meowed in mid-air, waving his limbs and posing in various poses, looking very excited.

They had a great time.

Seeing Anya is a little eager to try and want to get involved.

This gameplay is a bit novel. Others play a dog with a frisbee at most, but here is a beautiful girl with a cat?

But why are the little pets around Uncle Roll so powerful? Not only can she become a pretty and cute girl, she can also play so well…

And I’m not afraid of the cold in winter, so I dare to wear such a short skirt…

Perhaps this is the power that Uncle Roll has mastered?

She still remembered that those phantoms introduced to her a power called’Blood Resonance’.

She didn’t understand the specific principle too much, anyway, she remembered that this ability could make the little animals around her become smarter, more energetic, and stronger, much better than the trainer in the circus.

This is also an ability that has long been lost. It is said that the skills of mankind to control monsters are actually some simple branches of this ability.

If you guessed right, Uncle Roll should have this ability!

Anya is very confident in her speculation.

Uncle Roll is worthy of being a veteran substitute, and he is already very proficient in the use and mastery of his abilities.

But why does he call himself a swordsman? And only show his sword skills?

Anya didn’t quite understand, so she started a series of associations in her mind.

what! I see!

Uncle Roll is out of confidentiality considerations and does not want to reveal his true abilities, so he claims to be a swordsman!

For this reason, he has also worked hard in swordsmanship and has extraordinary swordsmanship.

Is this the strength and consideration of the predecessors?

Really deserves to be Uncle Roll, just as Uncle Otto described it.

As a newcomer, I must learn a lot from Uncle Roll.

After some random thoughts, she felt that she was close to the truth of the matter.

So she returned to Rohr again, sat upright, raised her head upright, like a typical good girl.

Then he asked:

“Uncle Roll, I’m here this time, I actually have a special question I want to ask you.”

“Huh? What’s the special problem? You say, I must know everything and say nothing.”

Rohr said boldly.

“This question must be a little strange, I hope you don’t laugh at me, uncle…”

Anya blinked, pondered her words, and then asked carefully:

“If Uncle Roll you plan to take action against me, what will you do?”

After asking the question, she quickly observed Rohr’s expression, and then found…

Why is Uncle Roll blushing?

It’s strange…

Don’t you want to reveal the secrets of your abilities, so you feel ashamed?

She believed that with Uncle Roer’s wisdom and experience, she would definitely be able to understand the meaning of her words, and could not be wrong.

Butler Otto often said that he was planning to move later, Zhizhu was in his hands, and every move had a unique and profound meaning.

Rohr scratched his head awkwardly, and said with an awkward look:

“Uh…this this…”

“Anya, you have to tell me why you ask this first.”

Anya hurriedly put on a Xizi holding heart shape, lowered her head slightly, and lowered her eyes again. She looked like I was pitiful, and whispered:

“I’m sorry Uncle Roll, for various reasons, I can’t tell you the reason.”

“But your answer is very important to me, so…”

As she said, she quickly raised her head again, her big eyes flickering at Rol.

She doesn’t lose to any girl when it comes to acting cute and acting like a baby.

Rohr really couldn’t refuse such an offensive, he could only frown and think carefully, touching his chin from time to time, and tapping the back of his hand from time to time.

Why does Anya ask me such a question?

Why should I shoot her?

I dare not take action against Teacher Oriana, let alone the younger Anya? She is as old as my daughter!

I can’t do this kind of thing, Rohr!

Rohr’s ethics in this regard has always been very resolute, and his three views have always been upright and never crooked.

So he changed his mind again, and struck his mind again.

Anya came to me for love counseling, which can be heard from her reaction and words.

I have seen girls with more faces than she has eaten, although most of them are from the other side of the earth.

But women’s thinking, even if they are from two worlds, still has similarities.

So, Anya is just taking me as an example!

After thinking about it, Rohr was very confident in his judgment, thinking that he was close to the truth of the matter!

In my opinion, there should be a man of the same age as me, maybe some powerful man? Pursue her.

The old cow eats tender grass, scum, I’m pooh!

Anya has the intention to refuse, but due to the person’s status, it is not too straightforward to refuse.

So she didn’t dare to explain the truth, she could only hint at me in this way.

It’s so risky, I almost made a mistake, causing huge embarrassment and misunderstanding.

Roll secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Anya came to me to find out what kind of offensive and methods people of my age would take against young girls.

In this way, she has a bottom in her heart and understands those routines so that she can deal with it more appropriately.

This little girl is very smart, she really found the right person, I am a professional in this respect!

I chased the first half of the wife in the phone!

Rohr wanted to understand, so he replied:

“If I wanted to attack you, I would probably do it…”

Seeing that he had been thinking for a long time before answering, Anya looked serious, thinking that he would impart some valuable experience, and quickly took out a small notebook and pen from her chest, preparing to write down carefully every word.

“First of all, I will approach you with various excuses, such as inviting you to go shopping, inviting you to a dance party, and enjoy the opera…”

“In this process, I will try my best to chat with you and learn about your various details.”

While recording, Anya nodded, still showing a thoughtful expression.

Uncle Roll’s remarks mean that if you want to kill someone, you must approach him first, and then get to know him.

Understand what kind of ability the other party has, what kind of strength it has, what kind of power behind it…

Well, this is the so-called plan and move, just like my dad.

If he wants to deal with a certain political enemy, he will do his best to collect the other party’s information and grasp the opponent’s strengths and weaknesses.

Sure enough, a wise and mature man will always coincide in some places!

And Rohr continued:

“In short, after successfully approaching you, I will show all kinds of good, show my demeanor as much as possible, and demonstrate my strength and advantages…”

“Anyway, I just try my best to make you value me and improve your status in your mind.”

