My Dear Miss Medical Examiner

Chapter 81-2

Chapter 81-2

Snowy Night

She complained as she walked, When will I be able to have some peace of mind? Remember to turn off the stove before lifting the lid in the future, got it?

Lin Yan nodded and grabbed her ear, shouting, Got it!

Song Yuhang threw the person onto the sofa with a thud, her ears turning red. She coldly went to clean up the mess she had left in the kitchen.

In Lin Yans short previous life, she had never experienced such a serene and gentle night.

Her life was mostly filled with danger and twists. When she was young, she was unruly and attracted many troublemakers from outside of school. She didnt like to join gangs, so going to and from school was the most dangerous time for her.

She often ran through the streets and alleys with her backpack, or she would be blocked at the entrance of an alley and beaten up.

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The reasons she fought were simply because she didnt like the look of someone, while the reasons others fought her were usually because she had offended some good-looking guy.

If there were too many people, she couldnt win, so she would wait for someone to be alone, pick up a brick, and smash their head until it bled.

After fighting, she would run away and never linger in battle.

As a result, the gangsters from various universities in Jiangcheng City hated her to the core.

She skipped classes, arrived late, left early, and her grades plummeted. She smoked, played cards, and surfed the internet, engaging in all sorts of mischief. She had prematurely immersed herself in society, leading a turbulent and chaotic life.

The last time she watched a movie like this, head-to-head with someone, was shortly after she met Chunan.

But at that time, they werent as close as they are now. She forgot the reason, but Lin Youyuan cut off her allowance, leaving her with no money. So she and Chunan sneaked into the cinema without paying.

She had already forgotten what movie they watched that day.

She only remembered the curiosity and anticipation on Chunans face when she played with the projector, as well as the joy and excitement when she saw the images appearing on the big screen.

Their small hands held each other.

They sat in front of the glowing screen.

Chunans face was filled with excitement. Lin Yan, this is my first time watching a movie.

Really? Then well come here often in the future. A young Lin Yan rubbed her nose and didnt tell Chunan that it was also her first time.

She wasnt favored in the Lin family, and no one would take her to the movies.

Unfortunately, the good times didnt last long. They were soon discovered by the cinema manager who chased them out. They were driven out of the street, with the threat of calling the police and throwing them into prison. The manager maliciously cursed their entire family.

Chen Chunan was on the verge of tears.

Lin Yan grabbed a handful of sand from the ground and threw it at the manager. She knocked the old man down into a pile of garbage, covered his head with a bucket, and unleashed a barrage of punches and kicks, especially targeting his lower body. Before the police arrived, she grabbed Chen Chunan and ran away quickly.

Song Yuhang held her in her arms as they sat on the sofa, watching the scene in the movie where two girls in dresses held hands and ran. She kissed her hair and asked her.

I havent asked you before, but was Chunan your first love?

If she was, Lin Yan would never forget and would continue seeking justice for fourteen years. This kind of love would be deeply engraved in her heart, so how could she easily accept someone else? This had always been a question in Song Yuhangs mind, but she hadnt had the opportunity to ask.

Now the atmosphere was just right, and Lin Yan was relatively calm.

Finally, she asked.

Lin Yan looked up at her and shook her head firmly, saying softly, Its precisely because she wasnt my first love that I hold onto it so tightly, seeking justice for her.

At that time, my life was a mess. If it werent for her, I might be in prison right now. Let alone sitting here and becoming a forensic scientist, having the identity and status I have now.

She was the person who dispelled all my clouds, my hope, my redemption.

After many years, when Lin Yan mentioned her, her eyes still slightly reddened, and her voice became hoarse.

But we didnt have that kind of relationship. I was very ignorant at that time, I didnt know any better.

By the time I understood, it was already too late.

Perhaps everyone should have someone like that in their life. Not a lover, not a partner, never embraced or kissed, never engaged in anything ambiguous, and maybe they havent even met in person. They are only connected by an internet connection, but it doesnt hinder them from becoming a significant presence in each others lives, providing wisdom, companionship, warmth, or hope.

No matter when you think about it, as long as you have someone like that by your side, the world gains an extra layer of vibrant colors, and even those wild and passionate days of youth become endearing.

Chen Chunan was such a presence.

Lin Yans affection for her encompassed all of the above, but it didnt involve sex or love.

In that case, how could it be called first love?

This is just a small part of everyones life story concerning youth.

For Lin Yan, Chen Chunans untimely death added to her regrets. Just as she had once said, why cant the beauty stay in the world while darkness inevitably devours humanity?

This was inherently unfair, and every time she had a midnight reverie and recalled her friends tragic death, Lin Yan would toss and turn in restless sleep. This lingering resentment became a stubborn thorn in her heart, causing her unbearable pain.

Song Yuhang understood.

She held Lin Yans head and pressed her into her embrace, caressing her hair. I came too late.

Late in not becoming her childhood sweetheart, late in not accompanying her through the tumultuous teenage years, and not having the chance to travel overseas with her.

