My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 674 Champions League

Dawu's popularity is not lower than Mikri's.

The leading regional champion of Hoenn, the first person promoted by the media to evolve into a mega, is also the noble son of the technology giant Dewen Company.

His many identity blessings gave him the ability to charm thousands of girls.

The moment he got off the car.

There was a roar like a roaring tsunami all around.

"Champion! Champion!"

"Champion Daigo!"

A pair of fiery eyes were firmly locked on Daiwu, shouting his name and title like a religious scene, holding up the banners and fan cards in their hands and swaying them.

Strangely enough, even without the help of league staff.

The audience in front of the entrance still spontaneously made way for Daiwu, their eyes full of admiration and admiration.

no doubt.

That’s the weight of a regional championship.

The strongest person standing at the top of the Hoenn trainer pyramid is deeply respected by all trainers who love Pokémon battles.

The glory belongs to him alone.

Dawu smiled and waved to the surrounding audience. Just standing there, a powerful aura inexplicably rose around him, making him seem to have a spotlight on him, catching everyone's eyes.

"The momentum of a champion..."

Kashiwagi secretly admired.

In the future, when he successfully becomes the champion, it would be great if the Orei people could identify with him half as much as the Hoenn people did with Daigo. Even though he has many acquaintances in Huangtie Town, how many people in major cities such as Silica City and Jinqing Port know him?

How many people can understand the meaning of the regional championship like the mainstream regional people?

He followed Dawu silently into the venue. The combination of mask and peaked cap looked like an assistant, so no one noticed at all.


The staff are busy making final confirmation and debugging.

Kashiwagi wanted to go directly to the auditorium, but Daigo stopped him and said that he wanted to introduce him to several kings outside Genji.

Daigo didn't know that he was familiar with Bonnie and Furong.

The Hoenn champion, who has been in Kalos in recent months, has not had much chance to meet other kings.

Kashiwagi decisively agreed.

Since he already knew three of the Four Heavenly Kings of Hoenn, it was necessary to get to know the last Kagyue. The Kagyue die-hard fan he met in the previous conference left a deep impression on him.

Come to the preparation room.

Genji and Boni and Furong, whom he met at the noodle shop in the morning, are already here.

The last one has only a handful of red hair on his bald head and looks like a ruffian young man from the Black Society. He is none other than the evil-attributed King of Flowers and Moon.

The four of them were standing or sitting, with their Pokémon beside them. There was a distance between them. There was little communication, but the atmosphere was surprisingly harmonious.

"Everyone, sorry for the long wait."

With a smile on his face, Daigo revealed Kashiwagi behind him, "Let me introduce to you, this is -"


"Idiots who gave up on the Champions League."

Bonnie and Fleur spoke in turn, the latter even made a teasing face.

The calm Genji nodded slightly and said hello.

Daigo and Hanayue were stunned at the same time.

"Hey, hey! Have you all met each other? Boy, your name is Kashiwagi!"

The Evil King stepped forward quickly, his face very close to Kashiwagi, as if he wanted to intimidate him with his eyes, but he was a little shorter and had to raise his head to complete the staring action.

"They all know you, but I don't. Do you look down on me?"


Kashiwagi knew that the other party had no ill intentions, he was just unhappy about being left alone.

This can be seen from the cute look of the big wolfdog behind him, sticking out its tongue and wagging its tail. After all, there is no Pokémon that remains indifferent when its trainer is angry.

"Isn't there no chance? Besides, it doesn't matter whether we meet sooner or later. Relationships all depend on subsequent cultivation, what do you think?" Kashiwagi said with a smile.

Huayue stared at him for a long time, and when she moved her face away, she laughed and patted her shoulders: "Hahaha! That's right! I like your words very much! Boy! That's right! Your three evil dragons, I I like it too!”

His ace, Absol, he met on a collapsing mountain after he gave up being a gangster and started traveling. He regarded this as his destiny to change his life.

"I thank you for it."

Kashiwagi held down the Poké Ball swinging at his waist.

The three evil dragons can't stand the praise very much. If they are released, they might cause some trouble.

Daigo shook his head helplessly, not caring that Bonnie and Furong had known Kashiwagi for a long time. He looked at the four of them and said, "Since I don't need to introduce you, everyone, are you ready?"

It's like the prelude to a great war.

The four kings each showed different expressions, and the Pokémon next to them quickly exuded a strong fighting spirit, looking at each other sharply.

Bonny: "You'll see it at the game."

Furong: "Don't underestimate psychics!"

Genji: "Preparation is only the basic link in mastering power."

Hanayue: "Let's have a big fight! Haha!"

What's going on with this strong sense of déjà vu when characters appear in fighting games?

Kashiwagi looked at Daigo blankly.

