My Doomsday Territory (My Apocalypse Domain)

Chapter 790 - College and Gifted Class

The propellers on both sides of the hero airship were rumbling around. Inside the airship, thirty selected young geniuses had different looks.

Some people look forward to it.

They were young and did n’t wake up for a long time. The earliest was also one year after the last days, when the soul power disappeared.

It is a genius who relies on its own cultivation instead of refining the soul and body.

Of course, three-point effort and seven-point talent, and the remaining 90% have to rely on resources, but if they do not show enough talent, the descendants of the big family, the resources available to them are also limited.

Since the day of awakening, they have spent almost all of their time in training, training in combat skills, and learning combat techniques. How many years haven’t they even stepped out of Hero City, Green Shadow City? Only rumors exist.

There are many rumors about Greenery.

Floating islands, holy places for cultivation, wholesale places for treasures, etc.

All make people yearn for.

At least, for the young boys and girls who are still young and the city government is not deep, many of them want to go to the green shade city, that is, the two-year study time is a bit long. Fortunately, they can still go home during the winter and summer vacations.

But there are some young geniuses who are very calm, these are often older, 17 or 18 years old, before the departure, there are family elders to warn, for them, going to Green Shadow City and entering the World Tree Academy is not just studying, But with a mission.

Take, for example, the high-value knowledge that heroes lack, and bring it back.

For example, from the top geniuses in the college, explore the details.

such as……

“Master Witch, where should we start after entering school?” A teenager asked.

The witch Helen stared at the little guy in front of her and smirked, “I urge you, don’t have too much thought, take advantage of the opportunity of the exchange group. Two years later, you are the most outstanding group of heroes. “

Some teenagers did not dare to refute, but looked at them and disagreed.

“Whether it is our League of Heroes or the other top intelligence forces in the Holy Land, no secret information can be found from Green Shadow City. Unless they are deliberately released, you still lack intelligence capabilities. Where is the courage in Green Shadow? Doing small moves under the covers? “

Not many young talents suddenly turned pale.

The witch said, “Of course, since Green shade City promises to treat all people equally, the World Tree Academy can only reach them. You should also be able to reach them, but the knowledge is countless like the stars. Do n’t be too greedy. “

For the witch, this trip to Greenery is a good opportunity to hold her thighs. Of course, I don’t want to see any moths made by these thirty geniuses.

But she also knew that some people could not persuade herself.

Anyway, I can hold my thighs.

The students of the exchange group have to study for two years at the World Tree Academy, so it will be fine for them to stay in Green City for two years, right? As the leader of the exchange group, naturally protect the genius of the Heroes Association.

Maybe you can also get the opportunity to communicate with the owner of the Green Shadow City, and then obtain the permanent residence of Green Shadow City, it is not a dream.

The witch stopped saying more and walked away.

When the exchange group students arrived, it was just before the start of the new year of the World Tree Institute.

In addition to the League of Heroes, other holy land forces also sent exchange groups. The age-appropriate genius ranged from 20 to 50 people. After all, Green City did not give a predetermined number.

To say it is an exchange group is actually a pure learning group.

In the past, even if the green shade city gave the opportunity, most of the other holy land forces will not let go.

——Everyone is a holy place. Why should I be a student and you are a mentor?

However, the reincarnation came six months ago, letting them thoroughly understand, except for the green shade city, these so-called holy land forces have no resistance at all.

Known as the second holy place, the Hero Club was easily resolved by the three reincarnations.

Right now, the choice of whether to send geniuses to Green Shadow City is in their hands, but if they choose no, they will probably not be able to keep up with the first echelon and keep the name of the Holy Land after a few years!

All the holy places were lowered, and suddenly it was a lot easier.

See, is n’t XX Holy Land the same?

The remaining forces, still aware of the strength of the Green Shadow City, stayed in the past, killing a world-class demonized beast. Of course, there is no difference, anyway, they cannot see the back.

