My Dear Miss Medical Examiner

Chapter 32

Chapter 32


When Lin Yan was about to sleep in the clothes she had patched together, the scavengers also reached their final destination for the day: the entrance of a late-night bar. This place was frequented by many drunken patrons and was the best spot for finding beer bottles, which were much more valuable than plastic ones.

The girl crouched at the street corner for a while, observing. She spotted a drunk man placing a beer bottle on the steps before stumbling away.

She rushed over, picked it up, emptied the remaining liquid, and was about to toss it into her makeshift basket when her wrist was firmly grasped.

She looked up in fearit was the same drunkard from earlier, who had somehow returned. He held onto her wrist, pulled her up, pushed her against the wall, and his alcohol-scented breath drew closer to her face.

Little sister you look truly stunning how about sharing a drink or two with big brother

Go go away if you dont leave Ill Ill call for help! The girl was on the verge of tears, constantly pushing him away with her hands, but the difference in strength was too great, and he took advantage of her.

She cried out for help, and the people around the bar burst into laughter.

The man became even more audacious, his hands wandering: Little sister come come with big brother for some fine dining and spicy drinks

The girl bit her lip tightly, turned her head to the side, tears streaming down. Just as she was about to scream, there was a sudden light touch on her body, and the man was forcefully pushed away.

The drunkard stumbled to his feet from the ground, cursing: F*** who the hell are you dare to hit me

The man standing in front of her had a tall and broad-shouldered silhouette, wearing an ordinary jacket and a duckbill cap. In the darkness, his expression couldnt be seen clearly, but his voice was low and somewhat hoarse.

Get lost.

Only half of his bearded chin, concealed in the shadow of the duckbill cap, was visible. The drunkard, still somewhat stubborn, lunged forward but was swiftly flipped to the ground, clutching his stomach in pain.

The man picked up the beer bottle that had fallen to the ground and approached her. The girl nervously swallowed, stepping backward.


The sound of footsteps came to a halt, casting a shadow ahead. The outstretched arm revealed firm muscles, and there seemed to be a tattoo on the inside of the wrist, faintly visible in the moonlight, making it unclear what the actual design was.

The girl remained shaken, hesitant to reach out.

The man took a step back, placed the beer bottle on the ground, and turned to leave.

As if awakening from a dream, the girl took a few steps forward. Um th thank you

The mans steps paused but did not linger.

Uncle She carefully chose to speak out, Whats your name? I I will repay you

The man turned around, and she thought she saw a faint hint of a smile under his duckbill cap. His voice remained hoarse.

Just call me a Good Samaritan. Well meet again.

After leaving behind these cryptic words, he strode away. The girl stood there in confusion for a moment, then picked up the beer bottle and tossed it into her makeshift basket. She hurriedly ran home, afraid of encountering any more oddities.

Meow Not far from where the Good Samaritan had stopped, he paused to examine this adorable cat. It was a little orange cat, looking like it had been a stray for a long time. Its fur was somewhat dirty, and it was emaciated from hunger. It lay on the pavement, meowing weakly.

The man bent down and lifted the pitiful little kitten, gently stroking its head. Poor thing, let me help you.

The hand that initially held its nape suddenly encircled its entire neck, exerting sudden force. The kitten struggled, emitting a piercing cry. Its four paws flailed futilely in the air until its tongue protruded from its mouth, lifeless and limp, as it was gruesomely strangled to death.

The man cradled it, kissed its now lifeless forehead multiple times, and then gently laid it down.

Sweetie, living must have been painful for you, but its okay. Ive set you free.

* * *

The car was cramped, and the temperature had dropped sharply during the night. The engine wouldnt start, and the air conditioning had stopped working. Lin Yan didnt sleep soundly, and even in her dreams, she furrowed her brow tightly.

Hey, sis, have you guys gone to the hospital? Song Yuhang stood outside the car, making a phone call.

Ji Jingxing held Xiao Wei in one arm, while the doctor prepared to administer an injection. She listened to the phone call, saying, Weve arrived Thank you, Yuhang

Its no problem. As long as youre there. Song Yuhangs hand was in her pocket, and upon hearing her words, she felt somewhat reassured. She glanced at the car; Lin Yan was still sleeping.