Faced with the provocative words of the Four Heavenly Kings, the champion calmly and confidently said: "Then, let me wait for your arrival on the championship throne."

Say it.

Everyone strode out of the preparation room with their Pokémon.


Kashiwagi stayed there for a while with a strange expression, and then hurriedly followed the footsteps of a few people. On the way to the preparation room, Daigo said that he would ask the alliance to arrange a special seat for him where he would not be disturbed by others.

He also really wanted to concentrate on watching the four-man game.

The competition system of the Champions League is relatively complicated, with a total competition and a divisional competition.

The finals are divided into those with conference winners and those without conference winners.

The winner of the former conference needs to challenge four kings in a row. If he defeats all four kings, he will have the opportunity to challenge the regional championship.

If one of the Four Heavenly Kings defeats the winner of the conference, then that Four Heavenly Kings will be qualified to challenge for the championship. If more than one person defeats the conference winner, those Four Heavenly Kings will need to compete for the qualification to challenge for the championship.

The latter requires the Four Heavenly Kings to compete in a knockout round of three out of six to compete for the qualification to challenge for the championship.

The divisional competition is the Champions League that is conducted in quarters.

Each king must defeat those trainers who have received invitations from the alliance kings. Only by successfully guarding their position can they be qualified to challenge the champion and stage a championship challenge.

Conference winners can participate in both championship leagues, but the former only has one chance and the latter requires an invitation letter.

Although the divisional competition seems to be a benefit for the Four Heavenly Kings, so far no Four Heavenly Kings have been able to reverse Tiangang and win the championship.

There were quite a few trainers who were defeated by the trainers invited by the King of Heaven.


Game scene.

The auditorium was already crowded with people.

I don’t know whether it was because Daigo’s reputation was too great, or because the cooperation between the Hoenn Alliance and Yamaminori was too pleasant some time ago, Kashiwagi was placed in the special guest seat, next to Dama Raki and other alliance senior officials.

"Oh ho ho ho, we meet the young man again."

The old man with a gray beard laughed kindly and said: "Even if I can't participate, I still want to see the battle between the champion and the Four Heavenly Kings? It's really unbearable~"

Damalan is known as "the greatest person in the Pokémon League" because of his outstanding contributions to the League Conference and the Champions League. Shanmin frequently communicates with him privately in order to gain the support of various parties who hold the conference. kind of experience.

He also understood very well why Kashiwagi did not participate.


In the excited shouts of the commentator, the champion Daigo and the Four Heavenly Kings all appeared on stage. The audience was filled with people, and the shouts that resounded throughout the world caused the entire arena to shake slightly.

Everyone's enthusiasm was even higher than that of the finals of the conference.

Kashiwagi watched with anticipation as Daigo, wearing the champion's cloak, gradually climbed up the steps where the flame was located. A huge and gorgeous stone chair was placed in front of the flame.

The moment he sat down, it was like a king ascending the throne, with countless salutes blasting and thousands of colorful ribbons flying.

A solemn symphony surrounded the venue.

Such treatment!

Kashiwagi clicked his tongue, he had always felt that compared to the Galar region's intention to create the "strongest champion" and "the undefeated king", he was crazily building momentum for Alchemy Emperor.

There seems to be little indication of championship status in other regions.

Only when I came to see the Champions League with my own eyes did I realize that they don’t need to market every day.

Sitting on the highest and most conspicuous championship throne in the entire venue, the status and strength are naturally reflected. Anyone who looks there will feel domineering.

What is the uncrowned king?

That’s it!

It's just that even if the stone throne is cushioned, it won't be very comfortable to sit on it all afternoon, right?

He was a little worried about Daigo-san's butt and waist.

Not long after.

Under everyone's attention, the big screen showed the results of the computer's random match between the two sides - Hanazuki vs. Bonnie, and Fleur vs. Genji.

The schedule is two games this afternoon and one game tomorrow afternoon, a three-out-of-six format.

The final championship defense match the day after tomorrow will be a battle between all members.

"Ice fights evil, why not ice fights dragon, ghost fights evil?"

Kashiwagi had a sudden idea.

The Four Heavenly Kings in many areas seem to have a relatively restrained relationship, such as Johto's superpowers and poison, fighting and evil, Sinnoh's insects and superpowers, ground and fire, and Unova's fighting and evil, ghosts and superpowers. wait.

This correspondence does not end until Carlos. Carlos only has fire and water, and the other steel and dragon only have a resistance relationship.


Perhaps they became in a mutually antagonistic relationship.

Wait for about twenty minutes.

Huayue and Bonnie, who were the first to fight, came to both sides of the field. Under the referee's announcement, the two quickly sent out Pokémon——

Big Wolf Dog and Blizzard King.