Seeing the Holy Land forces have allowed their geniuses to study at the World Tree Academy, other hegemonic forces are naturally reluctant to miss a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

They don’t have as many scruples as holy land forces, and even if their geniuses don’t want to return after they go, they still go out from the base city of XX city. With such a bridge, their forces can still hold the thighs of Greenery City.

All kinds of trust relationships, find the way, sent three or five age-appropriate geniuses, together with the students of the Holy Land Force Exchange Group, came to the World Tree College.

The World Tree Academy occupies a separate floating island.

In the middle of the island, there is a huge tree that people can’t help but marvel at, and the canopy covers half of the island.

“This sacred tree is an important area of ​​our World Tree Academy. The sacred tree draws source gas from the void, and the concentration of the surrounding source gas is much higher than in other areas. Our college has specially built 300 trees on the branches of the **** tree. The sky-level training room, and the base of the **** tree, 2000 ground-level training rooms surrounding the trunk.

Any student in the college can use the credits to exchange the use time of the training room. In addition, there are … “

A deputy dean was introducing.

Witches, Yao Zhaokong, Bear King, and other holy places, admired from time to time.

Some of them have also been to the World Tree Academy, but this is the first time for a serious visit, and Greenery City has opened up high-level tourist permissions for them so that they can experience it for themselves.

The witch Helen immediately ran to a training room dedicated to the cultivation of dark energy.

Other high-level holy places were initially reserved. After all, these cultivation environments were provided to students, but soon …

“God Ward! In philosophical practice, if you bend back for five months, War will be able to gather another source core!”

“Hundred times gravity, hey, Luyin is located in the extreme martial arts halls everywhere. When can you provide more than one hundred times gravity!”

“Is this really just a college for a group of underage children? How do I feel so wasteful!”

“Ahem, do you accept older students in your college?”

The World Tree Academy naturally has students over 18 years of age. The branch of teaching culture is not counted. On the martial arts side, a small number of geniuses can be admitted to extraordinary classes after graduation. The reason why this name is called is because everyone has Those who qualify for the extraordinary class must be all extraordinary.

There are very few students in the extraordinary class, not to mention recruiting genius from the society. Only the students of the World Tree Academy can get into the extraordinary class if they have a perfect graduation assessment.

Many of the middle and upper levels from the major holy places are just extraordinary first-order.

The training conditions of the World Tree Academy have made them all stunned.

Of course, it is impossible to enter the extraordinary class. It is not just that the conditions are not met. It is also impossible for the high-level members of the holy places to really ask for it … then they really lost their faces and stepped on the ground.

“Of course, if you are willing to stay in Greenery City, we are very welcome. Senior tourists can use most of the training facilities inside the Extreme Martial Arts Center for free. A small number of special ones only need 50% off.”

The dean said.

Of course, he did not give free and discounted power. He had to contribute to using the training facilities in the college himself, but the younger dean of the palace brought him the above, which was said to be the instructions of the city owner.

For dozens of holy places, even if you give them free for two years, it is not bad money.

The witch Helen’s eyes brightened, waiting for that sentence, she could just as well stay in the shaded city.


Wait until Thor’s guy comes out of the retreat, seeing that the gap between himself and him is getting closer, and even catching up, I wonder if he will be stunned.

Unlike other people, the witch Helen had learned about shade in detail, including customs, special foods, and learned the generalization with some Guangnan accents many years ago.

Although the faces of other holy places are calm, their subtle expressions can still tell the joy of picking up money.

The extreme martial arts headquarters of Greenery City has the best and most complete facilities.

Don’t look at some special cultivation environments that cost 50% off. It seems that Greenery City is a bit picky, but the high-levels present are not stupid. Those special cultivation environments are costly one by one. Every time someone cultivates it will cause Less loss, free is simply impossible.

Each sacred place also has its own special practice site, most of which are arranged after obtaining some singular objects. Many of the practice sites are even non-renewable resources.

In Greenery City, there are higher-end cultivation sites, and only Yuanjing is needed, which is only 50% off.

If it were not for the politeness and restraint of being a guest, they could not help but experience it first.

