My Deep-sea Fishery

Chapter 88 Harvest

Hahaha. Xiang Yang laughed loudly when he heard the words, How can a man argue with a bird? What's more, I gave the chicken to it in the first place. How can it thank me?

Fang Youqun gave Xiang Yang a thumbs up in admiration.

Xiang Yang turned to look to the south, waved his big hand and said, Speed ​​up.

The sea eagle was still chirping on the stern deck, but Xiang Yang didn't bother to care about it. Chicken is a peerless delicacy for sea eagles, but it's really nothing for whales.

Of course, the main reason why Xiang Yang didn't bother to take care of the sea eagle was that it was about to hang up.

Although Xiang Yang’s voyage today has a purpose, Xiang Yang is not satisfied with the fishing boat sailing for so long and only harvesting a few Christmas tree worms at the destination. So far today, the catch is too little, and there will be a lot going south. Fish schools are scattered in a large sea area, and it is very difficult to catch them. If Xiang Yang does not stand on the edge of the deck and watch, even if he encounters a large fish school, he will be missed.

Zhou Wang didn't know when he stood beside Xiang Yang, Captain, the winch is ready to release the net at any time, do you want to release the net now?

Wait a little longer. Xiang Yang stared carefully at the bottom of the deck, through the surface of the water, Xiang Yang could vaguely see that there were only a few scattered sea fish on the bottom of the sea. Setting nets in such a place would be a waste of fuel.

Zhou Wang nodded and smoked a cigarette.

Master Xu, the fishing boat is moving at full speed. Xiang Yang shouted into the intercom.


The fishing boat was pressurized again, the sea water was discharged to both sides of the fishing boat, and the speed of the fishing boat slowly increased.

The fishing boat sailed at full speed for nearly half an hour. Standing on the aft deck, the Steller's sea eagle could barely see the two humpback whales behind the fishing boat. It turned its head to look at the deck.

The chickens torn off by the tiger-head sea eagles were still piled up in a corner of the deck, and no one ignorantly swept up the chickens as garbage.

The tiger-headed sea eagle looked at the deck for a while with its head tilted, then walked to the side of the small pile of chicken, picked up a piece of chicken the size of two fingers, and walked awkwardly towards Xiang Yang.

Captain, look. Zhou Wang pushed Xiang Yang's arm and pointed at the tiger-headed sea eagle.

Xiang Yang turned his head and saw that the tiger-headed sea eagle was running towards him with a piece of chicken in its mouth, and Xiang Yang was immediately spoiled by that cute appearance, Oh, I don't want to eat this, you can eat it yourself!

Xiang Yang took the chicken from the tiger-headed sea eagle and fed it to the tiger-headed sea eagle. The tiger-headed sea eagle looked at Xiang Yang with its head tilted and let out a chirp.

Master Zhou, just cast the net here!

Yes, Captain.

Zhou Wang immediately flicked the cigarette butt and turned around and ran towards the winch, while Xiang Yang pretended to play with the sea eagle.

Soon the fishing nets were lowered into the sea, spreading out like a parachute to catch the sea fish under the sea.

Xiang Yang smiled slightly, he had actually confirmed the catch of this net, it must be a bumper harvest.

Sure enough, after a while, Xiang Yang heard Zhou Wang's voice, Hey, it must be some sea beast caught in the net, right? The net rope is very tight!

Naturally, Xiang Yang knew that what he caught in the net was not a sea beast, but a large school of fish. Fortunately, Xiang Yang's boat was big enough and powerful enough. If the boat was smaller or the power system was worse, the speed of the fishing boat might be slow Have to cut in half.

Master Xu, don't slow down the speed, just trawl the net forward. Xiang Yang shouted into the walkie-talkie.


However, Chen Qingsheng walked up to Xiang Yang, Captain, Lao Zhou said that the rope of the net is a bit tight. According to my experience, it should be sea lions and walruses. Shall we get up the net and have a look?

There are no sea beasts in my net. Xiang Yang half-jokingly said: Why can't it be a school of big fish, it must be sea beasts? Go ahead, and just release them if you catch sea beasts.

Chen Qingsheng smiled wryly: Many sea animals such as sea lions can tear the fishing nets directly. This fishing net is not cheap.

Xiang Yang glanced at He Mingde, who was squatting on the side of the boat with an obvious smile on his face and smoking, and said with a smile: My uncle and I are not afraid, what are you afraid of?

The fishing boat sailed forward for a while, and the rope connecting the winch to the fishing net collapsed and became tighter and tighter. Everyone knew that they must have encountered a large school of fish.

I don't know what kind of fish it is, I hope it's not the cheapest sea fish. He Mingde prayed with both hands.

Don't you know when you set up the net? Xiang Yang directly ordered Zhou Wang to set up the net.

Zhou Wang immediately manipulated the winch and controlled the winch to pull the fishing net to the deck.

Kabeng, gabun. The steel rope was pulled by a huge force, making a huge pulling sound, and the sea eagle stepped back a long way when it saw the thump.

The crew members on the deck stuck their heads out one by one, looking expectantly at the fishing nets that were about to surface.

Good guy, how many sea fish are there, and the stern of the boat has sunk.

When the fishing net surfaced, the stern of the fishing boat sank a little, and everyone was shocked by this situation.

Zhou Wang's expression was unprecedentedly serious, and he manipulated the winch to slowly hoist the fishing net onto the deck at a very slow speed.

Soon everyone saw a large bag full of sea fish and a fishing net that was almost stretched into a ball.

Steamer, this net is almost over 20,000 catties, right? He Mingde's eyes were red.

It must be more than ten tons. Zhou Wang's expression became more serious when he saw Yuchui, Look at how the steel rope has collapsed.

Slow down, slow down, slow down.

It took a while for the net to be dragged onto the deck, and the mouth of the net fell apart.

It's gone, this net is really a hit, axe fish, more than half of this net is axe fish. He Mingde jumped on the fish pile, holding a two-pound axe fish in one hand, and was incoherent in excitement.

The ax fish is the horsehead fish, and it is also called the ax fish because the head is very similar to the tail axe.

Xiang Yang once helped Zuo Fatty sell horsehead fish once, and that time Li Chao bought nearly 500 catties of horsehead fish from Xiang Yang for 40 yuan a catty.

This time, a rough look shows that the number of horsehead fish is definitely over 10,000 catties. The horse head fish over 10,000 catties is definitely worth Zhang Qicheng to develop a separate sales channel, even if it is sold wholesale to Zhang Qicheng for less than 40 yuan One catty, but it can definitely be sold for 30 yuan per catty. The harvest of this net is equal to the income of more than 300,000 yuan for the horsehead fish alone.

However, Xiang Yang is obviously more concerned about another sea fish, the butterfly fish.

There were quite a few butterfly fish caught in this net, Xiang Yang twisted one of them and hurriedly shouted: Fang Youqun, hurry up, help me get a water tank.

Fang Youqun hurried over pushing a sea water tank, Brother Yang, the water tank is here.

Xiang Yang quickly put the butterfly fish into the water tank, and started to search for the second one at the same time, Hurry up, help me put all these sea fish into the fish tank first, uncle, you and some old crew members hurry up and grab the valuable catch After cleaning up, the rest of the people will send all the live horsehead fish into the water tank, and the dead fish will be cleaned up last.

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