My Divine Diary

Chapter 290

Chapter 290: Spatial Characteristics

In the span of two years, the research on Su Hao’s summoning beasts, conducted by the agency, has reached a completely new level, even surpassing Su Hao’s expectations.

Through the study of summoning beasts of different levels but the same sequence, they have successfully analyzed the nature of blood and energy on a material level.

Conducting experiments on other summoning beasts has enabled these creatures to acquire stronger blood and energy.

This research capability makes Su Hao feel humble; this is the power of teamwork. The outcomes of their research provide Su Hao with numerous new insights, enhancing his understanding of the blood and energy within his own body.

Due to the breakthrough achieved by the agency, they have invested more researchers in studying Su Hao’s summoning beasts, allowing the smooth implementation of Su Hao’s “All are Allies Plan.”

In the secret base where Shijun (Beginner Lord) is located, about eighty percent of the researchers have been parasitized by Shijun’s cells. Their consciousness information is all recorded in the ball space and tightly confined in a black room. Only a small percentage of researchers with minimal contact with the outside world have been spared.

To prevent accidents, Su Hao has set up a consciousness destruction program in the black room.

Firstly, when a researcher perceives the ball space and their main consciousness enters the black room, the consciousness deletion program is activated.

Secondly, immediately after the natural death of a researcher, the consciousness deletion program is triggered.

“The most important thing, spatial management technology, is in hand!” Su Hao, within the pinball space, once again reviews the technological data obtained from the agency.

These data only represent fragments of spatial technology and do not comprise the complete management technology. Despite the agency’s skilled researchers, no one is powerful enough to possess the entire summoning beast management technology. Generally, the extensive technology is divided into numerous sub-technologies, each assigned to different researchers for breakthroughs.

Therefore, even though Su Hao has turned over more than eighty percent of the researchers as his eyes, he cannot obtain the complete management technology.

When Su Hao mentions having the management technology in hand, it is merely a speculation of the spatial technology’s principles based on the acquired information.

For Su Hao, having the principles is sufficient!

As for the high-tech aspects of technology, Su Hao does not need them because he has a more suitable approach—runes!

What can be achieved with high-tech machinery at the agency, Su Hao can substitute with runes.

Such is the audacity of having a broad range of knowledge.

So, how does the agency achieve teleportation on this planet?

Regarding this, Su Hao has already outlined the principles.

Firstly, space has bipolarity.

This is the agency’s first basic theory of space, meaning space itself has two opposing attributes, like a magnet with positive and negative poles.

This is the agency’s highest internal secret, unknown to others. All spatial technology at the agency stems from this theory. Su Hao accidentally discovered this theory.

Secondly: Spatial Module Bipolarity and Continuous Growth.

This is the agency’s second fundamental theory. The term ‘spatial module’ refers to the constantly moving spatial blocks perceived by Su Hao’s mental tentacles. ‘Spatial module bipolarity’ means that at the moment of birth, for every perceived spatial block, an identical spatial block will also be born in an unknown part of the universe. Regardless of subsequent changes or movements, the two blocks remain completely synchronized.

Continuous growth means that, at any moment, within the main star domain and the subsidiary star domain, there are always spatial modules being born and destroyed. However, overall, there is a growing trend.

Thirdly: Spatial Non-Distance.

This is the agency’s third fundamental theory. When Su Hao first saw it, he was completely baffled.

Space has no distance? Can it still be called space without distance?

This theory is somewhat counterintuitive, leaving Su Hao confused for quite some time. However, the agency’s technology originates from this, and the success of the agency indicates that while these three theories may not be entirely correct, they are essentially close.

This made Su Hao, who considered himself a ‘genius,’ feel a bit small; it seems he is still far from understanding the thought processes of those truly top-tier geniuses. He cannot comprehend their way of thinking.

After numerous experiments and contemplation, Su Hao finally understood the meaning of the third theory: Space has distance in three-dimensional angles, but in four-dimensional angles, there is no distance. In the four-dimensional perspective, space might just be continuously stacking singularities.

Regarding this, Su Hao remains uncertain.

In the agency’s expectations, the reason why the main star domain and the subsidiary star domain form a four-dimensional channel, allowing people from the main star to summon subsidiary star beasts, is because, under certain ‘special effects,’ the main star domain begins to generate a large number of spatial modules. Their twin modules then concentrate in the subsidiary star domain.

This creates a special environment connecting the main star and the subsidiary star.

As long as the mental tentacles shake the spatial blocks, the destination will eventually point to the subsidiary star.

In reality, it’s not as people generally imagine; there isn’t truly a channel or a door that, once crossed, leads to the subsidiary star.

This is the special effect of ‘spatial module bipolarity.’

Combined with the agency’s third theory, ‘spatial non-distance,’ it forms the incredible teleportation phenomenon observed by the world.

Knowing these three fundamental theories, does it enable short-distance teleportation?

It’s not that simple. Even if these three theories are made public, others may not necessarily achieve management technology.

However, the agency succeeded.

Someone proposed a whimsical idea, and with the collective effort of everyone, it actually succeeded.

This whimsical idea is to create pairs of spatial modules and then utilize the interaction between spatial modules and mental power to enable summoning beasts to complete short-distance teleportation.

So, how do you manufacture spatial modules?

The answer is to mimic various magnetic fields in the main star space and the subsidiary star space. Create a special environment artificially to generate spatial modules.

Then, they spent a large amount of money, accumulated resources, and after continuous attempts and adjustments, they succeeded.

They artificially created the first spatial module.

In response to this, Su Hao could only say, impressive!

In the midst of this, there were various bitter moments that outsiders wouldn’t understand. The path of scientific exploration is always filled with thorns and hardships. A small achievement conceals the countless efforts scientists put behind it.

At that time, the agency attached various probing instruments to summoning beasts, sent the summoning beasts back, and then summoned the instruments back, aiming to collect data from the subsidiary star domain. However, they failed. All instruments were squeezed and damaged during the long-distance traversal of space.

This led to another puzzle: why can summoning beasts endure long-distance teleportation while other items and machines cannot?

After continuous research, they finally found the key point: evolution! Under the radiation of a special spatial magnetic field and over an extended period, both subsidiary star beasts and humans from the main star underwent evolution.

However, the direction of evolution was different. After evolution, subsidiary star beasts gained the ability to traverse space, stemming from a balancing organization within them. Humans, on the other hand, gained an increase in mental power through evolution. By training, they grew mental tentacles capable of perceiving spatial structures.

Then, they understood the principles of that balancing organization, equipped machines with balancers, and only then achieved the collection of subsidiary star magnetic field data.

Having grasped the principles, Su Hao sighed, “The vast universe is full of wonders! Under different environments, extraordinary and exceptionally marvelous miracles can occur.”

He praised the talents of the agency once again, genuinely impressed. Su Hao contemplated whether he should make friends with them and engage in academic exchanges together – wouldn’t that be beautiful?

If Su Hao were to explore these technologies on his own…

Hmm! Su Hao felt that even in his old age, he might not be able to summarize those three fundamental theories.

This has nothing to do with being a genius or not; in reality, many things are fleeting.

This kind of fleeting moment cannot be compensated for, no matter how hard one tries.

In the end, Su Hao couldn’t help but exclaim once again, “The people in the agency are truly talented!”

(End of this chapter)

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