My Diary – A Twisted Yuri Romance


[Jyoti Sharma's POV]

Please ..... Spare me.....

Please ...... Please ......

How much time has passed?.

I can't take this anymore ....... Spare me ....... My body and heart can't take it anymore.

My body is feeling a crazy pain right now, The various cuts made by a knife are stinging like hell right now, My stomach feels numb, My eyesight is slightly red due to the blood, The dried up blood on my face feels weird, it feels nauseating.

I want to scream.

But my voice isn't coming out anymore. I can't even scream in my mind. I am just too tired.

I want to escape.

But my legs don't move anymore. The crazy bitch is slicing my legs at various places.

My legs hurt, they hurt, they hurt! but I still can't scream.

I want to run away from this hell.

But can I? There's no end to Mehak's fucked up torture, when will she be satisfied?.

Will she even be satisfied in the first place?.

But how did they found out that I know their secret?.

Did it happen right after I discovered it? So they also came to GOA and booked the same hotel as us?.

But that doesn't make sense, how they find out that I will be going to GOA and which hotel I will stay in?.

Then is this all a coincidence? If that's the case then how bad is my luck?.

I never hated anyone more than as I hate these sisters.

I never feared anyone more than as I fear the sisters.

While the crazy bitch is having her way with me, my ido........

Can she even be called my idol anymore?

My idol is kind-hearted, cheerful, helpful and an angel in disguise, but the idol in front of me is just having a cheerful face as she is having a time of her life and looks like crying from the bottom of her heart.

This idol is scary, she's creepy, she's messed up in the head.

Does that mean, she was just showing a fake face in front of everyone while looking down on us from inside?.

I want to think that Mehak made her this way.

I want to think that it's all Mehak's fault.

By doing that, I can at least save my heart a little bit. But seeing reality, those thoughts don't come into my mind. The pain in my heart is way worse than the physical pain.

Both of them are scary, they are terrifying. I don't want to see their faces anymore. But I, I just can't do anything even if I try.

I had hoped that Rohan will help me and we will together find a way to escape from here. But that asshole just fainted again after seeing what's in front of him. But I also can't blame him for doing that as I would probably do the same thing.

We often said to each other that 'I will protect you', 'I will risk my life for you', 'I will stay with you forever' but in the end, those words are just lip service. When the time comes to prove those words, then a person will only think about themselves and conveniently forget about every promise, every word said in the past.

How naive and stupid I have been, thinking that all those promises and words were true and that both of us will act around them.

But now even I don't care about Rohan anymore if I can just get out of this place.

I want to tell the sisters, that I will not reveal anything, but will they even believe me?.

I want to return to my hometown, but can I?.

I want to fix all the things I have done wrong, but will I be able to?.

I want to apologize to my parents.

AH! yes, I really want to apologize to my Mom and Dad, they were against me going on this trip. I thought that just like them they also didn't want me to ever go outside the city, just like them to never see what's in the world, so I had a huge fight with them and like an ungrateful and spoiled brat came here without their permission.

But I know, that they were just worried about me, they were just thinking about me, but I still behaved like shit in front of them. So at least I want to apologize to them.

But Can I?.

Can I go back home?.

I want to go back home, I want to fix things with my parents, I want to live a life with no regrets.

But Can I?.

Again tears are coming from my eyes. I am hoping for something again.

But the only question that's in my mind is......


[Mayuri's POV]

Right now, as each second passes my happiness just keeps increasing, it has reached heights not even measurable. Right now, I feel so close to Big Sis. I feel like we are the same person but at the same time so different. THIS MOMENT is just so extremely beautiful that tears won't stop coming from my eyes. I just want to capture this MOMENT and make a painting out of it.

In the painting, there is a peaceful background of grasslands, beautiful red lilies spread across the ground, colorful butterflies flying around Big Sis, as she moves her knife like a calm flowing water, cutting the girl lying at her feet at various places and just like now Big Sis has a face filled with pleasure and bliss.

AHHHHHH! how EROTIC and how indescribably CAPTIVATING that picture would be. The painting would sell for billions, people would have their hearts stolen by seeing Big Sis play. But it's not like I will even sell the painting in the first place if I made it. I would just hang it on the wall of our bedroom when we get our own house.





Hmmm? the girl is crying again after a long time. Seeing her cry makes the fun a little less, but Big Sis doesn't seem to mind it as her face is still filled with Bliss and pleasure.

So I will also not show that little dissatisfaction in my heart.

But I hope Big Sis gets really into the game so that I see the girl's vivid reactions.

[Mehak's POV]

This is it! This is it! This is Fun! This is Fun! This is Happiness! This is a Pleasure! This is Erotic!.

This is a kind of feeling, I never want to let go off!. I want to experience more of this feeling!.

The feeling of the knife cutting through the girl's skin like butter, the feeling of dominating someone is just too good.

But I should wrap this up now, as it's almost dark outside.

Because just like Mayuri said, we should put a leash on these desires until we get the tools necessary. Right now, I acted upon my emotions. Even though I don't regret it, but I have to admit that we don't have the tools required for us to completely hide this.

That's why I need to become the CEO as soon as possible so that we can unleash these desires because once you have tasted this, you never want to let go of this feeling.

Me becoming the head of the company was decided from the moment I was born, I also accepted the responsibility because I thought this would make my father proud, that I can spread my family name throughout the world and make mother and father really proud of me. But that was me of back then, Right now my only purpose for becoming the head is to protect Mayuri and myself.

My feelings have become that of an ungrateful brat, but my feeling for Mayuri has just grown so much over these years that I only really care and think what's best for us, what's best for Mayuri and not harbor those feeling for my parents anymore. I really have become an ugly person, but it doesn't matter as Mayuri will always think of me like an angel and that makes me really happy.

So I need to work really hard So that we can obtain those tools and make sure that nothing can harm us and that we don't have to fear anything.

OH! Jyoti just started crying. She probably thinks this is hell, she is probably cursing and resenting us. But I don't feel sorry for her, No...... it's more like I will not feel sorry for her! Doing that would just be unfair for all of us. Doing that I would be denying the changes happening in me......... NO! Doing that I would be denying my own self, I would be denying what sort of person I am, I would just be running away from the truth, from the reality that I am a deplorable person.

I would be turning a blind eye towards the fun and happiness I am getting out of this.

That is why I will accept everything that I am.

I ACCEPT that I am a Deplorable person.

I ACCEPT that I am getting pleasure and happiness from torturing Jyoti.

I ACCEPT that I get turned on when I think about Mayuri doing this stuff together with me.

I ACCEPT that I only care about Mayuri's and my happiness.

I ACCEPT that I am ungrateful towards anyone, even my parents except for Mayuri.

I ACCEPT that I would be Cursed and Resensted by the people we will target.

I ACCEPT that I will be going to hell, and even their, our victims will curse at us from both heaven and hell.

I ACCEPT that I an enemy to some people.



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