My Daughter is So Amazing

Chapter 8 - Joyous ball

   A lively bonfire dance was going on in the small square in the middle of the village.

   The villagers took out earthen musical instruments from their homes and played a simple but cheerful rhythm. More people gathered around the bonfire, humming and dancing in the country tunes.

   The dance steps they danced are very unprofessional and inelegant in the eyes of high-end people like Anya and the butler who have attended high-end dance parties.

   is either hands on hips, feet inside eight standing, only the waist and hips swing from side to side with the rhythm; or the feet are pulled back and forth, and the shoulders swing back and forth from left to right.

  Although it is very simple, it has an inexplicable magical nature, which is very cheerful. It makes Anya watching the tickles next to her, and wants to participate in it. It is just a little bit due to the reservedness of the noble lady, and she is not embarrassed to take that step.

   Keli still understands her. She jumped for a while, and then ran over to drag her together, and Anya was only ‘half-push and half-half’ into it.

   She quickly threw herself in, dancing two simple but magical dance steps. Driven by the cheerful atmosphere around her, the smile on her face was more open and pretentious than that of Collie.

   The butler was conscientious and stood upright on the sidelines without any thoughts of mixing.

   After the two laps of collective dance, the atmosphere reached a climax, and the solo show at the dance began.

   The village chief and village tyrant’s Roll took the lead in his debut, holding a ball made of weeds in his hand, first showed off his skills very fancy, and then squatted down, shoulders cramping like a cramp.

   This is a high-end dance that he only mastered after practicing for two and a half years.

Then, six more neighbors came up to dance with him carrying a cut log. Rohr found a **** and waved it while stepping on the beat; the six neighbors behind him carried the log on his shoulders. Follow his steps and dance.

   Their movements are very well-matched, smooth and natural. Obviously they are very skilled and professional and should be practiced regularly.

At the end of the ball, Anya and Keli performed a popular dance from the imperial city. The movements of the two are completely synchronized, as elegant and beautiful as a swan. The skirt is flying with the dance steps, and every move is beautiful. Huan, like two epiphanies blooming in the night, the eyes of the surrounding villagers are about to fall out, and they keep applauding and applauding.

   Although Keli doesn’t like to read, she still has a lot of interest in dancing, and she has worked hard.

   “Keli’s mother is really beautiful!”

   “The dance is also beautiful.”

   “Yeah, yeah, the village chief is really amazing!”

  Although Rohr has explained it, these guys always have their own stubbornness.

   The dance party is over, and everyone is still thinking about going home. Some kind people have already helped to boil the hot water, so that the two girls, Keli and Anya, can soak first.

Looking at the big bath tub higher than herself, Keli plunged into it and splashed a lot of water; Anya was about to be more reserved, first reached out and tested the temperature, then untied the bath towel and slowly crawled in. .

   It was the first time that she experienced this primitive bath tub. Looking at the petals of wildflowers floating on the water, she was a little bit dumbfounded.

   “Sure enough, taking a bath at home is the most comfortable!”

   Keli hummed softly in her mouth, narrowed her eyes, leaning against the tub with her face full of enjoyment, her long silver hair floating on the water, like a pure white lotus.

   Anya wrapped her long hair in a towel, revealing a swan-like elegant slender neck. After soaking for a while, she suddenly asked:

   “When are you going to give that surprise to Uncle Roll?”

   “Guru, Gulu, Gulu”

   Keli was burying her head in the water and spitting bubbles. When she heard Anya’s question, she raised her head, a little embarrassment and hesitation appeared on her face.

   She did prepare a big surprise for Luo Er, which is the method of regeneration of the severed limb she painstakingly sought.

   The reason why he didn’t take it out in the first time was because this thing was a bit special, and it could even be said that it came from a wrong path. He was worried that Rohr would not be able to accept it, and even reprimanded himself in turn.

That thing was seized after she helped wipe out a cult stronghold. It was a man-made false holy object. It was supposed to be handed over to the scholars for containment, but the sage over there knew that Keli was looking for a way to regenerate her limbs. Just sell her and give it to her.

   This thing is made by those cultists who killed hundreds of lives. It is evil and powerful. It has many vicious functions. Regeneration of limbs is just one of them.

If you want to use this kind of pseudo-sacred object, you often need to pay a very heavy price. Fortunately, after an experiment at the academic society, it was found that if you only use the function of limb regeneration, the price is actually good, but it will appear in character. Changes, becoming irritable and irritable, accompanied by neurasthenia, insomnia, dreaminess, osteoporosis and other minor problems.

   But if you accidentally activate the other functions above, the price you have to pay is not so easy…

   And once used, this fake holy relic must be worn for life. If it is taken away, the regenerated limbs will be broken off again, and the user’s body will be seriously injured at the same time. UU reading

   So this is actually a very dangerous and tasteless thing, otherwise the scholars who have always been known for stingy would not be so generous.

   Keli also knows that her father is very upright and has always been jealous. If he knows the origin of this thing, he will definitely not accept it. If he really wants to use it, he has to find another way to hide it from him.

   The proud and happy look of father before made her can’t bear to deceive anymore.

   But if you don’t use it, it won’t be so easy to find other ways to regenerate the limbs. This is an academic problem that has not yet been overcome, and there is no good solution for the scholars’ association.

   “Sister Anya, I think…or don’t use it?”

   Keli asked tentatively.

   “Well, you can decide for yourself.”

   Anya replied softly.

   Keli asked a little worried:

   “But, I said in the letter that I would bring Dad back with a surprise. If not, would it be…”

   “I don’t think so.”

   “You can come back and show a small part of your excellence is the biggest surprise for a father.”

  Anya answered quite surely.

   “Yeah, I think so too. Dad loves me the most, so he won’t mind this little thing.”

   Keli figured it out all of a sudden, and her mood improved. She stretched her limbs in the tub, put her white feet on the side of the bucket, and flickered like two fresh and delicious little white fish.

   Seeing her look comfortable, Anya wanted to follow suit, but found that the tub was still too small for her height, and she couldn’t stretch it out.

   Next time you come back, pull a large bathtub over, pretend to be two people!

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