My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 665 (What champion?


Kashiwagi and Genji had dinner together at the home of Aoyagi.

The old man has a great-granddaughter named Youzi, who is about five years old. She often hugs a soft sticky baby and never lets go. She talks softly and looks soft and cute.

She liked Kashiwagi very much, and she wouldn't let go of him by holding him by the hem of his clothes from the moment he entered the door.

The funny thing is that Genji also seems to like Yuzu, but Yuzu doesn't even dare to look at him, as if she's afraid of being eaten by him.

Kashiwagi found that there was some hurt hidden under the old king's serious face, and he wanted to laugh but didn't dare.

The key point is that he doesn't quite understand why children are afraid of Genji. Obviously Xiaozhi and Xiaoyao are very normal and are willing to go sightseeing on Genji's boat.

Mentality problem?

That’s all I can think of.

All in all, the overall atmosphere of the dinner was pretty good. Genji was very talkative and recounted his experience of being blind and arrogant when he was young and losing constantly——

Well, in his opinion Kashiwagi heard it for the first time.

To put it simply, Genji once won too many battles, and his youthful arrogance became so arrogant that he finally realized and corrected himself after losing consecutive games until his scalp went numb. From then on, he soared to the top of the Four Heavenly Kings of Hoenn.

Therefore, he is very pleased that Kashiwagi has such outstanding results and has been praised by countless people, but there is still no sign of overconfidence.

In fact.

This false reputation will not cause cypress to swell.

When it comes to fame, fortune, and power, the time when the Quicksand Team had just taken over the Territory of the Dog Team and the rescue organization had not yet fully revealed its identity was much exaggerated.

Although Huang Tiezhen was only a drop in the ocean compared to the outside world, Kashiwagi had already been promoted to a cadre by Soshiro at the same level as Ruka. He had jurisdiction over several blocks under his command, and nearly ten thousand people relied on him.

Just say something to someone who is unhappy and the person will evaporate on the spot the next day. Every day, various people come to your door to give gifts and ask for attention. I have long been tired of hearing all kinds of good words.

However, in the face of the inevitable collapse of the Quicksand Team and the old Shadow Team headed by Erjin, Kashiwagi, who sticks to his heart, believes that he has done nothing wrong and stands unswervingly beside Ruka and Shanmin.

Therefore, the false reputation brought by winning the district celebrations and conferences is completely worth mentioning.

What's more, he still carries the expectations of countless people.

After meal.

Kashiwagi entered into his favorite part - interacting with other people's Pokémon.

Old Man Qingliu's Tanabata Blue Bird's blue fluff is a bit dull with age, but he still has a good singing voice. His clear voice is very suitable for being the lead singer of the Meteor Village Bel Canto Troupe.

Most of Genji's Pokémon have similar personalities to him. Regardless of whether they look fierce or not, they are basically quiet and rarely make a sound. It is suspected that they are old.

Similar to the group of lazy people in Dragon's Lair who just stay in a daze and sleep if they don't fight.

The volleyball spirit Crustacea is very cute. Although he doesn't move very much, he occasionally cooperates with the Doron Mecia siblings' mischief. His little eyes are moving around which is very interesting.

Inexplicably, the relationship between Tyrannosaurus and Boss Cordora became better, and the two even admired the moon together...

There is a sense of deja vu as a big brother cherishes a little big brother.

Anyway, when Kashiwagi came to the door, "Aunt Snow" greeted her very friendly, and she didn't notice the evil aura from the war at all. She even squinted her eyes and felt like an old man and an old lady looking at her.


It is conceivable that given the lifespan of dragon-type Pokémon, presbyopia should not occur due to non-pathological injuries. Mr. Genji's eyes are still fine!

He just thought it was some kind of habit of the Tyrannosaurus.

And Genji carried the desert dragonfly with him and seemed to fall in love with the heterochromatic Menas at first sight, and he has been courting her since dinner until now.

Don’t cultivate when you are old!

Dragonfly, who is several decades old, likes girls who are ten years old... no, not even five years old!

Fortunately, the three evil dragons were stronger internally and stronger externally, so they used their flesh as a shield, stuck between it and Menas to prevent the desert dragonfly from approaching at will.

This also caused the two dragons to dislike each other now. They even quarreled once, but they stopped arguing after Genji found out.

After Porygon II's vivid translation, Kashiwagi learned that the content of the two's quarrel was that the Desert Dragonfly believed that the victory of the three evil dragons was due to good luck - the resonance was a luck-triggered event.

The three evil dragons laughed at it and it wasn't much better. Usually the lightning flashes so fast? I really used it soon.

So the two agreed to find an opportunity to have another fight tomorrow, the kind without the command of a trainer.

