My Deep-sea Fishery

Chapter 102 Unloading

A few minutes later, Li Chao finished watching Xiang Yang's video, and handed the phone to Zhang Qicheng blankly.

Boss Zhang took the phone and joked, Hey, Lao Li, what's your expression? What the hell?

Xiang Yang waited for a few more minutes before asking with a smile: How is it? Is this video satisfactory?

Can you be dissatisfied? Li Chao was overwhelmed, and almost immediately connected to the Bluetooth and started copying the video.

How courageous!

The barnacles on the whales dare to pick.

Why didn't the whale kill you with one bite?

Soon, Li Chao copied the video and couldn't wait to see the batch of barnacles.

After seeing the spot goods, the surprise in Li Chao's eyes was even better. These barnacles collected from whales were of higher quality than Li Chao imagined. Li Chao directly gave out the cylindrical barnacles with a big hand. The highest price in the market is 2,000 yuan per catty.

As a result, Zhang Qicheng and Li Chao had already divided up the catch before the boat was dragged back. In less than ten minutes, the three of them negotiated a deal worth more than two million yuan. Business.

With more than two million yuan in hand at a time, it would be a lie for Xiang Yang to say that he was not excited at all.

Brother Chao, Mr. Zhang, can you stay and have dinner in Yanlong Village tonight before leaving? Xiang Yang invited.

Li Chao smiled, You won't have dinner here. After you're done working, it's time for us to be busy. When we go back tonight, Lao Zhang and I may not be able to have dinner!

Zhang Qicheng said: Mr. Xiang, you see that there are so many villagers around the pier waiting to see your harvest. Why don't you hurry up and ask someone to move all the catch down?

Xiang Yang rolled his eyes, You want my people to unload the goods for you?

Zhang Qicheng laughed out loud.

In fact, Chen Qingsheng is already instructing the crew to move all the foam boxes in the freezer to the deck, and is currently leading people to salvage the catches in the water tanks. All the catches are waiting for Xiang Yang's order. You can disembark.

Xiang Yang glanced below the deck, knowing that the purpose of watching the villagers is really to see his catch with his own eyes.

Old Xiang, how many fish did your kid catch this time? A villager asked loudly.

Father Xiang seemed absent-minded, How would I know this?

How come the two bosses outside haven't disembarked for so long?

Is there even a need to think about it? It must be watching the catch from above!

I don't know how many catches Brother Yang has caught. The bosses outside drove six trucks here. It will be uncomfortable if they can't even fill one truck in the end.

Shut up if you don't understand, kid. When such a big boat goes out, there must be a catch of 10,000 catties. How can it be possible that a truckload of catches can't be filled?

You know, tell me, how many catches are there on this boat?

I, I, I am the same as you, and I haven't been on the boat. How can I know that?

Xiang Yang stayed on the boat and couldn't get off, so the villagers guessed wildly on the pier.

Many people guessed that the total catch on Xiang Yang's boat should exceed 10,000 catties, but it would be impossible if it was more than that. The two bosses outside just made a fuss, and six trucks would have to drive over 10,000 catties of fish.

Hearing the villagers' discussions, Xiang's father felt more at ease, and felt that Xiang Yang should be able to catch more than 10,000 catties of fish this time.

In the eyes of Xiang's father and the villagers, the catch of more than 10,000 catties is really a rewarding return.

As for those six trucks?

Father Xiang, like ordinary villagers, finds it funny to think about it. These people outside just like to make a fuss. A few catties of sea cucumbers can be picked up by driving a motorcycle. They want to drive a car. A blue lobster can be put in the trunk of a car. They have more than enough, they have to drive two cars, and they have to drive six trucks for the catch that can be hauled back by one truck. They really have money and don’t know how to spend it.

After endless calls, Zhang Qicheng and Li Chao finally disembarked, followed by crew members carrying foam boxes full of sea fish.

Come on, hurry up, open the doors of the truck, and you all go to the compartment to pick up the goods. Zhang Qicheng directed the staff he brought over.

Immediately, the compartments of the six trucks were opened, and the drivers climbed into the compartments to hand over the seafood that the crew brought down from the deck.

Unrelated villagers consciously backed away and did not disturb the crew's work. Relatives of some crew members, including Xiang's father and Xiang Bo, stood by the pier and offered to help carry seafood.

Father Xiang held a foam box in his arms and weighed it. Looking at the foam boxes that were still being unloaded from the boat behind him, the corners of his mouth slightly turned up, Bless you, Mazu, it looks like it's really a bumper harvest.

Forty-nine boxes.

Fifty boxes.

Fifty-one boxes.

A villager was bored, and she counted every box of fish brought down from the boat, and her voice trembled when she counted to the fiftieth box, It's already over fifty boxes, how many catches are there!

Don't talk, you disturbed me, and I was counting. I forgot where I was counting as soon as you spoke, how many boxes? Someone next to him said.

Fifty-eight boxes. Someone next to him said.

Since the fish are packed in foam boxes, they cannot be stacked too high. Soon the first and second trucks will be full, and the third truck will soon be loaded.

The villagers all stared wide-eyed.

Hold a big grass! This is almost three hundred boxes, right?

To be precise, this is already the three hundred and fourth box.

Oh my god, it's already over 300 boxes?

Is this over yet?

Fatty Zuo touched the position of his heart, with an expression of disbelief, The foam box used by Brother Yang can normally hold more than 40 catties of sea fish in a box, and it needs to be squeezed to fill it up, and put down 50 catties. Sea fish can leave room for ice packs, here, this... A box of forty to fifty catties, Zuo Fatty couldn't figure out how much more than three hundred boxes were for a while.

Father Xiang was also extremely shocked, and quietly opened a foam box to see if it contained sea fish.

As soon as I opened it, I saw a box full of hatchetfish in the foam box, and some crushed ice was stuffed on top.

It's really a sea fish?

Blessed by Mazu, Xiaoyang caught more fish in this trip than you and my two brothers have caught in their entire lives? Xiang Bo said.

There are more than 600 boxes of marine fish in foam boxes in the freezer, which is close to 30,000 catties.

More than 600 boxes of fish catches are enough to fill four trucks. The visual impact of four trucks of catches is quite huge. When have the villagers seen such a scene?

Finally finished moving? The villagers thought to themselves as they looked at the crew members who had stopped to rest.

Immediately there was a huge discussion among the crowd.


what did they see

More than 600 boxes of fish were moved off the deck, and dozens of people unloaded together for more than an hour. This was something that Yanlong Village had never experienced before. It was Xiang Yang who opened their eyes.

The villagers of Yanlong Village were hooked!

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