My Dear Miss Medical Examiner

Chapter 68-2

Chapter 68-2


Outside the window, the blue sky and white clouds flowed slowly. In this month, Song Yuhang almost called Lin Yan every day, but except for that one time, the phone never connected again. In this anxious and restless wait, she received her official appointment letter and Zhang Jinhais funeral.

On that day, she got up early, put on her long-unused uniform, buttoned up her shirt, tied her tie with the help of Mother Song, put on a wide-brimmed hat, and limped out of the door with a cane.

Jiangcheng Funeral Home.

Police cars escorted the heros final journey.

On both sides of the road, crowds came to bid farewell with white chrysanthemums and banners.

Dressed neatly, with a white flower pinned to his chest, the detective walked briskly in front, his eyes filled with tears. In his hands, he held an urn covered with the party flag.

Following behind were Zhang Jinhais family members, his wife and daughter crying bitterly.

Comrade Zhang Jinhais memorial service begins now.

Play the mourning music, fire the cannons.

Boom boom pop! The ceremonial cannons ascended into the sky, sounding like resounding gunshots.

Everyone, stand in silence and salute Comrade Zhang Jinhais portrait! At the command of the host, everyone raised their hands to their temples.

Duan Cheng, dressed in black, stood among the crowd with tears silently streaming down his face.

Beside him, Fang Xin and Zheng Chengrui also wore police uniforms, with white flowers pinned to their chests and tears in their eyes.

After the funeral, Feng Jianguo carried a bottle of Maotai and walked to the side of the tombstone, pouring it out.

Song Yuhang climbed the steps alone, limping, and reached the final step, standing still.

He touched the words on the tombstone, Shouldering the duty with an iron shoulder, building the spirit of the police with a steadfast heart. These were the words Zhao Ting gave me back then.

It had been hanging in his office all along. Zhang Jinhai had once asked him for this piece, but now it could only be given to him in this way.

Song Yuhang bent down and placed a bouquet of white chrysanthemums by the tombstone. If one day I sacrifice myself, this will also be the best epitaph.

She looked up at the vast sea of tombstones, and as the wind blew, it carried the fragrance of chrysanthemums throughout the area.

Here lay not only Zhang Jinhai, but also her father and brother, as well as many others she knew or didnt know, friends, seniors, or colleagues, and many more brothers with code names whose real names she couldnt recall.

They safeguarded peace and prosperity with their blood and flesh, illuminating countless households with warmth.

They were born here, grew up here, and their souls will eventually return to this place.

And one day, she will also return here, but Song Yuhang thought that would be the best destination for a police officer.

She released her cane and lifted her injured right hand, slowly bringing it to her temple.

On the way down the mountain, Feng Jianguo walked and talked with her, saying, I heard that it was you who wrote Zhao Tings report. Why did you suddenly have a change of heart this time and learn to take the initiative?

Originally, she was also the favored candidate within the organization, but the decision was delayed because there were several strong contenders from subordinate bureaus competing for the position. Song Yuhang directly wrote a report to the Provincial Department, listing her achievements over the years and expressing her determination.

This person, who had always been indifferent to fame and fortune, finally had a breakthrough, which delighted Zhao Junfeng. After several party committee meetings, the final decision was madeit was still her.

At the same time, her request to commend Zhang Jinhai and apply for a collective third-class merit for the Technical Investigation Division of the Jiangcheng City Public Security Bureau was also approved: agreed!

Zhao Junfeng slammed his pen down and signed the document.

Song Yuhang smiled and said, I have to thank you for your guidance.

Was that guidance? It was clearly a reminder for you not to get too close to Lin Yan!

Feng Jianguo sighed with regret, I wondered why you were so stubborn. If I had known, I wouldnt have approved it for you

What does a collective third-class merit in peacetime signify?

Duan Cheng, touching the large red flower on his chest, felt perplexed.

Come on, lets go for a drink tonight! Your Technical Investigation Division cracked such a big case this time, and its a face-saving achievement in Zhao Tings eyes. I reckon your promotion this time is pretty much guaranteed. Itll be a stable iron rice bowl for you in the future. Take care, alright?

