My Dear Miss Medical Examiner

Chapter 67-1

Chapter 67-1


Song Yuhang unlocked the handcuffs, and together with a few teammates, they lifted the person up. Lin Yan rushed into her arms, resting her chin on her shoulder and gently closing her eyes.

The feeling of being grounded is truly wonderful.

Song Yuhang held her tightly, patting her back gently. Tears still stained her face, but a smile appeared on her lips. Her heart was filled with the joy of recovering what was lost. If there werent others present, she would have kissed her long ago.

The two of them embraced for so long that even the onlooking detectives turned their gaze. Lin Yan felt slightly embarrassed and loosened her grip on her. Just as she was about to say something, she coughed twice.

Song Yuhangs expression changed.

Lin Yan felt blood overflowing from the corner of her lips. She wiped it with the back of her hand and forced a smile, saying, Im fine

Before she could finish her words, everything went black before her eyes.

Song Yuhang held her horizontally and ran outside.

That day was unforgettable for all the police officers of the Jiangcheng Public Security Bureau. Not only because they cracked the enigmatic White Whale Case that spanned several decades, not only because of Zhang Jinhais sacrifice, not only because of the death of the culprit and the story behind it all. It was as if everyone had understood something from that rain and gained a new life.

That day held such significance not only for Duan Cheng but for every member of the Technical Investigation Team.

Later, Duan Cheng, who had been in the profession for decades, became an experienced and resourceful Forensic Expert, just like Lin Yan. However, when he recalled that day, including Zhang Jinhais sacrifice and the rain, everything became blurry. The only thing he could remember was this moment.

Song Yuhang ran while holding Lin Yan in her arms. Both of them were severely injured, with her leg bleeding. Every step they took in the water created splashes that turned a pale shade of red.

Lin Yans arm hung down, her head resting against Song Yuhangs chest. Her face was as pale as paper, and fresh blood dripped from her fingertips. She looked lifeless, like a delicate and lifeless porcelain doll.

The world fell into complete silence, even the sound of police sirens faded away. Behind them, the sky was gradually clearing, revealing a pale light in the east.

The usually calm person lost her composure and tranquility. Her cries even overwhelmed the surrounding noise of blaring ambulance sirens.

Save save her Doctor! Doctor!

Several doctors in white coats rushed forward, accompanied by the technical investigation team.

Forensic Doctor Lin, Forensic Doctor Lin, wake up!

But no matter how they called out, the person lying on the stretcher showed no response.

Tears streamed down Song Yuhangs face like broken beads.

Outside the perimeter of the cordon, a luxury car suddenly came to a stop. Lin Ge opened the car door and jumped out. He swiftly shook off a few detectives who tried to hold him back and rushed into the encirclement.

When Lin Yan, covered in blood and unconscious, lying on the stretcher came into view, Lin Ge, a seven foot tall and sturdy man, had a slight redness in his eyes. Trembling, he reached out to touch her face, saying, Lin Yan Yan Yan Big brother is here Look at me

Dont dont touch her dont touch her Song Yuhang, still not relieved from the crisis, had bloodshot eyes. Whenever she saw someone who wasnt wearing a white coat trying to touch Lin Yan, she instinctively pounced forward, using her body to shield her.

Lin Ge was taken aback, pulled away by several detectives, while Song Yuhang, together with Lin Yan, was loaded into the ambulance and taken to the hospital.

The doctor pushed the bed ahead, and Song Yuhang limped behind, chasing after them. Doctor, doctor, please save her, save her, save her

Dont worry, we will do our best.

The doors to the operating room closed, and the lights turned on, isolating Song Yuhang outside.

She wanted to rush in, but she was stopped by Fang Xin and Duan Cheng. Captain Song, Captain Song, Lin Yan will be fine

Several people tried to drag her onto a hospital bed, but Song Yuhang struggled. The male doctors couldnt hold her down, and Duan Cheng was pushed aside, while Fang Xin firmly stabilized her.

Are you okay?

Im fine.

Duan Cheng patted her hand and went to pull Song Yuhang away.

Song Yuhang had already rushed to the door of the operating room, tiptoeing to look inside.

I wont go anywhere until Lin Yan comes out I wont go anywhere

She spoke resolutely, and the door to the operating room was swiftly pulled open. The doctor took off their mask, looking anxious. Who among you is the family?

Several people looked at each other, and Song Yuhang grabbed the doctors sleeve. I Im her friend Shes a police officer Police officer Please save her Save her!

The doctor pulled her hand away. Even if youre her superior, it doesnt matter. She has Guillain-Barr syndrome, combined with internal and external injuries and infection. Multiple organ failure and septic shock have already occurred! Go find her family to sign the surgery consent form so we can proceed!