Song Yuhang even regretted bringing up this topic. Im sorry, I

The person buried in her embrace moved slightly, raised her gaze to look at her. Tears still lingered in the corners of her eyes, but there was a smile on her face. She gently pulled her down.

Its not too late. This is just right.

Whenever she fell into the abyss, there were always a pair of hands firmly pulling her out. In her youth, it was Chen Chunan, and in her young adulthood, it was Song Yuhang. How many people in the world were fortunate enough to constantly encounter those who treated them kindly?

Being ignorant of love and filled with thorns earlier, and Song Yuhangs lack of understanding of love in her youth, it didnt necessarily lead to the best outcome.

And now, at this stage of their lives, they both understood each others desires and could fulfill them.

What Lin Yan offered was not just her lips but also her battered and broken yet untainted heart.

What Song Yuhang gave her was her loyal faith, fearless love, and an innocent heart untarnished by worldly affairs.

The sound of fabric rubbing against each other filled the air, and Song Yuhang gently responded to her. The words from the TV gradually became inaudible.

Outside, snow had started falling, the first snow of the winter.

It was said that encountering the first snow brought luck for the entire year.

Inside the warm room separated by curtains, Lin Yan looked out from the corner of her clothes and saw snowflakes drifting under the streetlights through the gaps. She mumbled indistinctly, Its snowing.

Song Yuhang glanced back and buried herself again, saying, Hmm Its too cold. Lets not go out.

Although thats what she said, Lin Yan couldnt resist her coaxing and insistence. The two of them dressed up and went out to play for a while.

That night, when Lin Yan returned from outside, she soaked her feet and fell into a deep sleep. For the first time, she didnt drink, take medication, or engage in any pre-sleep activities.

Song Yuhang carried her onto the bed, dimmed the bedside lamp to its lowest setting, and nestled into the blankets, holding her close.

Someone who was never enthusiastic about sharing their life had their first update.

I will always be loyal to the ideal and you.

The phone on the bedside table made a ding-dong sound, indicating a special notification.

Ji Jingxing reached for the phone, unlocked the screen, and saw a photo, instantly feeling an indescribable sensation.

The photo showed a vase quietly placed under the dim yellow light, a thoughtfulness she had never experienced before.

Two pairs of fluffy couple slippers placed together.

And Lin Yan standing under a street lamp, wearing a knitted hat, blowing snowflakes towards the camera.

Ji Jingxing closed her eyes for a moment, and her fingertip moved to the trash can icon.

Remove from special notifications?

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She steeled her heart, clicked confirm, tears welled up in the corners of her eyes. She turned around and hugged her daughter tightly, gently patting her back to lull her to sleep.

In the days that followed, Song Yuhang never expected that she and Lin Yan would rely on this sentence to withstand the insults and attacks from others, the protests and misunderstandings from family members, the instigations from adversaries, the breakdown of relationships, and the storms of bullets and years of hardships. They escaped death multiple times and finally achieved a happy ending.

She had only posted three updates in her entire life, and each one was related to her.

Early morning, as Lin Yan got what she wanted, she ended up oversleeping again, and Song Yuhang had already prepared breakfast.

Hurry and eat. Youre going to be late again.

She didnt bother her last night, and Lin Yan slept quite well. She still had some appetite and ate a sandwich and a small bowl of salad. Song Yuhang didnt let her eat anymore and handed her a half-filled glass of milk.

The salad is a bit cold. I wont eat it. Lets go after I finish the milk.

Lin Yan protested loudly, but she was scolded early in the morning by Song Yuhang who pressed her firmly against the table to educate her.

This time they were truly late.

However, being late and leaving early was a common occurrence for Lin Yan. But, Song Yuhang was already a senior official, so no one dared to say anything.

When they entered the police station together, they naturally went their separate ways without acknowledging each other.

During the meeting, Lin Yan continued to mock and ridicule Song Yuhang with raised eyebrows and sarcastic remarks, and Song Yuhang didnt back down either. They exchanged heated words, splattering saliva on the faces of those below them.

On the surface, it seemed like they couldnt get along, but when it came to lunchtime, they mysteriously disappeared together. Either Song Yuhang would come out of her office with her collar neatly adjusted, or Lin Yan would come out supporting her waist alone.

When it was time to leave in the afternoon, Lin Yan left as usual, punctual to the minute. Song Yuhang, with her hands in her pockets and a blank expression on her face, walked past her without a glance.

Neither of them looked at each other, too lazy to even exchange a glance. In reality, Song Yuhang whispered with a voice only she could hear, Ill come to your place tonight.

Lin Yan raised an eyebrow, revealing a cold smile, and walked away in high heels.

After a while, Lin Yan grew a bit impatient waiting in the car. Song Yuhang had changed her clothes and finally opened the car door to sit inside.

Lin Yan glanced back at her, No one following you, right?

Song Yuhang smiled and fastened her seatbelt, Anyone who can follow me without me noticing probably hasnt been born yet.

Lin Yan snorted and stepped on the accelerator, The place is already set. Its still early. Theres a mall downstairs. Lets go shopping and buy some things.

