My Elf System

37. Training:- Mage And Knight Ranking.

“Good morning master,”

“Good morning Mia,” Orion greeted her back but noticed someone walking into Evelyn’s bedroom.

“Ara, you two are awake?” It was Evelyn who walked into the bedroom.

Orion smiled after seeing his mother and he greeted her. “Good morning Mama,”

Evelyn smiled as well and walked closer to him before greeting him back. “Good morning my cute bundle of joy,” She leaned closer to him and planted a kiss on his forehead.

“Good morning your Majesty,” Mia greeted Evelyn as well with a huge smile on her face.

Evelyn smiled back and greeted her as well. “Good morning Mia,” She kissed Mia on the forehead as well, allowing the cute little vixen to giggle, seeing as how she was receiving the same kind of affection from Evelyn just as Orion.

“Now, who’s hungry?” Evelyn inquired.

“I am!!!” Mia instantly raised her hands up in excitement.

She was starving even though she ate a lot last night.

Even Orion was surprised at the vortex she had for a stomach when she ate last night, and now she was hungry again this morning.

“Ufufufu--- Okay dear, then you two must  have your bath before eating,” Evelyn instructed and they both nodded their heads in response.

Evelyn clicked her fingers and two maids walked into her bedroom.

After giving the maids a few instructions, she directed her gaze back to Orion and Mia.

“Mama and Auntie won’t be joining you in the bathroom this morning, because we have a few things to do, but we’ll be done in time before breakfast, okay?”

“Okay,” Orion and Mia responded in unison before undressing themselves.

The both of them were used to it now so they weren’t bothered by this at all.

The maids also undressed themselves as well, showing their ample breasts and succulent butts before accompanying Mia and Orion to the bathroom.

About half an hour later, Evelyn and Elena made it back in time to have breakfast.

Orion and Mia also joined Evelyn and Elena in the dining room to have breakfast and everyone ate together.

Right after they were done eating, Orion walked along with Elena to the training grounds in the castle.

The training ground was used exclusively by the knights but because Orion wanted to use it today, Elena had granted the knights permission to have the day all to themselves.

This meant that there will be no intense training for the knights today.

As Orion walked into the training ground, he noticed the vast land nestled within the heart of the castle.

The training ground was meticulously designed to accommodate a variety of training exercises.

At the center of the training ground, there was a large space designed for sparring matches and combat drills.

A collection of training dummies also stood nearby in formation. Each of them were constructed with sturdy materials that could withstand the impact of powerful strikes and blows.

Orion could also see several marks across the dummies, signifying the countless numbers of hits each dummies had suffered.

“Okay dear, let’s get started,”

“Okay Auntie,”

“I’m sure you know what mana is and what needs to be done to be able to cast spells, right?”

“Yes, I do,”

“Good, but you need to know that Aura is a bit different from mana. Unlike mana which stems from the environment around us, Aura stems from a Knight’s will to grow stronger.

If you recall, When a baby is born, the baby has the ability to absorb mana from his or her surroundings, and into their body until it reaches a threshold right?” Elena asked Orion.


“However, there are some babies who are unable to absorb mana and so the only option left for them to grow stronger is for them to develop the ability to sense aura. Do you understand dear or is Auntie explaining too much?”

“No, Auntie, I understand, please go on,”

“Okay dear, but do you have any questions?”

“Yes, If those who can’t sense mana are able to develop a way to sense aura, does this mean Mages are also able to sense aura as well?”

“Yes dear, your mother can sense aura as well but she prefers to cast spells more,”

Orion nodded his head in understanding. “But, what do I have to do, to be able to sense aura as well?”

“If you wish to sense aura, then you will have to train your body to its limit while maintaining a will to grow stronger. Only then, will you be able to sense the aura within you,” Elena explained and Orion glanced down to look at his hands.

‘So, In other words, I need to train very hard for my body to reach a limit where it will be able to sense aura,’ He said in his thoughts and clenched his fist very hard, indicating that he was ready for whatever training his aunt had for him.

“Okay dear, before I say anything else, you need to know the first five mage/knight ranking of the world alongside the lifespan associated with each ranking,”

Orion nodded his head in response and Elena listed the first five rankings of both mages and knights and their corresponding lifespan associated with them.


Rank One:- Inchoate Mage or Knight (100)

Rank Two:-  Novice Mage or Knight (200)

Rank Three:-  Minor Mage or Knight (300)

Rank Four:- Intermediate Mage or Knight (400).

Rank Five:- Standard Mage or Knight (500)


This means that when a young elf becomes a rank one mage or knight, he or she will automatically have his lifespan increased by a hundred years.

The same goes for the other rankings and their corresponding lifespans.

Right after Elena explained the ranking of mages and knights of this world to Orion, she asked Orion if he was prepared to begin his training and Orion quickly replied with a nod.

Since this was Orion’s first ever training, they started with some light drills and right after he was done training, Orion returned back to Evelyn’s bedroom to have a bath.

His training and learning schedule was divided into three days a week and Orion utilized this training schedule to his benefit.

He dedicated a day to learning how to read and write while another day was meant for him to memorize magic circles.

Elena continued with his training on the third day.

At first, Orion continued with the same light training every week, but when Elena noticed he had grown accustomed to the same training, she decided to add some intense training methods to help build Orion’s stamina and agility.

He was pushed to his limit every week.

Orion was even asked to run and sprint in places where a normal elf his age wouldn’t even dream of running.

The intense training didn’t stop there and Elena introduced even more gruesome training methods.

Orion continued to train and learn from his mother, aunt and spirit guardian and within ten years, Orion had grown to become the first elf to ever become a Minor Mage and Knight at such a young age.

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