My Dear Miss Medical Examiner

Chapter 56-2

Chapter 56-2

Sleeping Together

In the elderly womans home, the place is not large. The boys voluntarily crowded into the firewood room, leaving only one heated brick bed (kang) in the main room. The elderly woman insisted on giving it to the girls for sleeping.

Song Yuhang repeatedly refused, No, no. I think theres a wooden board in the kitchen, we can tidy it up and manage to sleep there.

One bed for two people is already crowded, let alone three people.

Lin Yan took the initiative, Fang Xin, lets sleep together.

Fang Xin pulled the old woman, Oh, forget it. Ive already reserved it. Its better for me to sleep with granny here.

The elderly woman looked at them, a smile appearing in her eyes. This thatched cottage hadnt been so lively in a long time.

She muttered something again, leaving several people confused. Song Yuhang pushed Lin Yan out.

Lets go, well sleep in the kitchen.

Lin Yan looked unwilling, Who wants to sleep with you

The elderly woman followed them, carrying a blanket and wiping the hard wooden board with a cloth repeatedly before placing it for them, making their bed.

She gestured and exclaimed, and Song Yuhang roughly understood her meaning, Are you saying that if it gets cold, we should light the fire in the kitchen stove, close the door at night to prevent rain from leaking in?

The elderly woman nodded repeatedly, and Song Yuhang felt relieved, a soft smile forming at the corner of her lips, Thank you.

The elderly woman waved her hand, signaling them to rest and gently closed the door for them.

Song Yuhang spread a layer of straw on the ground, and Lin Yan watched her busily, asking, What are you doing?

She raised her gaze, a hint of mischievousness in her smile, Im sleeping on the floor. Unless you want to share a bed with me?

Lin Yan casually picked up a piece of firewood from the pile and threw it.

Get out.

Song Yuhang froze for a moment. This lady is so ruthless?

She touched her nose, Well, Lin Yan, you see, its so dark outside, its raining, and there are wolves roaming around at night. Isnt it unsafe for me to sleep outside?

Lin Yan smirked, Are you, Officer Song, afraid of danger? Arent you the one who likes to meddle in dangerous situations?

Alright, Song Yuhang accepted her fate.

She began to pack her things, taking her lighter and sidearm with her, preparing to spend the night outside.

Lin Yan watched her in action, Youll do whatever I say? Has your brain been eaten by a dog?

Song Yuhang took out a cigarette from her bag and lit it, saying casually, Well, what else can I do? I dont even know how to truly treat you well. You dont lack money or people. Maybe this way, I can leave some impression on you.

She was being self-deprecating and brought up that matter again. Lin Yan was speechless, and Song Yuhangs words made her temples throb with frustration. She pointed her finger outside.

Get out and give me five minutes of peace!

Song Yuhang turned to look at her, feeling a bit pleased and a bit puzzled. You What are you going to do?

Lin Yan grabbed the cigarette box from the bed and threw it at her, saying, Change clothes!

Song Yuhang took the cigarette box and happily went outside to smoke.

Duan Cheng, still half asleep, came out from the firewood room, feeling parched and thinking of getting some water from the kitchen. However, someone stopped him.

He rubbed his eyes, Oh, Captain Song, youre not sleeping yet at this hour?

Song Yuhang shook her head, No, not yet, in a while.

He tried to move forward again but was pulled back, Hey, wait a moment, dont go in just yet.

Whats the matter?

Dr. Lin is inside Song Yuhang hesitated, Shes changing clothes inside.

Duan Chengs eyes immediately lit up, and he excitedly rubbed his hands together. Song Yuhang could tell exactly what he was thinking, so she threw the cigarette and playfully scolded him, pushing him back.

Alright, hurry back to sleep.

Duan Cheng took a couple of steps, then doubled back to whisper in her ear, Dont you think Dr. Lin has an angelic face and a devilish figure? Shes like the female protagonist straight out of a manga

Song Yuhang stepped away a bit, feeling a bit embarrassed by his comments. She certainly knew that Lin Yan had a great figure, and she wasnt just aware; she had even touched it.

Alright, alright, go back to sleep quickly!

Duan Cheng chuckled a couple of times and then swiftly ran back.

After pushing open the door to the firewood room, Zheng Chengruis computer was still on. He yawned and sat down, Old Zheng, youre not sleeping yet?

Zheng Chengrui, wearing glasses, didnt turn around, Hmm, my computer got wet. Im fixing it, or else it wont be usable tomorrow.

Duan Cheng lay down, turned over, and said, Okay, once youre done, get some sleep early too.


After Duan Cheng left, Song Yuhang hadnt initially considered that direction. However, his comments had unexpectedly stirred up restless thoughts within her.

It felt like an unruly ant had infiltrated her bloodstream, coursing through her every fiber, making her uneasy.

Desire, once it breaches a barrier, becomes difficult to shut off completely.

Song Yuhang paced back and forth, and as time passed by, even smoking couldnt relieve her restlessness.