It seems that without the interference factor of the trainer, the true level can be detected.

By the way.

Doronbaruto is autistic again.

Kashiwagi is also used to it.

This guy has a withdrawn personality and usually doesn't communicate with other Pokémon and loves to observe secretly. He thinks about some messy things all day long, so when he loses the battle, he hides in the corner and draws circles.

He ran away at first and was caught by three evil dragons. He comforted him and then threatened him——

Then he ran around, captured him, painted him with revealing paint, and went to the city center with a lot of people to perform and sing. Then he went to the dragon's nest to find ten female dragons, Baluto, and took turns to torture him about why he stole the dragon's younger brother.

Although Doronbaruto looked at him as if he were looking at an evil ghost at the time, it did not run away even after being beaten to death by Adam and Mikri several times.


However, it is basically impossible to wait for it to figure it out on its own. Later, it must be allowed to go on the field to continue the battle and win everything.

Didn't win?

Hit again.

Even if it can't win against Genji's Pokémon, two more battles with other trainers' Pokémon can rebuild its confidence.

This guy's mentality is really bad, he's not as good as he was when he was wild.

Maybe this is the power of hatred.

It is a ghost-type Pokémon. It is an expert at feeding on negative emotions and toying with other creatures. Even its moves are based on negative emotions, such as nightmares, curses, resentments, scares, misfortunes never come singly, etc.

Finished dinner and headed home.

There were no street lights along the way, only dim lights in front of houses located here and there.

Gengar especially liked this environment, and he and his sister Doron Mecia ran around and burrowed around until they pissed off a resting Tyrannosaurus and almost got caught by the dragon's claws before running back in a panic.

"a bunch of idiots!"

Kashiwagi rewarded each of them with a heavy blow on the head.

Go halfway.

A glimmer of light suddenly flew over from the distance, like a white flickering will-o'-the-wisp, frightening Happy Egg who hated darkness and had just watched a horror movie with her big-mouthed kid two days ago.

It wasn't until the other party seemed to notice him and started shouting and approaching that the alert Pokémon realized that it was an acquaintance of the trainer holding a mobile phone.

"Kashiwagi! Finally found you!"

The chubby Lian Zuo was breathing heavily. It was hard to imagine that with his stature, he could become one of the three heroes of the village protection team of the Meteor People.

He asked: "What happened?"

"I, I discussed it with the others and wanted to ask you if you could post the afternoon battle online." Lian Zuo raised his phone, which contained edited clips of the battle.

Kashiwagi said in surprise: "When did you take the photo?"

He didn't remember that there was a camera during the battle... Well, the quality of this picture was probably taken by a mobile phone.

"Hehehe, of course it was secretly filmed with a mobile phone. The picture quality is not good, but we feel that since you are not going to participate in the Champions League, posting this video should shut up those guys on the Internet!"

Lian Zuo's little eyes were full of seriousness.

The dragon trainers learned that Kashiwagi was not planning to participate in the Champions League and quickly checked the relevant information online.

Then I discovered that yesterday afternoon, the Fengyuan Branch of the League Executive Committee, the organization where Damalan belonged, officially announced that he had given up participating in the Champions League and was preparing for the Ole Regional League Conference.

The Internet instantly caused a huge stir.

Hot searches even reached the top in a short period of time before falling down later.

You know, two days ago, everyone was still discussing whether Kashiwagi could defeat Daigo and become the new generation of Hoenn champion, but in the blink of an eye, he was no longer participating in two days?

In fact, there are many examples of conference winners not participating in the Champions League.

His non-participation caused such a big reaction, mainly because the marketing methods of Shanmin and Hoenn Alliance some time ago were too excessive.

Except for Dan Emperor, I have never seen any young trainer appear in the blog hot searches again and again.

But he is the undefeated king!

Champion of Galar!

What kind of champion are you Kashiwagi?

The title of winner of the conference and winner of the celebration can also be used to explain——

All right.

The Internet in the Pokémon world is relatively civilized and not so exaggerated, otherwise it would have taken less than a few hours for Kashiwagi to be nicknamed "Mr. Big Kashiwa".

At present, there is widespread doubt and speculation.

Some people felt that Kashiwagi could not defeat the Four Heavenly Kings of Hoenn and the Champions, and were worried that they would lose their unbeatable record if they went up, so they used the excuse of participating in the Orei region's league meeting.

Just like he gave up participating in other gorgeous contests in order to participate in the Caiyu Contest.

Afraid of losing, afraid of losing the winning streak.

Although it was half correct to some extent, this kind of voice was not very strong. On the one hand, Yamamin was worried about affecting Kashiwagi's mentality. He actively engaged in public relations and arranged for people from the Rainbow Team to report.

