My different world is game mode

Chapter 9 An absolutely safe place

The next day, Lindsay woke up again.

He is still coughing.

The red disease symbol in the status bar does not disappear.

But this simple house was different from when he woke up yesterday.

On the dark wooden table, there is an extra candlestick with a grease candle, facing the newly stuffed wooden chair under the table. The dust on the cabinet at the other end was wiped clean, and there was a piece of dry bread, a bowl of water, and a few bright red water cotoneasters.

Wait, the body seems a little heavy?

Lindsay felt her body feel heavy, as if she was being pressed down by something.

He glanced down and saw that there was a blanket on his body that was not brand new but was warm enough.

When he fell asleep, the old woman added another blanket to him.

to fight off the illness that plagued Lindsay.


Lindsay moved out of the blanket and froze for a moment before her stomach began to growl.

In the process, he also saw a brazier on the ground at the end of the bed.

It felt like she had slept all day without eating anything, so Lindsay quickly got up from the bed and took the dry bread and water from the cabinet.


Can't bite.

Lindsay took the bread, looked at it, and took another bite without belief.


Still no bite.


"It turns out this water is used to soak bread!"

Lindsay realized it, soaked it in water, and finally took the first bite of the staple food.

This hard, hard bread is very filling, and the effect is doubled after soaking in water.

Lindsay ate for a while before his hunger said goodbye to him.

Next, my eyes naturally fell on the bright red water cotoneaster. This is a berry from a shrub that looks a bit like a mini apple and is used medicinally.

Lindsay didn't know and took a bite.

"Ugh—so sour!"

The sourness immediately filled his mouth, and his face turned into a bitter gourd.

Stimulated by the smell of Chinese medicine, he began to sort out the thoughts in his mind.

I have been lying here all day.

The old woman listened to her story, and if she had any ill will, she would not be able to eat the hard bread now.

First it was Arvette, then the old woman.

Lindsay thought so.

If there is a lucky entry on the attribute panel, then his should be good.

After a while.

As the food went down, Lindsay gradually gained some strength.

The old woman prepared clothes by his bedside. As for Lindsay's original one...

In the fire in Anweil ​​Village, it was completely smoked black, and it was scratched to pieces when fleeing in the snow. Even if it was just a rag, it would probably be rejected by others.

But this was given to him by his mother.

Without the protection of this dress, Lindsay might have frozen to death in the snow.

Lindsay solemnly put away the dark rags, put on the clothes prepared by the old woman, opened the door and walked outside.


The winter sun immediately poured its rays on Lindsay.

Even in the cold air, it feels warm, as if the whole world is lit up.

Yesterday's heavy snow has stopped.

The snow in the inner courtyard of the church was swept into a ball by the old woman and piled on the edge of the bare garden.

Lindsay looked around.

An inner courtyard of more than 20 square meters, several low houses surrounding the inner courtyard, and a chapel connected to the courtyard.

This is what is displayed in front of Lindsay, simple and simple.

At the same time, there was a sound from the chapel.

Lindsay didn't see the old woman, so she naturally walked towards the chapel.

The old woman was standing in the chapel.

In front of her, a plainly dressed man was talking to an old woman. Behind him was a yellow wood coffin, and a man and a woman who were sobbing softly. The three of them were leaning forward as they stood in the chapel.

Lindsay looked carefully at the plainly dressed man.

When he talked to the old woman, he often avoided the other party's eyes. It was not a reaction of guilt or impatience, but a gesture of respect and nervousness.

The old woman was well respected by the people in the town.

Seeing this scene, Lindsay didn't dare to disturb and waited at the door.

He thought of the cemetery he saw outside the day before yesterday.

The chapel is connected there, and there is a coffin in front of them. This church obviously deals with death business, and the old woman is the nun in charge of all this.

This may be why she is in awe.

Lindsay analyzed the situation.

Not long after, the conversation between the elderly nun and the simple man ended.

The yellow wood coffin was placed in the center of the chapel, and the three people left the church and returned to the town.

The elderly nuns circled the coffin, murmuring prayers.

After completing the ceremony, she knocked seven times around the coffin with her right hand, clasped her hands together, and paid attention.

He stood quietly for a while.

Then she walked to the corridor in the backyard and saw Lindsay waiting for her.

"Kid, you still have a fever."

The elderly nun spoke calmly, without pity or blame, everything was as calm as flowing water.

Lindsay replied seriously:

"Mommy, I have something I want to talk to you about."

The elderly nun did not refuse, but took Lindsay out of the chapel:

"We cannot disturb the deceased's waiting. Let's go back to the house first."

The two returned to the room where Lindsay was resting.

The elderly nun sat Lindsay on the bed while she sat on the newly added chair.

His turbid and dark eyes looked at Lindsay.

Lindsay then understood what the other party meant by asking him to speak first, and then expressed his thoughts:

"As you know, I am wanted by the Knights of the Law. This identity will bring a lot of trouble. You have saved my life. I definitely can't stay with you for a long time."

"I only beg you to let me stay a few days, and I will leave when the fever is gone."

The old nun who had been silent suddenly spoke:

"Child, this world is far away from the world where the Capital of Law is located."

"I also want to know which direction Anville Village is...ah?" Lindsay was still describing her desire to return to her hometown, but the old woman's reminder was like a thunderbolt from the clear sky, "This world?"

"Wait, this world, I mean, what does this world mean?"

The sudden appearance of the noun made Lindsay panic.

What is the final outcome of his hometown, whether his parents are alive or dead, and whether Arvette defeated the Law Knight.

These are questions that cannot be avoided in Lindsay's mind.

But what did the elderly nun in front of me say?

My current territory and the Capital of Law are not even in the same world!

If Lindsay's understanding ability from compulsory education is correct, then this joke is a bit too exaggerated.

Lindsay's nervousness did not move the elderly nun.

She continued to answer in her unique, calm and slow tone:

"This universe is composed of thousands of worlds. And the world you are currently in is the world at the edge of the known universe."


Lindsay wiped her forehead, not sure if it was sweat from nervousness or cold.

He asked a question as calmly as possible:

"Since you know the Capital of Law, does it mean that these worlds are interconnected?"

The elderly nun continued:

"Both sides of the edge of each world are connected to the nearest other world, but this is the end, so only one side is connected to the road back to the center of the universe."

At this time, Lindsay once again thought of what Arvette said before sending him away.

——An absolutely safe place.

Lindsay had a bad feeling in her heart.

He suppressed the trembling in his heart and asked cautiously:

"So through this connection, I should be able to go back?"

The old nun shook her head:

"Next door to this world is a world called Black Mountain."

"A terrifying dragon beast has occupied Black Mountain. It and its relatives have isolated this place from the rest of the world. No one can return."

[Please collect the new book and recommend it! 】

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