Anya continued to record and nodded secretly.

This statement coincides with his father’s situation again!

In the face of some troublesome political enemies, even if my father is the speaker, he will not be brutal, but will try to divide and win the enemy, or show his muscles and strength, so that the other party will retreat.

He often taught me that one more friend is better than one more enemy, and one less enemy is better than one less friend.

After Uncle Roll’s explanation, I understood the profound meaning of these words more thoroughly!

She heard Rohr continue to say:

“After all preparations are done like this, I will choose a suitable opportunity, a suitable occasion…”

“For example, a lively dance party, a dark and windy night for a month, of course, the most ideal result is to choose a scene that you unexpectedly and creatively…”

“Finally, I will strike you a fatal blow when you are the most unexpected. One blow will kill you!”

Anya quickly recorded it.

Sure enough, after making all the preparations, fully considering and weighing the pros and cons, it is the last time to take the shot!

That’s what Dad did, and he often taught me that when dealing with enemies, we must know how to choose the right time!

Sometimes he chooses to be forbearing and retreat, and sometimes he deliberately shows okay with the other party to let the other party relax their vigilance…

Then when the opponent relaxes his vigilance and is proud, he will play the deadliest hole card to completely reverse the situation!

Dealing with political enemies and dealing with other enemies are definitely the same. Choose the most unexpected time and give the enemy a fatal blow!

After finishing the recording, she couldn’t help but let out a low sigh of relief, and said with emotion in her heart:

As expected, Dad and Uncle Roll seemed to be so cruel, determined, decisive, and full of wisdom and creativity when dealing with enemies.

No wonder my father valued Uncle Roll so much. He personally invited him to join his camp and offered a generous salary. He even sent out his beloved villa.

They must have a good chat, are they agreeable?

Hee hee, this is great. Ke Li and I are good friends, and our dad has become good friends.

“So, that’s probably it, Anya, have you learned it?”

Rohr finally asked.

Anya nodded with a contented face, and replied:

“Yeah, I learned it, thanks to Uncle Roll for the valuable experience taught.”


Her conversation suddenly changed.

“I also want to know more specific content…”

Although Rohr taught him valuable life experience.

But these are not helpful for helping oneself through dream training?

These things are just metaphysical things, and she still wants to figure out how Rohr did it, which would make herself lose consciousness in an instant.

Rohr looked a little embarrassed and embarrassed when faced with the new problem.

“To be more specific? Ah, this…isn’t it great?”

I can’t really **** my daughter’s best friend, right?

But Anya launched Chuchu’s poor star-eye offensive again, as if not saying it would cause great guilt.

But it is really inconvenient for him to cover up concretely. He can’t run to lift Anya’s chin and give her a bang, right?

In desperation, he had no choice but to adopt as subtle as possible, came to Anya, looked down at her, then stretched out **** and lightly nodded on Anya’s forehead.

Generally speaking, it should be accompanied by a few corresponding lines, such as:

“Huh! Woman, you succeeded in arousing my interest!”

“I nodded your forehead cinnabar, and you are mine.”

“My stupid brother…oh no, my stupid woman…”

As long as these terrible lines are not said, this can be regarded as a normal interaction between elders and juniors.

So Rohr couldn’t say it, he could only smile awkwardly:

“It’s probably something like this.”

With Anya’s cleverness, surely you can understand what you mean, right?

Anya really nodded, indicating that she understood.

Meaning, Uncle Roll will quickly approach me and attack my forehead.

Next, I must have my head exploded or pierced, so I didn’t feel any pain, and I just lost consciousness.

What a cruel method!

Fortunately, Uncle Roll is his own and won’t really deal with me…

Anya was also secretly relieved in her heart.

She thought of how to crack the third dream training.

Although I don’t quite understand the specific principle of blood resonance, it must be done by touching the opponent’s forehead with a finger.

So next, I must pay attention to protecting my forehead.

At the same time, you can’t be deceived by Uncle Rohr’s appearance and let your guard down on him.

I have failed a few times before without knowing it, and it must be because of my slack in my heart.

After all, it was facing a good friend and her father. I also knew that I would not be hurt or hurt in my dreams, and I would inevitably not be vigilant enough.

Isn’t this what Uncle Roll said in the experience taught, will I start when I am most surprised and relaxed?

Thinking of this, Anya suddenly realized a detail.

It turns out that Uncle Roll has been reminding me in previous chats that I was too relaxed during training.

He probably knew something, and guessed from the beginning that I was being trained as a substitute.

So his rhetoric is more subtle, because he doesn’t want to cheat me too directly.

I actually only reacted now…

Uncle Rohr is so gentle and delicate, he has noticed such details.

Well, I can’t live up to Uncle Roll’s kindness, and I must pass that training tonight!

She clenched her small fist, cheered herself up in her heart, and appeared high-spirited.

So she didn’t stay here for much longer, and soon left.

Before leaving, Rohr kindly reminded:

“Anya, if I can’t handle it, I can help you.”

Anya smiled and shook her head:

“Thank you for your Rohr, you have helped me a lot. This is a test for me. I have to deal with it by myself!”

She thought that Rohr was going to help her cheat further, so she declined.

After arriving home, she hurriedly entered the dream state, and confidently chose the third training session.

The phantom outside took a look at her performance, and muttered with some the red envelopes] Follow the public.. Public accounts [Book Friends Base draw up to 888 cash red envelopes!

“Is she, she has suffered too much stimulation and her brain is broken?”

“Why do you want to keep holding your forehead?”


Alas, the list is still too short, so gather up, and stretch it out in one breath.

This is more enjoyable.

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