My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 729 God-given God

Compared to cypress.

The Tyrannosaurus is obviously much more persuasive.

In just a few sentences, the cursed doll gave up its reckless behavior of blocking the entrance to the spirit world for the second time. This shows that deep down in its heart, it actually understands that Kashiwagi is not Ryuuwa.

"It's all my fault, if I hadn't run around, if..."



Tyrannosaurus and other dragon Pokémon came to the cursed doll that blamed itself. They stretched out their claws and wings and whispered to comfort it. How could they blame the cursed doll.

Cursed dolls are their companions, everyone has long acknowledged this, and they will look for their separated companions no matter how dangerous they are.

If they blame it for the subsequent series of chain reactions, they themselves will not be able to forgive themselves. At the same time, it is equivalent to insulting their dragon trainer and bringing shame to the dragon and dragon who sacrificed for their partners for righteousness!

The dragon trainer has passed away, and they don't want Long He's death to be stained anymore, nor do they want to curse the doll to continue to indulge in self-blame.

The companion's comfort made the cursed doll's previous stubbornness and madness disappear.

It knew very well that the violent flying dragons that had grown up with Long He and were under the same sky with him would never feel better at this moment, and they would only suffer more.

They hope Long He can be resurrected more than anyone else.

But because of it, the Tyrannosaurus and the others suppressed their grief and held back their tears to comfort it, which was weak and ineffective.

"--sorry Sorry!"

The cursed doll hugged the Tyrannosaurus' face and cried loudly.

In an instant.

It turned back into the cursed doll it was decades ago, timid and powerless, always crying silently and always being comforted by Long He's soft words.

Yet seeing such a cursed doll.

The Tyrannosaurus and the others showed expressions of relief.

The cursed doll hasn't changed, it's still a familiar companion, and it means more to them than anything else.

The three dragon Pokémon and the cursed doll hugged each other tightly, just like what the dragon trainer once liked to do. He said that hugging can convey warmth and allow the other person to understand your kindness and warmth.


Seeing this scene, Kashiwagi couldn't help but touch the Pokémon around him as a form of comfort.

Fleur wiped the corners of her eyes slightly and looked at the entrance to the spiritual world in the sky. As a large number of lost souls flew in, it became smaller and smaller and was about to disappear.

"Little Hupa, please help me send grandma back."

She turned to Hupa and said.

"Ah? Okay, Hupa understands." Hupa nodded politely and opened the light wheel leading to the Sacred Mountain.

Before Furong's grandma walked in, she touched its head kindly and said, "Little Hupa, thank you. If you have the opportunity, I will come and visit you at Sacred Mountain."

"Huh? Huh? Are there any donuts for the sacred mountain?" Hupa asked, licking his fingers.

"Donuts?" Furong's grandma obviously didn't know what they were and said with a smile, "Although there aren't any, you tell grandma and grandma will make them for you."

Hupa nodded hastily.

Shanmin has been paying attention to the entrance to the spiritual world above his head. When the last lost soul penetrated into it, the entrance to the spiritual world that was originally only a small hole disappeared without a trace.

He was secretly relieved.

Although the whole process has some twists and turns, fortunately the ending is pretty good...

It should be pretty good?

He looked at the cursed doll hugging and crying with the three dragon Pokémon, sighed and shook his head.

There is no resurrection after death.

Even if he is resurrected, he will no longer be the same person as before.

Kashiwagi's experience made him give up some boring thoughts, and his expression became a little strange when he looked at his friend again.

Essentially, Kashiwagi is both Ryūwa and not Ryūwa.

Therefore, the previous grandfather inference is directly invalid - there is no such thing as a grandfather in the middle generation? But this is probably what we will declare to the outside world.

A human being resurrected by Arceus and Ho-Oh.

Kashiwagi's situation is simply like the "God-given gods" that those ancient monarchs boasted of themselves.

It's just that most of them are fake, and Kashiwagi is real.

Use this identity to make a fuss?

...Well, Kashiwagi will most likely not agree.

Shanmin knew very well that his friend was not very interested in becoming famous. He just loved Pokémon battles and wanted to defeat all opponents and reach the top.

Center of the venue.

The Tyrannosaurus and the others let go of the cursed doll and looked at Kashiwagi who was standing on the side.

The almost identical faces made them dazed for a moment, but they quickly came back to their senses, and each of them gave a friendly murmur to them.

Even though the appearance, voice, and gentle appearance are all similar, they will not regard Cypress as Ryuwa.

Because the eyes can't be fake, and the behavior habits can't be fake.