Still some people did not forget the nature of the exchange group and asked, “How are your students going to arrange in your school?”

The dean has an early draft, “The trainees of all parties are geniuses. Naturally, we do not need to start from the basics. We plan to assign the geniuses of all parties to the genius classes at all levels.”

The students enrolled at the World Tree College are 12-18 years old. Naturally, they are divided into six grades, from first to sixth grade.

The prefix is ​​martial arts, martial arts first grade, martial arts second grade …

Among them, there are basic classes, elite classes and talented classes.

Cultural subjects are popular education, but martial arts are not.

The ultimate goal of Martial Arts is to train a top-tier cluster of geniuses. Only top-level geniuses who can grow into strong players are worth investing in a large number of resources.

Of course, the genius class implements the elimination system, and everyone has the opportunity to be promoted to the genius class. It depends on no effort and talent.

The other high-level holy places naturally have long understood, heard, and suddenly relieved.

If the World Tree Institute puts all the exchange students they sent into the same class, they would have to worry about the sincerity of Green Shadow City.

However, if you insert it into the original class and join other students of the World Tree Institute, then it is fine. Moreover, the genius class was entered, which shows that Greenery City does have sincerity.

they do not know,

Regarding the admission of exchange students, Tang Yu never intended to set any twists and turns, and he treats them equally. As long as these exchange students have the ability, even if the rewards given to the geniuses in the college are won, he does not matter.

His vision is already the universe, an endless world, and he is concerned about the whole human race.

Whether it is the Hero Club or the Ancient Spirit dynasty, they are all Earth people, all in his pot.


September 1st, the first day of school.

Widow and other exchange students from the League of Legends came to the World Tree Academy.

“The sixth grade of martial arts, class 601.”

He looked at his voucher for admission.

Widow knows that the World Tree Academy Genius Class has 40 students in one class and five classes from 601 to 605, all of which are gifted classes.

There are two hundred 18-year-old geniuses.

However, we must know that the green shade city has a permanent population of 5 million, and the entire green shade defense circle has a full population of 50 million, and the entire Tiannan Province has more than one billion.

This is because it is difficult to settle in Greenery City, and many people choose to buy a house around Greenwood City. The price of Lindong City has increased by 50 times compared with the last year.

The enrollment of the World Tree Academy is aimed at the entire Tiannan Province, and a few are from all over Daxia.

There are very few young girls who can be admitted to the World Tree Academy. Most of them only go to other martial arts schools and universities. They can stand out in the World Tree Academy and become a member of the genius class. They are even more outstanding!

Of course ~ ~ Vido and other young girls themselves are outstanding geniuses in their respective sacred places. They came to the World Tree Academy to study, but there was also an anger in their hearts to prove themselves and not lose to Greentown. people.

“I’m class 602.”

“I’m in class 503.”

“Why am I assigned to class five!”

Some teenagers gritted their teeth.

Genius classes are also different. One class is the best and five classes are the most.

Thirty young talents from the League of Heroes only found out that they were mostly divided into 3, 4 and 5 classes!

Widow went around and found that he was in class 601 with only one person.

Somewhat surprised.

You know, among the exchange students of the Hero Association, there are the most boys and girls between the ages of 17 and 18, and the number is nearly half. The fifth grade students take second place, the fourth grade students again, and then there are no more.

Very few were assigned to class 1, and none were in fourth grade.

‘Is it so strict? ’

Victor Pays.

Many heroes will be genius dissatisfied, “Why! Green Shadow City looks down on our heroes! I am so old and have not suffered such grievances!”

“Right! I disagree, what do you think, Brother Vido?”

Widow also had doubts in his heart, but said calmly, “Can’t make trouble, we represent the Heroes’ Club. It will only make students in other holy places see jokes.”

“But …” He paused. “The World Tree Academy has assessments every month. The better and the worse, as long as we can stand out in the assessment, we can enter a higher class. This is what The best way to prove it! “

Others focused.

One month, not long!

They were all holding their breath, their eyes were raging, and they wanted to slap back.

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