Song Yuhang always listened to her, except when it was necessary for her to maintain the necessary dignity and face as the captain of the criminal investigation team.

Sure, lets go. Buy some hand sanitizers so that we dont have to run to wash our hands every time we feel like it

Lin Yan tilted the steering wheel and almost veered onto another road, frustratedly saying, Song Yuhang, cant you think of something other than that all day long?!

After finishing shopping at the mall, Song Yuhang happily carried the hand sanitizer she wanted, along with a large bag of shopping bags, and put them all in the trunk of the car before locking it.

The two of them walked upstairs to the hot pot restaurant together.

To their surprise, Lin Ge was already waiting there.

The pot was already boiling, and Lin Ge knew that she couldnt handle spicy food well, so he ordered a half spicy and half non-spicy hot pot.

When he heard some movement at the entrance of the private room, Lin Ge stood up, but he didnt expect that it would be the two of them entering together.

Song Yuhang had her arm around Lin Yans shoulder, not in the casual manner of friends, but slightly lower, as if protecting her. She let Lin Yan enter first and even thoughtfully pulled out her chair for her.

Lin Ge pulled out a chair, but Lin Yan didnt take a seat. Instead, she sat a bit farther away.

The two of them sat opposite him.

Lin Yan spoke first, Brother, I ran into Officer Song on the way. Do you mind having one more person?

Lin Ge smiled and instructed the waiter to bring an extra set of bowls and chopsticks, Why would I mind? After all, Miss Song and I are also friends. The more, the merrier at a hot pot meal.

He handed the menu over, saying, I just ordered a few dishes. Take a look and let me know what else you want.

Lin Yan took the menu and ordered some vegetables and meats that another person would enjoy.

Lin Ge handed the menu to the waiter and said, Start serving now.

Okay, Mr. Lin.

During the meal, they had some casual conversations, including updates on Lin Ges mothers condition. Lin Ge reached out to pour them some wine, but Song Yuhang quickly covered Lin Yans glass with her hand.

We wont drink alcohol. How about some fruit juice? We have work tomorrow.

Lin Yan stared at her with a fierce look: I want to drink, sister.

Song Yuhang squeezed her hand under the table and whispered, Shut up. You can drink at home.

Lin Ge was slightly startled and poured himself a glass, saying, Alright, then Ill drink.

Song Yuhang raised her glass, Fruit juice instead of wine. Cheers.

Lin Yan twitched the corner of her mouth and picked at her food with a disdainful look.

After a few rounds of drinks and tasting various dishes, she finally didnt forget the main topic.

Brother, do you know that Gao Qiang? Lin Yan tentatively asked.

Lin Ge furrowed his brow and asked instinctively, Who?

She asked subconsciously.

She glanced at Song Yuhang .

Lin Yan slowly helped him recall as she bit her chopsticks, Hes the one who danced with me at your birthday banquet, the one who tried to take advantage of me.

Lin Ge suddenly realized, Oh, him. I almost forgot. I dont remember which friend brought him. We only met once. What about him? I heard the news recently that his family went bankrupt. Did he harass you again?

Lin Ge tightened his grip on his wine glass, Anyone who dares to harass you, Ill break their legs.

Lin Yan laughed, Oh please, its not that easy to harass me. One move from that bastard and he would be knocked down. No, I was just curious and casually asking.

Song Yuhang observed their interactions and expressions, flawless and impeccable. Lin Yan then tactfully asked where he was on the evening of January 15th, and he replied that he was at the hospital accompanying his mother for a check-up.

With that, there was no time for him to commit the crime.

Lin Yan secretly breathed a sigh of relief and raised her fruit juice glass to clink it with Lin Ges. Cheers.

Song Yuhang also took a sip. Just as she sat down, her phone rang, and seeing the name on the screen, she didnt feel like answering.

Lin Yan glanced at her, her smile turning somewhat cold.

Song Yuhang ended the call.

Ji Jingxing called her three times.

Lin Yan nonchalantly turned her face away. Answer it. What if its something urgent?

Lin Ge paused with his chopsticks, watching them.

Song Yuhang thought for a moment, preparing to answer, but the call got disconnected. Then, immediately after, a call came in from the municipal bureau.

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As soon as the other party spoke a sentence, she stood up abruptly. What?! Xiao Wei is missing?!

In her anxiety, she couldnt help but glance at Lin Yan. Lin Yan pursed her lips, her expression serious, and nodded, gesturing for her to go ahead.

Song Yuhang then rushed out while firing a series of questions: When was the case reported? Who reported it? Have they found the person now?!

The voice of the operator also sounded a bit anxious. She went missing four hours ago. The case was reported by the mother of the person involved. When we entered it into the system and checked, we found a connection with you so we quickly called you.

Song Yuhang closed her eyes for a moment, took a deep breath, and forced herself to calm down. She pushed open the doors of the shopping mall.

Start reviewing the surveillance footage. Ill be back immediately.

LP: Sus (_ )


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