My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 712 Supernatural Physique


The number of people was indeed four or five less than yesterday.

Kashiwagi carefully distinguished them and found that the people who were not coming were all those who were preparing to go on a trip, and the people who really wanted to learn from him were all there.

The key is that the ones he is more optimistic about have not left.

that's enough.

"Everyone, before the afternoon class starts, I want to announce something important!" He loudly summoned the people scattered everywhere.

Otsuka and others were the most active, approaching quickly in excitement, while others looked at them with somewhat complicated eyes.

Kashiwagi couldn't help but raise his eyebrows and asked: "A battle?"

"It's a battle!"

Otsuka nodded with a smile: "We lost one of them! Everyone else won!"

The only loser curled his lips and seemed to be complaining secretly.

Sure enough, we still fought...

Kashiwagi was not surprised that the trainers in the arena would invite Otsuka and others to play Pokémon battles. After all, these guys always put on an order like "What you are playing with are the leftovers from us." An irritating attitude.

When he couldn't beat them up, relying on his energy to kill them in Pokémon battles became one of the few ways to satisfy himself.

Silver Horse was obviously unconvinced, as he was one of the people who had the most bites on the butt by the Mane Rock Werewolf yesterday.

But actually only lost one game.

He looked at the trainers gathered in the arena and was quite surprised.

And as if they heard Otsuka's complacent narration, many people subconsciously turned away their heads and did not dare to look at him. Ginma even lowered his head the whole time.

Kashiwagi refused to let this guy go: "You lost too?"

"Huh? Uh, um..."

Yin Ma subconsciously raised his head, looked around nervously and then scratched his face, "Absolutely."

What is almost the same?

You think Otsuka and the others are the younger brothers, so it would be very shameful to lose to them, right?

He smiled and did not continue to torture Silver Horse. He looked around at everyone and said loudly: "I went to Silica City this morning, where I met Battle Mountain Master Batras and Silica Arena's host Zhengyi.

"As Mr. Kendall said yesterday, why don't I challenge these powerful trainers if I am so powerful? I will challenge them."


The crowd suddenly laughed in good faith, and the bald man Kendall shook his head and smiled bitterly. The words he said when he broke the defense may become a big stain in his life.

"The result is that Master Bartras is too popular, and there were too many people challenging him, so I didn't find a chance. But I successfully fought against the political leader - and won! It also made me understand that Ole's trainer is absolutely No weaker than the people outside!"

Seeing the different expressions of everyone, Kashiwagi replied: "In order to let everyone deeply understand this, next week the owner of Zhengyi Stadium will bring members of the Silicon Beryllium Arena and the Trainer Training Center to Huangtie Town for exchanges and battles. Not only will It’s me, you have to fight them too!”

As soon as he finished speaking, all the trainers were in an uproar.

Trainers from Silica City came to Huangtie Town for exchanges and battles? This was unthinkable in the past.

Can they win?


"Don't be nervous, it's just a Pokémon battle. I have only one request for you, win if you win, and understand where you lost if you lose! If you don't want to be looked down upon by the trainers in Silica City, work hard this week. Bar!"

Kashiwagi said nothing and waved outside.

Several maned rock werewolves came in dragging a cart of folding tables, chairs and several machines.

The trainers in the arena immediately covered their butts when they saw the mane rock werewolf, and the others also had strange expressions. The silver horse even quietly walked to the back to prevent being called out.

"Don't worry, I will study theoretical knowledge this afternoon and there will be no competition -"

Kashiwagi grinned, and his snow-white teeth made everyone present shudder. Even Ayana had a strange expression: "But I have to randomly check how much of your impression of yesterday's competition knowledge is left."


This devil!

Everyone was trembling. At this moment, it was as if a middle school and high school class had arrived in the arena. They buried their heads one by one, for fear that they would be called out.

He pointed at the sneaky Silver Horse and said with a smile: "Silver Horse, how about you set an example first?"

"Why is it me again!"

The silver horse raised his head in aggrieved manner. You can't catch a braided sheep and plucking it like crazy!

Kashiwagi said seriously: "Because you are the frontcourt master of the dungeon arena! Silver Horse, trainers must dare to compete at all times, let alone the foundation of Pokémon knowledge!

