My Elf System

27. Royal Banquet [4]:- Meeting A Dark Elf.

Evelyn made a gesture with her hand and she permitted him to speak.

The noble stood up and spoke while adding mana to his voice so that everyone would be able to hear him clearly.

“Your Majesty, Please forgive my boldness for what I’m about to say but I believe everyone present in the hall right now will be interested in knowing if His Highness will be partaking in the Noble Elf Tournament coming up in the next ten years,”

The noble who asked Evelyn a question was none other than a Viscount of the kingdom. He was a dark elf with platinum blonde hair and a green colored eyes.

His name was Viscount Joralf Meir and he wore a formal attire which couldn’t conceal his muscular build underneath.

“Your Majesty, since His Highness will be ten years of age by the time the tournament begins, doesn’t this mean His Highness will be participating as well?” The Viscount asked and a murmur erupted within the hall.

The Noble Elf Tournament was a tournament that occurred every five hundred years within the Elf kingdom.

It’s a tournament where elves within the ages of ten to hundred (10 -100) years old were allowed to participate.

This meant that it wasn’t limited to the adult noble elves alone, children of nobles were allowed to participate in the tournament as well and everyone were interested in knowing what the prince could do if he were to participate as well.

The murmuring continued within the hall as the nobles discussed between themselves about how exciting it would be for Orion to participate in the tournament.

Meanwhile, sitting beside the Viscount was his wife and his son, a dark elf around the age of seven.

His name was Adrian Meir and beside him was another young boy around the same age as Adrian.

The other boy’s name was Scott, but unlike Adrian who was an elf, Scott wasn’t an elf, instead he was something else.

Hearing his father talking about the upcoming elf tournament, Adrian suddenly had an idea in his mind as he smiled to himself.

‘It would be nice to fight against the prince,’ Adrian chuckled to himself before feeling like he had to use the toilet.

He swiftly excused himself and stood up from his seat to find where the toilet for the guests were.

Scott followed him from behind and the two of them met a maid who decided to guide them to where the toilet was.

While they stepped out of the hall, Scott decided to ask Adrian a question that came to mind. “Master, do you think the prince will participate in the tournament?”

“I don’t know, but I’m still confident I’ll be able to win the tournament,”

“Master, are you sure about that? His Highness has a Kitsune by his side and even for a spirit guardian like me, I doubt I’ll be able to win against her,”

Scott was Adrian’s spirit guardian.

Just like Mia, Scott was a spirit guardian capable of assuming a human appearance.

This means that they were part of the strongest spirit guardians in the spirit realm.

Adrian stopped walking and turned around to face Scott before saying.“You worry too much Scott. The tournament will be coming up in the next ten years, so we have enough time to prepare for it, and besides, We’ve been training for the past two years in preparation for this, so we ........”

“...... should be strong enough to defeat the prince right?” Orion’s voice sounded from behind Adrian.

Adrian smiled and turned around while saying. “Indeed, we should be strong enough to beat the........?” Adrian suddenly paused mid-sentence when he noticed who was in front of him.

“Y-Y-Your Highness?” His eyes widened in shock when he was certain Orion was the one standing in front of him with Mia standing by Orion’s side.

Orion and Mia had just arrived.

It’s been two hours since he’s been sleeping in the courtyard, so Orion decided to return back to the hall with Mia before everyone returned back home.

However, while they were returning back to the hall, Orion suddenly noticed that Adrian and Scott were talking about him and Mia but neither of them had noticed his presence until he opened his mouth to speak.

Adrian and Scott instantly bowed before Orion with the maid doing the same behind them. “Your Highness, please forgive us for......."

“It’s fine, I’m not offended by your words,” 

“Huh?” Adrian instantly raised his head up. “Your Highness, d-do you really mean it?”

“Of course,” Orion replied with a smile but the top of Adrian’s forehead had sweat slowly sliding down his cheeks because he could see the murderous aura radiating out of Mia.

If Orion wasn’t holding her hand right now, she probably would have tore him to shreds.

Adrian swallowed his saliva down in a loud gulp before saying. “T-Thank you, your Highness,”

“You’re welcome, now I’m interested in knowing more about the tournament you speak of,”

“Huh? The tournament?”


Adrian looked at Scott and wondered if he should speak.

“Go on, tell me what the tournament is about,” Orion urged them to speak up and Adrian nodded his head in understanding.

“Okay, your Highness,” Adrian replied and he began to explain what he knew about the tournament. 

“The Noble Elf Tournament is a tournament mainly for the nobles in the kingdom and their children, but commoners are also allowed to participate. However, the tournament only allows talented and hardworking commoners to participate,”

Adrian continued to explain what he knew about the tournament. Orion was able to find that the tournament was divided into two different age groups.

The younger age groups and the adults age group.

The younger age group consists of elves around the age of (10 - 17) while the adult age group consist of elves within the age of (18-100).

This means that in the next ten years, Orion will be participating in the Junior Noble Elf Tournament where children of noble families compete in various challenges to demonstrate their martial prowess, magical abilities and so on with the first, second and third receiving a couple of rewards.

This was a summary of what the tournament was all about but aside from all these, Orion also found out why Adrian was confident in himself winning the tournament.

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