My Doomsday Territory (My Apocalypse Domain)

Chapter 147 - Yuncheng Catastrophe (2)

In the distance, in their sight, the rows of buildings collapsed, and the white smoke was almost covering the city.

Lin Yanrong’s pupils shrank, and his face was pale.

In that area shrouded in smoke and dust, a huge dark red crack penetrated the entire city.

It was precisely because of the sudden appearance of this crack that, under the action of a certain force, the building above the crack completely collapsed. Lin Yanrong could even see that a building on the edge of the crack seemed to be cut off with a knife. In general, it was cut away for more than half, leaving only the last small part of the building, crumbling in the diffuse smoke.

Awake people with sharp eyes can still see that on the half-broken building, from time to time, part of the wall comes off and falls into the bottomless abyss.

Gurus ~!

On the wall, I don’t know who made the noise first, breaking the deadly silence.

However, after returning to the city, many soldiers in the city returned to panic, and could only stare into the distance.

They never thought that the cracks in the abyss would appear in the shelter.


Near the abyss crack.

The dense black cracks continued to spread from the cracks, and wherever they passed, the ground gradually turned into dark red, like the terrible abyss.

A middle-aged man is paralyzed sitting on the ground.

He watched with his own eyes, and other survivors who were only a few meters away from him were swallowed up by the cracks of the abyss for an instant and couldn’t even scream.

“It’s okay … okay … wow, if … I walk a few meters further, that’s also …” The middle-aged man had frightened his legs to become weak and couldn’t stand up. He could only use his hands and feet together, panicked and moved Keep yourself as far away from the crack as possible.


The middle-aged man saw a dark shadow leap out of the crack, and banged down not far from him.

This demonized beast is the size of a van, a bit like an enlarged orangutan, but looks much more scary.

The whole body was naked, as if peeled, especially the two stout arms, and the naked eyes could see the red tendons entwined with each other, like exposed blood vessels, drum by drum.

His eyes were flushed and his mouth widened, exposing the murderous sharp blood.


A gust of wind was blowing.

The middle-aged man trembled with fright, and a rumor spread from under him.

He struggled to leave, but it would not only cause his legs to tremble, but his hands would be soft, unable to slide across the ground, and splashed with a little yellow liquid.

The orangutan-like demonized beast turned his head, and his red eyes were on the middle-aged man.

It blinked across a distance of more than ten meters and came to the middle-aged man.

He reached out his hand, grabbed it, and threw it into his mouth.

The sharp teeth closed.


Gaba crisp.


This is just the beginning.

More and more demonized beasts emerged from the cracks of the abyss.

Humanoid demonized beasts, beast-shaped demonized beasts, flying demonized beasts, and many more demonized beasts that cannot be described in words, but can only be marked with mosaics, swarming out.

There is a rolling red mist in the sky, and a black magic wave on the ground.

The survivors screamed and ran wild, which was soon overthrown and bitten by the demonized beast.

This is a **** picture, like the beginning of the last days.

Several well-equipped awakeners fled away in a direction away from the cracks in the abyss.

Behind him, the screams of survivors came from time to time. Rao was accustomed to seeing demonic beasts and dead mercenaries awakeners, and his face turned pale.

The captain running ahead suddenly stopped.

The players behind were still confused.


In front of the street, a building on one side was knocked open, and a giant beast full of metallic luster rushed onto the street, followed by countless demonic beasts with different forms.

The captain trembled, and immediately turned, “Come on, go from the other side!”

Several people battled hard and rushed from one block to another. Even if the captain had the ability to evade danger, they avoided those demonized beasts with extremely lethal threats. However, there were more and more demonized beasts around.

Almost impossible to move.

The other awakenings were fighting and fleeing wildly.

An awakening man, holding a sword, chopped to death a demonized beast that was blocking the road ahead, and was about to continue to escape. Suddenly, a long tongue, like a sharp arrow, blasted out. The man was completely unresponsive and his chest was already Penetrating.

Before dying, in the light of the awakening’s eyes, only a large green lizard covered with scale armor was climbing on the wall of the building. A barbed flesh-colored long tongue was curled back into his mouth. .