"Why are you traveling? Don't you just want to become stronger! Or are you planning to leave next week, and you won't participate when people from Silica City come to communicate?"

Yinma gritted his teeth, but couldn't find the words to refute, so he could only say depressedly: "I'll do it! I'll let you say all the good things..."

He grumbled and stepped forward.

Interestingly, even though he looked like he was being persecuted and facing "death", when Kashiwagi asked about the Pokémon knowledge that tested him, he told them all without any hesitation.

"Not bad. You passed."

Kashiwagi nodded at Ginma's blank expression.

Silver Horse asked in disbelief: "That's it?"

"That's it? Then let's have another round?" Kashiwagi asked with raised eyebrows.

"No, no, no, this is good!"

The young man immediately smiled and waved away, with a frightened expression remaining on his face, "I'm really just asking about what I asked yesterday..."

He originally thought that Kashiwagi was going to operate on him again.

Seeing this scene, the arena trainers all breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that the Rainbow Team boss had no intention of continuing to embarrass them.


After discussion after returning home last night, they agreed that the "game" of chasing each other in the afternoon was due to Kashiwagi's dissatisfaction with them.

They really didn't treat Kashiwagi respectfully enough at the beginning, so they suffered this disaster.

"The spot check continues."

Kashiwagi wasted no time and continued to select people to answer questions.

In the end, only one of the twenty people failed to pass, and he got his wish and was chased for two full circles by the eager Mane Rock werewolf leader.

The miserable howl made others feel terrified.

Kashiwagi shouted mercilessly: "Hold it! What does this little pain mean? The Mane Rock Werewolf will only bite your Pokémon harder during the battle! Your Pokémon will only hurt more than you!" How can a trainer who cannot empathize fully understand the plight of Pokémon and command them?"

The people of Huangtie Town have a deep fear of Pokémon in their bones, because people often die under the teeth and claws of Pokémon.

The wild Pokémon in the outside world cannot deprive others of their lives at will. At most, they will beat up the trainers who take risks. This also causes most trainers to have a reckless attitude that is not afraid of anything.

For example, even if many Chinese people hear the sound of gunshots, they can't help but go up and join in the fun; foreigners who can't help but shoot generally just want to run as fast as possible for fear of being killed by stray bullets.

The spot check time is over.

Kashiwagi began to give formal lessons to the arena trainers - theory and practice.

He studied common trainer courses on the Internet, and went to see the open classes of the Orange Academy in the Padia area, and summarized a set of teaching content suitable for the illiterate people in Huangtie Town.

"Literacy is very important. Don't forget to go to literacy classes to learn it - I want to check this too."

His words defeated many people's luck.


I only had two hours of class.

Kashiwagi left the rest of the time to himself.

He also wants the team as a whole to advance towards the championship level. He cannot waste himself for the sake of the arena, not to mention the Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon in the Ole region——


There is someone more powerful than Bartras.

For example, the protagonists of the first two generations of the Ole region - Dragon Man and Leo - single-handedly destroyed the powerful existence of the first and second generation Shadow Teams, and they also climbed the Battle Mountain to win hundreds of games in a row to defeat Bartras.

In other words, they are the protagonist level of the game.

In addition to the two, there is also the legendary trainer Logan who lives in seclusion in Agate Village.

The legendary trainers and former and former battle masters who haunt the Ole Arena—Wu Yin and Wu Xian.

These were the ones Kashiwagi knew, and there were many trainers he didn't know. They were sent over one by one by Zhengyi through the Pokéline.

Ole's background is much richer than he previously thought.

And if he has the chance, he will definitely challenge these people one by one!

"Come on! It's training time!"

Kashiwagi released all the Pokémon and began daily practice under the curious and expectant eyes of the arena trainers.


At the beginning, everyone would feel it was novel to see some Pokémon attacks, but over time, they got a little tired of it.

Because Kashiwagi's training of Pokémon is like a video tape that plays back and forth, repeating a move crazily.

The civil war can be said to be without passion. Can this fighting method of you hit me and I hit you really improve your strength?

It’s too boring!

Many people who were ready to calm down and study Kashiwagi were a little tired of it at this moment, and they dispersed and started doing their own things.

Of course, there are also many people who agree with this method.

All in all, the rest of the afternoon was spent practicing.


Passed by the construction site in the evening.