On the other hand, Porygon II directly used keywords to block out most of the unfriendly questioning, without giving trainers a chance to see it.


It’s good that it didn’t follow the network cable and hit anyone!

After the hot search went on, the mainstream discussion on the Internet also shifted from Kashiwagi to Orei, mainly focusing on the Orei region's preparations to host the first Pokémon League Conference.

People are not uniformly supportive.

A considerable number of them think that Ou Lei's move is too big a step.

A backwoods little league…

No, even in a place where the alliance has not yet been established, the background introduction indicates that there are not even many trainers. How many trainers can participate in the first alliance conference?

Even if the number of people is reached, what is the quality of the trainers?

For most trainers, regional championship is a sacred word. If there is a champion in a small region who is not as good as the Four Heavenly Kings in other regions, it will simply damage the reputation of the champion!

Therefore, netizens believe that the winner of the first Ole Conference may not be worthy of the title of "champion".

Kashiwagi's announcement to prepare for the Ole Opry Championship was recognized by many people, and also made many people doubt whether the Ole Ople championship has a high enough gold content.

The blogs are noisy, and the presence in other areas has become weak.

And Shanmin is happy to see the criticism on the Internet.

He knows very well that the development process of a region is indispensable for outside guidance. While accepting assistance from others, it will also lead to the gradual erosion of the local area by the outside world.

It is too difficult to become a top politician and business tycoon like Roz. The rise of the Galar region has already made those financial giants who missed the opportunity feel regretful. The appearance of Orei has successfully aroused their interest.

As a local.

Shanmin does not have many ethnic plots, but we do not want Ourei to become a place where other regions are eating away at it, so it is very important to establish a local beacon.

Kashiwagi is that beacon.

No matter how fierce the quarrel is on the Internet, when Kashiwagi proves himself, the "backlash" will be more violent, and it will more arouse the recognition of Ole people.

[Our champion defeated all doubts]!

In Yamaminori's vision, Kashiwagi will unite the people of Ole and truly devote their enthusiasm to the development of the region, rather than just muddle along.

What the rescue organization wants to save is not only the lives of Orei people, but also the spiritual thoughts of Orei people!

It's just that the pressure Kashiwagi has to bear is far heavier than that of being an ordinary champion. Shanmin believes in the former's ability to withstand pressure. He has experienced worse things, so what if he is said a few words?

But to be on the safe side, he asked Kashiwagi to play less online and train more recently.

Who would have thought.

Renza's kindness actually made Kashiwagi, who was protected by Shanmin and Porygon II, aware of the online turmoil.

"Thank you, Renza. Everyone cares about me so much, which makes me feel embarrassed. But I have to ask King Genji for his opinion on this matter first. What if it affects King Genji's reputation?"

He patted Lian Zuo on the shoulder and was very touched by the concern of these friends for him.

As for the comments online.

It is certain that he feels a little uncomfortable. He has not yet reached the realm of a saint who does not rejoice in things but does not feel sorry for himself. But to say that he has been made to think about food and drink is too exaggerated.

Kashiwagi is now more concerned about what ship Genji will drive to take them back to Ourei.

A barque?

I'm afraid that if I don't have to sail for a year, I will arrive at my destination just in time to participate in the Ole Convention, where the venue has been completed.


He was a little tingly.

When Renza heard Kashiwagi's words, he was stunned. He realized that it was really necessary to ask King Genji for his opinion, and without saying a word, he ran towards Aoyagi's house.

"Wait for me! Kashiwagi! I will definitely convince the King of Heaven!"

He shouted while running, causing the tyrannosaurus that had been provoked by Gengar and the Duolong siblings to roar in dissatisfaction, and then successfully woke up more dragon Pokémon, and the roar was loud.

Boscodora and other Pokémon looked at each other in confusion.

"Why do you look like a baili sheep?"

Kashiwagi shook his head, took out his cell phone and called Shanmin.

He knew that Yuanji would definitely not refuse, so the video of fighting and winning against the King would play a big role in public opinion.

Most people in the mainstream area have good intentions, and the more noisy they are now, the more people they will win after he proves his strength, just like the world's compensation mechanism.

Yamamin may be able to maximize the use value of this video.

The call is connected.

"Hello? I have a video of the battle where I defeated King Genji. It's a little blurry, but I can roughly see the battle clearly. Do I need to send it to you? Or should I send it myself?"

Kashiwagi directly stated the purpose of his visit. It was not dark at this time in Olei, so he should be busy.

Shanmin: "...say it again?" 』

"I, Kashiwagi, defeated the leader of the Four Heavenly Kings in the Hoenn region, the dragon attribute master Genji! Now I have the video of the battle in my hand..."

"Shut up, I don't want to talk to inhuman creatures. 』


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