This series of medical terms left Song Yuhang feeling dizzy. (f)ree

Guillain-Barr syndrome1 What is that?

Why had she never heard her mention it before?

Song Yuhang staggered back two steps, then grabbed the doctor by the collar and pressed them against the wall. I dont care! I dont care! You save her! Save her!

Captain Song, Captain Song! Several people hurriedly rushed over, afraid she would attack at any moment.

Lin Ge, panting heavily, ran over from the end of the corridor. I Ill sign it!

Song Yuhang got up from the ground, but before she could steady herself, the world spun around her, and everything went black. She completely fainted.

Another chaotic scene unfolded. Feng Jianguo and Mother Song also arrived at the hospital, and the lights in both operating rooms turned on simultaneously.

Mother Song sat anxiously in the corridor, wiping away tears. Upon closer inspection, her whole body was trembling slightly.

Upon receiving the news, Ji Jingxing hurriedly arrived after sending the child to school. She squatted down, holding her hand, and whispered to comfort her. Mom Itll be okay Yuhang will be fine

Lin Ge was also anxiously pacing at the end of the corridor. He wanted to smoke but noticed the No Smoking sign on the wall and put the cigarette back, crumpling it and throwing it into the trash can.

Mother Song looked over and immediately stood up. Lin Is it Lin Ge? Why are you here too?

Lin Ge snapped back to reality and nodded slightly to the elderly woman, also acknowledging Ji Jingxing with a slight nod.

He gestured towards the adjacent operating room, forcing a smile. Its my sister.

Realization dawned on the elderly woman, and a pained expression appeared on her face. I hope theyre both safe.

They will be, Lin Ge nodded. Seeing the elderly woman still trembling while standing, he approached and helped her sit down.

Please sit. I heard from their Bureau Chief that Officer Songs injuries are less severe, so she should be able to come out soon.

As soon as he finished speaking, the door of the adjacent operating room opened, and a doctor rushed out. Who is Lin Yans family? Come over and sign.

I am, I am, Lin Ge hurriedly ran over. What do I need to sign? Ill sign.

Its a critical condition notice.

Lin Ges vision instantly darkened, and he felt dizzy.

The doctor urged, Hurry up and sign. Her condition is very complicated. We cant stop the bleeding, and she needs a large amount of blood transfusion. Sign quickly so that we can arrange for blood from the blood bank.

Lin Ge took a deep breath, trembling, and picked up a pen. He wrote his name crookedly and unevenly.

Mother Song watched the situation over there with some apprehension. How did she get so severely injured? I heard shes three years younger than Yuhang. Its so pitiful

Ji Jingxing gently squeezed her arm and leg to relieve the elderly womans tension. Mom, youre already too busy worrying about yourself. Why are you still concerned about others?

Mother Song regained her composure and lowered her voice. Didnt I tell you? Oh, right, you probably havent met. That person is Yuhangs blind date. If it works out, his sister will be

Ji Jingxing chuckled and leaned against the elderly woman because of her amusing words. Her lighthearted remark instantly diluted the tense atmosphere.

Mom, this matter hasnt even begun yet, and youre already worrying about the relationship between Yuhang and her future sister-in-law.

Mother Song patted Ji Jingxings hand and sighed. Sigh, cant I worry? On the surface, she seems to get along well with everyone, but in reality, shes quite lonely. Her brother has left, so its just me and you whom she can talk to. I still hope she can have more friends, siblings.

As they were talking, the elevator doors opened, and a group of well-dressed elite individuals flooded into the corridor. They surrounded an elderly person sitting in a wheelchair, as well as a young and beautiful woman pushing the wheelchair. They swiftly passed by Ji Jingxing and Mother Song, bringing along a strong scent of perfume, heading straight for Lin Ge.

Lin Youyuan leaned on a cane, sitting in the wheelchair, his tone calm. How is it going?

Lin Ge shook his head, his face filled with sadness. Theyre still trying to save her. She just entered critical condition

Before he could finish speaking, several middle-aged people following behind Lin Youyuan began whispering among themselves.

Why did Miss suddenly become critically ill?

What about the subsidiary companies under her name

Mr. Lin, its better to make preparations early.

Someone advised. (LP: F*ck this guys)

A trace of anger flashed across Lin Ges face, while the woman smiled gleefully, saying, Oh, shes not dead yet, why are you all so agitated? Even if its the position of the General Manager, its not your turn, you know.

She rubbed her own belly and inwardly cursed: Why is there still no movement?

Lin Youyuan waved his hand, stopping the conversation, and looked up at the hospitals department head who was accompanying him. What illness is it?

Guillain-Barr syndrome.

Lin Youyuan furrowed his brow, clearly not understanding.