Longhe's eyes always looked at them with trust, enthusiasm and warmth, while Kashiwagi's eyes showed regret, kindness and... strangeness.

This is not their dragon trainer.

Helpless but forced to accept, the Tyrannosaurus and the others learned everything from Hupa, knowing that this was a child born from the dragon and its remains.


The Tyrannosaurus stepped forward, its rough claws caressing Cypress's face, his eyes complex as if he was yearning for it.


Its face wrinkled and its neck stretched forward as if it were vomiting, startling the people and Pokémon present.

Kashiwagi and Happy Egg were about to check its status when two wet beads, one large and one small, were spat out by the Tyrannosaurus.


It stretched out its tongue to lick the gastric juice off, then bit it and handed it to the person in front of it.

no doubt.

These are the Tyrannosaurus Evolution Stone and Keystone.

Kashiwagi once thought that Ryuuwa had not survived the trial in the Meteor, so he did not have the Super Stone and Key Stone. As a result, Ryuuwa actually hid them in the stomach of the Tyrannosaurus.

However, due to the situation in the bottom arena at that time, it was really troublesome to casually reveal the super evolution.

Environmental limitations.

Just like the dragon and the fourth elf ball, the cursed doll was included in it. That era was earlier than Dr. Oak, and the elf ball was probably not a consumable item like it is now.

"I will properly send this inheritance back to the Meteor together with the wooden plaque and the tomb, including you of course."

Kashiwagi looked at the Tyrannosaurus, as well as the Tanabata Bluebird and Desert Dragonfly, which tapped the body of the cursed doll with their wings.

After a dragon tamer dies, their dragon Pokémon will live in the dragon's nest, which is closest to where the Meteor People place their remains.

After hearing this, Tyrannosaurus and the other two dragon Pokémon nodded slightly, and then pushed the cursed doll that was wiping away tears.

He said: "I know."

The cursed doll instilled so many memories into him randomly. To be honest, it would be a lie if he wasn't angry, but if he wanted to take revenge or beat it, he felt it was unnecessary.

After all, it doesn’t feel refreshing at all.

Perhaps he knew that accepting dragons and death transcended all pain, and no amount of torture could make the cursed doll feel a higher level of pain.


Everyone left in the gap that gradually began to break.

Marshado has long disappeared, and the leader of the Phoenix King probably still has his work to do.

Hupa brought the three Dragon Pokémon and the Cursed Doll to the Pokémon Center in Silicon Beryllium City for further treatment. After the Dragon and Pokémon's relics were separated from the nameless skeleton, they were sent to Meteor Village together.

Kashiwagi concealed part of the inside story, and only informed Shijana, who was far away in Hoenn, about the discovery of the dragon, the cenotaph, and the dragon Pokémon through the Pokémon line.

The morning of Ole is the afternoon of Hoenn.

Shijana happened to see it and immediately reported the matter to the elders.

When Kashiwagi, Shanmin and Furong started to have breakfast, she sent a message back saying that the elders were going to summon all the people of the Meteor who were outside to prepare for Long He's return home.

Long He was one generation older than the elder, and all the dragon trainers of the same age as him had already returned to the meteor.

Now that he has returned from Ourei, it is of great significance to the entire Meteor people, so the funeral for welcoming the dragon and returning home will not be small.


After reading the content, Kashiwagi put down his phone.

Shanmin asked: "I'm worried about how to explain your identity?"

"Absolutely." He really didn't know how to tell all this to the elders, or just stop talking about it. What's the point of talking about it?

He was born from Long He, so he can be considered a descendant of Long He, right?

Furong drank the moo milk in one breath and said, "Kashiwagi, don't worry about people looking at you in a sexual way. Of course, I won't tell anyone about your situation, well, not even Daigo or others!"

"Actually, there is no -"

Kashiwagi wanted to say that he didn't care about other people's eyes, but if he thought about it carefully, he might really be misunderstood as a monster, and then provoke the bad guys who made the fuss.

Shanmin was always paying attention to his friend's face and said, "You can rest assured that no one here is talking. Brito and the others don't know the situation. Everything about you will be buried in the gap of destruction."


Kashiwagi nodded slightly.

Finished breakfast.

Furong did not go back to Fengyuan area directly.

She borrowed Kashiwagi's hoverbike and expressed that she wanted to take a stroll around Ole. Anyway, it was still early before her appearance in the Champions League.

Shanmin didn't even have time to pay her, so he had to contact someone from the Fengyuan Alliance who knew Furong to hand it over on his behalf.

"Another potential hidden danger has been eliminated, and the development of Huangtie Town is unstoppable!"