Just a moment ago was that your colleague? When two young women dressed in suits and leather shoes knocked on her door late at night, she had been somewhat apprehensive until they mentioned Song Yuhangs name and said they were here on behalf of the young lady to take them to the hospital. Only then did she half-believe them and carried Xiao Wei with them downstairs, where a Mercedes-Benz had been waiting by the roadside.

Throughout the journey, both of the young people and the driver were polite to them. They even helped in contacting a pediatric specialist, to the extent that Ji Jingxing was now feeling somewhat dazed, unable to come to her senses.

When did she become acquainted with such wealthy and influential individual?

Song Yuhang switched to her other hand to hold her phone, and she responded quietly, Yes, shes my colleague. We were on a case in the provincial capital, and our car broke down, leaving us stranded halfway

Ji Jingxing couldnt help but breathe a sigh of relief discreetly, Its quite late at night, and I appreciate your help. Yuhang, please convey my thanks to your colleagues.

Song Yuhang smiled faintly upon hearing this, Sure, shes straightforward and outspoken, so dont take her words to heart.

Ji Jingxing nodded, and the doctor advised them to get another blood test. She stood up, holding Xiao Wei, realizing it was time to end the call.

Alright, please take care on the road.

Yes, dont worry, sis. If anything happens with Xiao Wei, let me know. Goodbye.

After hanging up the phone, Song Yuhang opened the car door, and the rush of wind caused Lin Yan to flinch momentarily. She clutched her own arms, and the clothes she had used to cover herself fell into the cars interior.

Song Yuhang glanced back, then stretched her arm to reach for the fallen clothes. She tried several times but couldnt quite grasp them. So, she reluctantly got out of the car, opened the rear door, and leaned down to pick them up for Lin Yan.

Lin Yan lay back, her head tilted as she slept. One hand was cushioned under her head, and the other was wrapped around herself. Her sleeping posture was not very elegant, with her suspenders slipping up to reveal her navel and well-defined abdominal muscles. One leg was placed on the ground, inadvertently stepping on the fallen clothing.

Song Yuhang was unsure whether to advance or retreat. Lin Yan started to murmur in her sleep, Cold

After some thought, she decided to bend down and try to retrieve the jacket. As she was halfway through, Lin Yan seemed to sense something and grumbled impatiently. She turned her face away but tightened her grip on the clothing under her foot.

Song Yuhang sighed inwardly. She hadnt brought a jacket for herself, and she was wearing only a short-sleeved shirt. What would she wear if she gave it to Lin Yan?

Furthermore, Lin Yan was still recovering from a serious illness, and letting her get cold like this was not a good idea. What if her condition worsened due to the cold? After all, it was Song Yuhang who had brought her out in the first place.

Song Yuhang contemplated for a moment, her gaze falling on Lin Yans petite ankle. In the moonlight, it appeared to have a glossy sheen, looking delicate and enchanting.

The slender straps of her high-heeled shoes loosely wrapped around it. Song Yuhang wanted to loosen them and retrieve the fallen clothing. With this in mind, she raised her hand and grasped Lin Yans ankle. It felt warm and smooth, like fine polished jade, almost slipping from her grip.

In the quiet atmosphere, their breaths intertwined. Lin Yan slept soundly with closed eyes, but Song Yuhang experienced an inexplicable sense of embarrassment, as if she had seen something she shouldnt have seen, or done something she shouldnt have done.

Song Yuhang quickly averted her gaze and adjusted her breathing. She bent down to pick up the clothing from under Lin Yans feet. Lin Yan was already sleeping lightly, not to mention the several times Song Yuhang had opened and closed the car doors. She vaguely sensed someone touching her leg and, without much thought, lifted her leg and kicked out, landing her foot squarely on Song Yuhangs knee.

Caught off guard, Song Yuhang took a direct hit to her knee. Her lower body lost strength, and her body tilted, falling directly toward Lin Yan.