This battle is just a microcosm.

The awakenings are not opponents at all when facing this order of demonized beasts.

On weekdays, these people hunt and kill demonized beasts, they must be careful, step on them, and make sure that they are safe before they come to hunt. When have you seen such a scene? Even the master of triple awakening and quadruple awakening killed one or two, ten and twenty, but died only with exhaustion, not to mention the countless high-level demonized beasts hidden in the demonized herd.

A demonized beast with a red body, unable to see clearly, was fast as if it were electric light. Wherever he passed, the awakening person was either photographed with a cracked chest or a half of his body ripped by his claws.

Even the captain with the ability to foresee danger is getting paler and paler.

Induction, in all directions, has an irresistible fatal danger.

The players fell one by one.

He waved his long sword mechanically, but his heart sank to the bottom of the lake.

Da da da–

The sound of gunfire came and the shell dropped.

The fiery flames exploded among the demonized herd.

In the distance, a torrent of steel emerged.

The muzzle of the main battle tank roared and the bodies of countless demonized beasts were blown to pieces.

In the square array, a middle-aged man with a resolute face opened his mouth sharply, “The second battalion and the third battalion, heavy machine gun fire, rocket bombardment, the artillery group aimed, and the awakening group stood by at any time!”

With the roar of artillery, the whistling of bullets, the sound of fighting blasting …

The joining of the army finally curbed the slaughter of the magic tide.

The captain with the ability to foresee the danger has a loose heart, but he can look at his companions with incomplete corpses next to him.

He did not escape, his face was absolutely dead, the round shield slanted and collided with a beast-shaped demonized beast, and the center of gravity of the demonized beast was unstable, tilted to one side.

Taking this opportunity, the long knife in the captain’s hand slid across the head of the demonized beast, and a slam, a demonized beast that had lost its head rolled away from him, but the captain didn’t look at it, his eyes filled with bloodshot, crossed Enchanted beast’s body, strode forward.


Abyss crack opening.

As the demonized beasts poured out, the survivors around them died and fled.

At this moment, it seemed like a gap. When the last batch of demonized beasts with different forms emerged, no more demonized beasts appeared, and the surroundings fell into silence.

However, if someone can stand at the bottom of the abyss and look to the bottom, you will find the bottom of the abyss covered by thick darkness, as if something is rolling …


On the sky, the red mist like blood suddenly faded.

A demonized beast floated up from the bottom of the abyss.

This demonized beast is rounded and has a diameter of more than one meter. At first glance, it looks like a huge eyeball.

In the middle is the dark pupil. The pupils are covered with bloodshot. After the whole eyeballs, with the dense blood vessels, they are intertwined and twisted. The tip is slightly floating in the air. Just looking at it will make people shudder.

After the big eyeballs floated up, they didn’t pounce on the smell of humans like other demonized beasts, but the eyeballs circled around the pupil.

Seems to glance around.

“My family of evil eyes has finally set foot in this world.”

Behind the big eyeballs, countless smaller eyeballs crawled out of the abyss crack.

These eyeballs are also countless blood vessel endings floating in the air. Unlike large eyeballs, these eyeballs cannot float ~ ~ but they have legs like roots of a tree, and they come forward. .

This batch of evil eyes has a few hundred in number. At first glance, although it is far less than those swarming demonized beasts, it has more momentum, but it is more sufficient!

It seems that the former army was a miscellaneous army, and these are regular army.

The big evil eye’s suspended body slowly turned around, and Hitomi glanced at the people in front of them, feeling satisfied.

The roots of the first two people are different from the black of ordinary evil eyes. They are dark red. They are more imposing and their eyes are more agile.

The big evil eye floated closer, and the ripples of mental power spread. ..

“We will take root here, and those human beings that hinder us are hindering us, you say, what shall we do?”

One of them had dark red legs, his eyes were excited, and the blood vessels behind the eyeballs were waving wildly, rubbing, and making a harsh sound.

“Okay, I’ll leave it to you.”

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