Some familiar friends came over, patting Duan Chengs back. He felt disoriented and pushed them away.

Im not going. You can go by yourself.

Hey, look at this, just accomplished something and already turning your back on people. What a person!

The friend stomped their foot in hidden resentment but was pulled away by someone next to them. Forget it, forget it, lets not force him. Theyre the popular one now. Lets go, lets go, lets go drink and sing at the KTV.

It signifies someone being praised and admired.

Duan Cheng thought vaguely as he unconsciously walked to the shooting range in the training base.

It was already past working hours, yet the venue was still brightly lit.

Through the open door, she looked inside and saw a graceful figure aiming and shooting at the target.

Duan Cheng stepped inside.

After firing a burst of bullets, the screen monitor next to her displayed five shots hitting the outer ring and five shots missing the target.

Fang Xin gritted her teeth, a thin layer of sweat forming on her forehead, and raised her sore arm again.

A gunshot sounded from the adjacent shooting position, startling Fang Xin. She looked over and saw Duan Cheng.

You Why are you here?

Arent you all here? Duan Cheng aimed through the sight.

Zheng Chengrui lay on the nearby exercise equipment, doing sit-ups, panting heavily. Oh, I cant do it anymore, I cant, someone please help me up, I cant get up, I cant

Fang Xin:

Duan Cheng:

While Zheng Chengrui was struggling, someone pulled him up.

Fang Xin widened her eyes, a great surprise welling up within her. Team Leader Song

Song Yuhang nodded and walked to the shooting position beside her. She quickly reloaded, aimed, and fired in one smooth motion.

The electronic display screen lit up.


Song Yuhang took a deep breath, feeling a lingering ache in her shoulder. She looked at them and said, Long time no see.

Long time no see.

Long time no see.

She fist-bumped each of them individually. Song Yuhang pulled them closer, standing shoulder to shoulder and head to head.

Do me a favor.

What is it?

Find Lin Yan.

Upon hearing this, Duan Cheng turned around and left without saying a word.

Song Yuhang stood up straight. Obey orders from your superiors.

Duan Cheng turned back with a pained expression. Director Feng will place the blame

Song Yuhang coughed. I havent told you all yet. From now on, Ill be the Captain of the Criminal Investigation Division in the Jiangcheng City Public Security Bureau

Duan Cheng immediately returned with a shameless expression. What do you need me to do? Just tell me.

Song Yuhang looked around and said, Lets talk outside. My car is outside.

The group closed the door of the venue and walked outside. Zheng Chengrui went to buy grilled skewers from a roadside stall, and Fang Xin followed suit, completely forgetting that they had just made a pact inside the venue to exercise and lose weight.

Duan Cheng lagged behind. He still couldnt figure out that question.

Song Yuhang paused and turned to look at him. Duan Cheng

The young man looked up, his face somewhat perplexed. Huh?

You did great.

Under the moonlight, the boys eyes instantly turned red.

Song Yuhang continued, If it were me, I dont know if I could have done any better. Captain Zhangs death wasnt your fault.

Whether the shot hit or missed, it filled his heart with immense guilt and self-blame.

Duan Cheng had been immersed in such sadness for a while now, feeling both lost and helpless.

But but I actually shot at a a child

Crime knows no age, and evil exists in children too. None of us has the right to harm an innocent person because of our own past sorrows, pain, struggles, helplessness, or resentment.

Whether youre disillusioned with the world or suffering from loneliness, you have the right to choose to end your own life, but you cannot deprive another innocent person of their right to live. Thats what crime is, and its the basic line of being human.

Song Yuhang turned around, waved her hand, and gestured for him to follow. And also, instead of regretting and feeling sad now, its better to do something meaningful, to make yourself stronger. So that in similar situations, you wont be at a loss and you can better protect the people you want to protect.

Duan Cheng thought, and he understood the significance of the third-class merit now. It was an honor earned with blood by Zhang Jinhai, and praise and commendation were merely superficial. What mattered more was to make them always remember the spirit of not fearing sacrifice and to strive and surpass their past selves.

Duan Cheng wiped away his tears and hurriedly caught up.

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