My Daughters Are Regressors

Chapter 174: High Society Debuts Are Difficult! (4)

"The Ordor Royal Palace is like my own room. Wouldn't it be better to just use 'Wall Climbing' to go straight to the palace? Is there any reason to take a carriage like this?"

I frowned as I looked out the window at the fields.This was the Wolf's Plain near the Kingdom of Ordor.It was named the 'Wolf's Plain' because the reeds growing abundantly and swaying in the wind resembled running wolves.While it sounded romantic, it was actually quite eerie in many ways when you actually went there. The reeds grew as tall as a person, making it good for hiding robbers and criminals.

In fact, during my rogue days, I had hidden among the reeds a few times to escape from pursuing knights.

Also, wild animals disrupting the roads and the overly rustic smell of fertilizer spread by nearby farms made it quite an unpleasant place for a city person like me.

If I used the 'Wall Climbing' skill I newly acquired in the desert this time, I could go straight to the Ordor Royal Palace with just one leap.However, Brigitte, who was in the carriage with me, looked out the window and said dreamily.

"It's not good to always take the easy way. We're on a journey to the Ordor Royal Palace, aren't we? Wouldn't it be nice to enjoy the journey along the way? Look at that, it looks like wolves are running!"

Swish— Swish— Swish—

The reeds swayed in the blowing wind.Brigitte seemed excited like a child, perhaps seeing this scenery of Ordor for the first time. Is carriage travel enjoyable?Having grown up in 21st-century civilization, I felt the inefficiency of going out of the way to enjoy the scenery.But thinking about it now, Brigitte's words had some merit. Travel is essentially going somewhere you don't need to go and enduring hardships.I just realized that travel is an extremely inefficient activity.


Bump— Bump— Bump—

The carriage kept bumping, perhaps due to a damaged road.While this 4-seater carriage was one thing, what about the 4-seater carriage behind us with just the children?

Pat— Pababapat—

Just then, I sensed something leaping out from the reeds.

Turning my head, I saw about ten bandits surrounding the two carriages we had rented.While I could hear Cariote, who was driving the carriage, muttering "How annoying," the bandits wearing black masks shouted.

"Take everything valuable!"

"This must be a carriage going to the Ordor Princess's birthday party, so it's surely loaded with treasures!"

"The carriage itself looks extremely expensive! It's made of ebony!"

I see.

They were highway robbers targeting the processions from around the world going to the Ordor Princess's birthday party. However, their skills didn't seem very good.As a rule, bandits and thieves should first assess the combat strength of their opponents and prioritize survival, but these guys didn't seem capable of even gauging their opponents' abilities.They were clearly a bunch of amateurs for targeting our carriage.They were probably around 'Bronze rank' at best.

Indeed, the bandits, unaware of any fear, reached out towards the carriage behind us.Of course, the coachwoman of the rear carriage prevented this by spewing out an astonishing stream of water from her mouth.Nymph Secret Style, Hydro Pump!


"Waaaaaah! W-What is this!"

"Mwehehe, this Sifnoi will not forgive bandits who lay hands on these little ones...! If you want to touch the little ones, you must face this Sifnoi first...!"


Sifnoi, the coachwoman of the rear carriage, had somehow climbed onto the roof of the carriage and proudly shouted at the thieves.There was usually only one situation where Sifnoi would take the initiative like this.Only when the opponent was overwhelmingly weaker than her.Sifnoi was typically weak against the strong and strong against the weak, a classic small-minded person.

"There are three little ones sleeping in this carriage right now...! This Sifnoi will not forgive anyone who disturbs the peaceful sleep of the little ones...!!!"

Boom— Boom—

Sifnoi's voice was like a small thunderbolt.I was worried it might wake up my daughters sleeping in the carriage.


"We weren't told such a big shot was riding!"

"Isn't Sifnoi the legendary nymph who stood shoulder to shoulder with the heroes of the Demon King's Castle party!"

"I heard she even has the Skeleton Key!"

The thieves started to panic.Sifnoi being called a big shot.Seemingly very pleased with this, Sifnoi puffed out her chest and shoulders even more proudly and roared like a tiger.

"Of course, an expensive carriage would have skilled guards...! Bandits who overlook such an obvious fact and dare to attack are nothing but amateurs...!"

Indeed, what Sifnoi said was quite right for once.Though it's not always applicable, of course.

"Sifnoi, you say? This works out well...! Our bandit life doesn't have much time left! Since it's come to this, let's capture that ridiculous nymph and start a circus!"

Someone from the bandit group shouted.He was bald and built like a bear, and seemed quite skilled.

Probably late Silver rank.He might be able to have a good match with Sifnoi. No, to be precise and cold, Sifnoi wouldn't be able to defeat him.Was he the leader of this bandit group?His potential for evil karma was also good.If about 20 years had passed, he would have been a talent who could challenge for the position of 'Thief Lord' after steadily building up his skills.

"My name is Jekyll! Jekyll the Carriage Robber! Sifnoi, I challenge you to a duel!"