She tried to prop herself up, but it was already too late. The entire seat had been occupied by Lin Yan. In her haste, she intended to brace against Lin Yans shoulder to avoid any intimate contact between them. However, it was difficult to gauge the right amount of force, especially in the pitch-black darkness.

As she pressed her hand down, she immediately felt that something was amiss. Her fingers sank into the softness beneath her. The sensation was so exquisite that a strange electric current shot through her head, leaving her completely immobilized.

Poor Lin Yan, who had been hit and temporarily blinded, slowly lowered her head. Her gaze fell on Song Yuhangs hand, and she gritted her teeth.

Song Yu Hang.

Bangsmack. Song Yuhang, covering her face, quickly retreated from the car interior. Lin Yan, with a fierce determination, delivered blows evenly. Song Yuhangs face stung intensely, and she returned Lin Yans clothing, giving it a forceful toss. With a resounding slam, she closed the drivers side door.

Good deeds dont always yield good results.

Lin Yan put on her clothes and sat up gracefully. Captain Song, you should be grateful youre not a man, or you would have been half-disabled by now.

Song Yuhang coldly snorted and reached for the cigarette Lin Yan had thrown into the storage compartment. With a snap, she lit a lighter. Fortunately, there was a seat between them, so Lin Yan couldnt see the blush on her face.

Oh, is that so? Forensic Doctor Lin is someone whos simultaneously dating five boyfriends and yet cares about these things.

She spoke matter-of-factly, opening the car window to let in some cool night air.

Being in a relationship is one thing, and its consensual. But out here in the wilderness, Captain Song, if you were really inclined to do something to me, Im afraid I wouldnt have the strength to resist.

Her voice was low, with a hint of languor that hadnt completely cleared. There was some rustling in the back seat, but it was unclear what she was doing. Perhaps she was adjusting the straps of her high heels or putting on clothing. The inability to see only added an extra layer of imagination.

Song Yuhang felt stifled and didnt dare to look back. The cigarette in her hand quickly burned her fingers, so she stubbed it out in the ashtray before speaking.

Am I really that kind of person in Forensic Doctor Lins heart?

Lin Yan propped up her chin, gazing languidly in Song Yuhangs direction, her eyes shimmering. Who says youre not? After all, youve tugged at my clothes more than once.

Even without turning around, she knew that gaze was firmly fixed on her. She could imagine just how alluring the expression on her face was when she said those words, and how forced her own explanation sounded.

Well that was an accident.

Lin Yan chuckled softly, and there was some rustling in the back seat. She got up and leaned over the front seat, turning her head to look at her.

Ah, could it be youre still a novice? Is it that difficult to admit you have desires?

The topic was too bold, and Song Yuhang wasnt a saint. She understood the physiological impulses that adult women could have. Its just that she either used boxing to channel excess energy or took care of things herself. To be honest, she had never thought that one day she would be discussing this topic so directly with someone. Moreover, as she delved deeper into this conversation, she felt a chill run through her, and the blood in her veins seemed to cool.

She lifted her gaze to meet her eyes. Yes, but definitely not with women.

Lin Yan paused for a moment, then burst into laughter. Did I say it was with women? Or

She glanced subtly in the direction she had motioned to, a playful smile forming at the corner of her lips.

As soon as I mentioned desire, Captain Song, the first person that came to your mind was

Before the word me could escape her lips, Song Yuhang abruptly cut her off with a cold, Im going to fix the car, and pushed open the door, not giving her a chance to finish.

Lin Yan watched her lift the engine hood, and the smile at the corner of her lips became even more suggestive.

She yawned, then lay down again. In her mind, she thought about how flirting with Song Yuhang had turned out to be such a fun thing. But what she didnt expect was that Song Yuhangs remark about playing with fire *** would later turn out to be a self-fulfilling prophecy.

* * *

Why are you here so late? Its almost time for the shift change, the woman said as she opened the side door next to the corridor, avoiding the surveillance cameras, and ushered the man inside.

The man was tall and slightly lowered his head. He carried a large travel bag and spoke in a low, deep voice.

No rush, half an hour is enough.

