My different world is game mode

Chapter 6 [RPG]

"Game activation successful?"

Lindsay had just sensed the source of essence, and a game-like sound sounded in her ears.

As a man who died at the game table in his previous life, he already understood what his skills were as soon as this voice came out.

Then Lindsay started shaking.

This is not the excitement brought by the awakening of skills, but - it is too cold.

Lindsay, who was still at the fire scene just now, suddenly came to a forest, with goose-feather white snowflakes falling above her head.


A cold wind blew through the trees.

"Ah hiss~~~"

Lindsay shuddered, remembering Arvette's whisper before saying goodbye.

"Send to a safe place..."

"This is indeed safe enough, but it's too far!"

There are still more than two months until snow falls in Anweil ​​Village!

God knows where this righteous man threw him with a super support.

Lindsay turned around and looked around, seeing lush forests in front of her eyes.

Fortunately, the leaves growing on it are withered and yellowed, and are not the slender type like pine needles, which indicates that he may not be in the cold zone.

"Anyway, let's figure out our position first."

Being in the woods, you can barely see anything in the distance, and your view when you look up is blocked by the tree canopy.

Lindsay has been a farm kid all her life, a creature that loves to climb up and down.

Trees were no challenge to him.

Rubbing her hands gently, Lindsay picked a white birch tree that looked better, jumped up in a sprint, grabbed the trunk and started climbing.

Soon, a head emerged from the less lush tree canopy.

The leaves of deciduous trees will fall naturally, but not all of them will fall off. Lindsay opened the crown of the tree above his head, and a handful of snowflakes accumulated on the leaves immediately confused his face.


After wiping away the snow and water, Lindsay looked around again.

There are waves of white snow in the sky, pure white snow lines are connected in the sky, and the entire forest is being covered by the quilt called winter.

Lindsay quickly closed her eyes, this pure white scenery was a bit dazzling.

He took a moment to calm down before continuing to observe his surroundings.

This is a vast sea of ​​​​trees, and Lindsay's location is slightly low-lying, so that he cannot see the edge of the woods.

Only to the west of the line of sight, the forest scene suddenly became empty. It seemed that the terrain was sinking sharply, and a cliff broke the line of sight...

"Wait, smoke!"

Lindsay squinted her eyes, and there seemed to be smoke rising from the west.

Being in the wilderness - if there is smoke, there is hope!

At this time, there was a movement in the forest next door.

Lindsay was excited.

He watched for a long time and found a pheasant-like bird flapping in the distance. After confirming that it was not a dangerous beast, he breathed a sigh of relief.

After being shouted at like this, Lindsay relaxed and didn't want to climb a tree for a while.

He simply leaned against the tree and began to guide his own essence, feeling the ability to awaken.

Maybe it’s because the skill itself is a game.

Lindsay's ability has that kind of mysterious and mysterious feeling, but it can also be unfolded in the way of game data that he is most familiar with.

Lindsay chose the latter. A human-shaped image symbolizing his body appeared in his mind, and a series of text images below explained the specific data.

【——Game activation——】

[Basic template open]

[Source material filled in successfully]

[RPG module loading]

[Name: Lindsay]

【Age: 13】

[Physique: 3], [Strength: 2], [Agility: 3], [Intelligence: 5], [Will: 5], [Charm: 3]

[Types of source of life: source of life (initial awakening), source of will (initial awakening)]

[Current Skills: Gamer: New (Stage 1)/(Stage 5)]

[Ability: Game Module]

[Game player open module: RPG]

[Module slot: 1]

[RPG level: 1]

[RPG Ability: Data Panel]

[Data Panel: In-depth analysis of player data in the form of digital images, comprehensively presenting every detail.

Note: As the first category of electronic games, most RPGs use data to provide information to players. A qualified panel is the cornerstone of the game. 】

Lindsay scratched her hair.

The skills he awakened were revealed by the games he played all his life in his previous life, and were divided into modules according to categories such as [RPG], [Survival Construction], [Fighting], and [Sports].

Each has one module slot.

Lindsay can make all the abilities of a game type permanent and can freely replace modules.

At the same time, each module activation will automatically awaken a function, and new abilities can continue to be developed in the future. For example, Lindsay’s current [RPG] module has the potential to develop other skills.

" will this help me now?"

Lindsay started thinking.


Presenting one's self-state as data is an outstanding ability.

But this did not provide him with power beyond ordinary people. Lindsay's hard power was still that of an ordinary person.

"In short, survival is the first priority now."

"In snowy weather, we still need to find shelter quickly."

The snow continues to fall.

Lindsay didn't dare to delay and quickly slid down the tree trunk.

Through visual inspection at the top of the tree, he estimated that the smoke was more than ten kilometers away.

Traveling such a long distance in a roadless forest is definitely not an easy task.

Before setting off, Lindsay made special preparations.

He tightened the collar and cuffs, and opened a gap between the two layers of clothing.

In this way, the air between each layer of clothing can isolate a certain temperature and prolong the rate at which the human body loses temperature.

Details determine success or failure, then - run!

Of course, it was impossible to sprint through the more than ten kilometers of trek, so Lindsay kept a good breathing rhythm and trotted forward in the woods.

Being lost in the forest is one of the biggest threats.

But through the direction of tree growth and the placement of shadows in the forest, Lindsay was able to determine her general route.

Sometimes it's hard to tell, so just turn around and look.

The clearly visible footprints left in the snow would immediately tell him the answer, saving him the trouble of marking the tree trunk.

It doesn't take long for even heavy snow to bury the footprints.

But Lindsay was already trotting away, so how could that affect his speed?

Instead, there were low branches, thick shrubs, and mossy stones.

It's the common things that cause the most trouble.

Branches scratched skin and caught clothes;

Bushes blocking roads;

There is moss on the stone and you might slip if you run up it, not to mention it's still snowing!

Lindsay encountered each other one by one and was embarrassed.

Fortunately, he adjusted the length of his steps in time and paid more attention to his surroundings, and he was finally able to maintain his running path without being interrupted.

More than an hour passed like this.

Lindsay's body wasn't too cold from running, but her feet were already sore from the cold.

Brush, rustle, rustle...

It happened that at this moment, Lindsay seemed to hear something moving.

He looked behind him.


With just such a movement of turning his head to the side, a gust of wind passed by his ears.

Lindsay took a closer look and found a blue ice pick digging deeply into the tree trunk next to his ear.

If he hadn't avoided it, he would have died just now!

Lindsay blinked.

The next second, he turned around and ran away!

Although Lindsay is an awakened person, he is definitely just an ordinary child in terms of strength. How can he confront an enemy who launches such an attack head-on?

Lindsay's obvious escape action also caused the attacking enemy to appear and give chase.

In the euonymus bush twenty meters behind him.

A beast with brown-gray fur, a head like a wolverine, and a body like a fox rushed out and chased Lindsay.

Especially dangerous.

Every time this thing lifts its head, it falls back down.

A blue ice cone will condense on its head, and then fly towards Lindsay, like a spear thrown by a warrior!

Lindsay couldn't care less about running.

He probably controlled the direction of his escape, and complained loudly as he ran:

"Oh! Indeed, there are awakened ones in this world."

"It's really reasonable to have some magical beasts that can cast spells!"

"But is this really an absolutely safe place?"

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