Bonnie is an expert at using snow. When her Blizzard King first appeared, it caused a sky full of white mist and fine hailstones.

After triggering the intimidation characteristic, the Great Wolf Dog immediately pounced on the Blizzard King and attacked with its blazing flame fangs.


The barking is extremely loud.

The unusually bright firelight also demonstrated the powerful power of this flame fang move.

Unexpectedly, the Blizzard King jumped back with a dexterity that was not suitable for its fat body. Colorful light surrounded its surface like a thin light shield.

[Aurora Curtain], a move that is equivalent to a combination of light wall and reflective jade, can only be activated under snowy conditions.

The big wolfhound chose to pursue it, and suddenly burst out with a burst of speed so that its flaming teeth could bite the Blizzard King.

But surprisingly, there was no significant effect.

As the flames exploded on Blizzard King, the loudly howling snowman used his mallet to disperse the smoke, then smacked the giant wolf into the sky, engulfing it in a terrifying blizzard as it fell.


Huayue asked Big Wolf Dog to create a stand-in as a platform in advance, and barely avoided it, thus avoiding the fate of losing a Pokémon in the first three minutes.

It's really amazing that the Blizzard King's physical attacks are still so fast and violent after being intimidated.

Bonnie's fighting style was as calm as the attributes she was good at. In the first round of confrontation, Huayue failed to take any advantage, and even fell slightly at a disadvantage.

Faced with this situation, Huayue chose to exchange.

The replacement was Iron Claw Lobster. When it first appeared, it used water jets to avoid the Blizzard King's blizzard, and it began to strengthen with Dragon Dance by waving its vicious giant claws.

Seeing this, Bonnie immediately asked the Blizzard King to attack with a large-scale blizzard covering the whole area, but the Iron Claw, which ended the Dragon Dance, immediately used the blizzard to turn itself into a huge ice crystal by spraying water again.

"What a quick move."

Kashiwagi was very surprised by the speed of the iron claw lobster. Although the water jet starts very quickly, is it too fast for you?

Inside the venue.

It continued to fly towards the Blizzard King and suddenly turned into a jet of ice water. Even though the Blizzard King dodged in time, the shattered ice blocks still allowed him to raise his hands to cover it.

At this time, the iron-clawed lobster was approaching.

The brown-red tiles were struck out, shattering the rainbow aurora curtain around the Blizzard King. The powerful and heavy restraint blow immediately caused him great pain.

Immediately before waiting, Blizzard King counterattacked under Bonnie's order.

The iron-clawed lobster came to its side like a flash, and hit its back of the head with a sneak attack.

The loud banging sound made people's hearts tremble.

Kagetsu's motto - "Offense is the best defense", his performance undoubtedly has the tendency to implement it to the end, and he also regained the rhythm he had just lost.

Continuous attacks in a short period of time caused the Blizzard King to retreat steadily. Bonnie gave several orders but could not get him to use it.

Bonnie was forced to put him down.

Her second Pokémon is the Diang Sea Lion. Its body is fatter than the Blizzard King and seems to be less agile. How to deal with the attack of the Iron Claw?

the answer is:

Use rich fat.

Kashiwagi was deeply impressed by this Pokémon, not only because it made Kashiwagi understand for the first time the importance of training Dory to dodge, but also because of its use of the body.

Bonnie's proficiency in using such techniques is still higher than Mikri's.

It has nothing to do with the attribute [Thick Fat]. Its body is naturally equipped with the power to cushion impacts. This also makes the Crayfish, which focuses on physical attack, unable to do anything against a Pokémon that can withstand beatings and repeatedly relies on energy storage to increase its double defense.

Huayue also went from being confident to doubting life.

His initial expression was clearly "I believe the Iron Claw Lobster will be able to break through your defenses", but the result was "Why can't you defeat it?"

Obviously, the key-hitting effect of the secret attack was not triggered even once.

On the other hand, Bonnie first used the tidal whirlpool to eliminate the possibility of Kagetsu's replacement, then used the blizzard to completely freeze the opponent, and finally launched a overwhelming attack.

The spiderweb-like cracked ground made Kashiwagi worry about whether the iron-clawed lobsters would be crushed into shrimp cakes.

Fortunately, it didn't happen in the end.

It's just sinking into the ground.

After retrieving the Iron Claw Lobster, the hail gradually stopped, and Hanazuki decisively sent out his trump card - Absol, and started the super evolution.

The dazzling brilliance made the audience scream.

Super Absol, which no one except the True Love Party can use in the game, shows a high sensitivity to crises in Kagetsu's hands.

It easily dodged the Diya sea lion's repeated attacks, as if it had predicted in advance which side it would be attacked from.

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