The body that should have been cremated lay silently on the morgue bed. The girls face was pale, devoid of color, and she appeared to be around ten years old, with a well-proportioned figure.

The man circled the autopsy table, gazing almost obsessively at the girls lifeless body. His fingers gently brushed the girls cold skin, and every hair on his body seemed to quiver.

He couldnt help but sigh, Truly a work of art.

* * *

When will the DNA comparison results be available?

Since He Miao has already been ruled out as a homicide victim, her primary objective for this trip with Lin Yan is to submit biological samples for testing and extract DNA from He Miaos uncle for comparison.

During routine questioning, the man in question did not appear secretive. He was of slight build, seated comfortably, holding a cup of tea in his hands. His hands were rough and marked with numerous scars, a clear indication of years of woodworking.

He displayed the typical nervousness that ordinary citizens often exhibit when questioned by the police, so he didnt particularly catch the attention of Song Yuhang.

Furthermore, he has an alibi; he only returned home once in the past three months, and there is a train ticket stub to prove it. He traveled from morning to evening, during a time when He Miao was still attending school.

He didnt have the opportunity to commit the crime.

At the earliest, it will take 24 hours.

Song Yuhang nodded, Alright, thank you.

Where are you going, Captain Song? Its a rare occasion for you to visit the provincial capital. Wont you go catch up with Director Zhao?

She had visited the Criminal Investigation Division of the Binhai Provincial Public Security Bureau many times before, so they were familiar faces.

Song Yuhang smiled faintly, Isnt there a case on our hands? After were done with our duties, it wont be too late to pay a visit to Director Zhao.

With that, she exchanged greetings with a few familiar faces and then walked out of the lobby, pressing the miniature microphone on her ear.

Hes gone.

Lin Yan, who had been reading a newspaper at the street corner newsstand, handed the money to the vendor, saying, Ill take this one.

As she spoke, she casually picked up the newspaper and followed the footsteps of the person in front of her.

Lin Yan lowered her voice without moving her lips, Didnt you mention there was an alibi? Why are we still following him?

Song Yuhang stood at a street corner buying breakfast, When we talked about He Miaos death, he didnt seem surprised at all, just as indifferent as Wang Xiuzhen. But when we mentioned her pregnancy, he appeared somewhat taken aback. A normal person would move past it in an instant, but he kept fidgeting with his hands. Thats a typical self-soothing behavior.

Lin Yan clicked her tongue in acknowledgment, So, why am I following him then?

Song Yuhang took a sip of soy milk handed to her by the breakfast stall owner, Me? Im going to visit a few markets near where some migrant workers gather.

So, tracking and tailing is all my job, huh?

Lin Yan couldnt stand the incessant shouts of selling steamed buns, steaming dumplings, and deep-frying dough sticks from her end; it was making her teeth itch with frustration.

Song Yuhang slightly curved the corner of her lips, You chose to come along, remember? Its about following orders.

Lin Yan nearly let out a swear.

The man walking ahead suddenly turned around. She swiftly turned and leaned against a nearby willow tree, instantly retrieving her phone from her pocket, and spoke loudly into it. f(r)eewebnovel

My dearest~~~

The man turned around, scanning the area, and finding no suspicious individuals tailing him. Among the crowd, there was only a young woman on her mobile phone, seemingly engaged in a conversation with her boyfriend, producing a melodious and clear laughter, like a silver bell.

Her figure and appearance were exceptionally striking, causing the man to steal a couple of glances before finally turning back and continuing on his way.

Lin Yan instantly wiped away her smile, feeling that the Jiangcheng City Public Security Bureau should simultaneously award her the Annual Most Dedicated Police Officer and Annual Best Actress awards.

Song Yuhang listened quietly to this round and couldnt help but stifle a chuckle. You see, this is precisely why you were chosen for the tracking job.

Firstly, from an outward appearance perspective, Lin Yan looked much less threatening than she did. Secondly, Lin Yans ability to adapt on the fly was no weaker than hers.

Lin Yan gritted her teeth and continued walking forward. I fell for your trick. Well settle the score properly once this case is solved, polic, officer, Song.

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