He waved his fist, and the disappearance of the entrance to the spiritual world took away his worries. The next step was how to convince that bastard N.

That's right.

Since the last quarrel with N, Shanmin would always add "that bastard" when mentioning N, which seemed particularly childish.

Kashiwagi deliberately eased the relationship between them, but as a result, the two busy people didn't even have a chance to meet.

It seems that we can only wait until the Valley of Creation starts growing food for Ourei.

And for the great hero Hupa——

Kashiwagi generously prepared a donut feast for this poor little devil who was pulled up to serve as a portal, and sent Gengars of different colors to fight for it.

Food is sometimes more delicious when eaten together than when eaten alone.

Hupa lived up to expectations and ate more than thirty donuts before he stopped. If his belly hadn't been so bulging that it was about to explode, one would really wonder if the donuts he had eaten were transferred away by him using his light wheel.

Later, Mayali complained about Kashiwagi's behavior of allowing him to eat Haise indiscriminately. Even though the latter was a coordination trainer she admired, she found an opportunity to give him a lesson.

This made Kashiwagi fully understand how helpless it was to be taught a lesson by his sister, which aroused strong resonance in Balza.

One day passed.

News came from Silica City that the relics and remains had been separated.

Kashiwagi originally planned to send him there directly, but the Meteor Village asked him to wait a little. The Meteor people who were far away from overseas had not yet fully returned.

Easy to handle!

Just let Hupa help!

So Kashiwagi and Hupa went to Meteor Village first, discussed with the elders and a group of older Meteor people, and began to use the light wheel to fish for people.

With everyone's help, all the people of Meteor who went out returned to Meteor Village.


Long He, who had been waiting for decades, finally ushered in his homecoming ceremony...

and funerals.

The elder holds the box containing the dragon, clothes and wooden sign, and loudly sings sad ancient folk songs.

The lyrics, which are different from the current language, made the people of Meteor who followed behind shed tears. Even the young dragon tamer, who was usually the most noisy, wiped his tears with his arms.

The giant dragons looked up to the sky and roared, and the same roar came from the dragon nest on the horizon. Countless wild Pokémon looked at this scene curiously.

In a long queue.

Ryuuwa's Dragon Pokémon and Cursed Doll accompany them from team to team.

In addition to the three dragon Pokémon such as Tyrannosaurus, Long He also left some other dragon Pokémon, and they were all present this time.

The three extremely strong dragon Pokémon in the gap were crying bitterly, and every step they took seemed particularly heavy.

Kashiwagi, who was on par with them as a descendant, was heartbroken. He had never cried before, and his eyes felt a little moist.

He couldn't imagine what Tyrannosaurus felt.

Having once connected heart to heart with the dragon and completed its super evolution, facing the death of the dragon trainer, it was like losing half of its soul.

Is it really acceptable?

Kashiwagi felt that he would definitely not be able to accept the death of any Pokémon, and he would definitely try his best to bring it back to life.

Presumably Xiaomao felt the same pain when facing Lada who died of serious injuries in "The Festival of the King".

The elder walked all the way until he came to Meteor, the former home of the Meteor people, and came to the oldest dragon temple.

She sent Long He's wooden sign into it, and brought the relics into the traditional tomb of the people of Meteor.

The cursed doll wanted to follow, but was stopped.

The Soul Tomb of the Meteor People is inhabited by generations of ancestors of the Meteor People. Only elders and immediate family members of the deceased can enter——

It's not that it's unkind, it's just that the Soul Tomb is too small, and most of the Dragon Pokémon are huge. If one goes in, they all want to go in, so it's better not to go in at all.

The homecoming ceremony is over.

Meteor Village is going to take the opportunity to hold a festival, and the people of Meteor haven't been here in such numbers for many years.

Kashiwagi handed the Super Stone and Key Stone to the elder.

He had already obtained a keystone from the people of Meteor, and he could not give this one away as it would be too heartless.

"Aren't you going to use your grandfather's keystone?" the elder asked warmly.

Kashiwagi refused: "I already have my own key stone. The key stone of Long and Grandfather should be passed on to the next person according to the tradition of the people of Meteor."

"That's fine."

The elder smiled and took them away.

Come out of the Dragon Temple.

Kashiwagi exhaled, and finally figured out his life experience, but he really didn't know whether he should be happy or not.

The humans who were rubbed out by Arceus...

Theoretically, he should be similar to the Space-Time Twin Dragon, the Antimatter Dragon, and the Gods of the Lake, right? No wonder a good dragon heart suddenly mutates into a god's heart.

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