My Deep-sea Fishery

Chapter 75 Viviparous Plants

Is the mangrove tree the mahogany? I heard that mahogany furniture is very valuable. Fang Youqun licked his lips and his eyes glowed.

The crew members pricked up their ears and listened carefully.

In recent years, the price of furniture made of mahogany has been rising steadily. A table made of high-quality mahogany has even been sold for millions of dollars. If these mangroves are all mahogany, why not?

Xiang Yang smiled and explained: There is no relationship between mangrove and mahogany. Mahogany is red sandalwood, which is a high-grade wood for making furniture. Mangrove is a small shrub that is not afraid of sea water. If there is something between the two If they are connected, they are all trees, and both have trunks from which wood can be produced, otherwise there is no connection.

Which one of them is more valuable? Fang Youqun asked.

The emotional Fang Youqun put the idea of ​​making money on Hongmu, and Xiang Yang and He Mingde looked at each other and laughed.

Fang Youqun suddenly wondered, What are you laughing at?

They are very valuable, but mangroves cannot be cut casually. In the past ten years or so, the number of mangroves has become very rare due to factors such as human land reclamation, felling, and environmental pollution. It is currently listed as a protected tree.

Fang Youqun stared suddenly, I've heard of animal protection, but is this tree still protected?

Xiang Yang nodded and said with a serious face: Even if mangroves are not for protecting trees, you can't cut them down at will. Mangroves are the patron saint of coastlines. If there are no mangroves, most of the coast will be eroded and washed by sea water. Seriously, even There will be waves that will submerge the villages along the coast, and the residents of our coastal areas have the obligation and responsibility to protect every mangrove.

Especially for us fishermen, the well-developed root system of mangroves allows it to grow underwater, providing habitat for countless fish, and it also plays a certain role in preventing wind and waves at critical moments to protect the beach.

The crew members nodded seriously after hearing what Xiang Yang said, and looked at Hongshu differently from before.

Hey, Brother Yang, do you see why there is still a small tree hanging on top of that mangrove tree? Is there a sapling blown out of the ground by the wind and waves? Fang Youqun looked left and then suddenly pointed at a certain mangrove tree and shouted road.

Xiang Yang also looked in that direction, and saw a small sapling hanging on a big red tree like a branch.

Don't worry about it, it's a mangrove sapling. He Mingde said.


Mangroves have a very strange way of reproduction. Although they are plants, they are viviparous. The seeds of mangroves will first mature on the mother tree and then leave the mother tree and fall into the soil to take root. This is a very rare 'viviparity' in plants. phenomenon. Xiang Yang explained.

Plants still have viviparous? Everyone was amazed again.

Master Xu, stop the ship here, leave two people on duty on the deck, and the rest will disembark with me. Xiang Yang shouted into the intercom.

Taking back the walkie-talkie, Xiang Yang looked at the crew on the deck with a smile and said, We are lucky. I didn't expect there to be mangroves on the edge of this island. The big snails and swimming crabs on the edge provide an excellent living environment. Generally, the coasts with mangroves will have very rich fishery resources.

A group of people jumped into the sea from the sounding board under the leadership of Xiang Yang.

It seems that the sea water is not very deep after getting off the fishing boat. There are some mangroves a few meters in front of which even the crowns of the trees are exposed to the sea surface.

There were a few crew members who were tentatively stepping into the sea with their trouser legs tied up. They stepped on the ground and fell into the sea. Immediately, they knew that the sea water here was definitely more than a few meters.

Uncle Xiang waited until everyone who was supposed to disembark in front of him got off the boat, then put a rubber boat on the water with a smile, and then moved the pressure cooker, barbecue grill and other things onto the rubber boat.

Xiang Yang waited until the rubber boat was full and went to swim to the island first, while a group of crew members behind carefully escorted the small rubber boat.

When we got to the island, everyone was in a daze.

Leaving aside the unique scenery of this island for now, the densely packed sand crabs that can be seen everywhere on the beach almost made everyone's eyes pop out.

Almost everyone on the boat grew up by the sea, and they are not uncommon for the dense shells on the beach, and even feel accustomed to them.

But everyone has never seen the scene of densely packed crabs on the beach.

Especially the kind of small crabs about the size of two thumbs. This kind of small crabs are not afraid of anything. The most courageous ones crawl up and down on the beach, and some even get into the trousers of the crew.



A group of sea lions chasing fishing boats to swim to this sea area excitedly climbed up the beach and let out a loud and clear cry.

A little sea lion clings to the beach with its four fins, squirms its body on the beach and opens its mouth, waiting for the crab to crawl into its mouth by itself.

The crew watched in amazement, Can sea lions eat crabs?

Sea lions eat everything, including squid, cuttlefish, all kinds of sea fish, crabs, lobsters, and even sea urchins. Xu Fang took off his wet coat and folded it into a package, and grabbed a palm-sized swimming crab from the beach and put it on his clothes. Nesse.

As a result, Xu Fang froze as soon as he touched the crab's shell, Unlucky, since it's a bath crab.

Bath crabs are soft crabs, also known as water crabs. The shell of such crabs is the same as that of ordinary crabs, but the shell is soft and there is not much meat in the shell.

Xu Fang looked at the bath crab in his hand, and threw it at a sea lion weighing more than five hundred catties.

The sea lion immediately raised its head to catch it, swallowed it without chewing it, then turned over to expose its belly, and made all kinds of flattering gestures at more crew members.

Xiang Yang was a little surprised. Like most animals, the belly is also the most vulnerable part of the sea lion's body. Exposing the most vulnerable part without any scruple means that the sea lion has no defense against them.

Xiang Yang walked over and touched the sea lion's head tentatively.

Sure enough, it succeeded. Seeing that Xiang Yang stretched out his hand, the sea lion not only did not hide, but took the initiative to move its head towards Xiang Yang to touch it intimately.

This scene was immediately envied.

Brother Yang, can I pet this sea lion too? Fang Youqun asked loudly.

You'll know if you try it? Xiang Yang said with a smile.

Fang Youqun was taken aback by the sea lion's fawning gesture, so he immediately ran over to find a baby sea lion.

As a result, Fang Youqun was stopped by a female sea lion before he got close to the little sea lion.

Fang Youqun immediately became depressed, Doesn't it look like a good person to me?

Fang Youqun's words immediately caused everyone to burst into laughter, and after the laughter, they all looked at Xiang Yang enviously, wondering why these sea lions were so close to Xiang Yang alone.

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