My Dear Miss Medical Examiner

Chapter 31.1

Chapter 31.1


Song Yuhang knew that he couldnt back down when facing Lin Yan. The more she retreated, the more she took advantage.

This question was actually quite sharp, but Song Yuhang was extremely clever. Unlike Lin Yans direct approach, she was accustomed to deflecting the issue with subtle moves, passing it on to others.

So, with an open and candid demeanor, she met her gaze and, taking a page from Lin Yans book, a faint teasing smile curled on her lips.

I dont know if Forensic Doctor Lin has noticed, but it seems like you have a tendency to gravitate towards me and ask me questions that go beyond the scope of colleague relations.

Lin Yans expression changed.

Song Yuhang took a step forward, looking down at her from a higher vantage point. However, since youve asked like this, Ill formally answer you. I dont report you simply because theres no concrete evidence pointing to you. One brush with trouble like that was enough for me.

She gently placed her hand on her shoulder and leaned down. Forensic Doctor Lin is a smart person. Dont play with fire.

Lin Yan tilted her head slightly to look at her, her slender neck exposed in her gaze.

Both of them had a smile playing on their lips, appearing harmonious on the surface, yet concealing a hint of unspoken threat.

Is that so? Who this fire will ultimately consume, nobody knows until the very end.

Song Yuhangs pupils slightly contracted as her hand was already pushed aside. Lin Yan turned and walked away, her figure disappearing into the twilight.

She walked up the stairs, searching all the way, but found nothing. She didnt discover anyone following her or any useful clues. She couldnt help but wonder if what she had just experienced was her own imagination, or if the person following her was Song Yuhang?

Song Yuhang had mentioned that she was special to her, and Lin Yan couldnt help but be curious about herself as well.

Lin Yan chuckled slightly and pushed open the door to the rooftop.

The last time the forensic team came, they had already conducted a thorough search. The door lock was undamaged, there were no signs of a struggle, and there were no footprints of a second person. All the fingerprints and footprints belonged to the deceased, making suicide the most likely possibility.

In the autopsy, despite the incomplete state of the corpse, she managed to test the blood for drug concentration, and the results showed no signs of drug ingestion.

Is it possible that someone manipulated her into coming here?

If so, how was it done? Was it orchestrated by the person who impregnated her?

As Lin Yan contemplated this, she approached the edge of the rooftop. The partially broken railing swayed in the wind. She reached out to touch it, intending to pull back the rusty iron railing for a closer look. However, the rooftops edge, soaked from the rain, was covered in moss and dangerously slippery.

As she stepped onto it, she immediately sensed something was wrong. It was too late to retract her foot, and the only point of support in her hand was that rusty iron railing, which emitted a creaking sound as it struggled to bear her weight.

A feeling of weightlessness struck, and the broken railing tumbled from the sixth floor, shattering with a resounding crash.

Lin Yan, still shaken, was abruptly yanked back by someone, and due to inertia, both of them retreated a few steps, causing Lin Yan to end up in her embrace.

Song Yuhang also seemed slightly out of breath. Are you crazy? Standing so close to the edge, were you trying to commit suicide?

Lin Yan turned her head, and the two of them remained in this position. She seemed to have realized something and became slightly excited.

Has it been raining continuously in May?

As if awakened by a glimmer of light.

Song Yuhang nodded. You mean

Yes, exactly. It was too slippery, and I didnt want to go so close to the edge. I had no choice The weather is nice today, but everything is so wet and slippery. If it had been raining, it would have been even

Lin Yan pointed towards the railing. Its been neglected for years. It cant even bear the weight of a child, let alone an adult. She might not have committed suicide; it could have been an accident, a slip and fall.

As she spoke, Lin Yan faced the rooftop. She was slightly shorter than Song Yuhang, and when she tilted her head, Song Yuhang could see her slender neck, which now carried a fragrant scent that had become more pronounced.

She released her hand from around her waist without leaving a trace and took a half step back, redirecting her gaze.

But in this place, both the forensics and evidence departments searched back and forth several times and found no trace of a second person. They only found a suicide note, confirmed to be written by the deceased herself. Witness interviews also confirmed that she was alone here late at night. If it was an accidental fall, there should be a reason for her to be here.

Lin Yan paced back and forth. Could she have come to meet someone?

Song Yuhang nodded, her gaze shifting to the empty space. Thats a possibility we cant rule out, and I believe this person may have a significant connection with the one who impregnated her.

Lin Yan paused in her steps. Have all the men in He Miaos circle been DNA tested?

Done, no matches, Song Yuhang said, then furrowed her brow slightly. Wait, theres one person who hasnt been tested.


He Miaos maternal uncle.

Lin Yan instantly felt disgusted. Damn, it cant be.

Song Yuhang turned to look at her and said plainly, Whats there not to believe? Even close relatives can be involved, especially in such relationships.

Lin Yan clicked her tongue in amazement. Captain Song, have you personally experienced or handled such a case before?

Song Yuhang gave her a somewhat odd look. Of course, Ive handled such cases before. My parents and older brother are all good people.

At least she didnt have a father like Lin Yans, who was indifferent to his own flesh and blood and had a wandering eye.

Ones personality development was influenced by family factors, and individuals with personalities like Lin Yanscold, paranoid, highly aggressive, and cynicaloften resulted from parental upbringing.

Such individuals were also more prone to engaging in criminal activities.

