My Deep-sea Fishery

Chapter 145 Abalone Catch Technique

Everyone scattered to look for natural abalone.

It may be because of the abundance of seaweed and the unique shape of the reefs in this sea area. There are a lot of abalones in this sea area, and they are also very large. Generally, there are more than nine abalones, and there are even a lot of three or four abalones.

Of course, the largest ones are usually three or four. Double-headed abalones are extremely rare. Single-headed abalones are actually just like the French blue dragons under normal circumstances, and they belong to the variation in the group base.

Although Xiang Yang knew that it was difficult for him to find double-headed abalone or single-headed abalone, he did not give up and was still searching carefully.

Because as long as he finds one double-headed abalone, he will be able to make a steady profit this time. If he can find a natural single-headed abalone, then even if he returns to the voyage now, this trip to the sea can be regarded as a good harvest.

However, Xiang Yang still underestimated the rarity of double-headed abalone and single-headed abalone, let alone single-headed abalone, Xiang Yang couldn't even find a double-headed abalone. He has seen the entire seaweed forest, and the largest abalone he found was only about 14 centimeters in diameter. Although the 14 centimeters of abalone is almost out of the ranks of the three-headed abalone, it can be regarded as hard to find, but the distance There is still a slight gap in the double-headed abalone.

On the other side, Chen Qingsheng was also searching carefully. In fact, he was also looking for a double-headed abalone.

According to Xiang Yang, half of the abalones that Chen Qingsheng caught today belonged to him. Chen Qingsheng wanted to catch a double-headed abalone with his own hands, and then gritted his teeth and bought the double-headed abalone. He really wanted to get a double-headed abalone. Go back and make dried abalone as a family heirloom.

Chen Qingsheng wouldn't even think about a double-headed natural abalone on the market, but he dared to buy it at the price of the place of origin plus half the price.

Abalone is the first of the precious eight treasures and the king of seafood. It is known as the soft gold of the ocean, the gold of the dining table, and the crown of seafood. Its meat is tender and nutritious.

Due to the high economic value of abalone, various abalone-producing countries attach great importance to the artificial breeding and breeding of abalone.

The use of abalone in my country was limited to natural harvesting in the past.

In the past five years, artificial breeding and large-scale breeding of abalone have been carried out from the south to the north.

In Liao Province and other places, a number of abalone nurseries and farms with advanced facilities and production technology have been built, which can produce a considerable amount of abalone seedlings and commercial abalone every year.

my country's abalone artificial breeding and breeding has now formed a set of mature technology and a considerable production scale.

In recent years, domestic abalone production has been increasing, and domestic abalones in large abalone-producing provinces like Dalian have even had a huge impact on Australian abalones.

However, an increase in production does not mean a decrease in demand. Every year, the supply of abalone, whether it is farmed or natural, is in short supply, especially natural abalone. With the decrease in marine pollution and natural abalone in recent years, the well-known domestic five-star brand The price of a nine-headed natural abalone in the hotel Huatian Hotel is 12,888 yuan, and the supply is in short supply. If you want to eat, you must book in advance.

Chen Qingsheng believes that he will never lose money if he wins a double-headed natural abalone. In a few years, it will not even be hard to buy, but hard to find.

And the meaning of grabbing it with your own hands is also different.

But unfortunately, no matter how hard Ren Chenqingsheng searched for him, he couldn't find a double-headed one.

Chen Qingsheng shook his head and looked around in disappointment.

At this sight, Chen Qingsheng was amused by someone.

It was Fang Youqun, who was lucky enough to find a three-headed abalone with a diameter of about twelve or thirteen centimeters.

But the funny thing is that the abalone was sucked on the reef, Fang Youqun broke the shell of the abalone with both hands, kicked his feet on the reef vigorously, and nailed the whole person to the reef in a strange posture. Break off that abalone.

In fact, Fang Youqun was also anxious. Many people who came down caught abalone, but he caught nothing. After finally finding an abalone that was big enough, how could he let it go?

Seeing that the abalone could not be broken off, Fang Youqun worked harder.

The big abalone felt Fang Youqun's strength and sucked on the rock even tighter.

Fang Youqun saw that he still couldn't break it off, so he hung himself up. He was really exhausted with this big abalone.

Chen Qingsheng swam over and patted Fang Youqun on the shoulder.

Fang Youqun turned around and saw that it was Chen Qingsheng, and immediately pointed to the three-headed abalone, then propped one hand on the rock, and pulled vigorously with the other. After a few seconds, Fang Youqun let go of his hand and made He made a gesture of spreading his hands, indicating that he couldn't lift the abalone no matter how he lifted it.

Chen Qingsheng shook his head and signaled Fang Youqun to get out of the way.

The adsorption capacity of abalone is stronger than that of a sucker, which is enough to bear hundreds of times of its own weight. If the abalone is prepared, even if its entire shell is pulled off the meat, it is impossible to lift it off the reef .

Generally, there are three ways to catch abalone.

The first method is the simplest, that is to sneak over when the abalone is unprepared, and knock it off the reef by surprise. This method is the simplest and the most common, but it is extremely efficient. Low, as long as you make some noise or move slowly, you will never want to throw that abalone off the reef. A timid abalone will never relax after being frightened for several hours.

The second method is called knocking the mountain to shake the tiger. Although the fleshy feet of the abalone have a strong adsorption capacity, they cannot be pulled off by nine cows when they are adsorbed on the rock, but they are extremely afraid of vibrations, so they use a hammer on the reef where the abalone is adsorbed. Knock it at a constant speed, and they will loosen the reef and fall down by themselves.

The third method is specifically for abalone farming, let alone mention it.

After Chen Qingsheng pushed Fang Youqun away, he picked up a rock and beat it very rhythmically on the reef. After a while, Fang Youqun was shocked to find that the abalone, which he couldn't break off with all his strength, fell off the rock by itself.

Fang Youqun quickly grabbed the abalone, stuffed it into his net pocket, and looked at Chen Qingsheng with a smirk.

Chen Qingsheng smiled, turned around and swam in another direction.

Who really caught this abalone remains to be determined, but Fang Youqun stuffed the abalone into the net pocket, and it is obviously impossible for Chen Qingsheng to argue with Fang Youqun about who caught this abalone. Found several more.

On the other side, Xiang Yang also discovered this situation. Not only Fang Youqun, but also several crew members have been spending time with the abalone since they found it, and they couldn't break it off.

When Xiang Yang found out, he slapped his head immediately. He was only focused on looking for abalones everywhere, and forgot to teach the crew how to catch abalones.

Xiang Yang even saw that a crew member failed to break a single abalone after breaking it for a few minutes, so in desperation he took out a Swiss Army knife to pry it.

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