The man shouted loudly.As the surrounding reeds swayed with a Swish— at his booming voice, I could feel Sifnoi trembling.

"Mwehehe, Lord Judas doesn't need to show himself to deal with such petty bandits...! This Sifnoi will handle it personally...!"

"What? Judas?"

"Lord Judas doesn't need to reveal himself, this Sifnoi will take care of it...! Even if this Sifnoi happens to be defeated, you must absolutely not intervene...!"

"Ugh, it was a carriage with Judas on board! Let's run away!"

Pababat—The bandits fled at full speed.Watching them, Sifnoi said,

"Behold the great deed of this Sifnoi...! Driving away the enemy without a single fight...!"

It was indeed impressive.Brigitte, who had been looking out the window indifferently, clicked her tongue, but still.

"That Sifnoi, still boastful as ever."

Salome clicked her tongue at those words.

"Bluffing to intimidate the opponent is quite a good quality for a thief. It's not even a real lie, is it? Since Judas is indeed riding in the carriage."

You could say it's like a fox borrowing the tiger's authority.As Salome said, Sifnoi did have a talent for putting on such airs.However, Brigitte frowned slightly as if she didn't quite like it.

"Salome, are you saying my thoughts are wrong?"


Salome also opened her narrow eyes.A slight Tsk— sound was heard, but Salome soon linked her arm with Brigitte's and said as if coaxing,

"No, of course you're right too, Brigitte. Sifnoi is an idiot."

What kind of scene is this?Salome is showing affection to Brigitte that she doesn't even show to me.Of course, I knew exactly what was going on in this situation.And without needing to explain it, Cariote in the driver's seat snorted.

"Salome, no matter how much you try to curry favor with Brigitte while reading her mood, the alliance between Brigitte and me is solid and won't break. In the end, Salome, you'll lose this competition."

That's right.Salome and Cariote were still at war.Salome, who was quite clever in her own way, must have thought to first win over Brigitte, Cariote's ally, to her side.I wonder if it worked well?

# # #

"Salome, pour me a glass of water."


Glug— Glug— Glug— Glug—

It was quite an amusing sight to see Salome fawning over Brigitte.Of course, she wasn't really fawning, but was probably storing it all up inside, but at least for now, Brigitte was the superior and Salome the subordinate.And this relationship wasn't just between Salome and Brigitte.

"Cariote, shall we stop for a moment? Since we're here, I'd like to get some fresh air."


At Brigitte's words, Cariote stopped the carriage.Perhaps tired from the continuous carriage journey, Brigitte got out of the carriage and rubbed her buttocks with her hands.

"The carriage was so bumpy, I thought my butt was going to be flattened."

Was she slightly blaming Cariote who drove the carriage?Cariote didn't say anything in response to Brigitte's words.It was true that the carriage had been bumpy.

Of course, it was because of the rough road, not Cariote's fault, but Cariote seemed to have chosen to remain silent rather than make excuses.Because there was nothing to gain for Cariote by upsetting Brigitte right now.If the relationship between Cariote and Brigitte worsened, Salome would benefit the most.Should I say something too?

"Shall I check if your butt is flattened by touching it?"

"...What are you saying! Ahem, well. Alright. We've had enough of the carriage journey now. And since bandits popped up and it's annoying, Judas, shall we go straight to the palace with your 'Wall Climbing'?"

Indeed, it was an efficient suggestion.However, I decided to shake my head.


I parted the nearby reeds with my hand. Through the reeds, the wall of a magnificently built structure could be seen.

"It's the capital of the Kingdom of Ordor. We're already here, so there's no need to jump over walls. We wouldn't have seen this scenery otherwise."


The royal capital.If Frigia was a sophisticated city, the royal capital of the Kingdom of Ordor was a grand and majestic metropolis that seemed to appear only in fantasy games.Ordor, the country of beautiful princesses and picture-perfect knights.

They say that even the King of Ordor was called the King of Knights in his youth, conquering various countries and expanding the map.That grandeur was well reflected in the city walls visible even from afar.Everyone marveled at the sight.Then, as if remembering something, Brigitte went to the carriage behind and woke up the sleeping children. She said to the children rubbing their sleepy eyes.

"Kids, come out quickly and look at this. It's a wonderful view."

Indeed.She wanted the children to experience this magnificent sight too.Soon, Naru shouted.

"There are so many reeds! What a great view!"

"No, not the reeds, look at the distant city walls."

"Wow, holy shh...!"

Naru, Cecily, and Hina were lost in admiration, exclaiming "Wow-" at the city walls visible through the reeds. It felt like I could hear the sound of a photo being added to the album in their hearts with a Click—


When I nudged her side, Brigitte looked at me.


"Brigitte, aren't you getting too cocky between Salome and Cariote? If you're not careful, you might lose your grip on the leash and get bitten."

"...I guess I should stop now?"

Brigitte laughed awkwardly, going Hehehe—Anyway.With various feelings, we arrived at the royal capital.

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