Until a thought suddenly crossed her mind, what if it doesnt matter, right?

She swallowed nervously, her body overpowered by her soul, and she discreetly glanced at the crack in the wooden door.

Lin Yan smirked, Nice view?


The wooden door swung wide open, and she stumbled right in, with someone grabbing her collar and giving her head a good beating.

Fang Xin listened to the commotion in the next room and silently put on earplugs, thinking to herself, Damn, this is way too intense. Do they even care about letting people sleep?

These young couples interests are something us single folks dont understand.

Lin Yan let out a sigh of frustration, then grabbed her mechanical baton and lay down on the bed, fully dressed, refusing to look at her.

Song Yuhang slowly moved to the edge of the bed, touched her swollen cheek, and said, Uh Lin Yan, can I discuss something with you?

With a thud, the mechanical baton sprang out again, and Song Yuhang quickly took a step back.

No its not Can we not fight next time?

Lin Yan turned over and didnt respond to her.

Song Yuhang smiled, went to ignite the fire in the stove, added more firewood, put in some charcoal, and spread some ashes to ensure it would burn throughout the night. She returned, sitting on the floor beside the bed.

Lin Yan moved aside a bit and said coldly, Come up.

Her tone remained commanding.

However, Song Yuhangs lips curved into a smile, and she didnt refuse. She climbed up.

Feeling the warmth beside her, Lin Yan moved a bit further inside. Although it was a single bed, it seemed to have a galaxy dividing it.

Song Yuhang looked at her head; her hair behind her ears was still a little damp, scattered on the bedding. She was wearing something thin, just a white shirt, with faintly visible black shoulder straps.


Lin Yan said so, and Song Yuhang shared most of the blanket with her, turning her back to her own side.

Okay, good night.

In the latter part of the night, Lin Yan was awakened by the cold. Rainwater was leaking through the roof, and the raindrops were making a pinging sound as they hit the iron pot on the stove.

The mountain weather was damp and chilly, and even with a thick blanket, she was covered in goosebumps. Her feet felt like they were soaking in ice, and the hard wooden bed was making her uncomfortable, causing pain in her joints.

She kept drifting in and out of sleep, repeatedly waking up from the cold, and unconsciously moved closer to the only source of warmth.

Song Yuhang looked at her shivering in her arms, Cold?

Lin Yan closed her eyes; her complexion was somewhat pale, and her teeth were chattering. She was shivering all over, as cold as ice.

Song Yuhang held her tightly, resting her chin on Lin Yans forehead without saying a word.

Lin Yan felt as if she had been walking in a snowy wilderness, and suddenly, warmth enveloped her. She jolted awake.

Song Mmm

Song Yuhang covered her mouth, signaling her not to speak, Im holding you. Itll be warmer. Go to sleep.

Lin Yan struggled, her eyes turning red, but she was held so tightly by Song Yuhang that almost half of her body was pressed against her. This wasnt just about keeping warm; it was clear that

Song Yuhang, you shameless person! Taking advantage of someone in trouble! Lin Yan finally managed to pry her hands off, but then Song Yuhang held her by the nape of her neck. Song Yuhangs hand caressed the vertebrae in her neck, with a hint of intimacy.

Her voice was a bit hoarse, Dont move recklessly. If you keep moving like that, youll see what real taking advantage of someone in trouble looks like.

With her vital point held in Song Yuhangs grasp, Lin Yan fell silent, her eyes reddened with a sense of grievance.

Song Yuhang returned to her original position, and in passing, she settled a score with a satisfying beating, feeling quite pleased with herself.

She grabbed Lin Yans hand and placed it on her abdomen. Lin Yan was taken aback, and her words became incoherent, W-what Im not that kind of person

Song Yuhang rolled her eyes, Right, youre not that kind of person. I just wanted you to warm your hands. Dont think too much.

The warmest parts of the body are probably the armpits and the belly. Lin Yan was held there by Song Yuhang and didnt dare to move. Song Yuhang, on the other hand, closed her eyes and remained still.

It was very warm, that was Lin Yans first reaction.

Hmm, the muscles were toned and textured, and this person had put more effort into her abdominal muscles than Lin Yan

Lin Yan felt a little sore and couldnt help but caress back and forth.

Song Yuhang suddenly opened her eyes, firmly holding Lin Yans hand. She gritted her teeth, and there was a hint of danger in her eyes, Dont want to sleep?

With Song Yuhang acting like this, Lin Yan was surprisingly unafraid. She knew that this person was actually quite stern and reserved. Without her consent, she wouldnt do anything to her.

Once the crisis was averted, the sly fox spirit in her came back out.

Lin Yan hugged her openly, wrapped her legs around her waist, and buried her head in Song Yuhangs neck.

Sleep, its a free human mattress. Why arent you sleeping?

Song Yuhangs chest rose and fell, and she wrinkled the blanket, taking a few deep breaths to suppress her palpitations.

She gripped the back of Lin Yans neck, her tone stern but her actions gentle.

One of these days, youll play yourself to death.

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