My Elf System

12. Learning From Mother [2].

With a panicked heart, Orion asked Evelyn, but she chuckled after seeing how her son had thought to such length.

“No baby, we won’t be growing old at an early age.”


“Yes dear,”  Evelyn assured him with a kiss on his forehead. “You see, once you’ve formed a mana core, you’ll be unlocking the first aspect of your mana core which grants you the ability to manipulate elemental affinities, but after successfully comprehending the first aspect of your mana core, you’ll have access to the second aspect, which grants you the ability to absorb spiritual energies.”

“Spiritual energies?”

“Yes dear, once you’re able to do this, you’ll be able to create a stable harmony within your body, allowing both your physical and mental development to slow down and follow the growth pattern of a normal elf.”

Hearing this, Orion felt a bit of relief knowing that he just had to unlock two aspects of his mana core as fast as possible so that he could start growing and living a normal life as an elf. 

“Has Mama answered all of your questions now, dear?”

“Yes, mama but I have a few other questions to ask.”

“You can ask me.”

“Mama, you mentioned earlier about other races of elves in the kingdom. How many elf races are there in the kingdom?”

“A lot, but the common ones you’ll see around are the forest elves and dark elves. Aside from the forest and dark elves, there are more rare elves who can only be found in some secluded areas of the kingdom like the moon elves and a few others like the nature elves.”

Orion nodded his head in understanding before asking. “Mama, are humans also living in the kingdom with us?”

“No dear, the humans are currently living in the human kingdom, while we are occupying the elven kingdom.”

“But, are there other races aside from elves and humans?”

“Yes dear, there are,” Elena replied as she returned to the dining room after dropping all the plates in the kitchen and using magic to clean every one of them.

“Just as how there are humans and elves in the world of Aethoria, there are also other races like merfolks, demons, the undead, and a few others.”

“Undead?” Orion repeated after his Aunt. He was excited to hear about a race of undead creatures, but because it was supposed to be his first time hearing about such a word, Orion acted as though he had never heard the term before.

Evelyn ruffled his hair with a smile on her face and replied to him. “I’ll tell you everything you need to know about the world later sweetie, but right now, mama can’t do that because she has a place to go to.”

“Where are you going, Mama?”

“I’m going to have a meeting with a group of boring old elves.”

“Sounds boring,” Orion teased with a smile on his face.

“It is baby, but it’s one of my duties as a queen.”

“Mama is a queen?” 

“Yes, dear and I’m the strongest queen as well.”

“You need to stop bragging about your strength in front of your baby.” Elena’s voiced sounded in the background as he rolled her eyes with a smile on her face.

“If I can’t brag about my strength to my baby, who else will I do it to? Besides, this is the least I can do to make myself happy before leaving the castle to have a meeting with the elders.”

“Then, I guess, that means Orion and I will be the only ones at home, right?” 

“Yes, well, until I return.”

“Don’t worry about us, we’ll definitely have fun together before you return and I’ll teach Orion everything he needs to know as well. You would love that right?” 

“Yes, Auntie.”

“Fine,” Evelyn nodded in understanding before turning towards Orion. 

“Okay baby, mama will be leaving now, don’t worry, I’ll return as soon as I’m done,” Evelyn assured Orion and kissed him on his forehead.

“Okay, mama.”

“I love you, sweetie.” She kissed his forehead once again.

“I love you too mama,” Orion said as he watched his mother leave the dining room.


Evelyn walked out of the dining room and headed straight to her meeting with the elders.

About half an hour later, she finally arrived at the building where the meeting was to take place.

Just when she arrived before a pair of large doors, they suddenly opened on their own, welcoming her into a dark room that had only a single source of light coming from the roof and landing on the huge round table at the center of the room.

Aside from Evelyn, the elders were also seated in the room, but they blended perfectly with the darkness of the room, making it difficult for anyone to easily know where they were.

Well, anyone, except Evelyn.

Evelyn could easily see in the dark even without the use of magic and she was able to identify every one of the elders present in the room with her.

“Good afternoon, your Majesty,” one of the elder elves said while standing up from his seat and all the other elders in the room stood up from their seats as well.

“Please, your Majesty, have a seat,” The elder respectfully pointed at the chair reserved for Evelyn to use.

One might wonder why the elders were showing this much respect to Evelyn even though she was much younger than everyone in the room.

The answer to this was simple.

The world respected the strong, and right now, Evelyn was without a doubt, one of the strongest seven mages in the world.

Aside from this, she was also undisputedly the strongest mage in the elven kingdom, with Elena being the second after her.

This was the reason why the elders acted politely in front of Evelyn.

Of course, each of the elders was really strong as well, but none of their strengths could ever be compared to that of Evelyn.

After all, Evelyn was not only recognized and respected as a queen but she was also idolized as a deity.

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