My Daughter is So Amazing

Chapter 28 - Where did it come from?

   The two girls lined up outside the cookie store for more than two hours. Finally, they bought two small bags and quickly found a bench in the nearby street park. They couldn’t wait to enjoy them.

Every cookie in the    small cloth bag is made into a cute cat’s claw shape. Just after the bag is opened, a strong milk fragrance wafts out, which makes people can’t help but move their index fingers.

   Keli threw a piece in her mouth, narrowed her eyes, chewed carefully, savoring the hard-won delicacy.

   But when she only ate one piece, she re-tied the small cloth bag and put it in the bear bag at her waist.

   “Why don’t you eat it? Isn’t it tasteful?”

   Anya asked strangely.

   She is very satisfied with the taste and thinks that the two hours have not been in vain.

   Keli shook her head.

   “It’s delicious, so I want to leave it to my dad to try it.”

   “My words… one is enough…”

   Even so, she looked at the small cloth bag in Anya’s hand eagerly.

   Anya didn’t know what to say for a while, so she had to give her a few more.

   Although there are fewer cookies, the friendship with Keli is stronger.

   No loss in this wave!

   The two girls divided the cookies in twos and threes, and then they were going to go shopping, choosing two beautiful little skirts.

   Before taking a few steps, a steam car galloped up and stopped in front of the two of them.

   “Your Highness, Miss Keli, there is a situation…”

   The butler announced the end of the short holiday with a serious face.

   The steam car drove towards the outskirts of the city. The butler seized the time on the road and gave them a general explanation.

   “It is a group of ordinary’hyenas’ with a risk of about 3, and the number is initially estimated to be more than two hundred.”

   “They didn’t know how to bypass the outer defenses and detection posts, and went straight to the No. 8 Steelmaking Plant. Fortunately, the City Guard responded quickly and set up a second line of defense in time to temporarily block them.”

   Anya listened, her beautiful eyebrows wrinkled, her expression especially solemn.

   “Why are there so many?”

   Key areas such as the No. 8 Steelmaking Plant, Keli and the City Guard have repeatedly inspected several times to ensure their safety.

   These two hundred monsters seem to have emerged out of thin air…

   Even if it is only a low-level monster with a danger level of 3, this amount will still cause a lot of trouble.

   “Could it be that there is another evil…no, is that special monster appearing?”

   She originally wanted to talk about the heirs of the evil god, but she remembered Decree No. 16 and quickly changed her words.

   It seems that individual Cthulhu heirs have the ability to summon monsters, which is the most threatening category.

   But as soon as it appears, there will be very obvious and fluctuating, which can be easily perceived by the extraordinary and take various measures.

   But the butler replied:

   “No, there is no report at the investigative post, which is very strange.”

   Keli did not join the discussion between the two, but silently looked at the fast-rewinding scenery outside the window.

   She has always been like this, as long as she knows where to kill a few.

   More than half an hour later, the steam locomotive stopped in a wasteland on the periphery of the steel mill, and bursts of gunfire and people’s shouts could be heard in the distance.

   Keli jumped out of the car, and took out her saber and a small silver suitcase from the bear bag on her waist.

   It turns out that the bear’s appearance is just decoration, but there is also a storage bag inside.

   Anya picked up the suitcase, opened it, and stuck it on Keli’s back.

   The suitcase quickly stretched and deformed, covering Keli’s whole body, putting a layer of silver-gray armor on her.

   The overall line of the armor is very smooth, and there are lines of light blue magic patterns on the surface to provide assistance, weight reduction, shock absorption and other effects, and make the overall appearance look gorgeous and elegant.

   There is also a unicorn on the top of the helmet, which is a perception amplification device, which can make the wearer’s perception broader and more acute.

  ’S face is a metal visor, on which is a lifelike metal face, which looks beautiful and mysterious.

   After putting on the armor, Ke Li’s whole person has changed. This is the real Star Sword Fairy.

   The butler also put on a set of black armor of the same style, with a huge heavy tower shield hung on his back.

   “Sister Anya will worship the trustee uncle.”

   Ke Li’s armor heard the sound of urn sound, and then she slammed her feet and ran towards the distant battlefield.

The city guards over there are fighting with a group of dog-shaped monsters. These monsters are pitch black, with their heads open in a three-lobed shape, revealing a large mouth of the blood basin and rows of rows of teeth that flash with cold light. They look hideous and hideous. fear.

   But, it just looks scary…

This kind of’hyena’ has a danger of only 3 and is a type that humans know very well. Apart from being scary and fast, it has no other strengths. It is fine to bully civilians, but a well-trained ordinary soldier can kill it with a firearm. .

   So don’t look at the lively fighting, but the monsters are unilaterally suppressed. There are only a few minor injuries on the human side. Even if Kelly does not come, victory is a matter of time.

   But Keli still made a move, rushed into the monster pile, swiped the long sword in her hand like lightning, and solved a large monster in an instant.

  The city guard burst into cheers:

   “Look! It’s Lord Kenhime!”

   “The Star Sword Princess is here! Victory! Victory!”

   “I have only pushed Star Sword Princess since I was born!”

   Morale on the human side has skyrocketed, UU reading www.uukanshu. The com monsters are already at stake.

   The hyenas seemed to realize that this shiny silver guy was a threat. Seven or eight of them sneaked around behind Keli and rushed forward like lightning.

   Keli didn’t even turn her head back, but her sword in her hand became slightly blurred.

   When the hyenas were still in the air, their stature was a little stagnant, and they broke into two halves directly in the air.

   The soldiers suddenly cheered again.

  A Tier 8 powerhouse took action. These monsters were wiped out before they lasted for a few minutes. It was another easy and simple victory, and the battle time was not as long as the time on the road.


  The butler in the distance whispered.

   He didn’t go into battle, because it was unnecessary. In fact, he didn’t take action most of the time. He focused on guarding Anya, only occasionally helping with a few fish that slipped through the net.

   But Keli didn’t rush back, but forced her voice, pretended to have a deep tone, and directed the soldiers to search the neighborhood.

   She was actually quite curious about where these monsters appeared?

   A moment later, a soldier ran to report that he had found a strange thing.

   Keli hurried over and found a strange humanoid creature standing in an empty wasteland.

   Its whole body is pure white, like a human shape made from rice cakes, its head and limbs are pointed, and the head and face are oval-shaped holes.

   It just stood there silently, motionless, and there was no monster on its body, it didn’t seem to be threatening?


   Several characters have been added.

   It would be better if there are big guys who are willing to put labels on it (hint)

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