You have a brother? Ive never heard you mention him, Lin Yan said, feeling a bit tired after a long day of work as she leaned against the rooftops water tank.

Hes no longer here, Song Yuhang replied calmly, suddenly wanting a cigarette. She reached into her pocket but realized she had given her cigarettes away.

As she thought about it, a cigarette pack was thrown to her from afar. Song Yuhang caught it and saw Lin Yan light a lighter. She walked over to Lin Yan, leaning in closer, and said, Can I borrow a light?

However, Lin Yan then put the lighter away and dangled the lit cigarette lazily, showing a defiant and mischievous expression. She raised her chin, indicating that if Song Yuhang wanted fire, she would have to take it herself.

She was incredibly skilled at it.

Whether it was her expressions or her gaze, they were perfectly calibrated to seduce.

A little more would be too much, and a little less wouldnt be enough.

Lin Yan might not have been the most beautiful woman Song Yuhang had ever seen, but she was undoubtedly the one who maximized her own charm to the fullest.

Her hands, her eyes, her lips, her smile, her neckconstantly emitting a certain signal.

Come closer.

Come closer to me.

Come and be captivated by me.


Song Yuhangs eyes darkened, clearly receiving this signal. The less obvious movement of her feminine Adams apple moved up and down.

If it could be said that Lin Yan was constantly exuding her desires, then Song Yuhang seemed to be perpetually using body language to convey: stay away from me, dont get too close.

Her uniform shirt buttons were fastened all the way up to the top two, and the deltoid muscle faintly emerged with the subtle movement of swallowing saliva.

It was a captivating yet untouchable wild beauty.

Lin Yan exhaled a smoke ring, her gaze hazy. When the smoke drifted towards her face, Song Yuhang made a move. She reached out directly for the cigarette at the corner of Lin Yans lips, but Lin Yan naturally wouldnt let her succeed, slightly turning her face away.

Amidst the swirling smoke, Lin Yan saw a hint of a triumphant smile curling on Song Yuhangs lips. It was over.

Before she could react, she was swiftly subdued and pinned against the wall using a standard restraining technique.

Song Yuhang applied a slight pressure, locking her arms in place, and the lighter in Lin Yans palm fell to the ground.

Song Yuhang, Iah

Wasnt it Forensic Doctor Lin who suggested I take it myself? Why are you getting mad now?

Seeing her in pain, Song Yuhang released her, picked up the fallen lighter, lit her own cigarette, took a drag, and then looked at Lin Yan.

Or is it that you want me to take it in a different way?

I Lin Yan was about to unleash a string of curses when her phone rang.

She pulled it out and saw it was from the tech investigation team.

Whats going on? freewebnovel .com

He Miaos maternal aunt is here. She says she wants to bury her nieces remains There was a hint of hesitation in Fang Xins voice as well. She lowered her tone and continued.

The case hasnt been concluded yet, but her maternal aunt is causing a fuss about wanting to cremate He Miao. She says theres no complete body left, and we cant just deny her a proper burial.

Captain Zhangs point is that since the cause of death has been determined, the body can be taken away by the family for their own arrangements.

Lin Yans gaze shifted to her.

Song Yuhang took out her phone and called Zhang Jinhai. After a while, she hung up with a somewhat unpleasant expression.

Captain Zhang said that the facts of the He Miao case are clear, and the evidence is conclusive. Whether its suicide or an accidental fall, the suspicion of homicide has been ruled out. The family can take the body away for their own arrangements, and Commissioner Feng also agrees. As for the pregnancy incident, it will be handled separately.

Lin Yan understood and then said to Fang Xin, Have all the forensic samples been collected? If she wants to take the body, let her take it. Well keep the biological samples.

Fang Xin sorted and stored the bottles and containers on her desk while closing the cabinet door.

Dont worry, Forensic Doctor Lin, everything is properly stored. I wont keep you any longer. Ill go to the funeral home to send the body.

* * *

Jiangcheng City Funeral Home.

According to the protocol, there was a farewell ceremony before the body was cremated. Wang Xiuzhen stood outside the farewell room, covering her nose with an impatient expression. Why are you still looking? Whats there to see? Hurry up and cremate her. Im still waiting to receive the compensation.

The staff looked helpless as they placed the body on the conveyor belt. Fang Xin and the others stood inside the farewell room, watching through a glass wall as this fifteen-year-old girl completed her final journey in life.

After leaving the farewell room, several funeral home staff members in black suits approached in the corridor, pushing a hearse toward them. Two middle-aged men and a woman followed the hearse closely, and the woman was sobbing uncontrollably, supported by the staff.

Fang Xin often came to the funeral home to send bodies and was familiar with the staff here. She whispered, Whats going on? Are they sending off a loved one?

The staff showed a hint of regret on their faces and sighed, Indeed, she was only fourteen. She committed suicide by taking sleeping pills because she didnt do well in her final exams, and we couldnt save her.

Thats really tragic. How much pressure did her parents put on her to drive her to this? Duan Cheng also leaned in to whisper.

Inside, the cremated remains had already cooled down, and Fang Xin gave him a stern look. Stop gossiping and collect the ashes.

Duan Chengs face twisted into a bitter expression. Isnt it supposed to be the familys responsibility?

Fang Xin glanced in that direction, and Wang Xiuzhen was sitting on a bench in the corridor, picking her feet and eating melon seeds. She clearly had no intention of taking care of this matter herself.

Alright then, Ill go.

* * *

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