Kashiwagi could vaguely see a few ghost-type Pokémon wandering inside, obviously sent by N.

Hopefully they'll be as reliable as Doron Baruto.

"Flower rock monster..."

The spirit of the Huayan monster imprisoned by the Sun Coral followed Furong's instructions and was sealed into a clay pot soaked in Kati dog saliva.

to be honest.

He couldn't understand why Kati Dog's saliva could seal the Huayan Monster's soul.

What you said about Lucario's saliva seems to make sense to him.

After all, in the animation, the Flower Rock Monster was sealed with the power of a waveguide, and the original source of the waveguide came from Lucario.

It can only be said that this thing, like the Pokémon Magician, is knowledge beyond the scope of normal people's understanding.

in addition.

Why does Doronbaruto know so much about the spirit world? Gengar and Suncoral are both ghost-type Pokémon and know nothing about this.

How old is it?

Kashiwagi thought that one day he should visit the place where it used to live to understand what kind of soil could have given birth to this social dinosaur.

Returned to the villa and took a short rest.

He drove to the mountains again, where he planned to spend the night.

The wilderness is indeed more suitable for most Pokémon than the city. Last night, he discovered that not only Big Steel Snake, but Gengar and other Pokémon also like to stay in open places.

On the surface, the three-headed evil dragon seems to be unwavering in its commitment to its trainer and doesn't care where it lives, but in fact it wants both the trainer and the wilderness.

What can he do?

Of course, we are sleeping in the wilderness, so we should adapt to the living environment in advance.

Kashiwagi set up the tent and looked around, his eyes moved to the lower right corner, "It's another exciting moment of simulation."

Last time, a single blue talent was turned into a double blue talent through redemption. Is it possible that orange will appear this time?

Or is it still a single blue talent.

Does he want to change again? Will it disrupt the original order of oranges? If there is an orange talent and a blue talent is added, will the result be better?

Thinking of so many possibilities, Kashiwagi couldn't help but sit down on a rock, spread out his book and click on the simulator.

On the redemption interface, he silently clicked on talent redemption.


[Redeem failed! 】


Ah, talent exchange can only change the fixed talent to blue. If it fails, does it mean that the fixed talent is already blue or orange?

Kashiwagi couldn't wait to open the simulation.

【Choose your birthplace▽】

The last round was the Hoenn region, and this round is the Sinnoh region.

【Choose your gender▽】


【Choose your Pokémon▽】


He looked at this Pokémon with a little surprise. There were not many trainers in the world who used ghost-type Pokémon like Ghost as their first partner...

Could it be related to what happened today?

Although simulators in the past have never provided corresponding simulations based on real situations, if you think about it carefully, most of the content provided by the simulations can be used quickly, and a few can even benefit for a lifetime.

What a coincidence!

Kashiwagi looked forward to opening the talent options.

Fixed talents:

【☆Supernatural physique (easy to attract ghosts)】

Optional talents:

[Frail and sickly (health level is not optimistic)]

[Rough hands and feet (Pokémon health management is rough)]

[Sentimental (mindset is easily shaken)]

[Elite system (won’t conquer too many Pokémon)]

It’s actually a single blue simulation!

He was a little regretful that he couldn't draw the orange talent, but this blue talent - supernatural physique? Don't tell him the simulation content has anything to do with the spirit world.

Kashiwagi recalled that the first time content related to the spirit world appeared in the animation was when Ash was traveling in the Sinnoh region.

Optional talents...

One is worse than the other.

He looked at the first three talents and decided to choose the weak and sick one after careful consideration.

Although hairy hands and feet may be slightly better, who knows exactly how sick the frail and sick people are, what if it is just the kind that often coughs and colds?

One of these two affects itself, and the other affects Pokémon. Kashiwagi chooses the column that affects himself.

If the trainer has a minor illness, the Pokémon may explode. If the Pokémon itself is not good enough, it will not be able to fight directly.

Let’s start the simulation!

The left and right are just an ordinary blue simulation, the top match is just the runner-up, focus on the storyline!

Kashiwagi adjusted his sitting posture and pressed the start button.

【Simulation starts】

The familiar light screen unfolded.

The first thing that caught the eye was a small room that resembled a sanatorium ward. A little pixel girl was lying on the hospital bed, looking sideways at the bright moon outside the window.

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