The department head nodded and humbly explained to him, Its a neurologic disorder caused by damage to the immune system. In addition, Miss Lin also suffered a gunshot wound, making it difficult to stop the bleeding

He cautiously glanced at Lin Youyuans increasingly grim expression and carefully chose his words, But we have mobilized all the core medical forces in our hospital to make every effort to save Miss Lin. I believe that she will definitely have a fortunate turn, a fortunate turn

He wiped the sweat from his forehead, feeling uncertain about what he just said.

Lin Youyuan toyed with the jade thumb ring on his thumb, his expression gloomy and unclear.

When did she get sick?

It was evident that Lin Ge was being asked this question. He paused for a moment and wiped his face. I dont know either

Lin Youyuan gradually tightened his lips. Absurd!

After saying that, he pushed the wheelchair and turned to leave. Lin Ge took a few steps to catch up, but the group of people surrounded him, as if they had just come to the hospital to make a perfunctory visit, to see if Lin Yan had died or not, without even having the patience to wait for the surgery to finish.

Uncle Lin Lin Ge caught up to the elevator, but the doors closed swiftly, descending rapidly. His hand drooped dejectedly.

When Lin Ge was four years old,he fell seriously ill. He lay in the hospital day and night, with Mother Lin taking care of him, changing his clothes, feeding him, playing with him, and telling him stories to keep him entertained.

Little Lin Yan would hide behind the door and watch.

Mother Lin waved for someone to come in and wiped the sweat from her forehead after running around all day.

At that time, Lin Yan had only been with the Lin family for a year, and she didnt talk much, but they all liked this slightly introverted little sister.

Lin Ge sat on the bed, a fever-reducing cloth wrapped around his head, teasing her, Whats wrong, Lin Yan? Are you unhappy? When your brother gets better, hell play with you.

Lin Yan looked at him with innocent and pure eyes. Brother, when youre sick, will your Mom and Dad accompany you?

The smile on Mother Lins face faded away. She didnt know how to answer that question. Lin Yan pushed her hand away and ran out. By the time the butler found her, it was a bitter winter day, and Lin Yan stood under the tap used for watering plants, drenched like a drowned rat.

The next day, as she had wished, she developed a high fever. But Lin Youyuan still didnt come to see her.

This time was no exception. Actually, if Lin Yan could wake up, what she wanted to see the most was not her brother, but her father.

As someone was about to enter the elevator, Lin Ge made way and walked back. When he passed by the two people sitting on the bench, he nodded slightly.

Mother Song stood up and saw his haggard face, red eyes, and scruffy beard. They had heard and seen the scene in the corridor just now. Therefore, even though they had never met before, Mother Song felt a bit sorry for this little girl lying inside, with life hanging in the balance.

Lin Ge, dont worry, everything will be fine.

At this moment, a comforting word from others was enough to bring tears to his eyes. Lin Ge mustered a weak smile. Yes, thank you, Aunt Song. Miss Song will be fine too.

Perhaps the heavens heard his words. The doors of the operating room opened with a swoosh.

A few doctors pushed a bed out, and Mother Song and Ji Jingxing approached them. How is it?

The shrapnel embedded in her leg has been successfully removed without major complications. She just needs bed rest and should avoid strenuous exercise for the next three months.

Song Yuhang lay on the bed, still not fully awake from the anesthesia. There was a breathing tube inserted in her mouth, and her entire body was wrapped in bandages. Her right hand was also in a cast.

The doctors walked and talked alongside them. The injury to her right hand is more severe than we initially thought. Its fractured from the shoulder, and its hard to imagine how she managed to hold on for so long before being brought to the hospital

Tears welled up in Mother Songs eyes as she reached out to touch her face. Yuhang

Mom. Ji Jingxings eyes became red too as she grabbed her hand. As long as shes okay, thats all that matters. Shell get better with proper care.

The doctors took her to the ICU for observation and rest. Mother Song carefully asked the doctors about nursing precautions, beneficial foods for wound healing, and dietary restrictions. Only then did Ji Jingxing pull her back home to cook for Song Yuhang.

Meanwhile, the light in another operating room remained on.

Lin Ge sat or lay down, sometimes walking to the balcony to smoke. He waited from dawn until nightfall. During that time, Mother Lin made three or four phone calls, even saying she wanted to come and see for herself, but he strongly dissuaded her.

Lin Ge hung up the phone, let out a long sigh, and buried his face deep in his palms.

LP: F*ck Lin Youyuan! F*ck those greedy and soulless people!

Guillain-Barr syndrome (GBS) is a rare disorder where the bodys immune system damages nerve. The damage to the nerves causes muscle weakness and sometimes paralysis. While its cause is not fully understood, the syndrome often follows infection with a virus or bacteria.

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