My Daughter is So Amazing

Chapter 24 - Shock and awe

  Mr. Tank didn’t know what had happened before. At the moment when Rohr took out his sword, he was affected by the majestic coercion, and his whole person fell into a sluggish state.

   Now he came back to his senses, he looked at the empty streets around him, and asked a little puzzled:

   “What about the monster? What about the big monster?”

   “I chopped to death.”

   Rolle replied.

  Mr. Tank suddenly took a breath and said with emotion:

   “A Tier 4 powerhouse, terrifying!”

   “Okay, stop talking nonsense, save the doctor.”

   The doctor is not dead yet, but the condition is very, very bad, but fortunately he still remains a little awake. He pointed his finger weakly in a certain direction, and said weakly:

   “Drugs…cold storage…”

   Luo Er quickly ran over to search, and he really found the entrance of an underground cold storage in a pool of ruins, and quickly asked the tank to carry the doctor over.

   Then the doctor directed them to find three red, yellow, and blue reagents in the cold storage, stir them in the beaker, and turn them into a pool of dark green still bubbling viscous liquid.

   The doctor managed to raise his hand.

   “No, Doctor Wesley, can this thing really be drunk?”

  Roll frowned and smelled the pungent odor like paraquat, and asked worriedly.

   “Are you… or am I…”

  Roll had to pour the glass of liquid into the doctor’s mouth.

   “I would rather die than drink this ghost.”

   Mr. Tank said seriously.

   Mysteriously, after the doctor drank the pesticide-like liquid, his complexion gradually improved, and his speech became clearer.

   “This is just…clinical trials…phase…afterwards…sugar will be added…”

   Are you worried that the patient will not take medicine at this time?

   The two left the cold storage, found a fairly complete house, settled the doctor, and then went out to search and rescue other survivors.

   When they finished searching the neighborhood where the church was, and went to help in the neighboring neighborhood, a snake-necked flying dragon with a long slender neck flew in the night sky, and a burly figure in black armor jumped from his back.

   He landed directly in the middle of the previous battlefield. He looked around and confirmed that there was no danger before he took off his helmet, revealing an old face.

  He is an old legendary powerhouse in the empire, Rohr’s idol when he was young, and Master Anheim with the title of ‘Master of Sword’.

   “I was too late? Was the monster annihilated by Bishop Wesley? Unexpectedly, besides his outstanding contributions in the academic field, he was also so strong in the field of combat?”

   Anheim first carefully checked the various traces left on the battlefield, then closed his eyes, spreading his own perception, carefully savoring the power fluctuations in the battlefield that had not completely dissipated.

   Through these details, he can restore the general situation of the battle in his mind.

   At this time, a few soldiers from the town garrison also rushed to the scene. When they saw the legendary Master Anheim, their eyes lit up and they wanted to go up and chase the stars.

   Anheim quickly gestured to them not to move, and then continued to construct the battle scene in his mind.

   When the battle scene was almost restored, he opened his eyes again, his face became extremely solemn, and he whispered:

   “So strong! Both sides are…”

   “This monster must be the heir of the Heretic God, with a risk of 8, or 9?”

   The empire divides monsters into 10 levels of danger, with level 10 being the highest. Cthulhu’s children are the apex of monsters, and the most dish is also level 8.

   And the danger level is 9, which means that the official recommendation is that the digital eighth-order legend and the ninth-order saint lead the crusade.

   Fortunately, they are extremely rare.

   “Which saint took the shot in time? If it weren’t for him, I’m afraid it would be unavoidable.”

   “But why can’t I feel the fluctuating aftertaste and residual coercion of that strong man’s shot? This is too strange, can someone really control their power to that level?”

  Anheim analyzed it, and walked to the wall that was cut off in half, and gently stroked the remaining sword mark on it, showing deep shock and awe on his face.

   In his heart, there was a huge wave.

   This sword mark is only as long as a finger and very shallow, but it is the only trace of the shot left on the scene.

  Anheim roughly calculated the height and size of the monster, knowing that it is a giant head, then according to common sense, when fighting this monster, it will definitely leave a lot of traces and cause greater damage to the environment.

   But the strong man who shot, actually only left such a short and shallow trace, which means that his power is almost not wasted, and all of it is exerted on the blade.

   This is the ultimate control and use of power.

   Strictly speaking, this is a realm that cannot be touched theoretically by human beings. It is a bit contrary to common sense and subverts the three views.

   “It’s incredible, no… it’s a magical skill!”

   “Is this really the realm that humans can reach? Is it a realm that can be reached by swordsmanship? Or is it some kind of powerful sacred object that has not been included by scholars?”

  Anheim is more inclined to the latter judgment, but he carefully broke off the brick with the sword marks and put it away carefully, intending to bring back his insight and taste. UU reading

   If I can comprehend anything, I might be expected to try to hit the next level at the end of my life.

   After he collected the bricks, he turned his head to look at the soldiers who were still stuck in place, and scolded with an angry smile:

   “Why are you staring at me, a bad old man? Why don’t you go around and check?”

   “Where is Bishop Wesley? I need to meet him.”

   The soldiers woke up like a dream, and quickly dispersed.

   But not long after, a scream came from an alley in the distance.

  Anheim rushed to hear the sound, and saw a soldier had his forehead penetrated by a thin tentacles…

   But he didn’t die, his body was moving like a puppet, with a weird and curious smile on his face, he staggered towards Anheim.

   A piece of squirming meat stuck to the back of his head, and more and more tentacles came out from behind him like poisonous snakes.

  Rol’s second sword of the knife, affected by the durability of the weapon, did not perform perfectly, leaving a piece of meat that slipped through the net.

   “Huh? It’s just broken pieces, I should be able to handle this old bone.”

   Anheim drew out his sword and greeted him up.

   After a fierce battle, the monster that was trying to recover was completely wiped out.

   But Anheim also paid a very heavy price. The left shoulder, lower abdomen, and right thigh were pierced by the tentacles, and the blood flow continued.

   Those brave soldiers who came to help also sacrificed heroically…

   “Huh~hu~ It seems that I am…really too old…”

   “Huh~ Is this the real horror of… Danger Level 9? It’s just… broken pieces…”

   Anheim gasped, and realized that he had no daring to imagine the mysterious strong man who was completely in the face of this monster.

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