My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 741 The Power of Wild Sand

Take a short break.

Kashiwagi stood up and faced Masaki, who could no longer hold back anymore and went to the venue to wait.

The trainers in both places started to clamor, and they were all very enthusiastic about the upcoming final battle. Even Marin, who was in a state of despair after the game, cheered up. Jin Ge even sat down early to watch what he thought was the best place. angle.

Zhengyi's strength has been demonstrated at the opening, and the powerful solar beam is impressive.

So what will be the outcome of his battle with Kashiwagi?

Let’s get started!

Countless people watched Kashiwagi enter the venue expectantly.

There was no unnecessary communication, eye contact was the signal to start the war, and Zhengyi, who had been planning for nearly a week, excitedly threw the Poké Ball forward.

"Leave it to you! Coal Turtle!"


The light flickered.

An orange-brown turtle that puffs smoke from its large nostrils and makes a sound like a train whistle makes its entrance.

At the same moment it appeared, an illusory sun appeared faintly in the sky, and strong sunlight fell, illuminating the battlefield.

"A coal turtle with sunshine characteristics."

Kashiwagi glanced at the fake sun in the sky and threw the elf ball he had prepared.


"Lu saliva!"

Doronbaruto's ghostly body trembled slightly. It didn't like the feeling of being completely exposed to the sun, as if it had nothing to hide.

Defeat your opponent early and get off the field early.

It looked at the coal turtle that had smoke bursting out of its nostrils every time it breathed. Light suddenly flashed on its body and disappeared in the next second.

Zheng Yihao said without hesitation: "Spray fire!"


The coal turtle raised its head and shouted.

Boom! !

The loud noise is deafening!

In an instant, a terrifying pillar of fire shot out from the center of the Coal Turtle's shell. Endless flames surged above the ground, forming an endless cloud of dark smoke in an instant.

The entire battlefield darkened, and then a large number of irregular lava masses fell crazily like a torrential rain, becoming so dense that it made people breathless, and continued to make dull rumbling sounds.

The scene that seemed to destroy everything made the trainers and a few scattered Pokémon watching on both sides hold their breath.

The power of the fire-breathing can be seen under the clear sky.

There is no hiding!

Densely packed lava masses of large and small sizes almost covered the entire site!

Where is Doronbaruto?

What answered them was a flash of white light that was difficult to follow with the naked eye.


Not hearing its sound but seeing its shadow, everyone felt that their eyes were blurred. A silk-like light trail was added to the venue. It happened to avoid all the falling lava masses and pointed directly at the side of the coal turtle!



Zhengyi's voice was stuck in his throat, and the scene of the white light streaking across the side of the coal turtle, turning it over easily, echoed in his mind.

Boom boom boom boom——

The lava ball that fell to the ground exploded into bright and huge flame balls, like countless flowers that suddenly bloomed.

So fast [a flash of lightning]!

The next level [Super Speed] is nothing more than that!

Zhengyi looked excitedly at the place where the white light disappeared, and shouted: "Hold up and blow smoke!"


The coal turtle, which had not suffered much damage, tightened its limbs and head. Large plumes of thick smoke poured out from the diamond-shaped holes in the turtle shell. Smoke was sprayed out from the big hole in the middle and it flew high!


The venue was filled with the sound of sharp train whistles, and the hot smoke spread in all directions, encroaching on every piece of ground that had been bombarded by the spitfire.

Everyone looked around the entire venue with wide eyes, and soon found the wandering figure of Doron Baruto where the hot smoke did not reach. The indigo light faded from it, replaced by the orange light of improved abilities.

And after doing all this, it disappeared without a trace again like a phantom, and the dangerous hot smoke brewing in the mist failed to hurt it at all.

What should I do if I can’t find an opponent?

They all looked up at the Coal Turtle flying to a high place. As long as Kashiwagi wanted to win, Doron Baruto would definitely attack. If they kept an eye on the Coal Turtle, they would naturally find Doron Baruto.


Zhengyi thinks so too.

He could even guess the timing of Kashiwagi's command, which must be when the Coal Turtle reaches the highest point due to the power of the smoke!

"Fire Wheel!"


The coal turtle that was about to fall suddenly turned around, and the rugged skirt immediately ignited flames, turning it into a dazzling fire wheel!

However, Kashiwagi did not wait for the coal turtle to fall before giving orders. He silently watched the fire wheel fall and move forward until it crashed to the ground.

Oops! Too urgent!

Zhengyi suddenly realized that his prediction was counter-predicted by Kashiwagi. The enemy was in the dark and we were in the light. We should wait for work instead of taking action rashly.

The initiative is lost!


"Dragon Arrow!"

Bang bang!

Doron Baruto appeared above the Coal Turtle, blue flames spurted out from both sides of the wide triangular head, and two Doron Mecias covered in indigo dragon flames rushed over screaming!

They were extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye they rushed from two directions, left and right, towards the coal turtle that stood up after falling to the ground.


As soon as the Coal Turtle heard the trainer's instructions, he suddenly felt severe pain in his left front leg and right hind leg!

Bang bang!

Dragon flames burst into smoke.

The Coal Turtle rolled and spun uncontrollably. Although it did not fall on its back like it was knocked down by Doron Baruto's lightning flash, the heavy impact and the dragon flames that were different from normal flames still caused it to suffer a lot. damage.

More importantly, the pain in his left front leg and right hind leg was unbearable, making him unable to stand.

"Hang on Coal Turtle! Concentrate your strength to the top! Spray smoke upwards!"

Zhengyi's shout made the coal turtle hold back the pain. The six diamond-shaped holes in the middle of the turtle shell glowed red like a boiler, concentrating all the energy into the top gap——


The scorching plume of smoke mixed with firelight shot straight into the sky, and its target was Baluto, the dragon who welcomed the return of the two little dragons!

Even though the smoke breathing is not as good as the fire breathing at full state, it is equally powerful under the influence of sunny weather, and it will be difficult for Pokémon with poor special defense to continue smoothly.

Fortunately, Doronbaruto is fast enough.

"Lu saliva!"


White light flashed, and Doron Baruto picked up the little Doron with a move that no one else could do, and flew away before the hot smoke formed a mushroom cloud and spread quickly!

The smoke spray is indeed very powerful and covers a wide range, but its spreading speed when attacking is not ideal.

It's okay against Pokémon with poor mobility, but it's not good against Doronbaruto, who has recently been practicing Lightning Flash to develop reflex nerves and dynamic vision.

The lightning flash of Genji's desert dragonfly left a deep impression on Kashiwagi. In his opinion, Doron Baruto, who has an advantage in speed, must have more prospects if he studies seriously.

And indeed it is.

The offensiveness may not be satisfactory, but Lightning Flash is very effective as a displacement move.

He intends to develop Dragon Baruto into a level three Pokémon that cannot be caught, found, or beaten, and give full play to its speed advantage.

"Take over."

Kashiwagi saw that the time was right and substituted Doronbaruto.

The Coal Turtle is a bit harder than expected, and the dragon arrow after the Dragon Dance failed to take it down. Of course, it may also have something to do with the location of the attack.

Others were puzzled when they saw his exchange at this time. Wouldn't it be better to defeat the Coal Turtle completely in one go?

Doronbaruto is not in such a critical situation that he must end his life, right?

Zhengyi also failed to guess Kashiwagi's considerations at the first time, but he knew that this was a good opportunity to replace the coal turtle, leaving Qingshan without worrying about running out of firewood.


The trainers on both sides took back the Pokémon one after another, and released the next one in turn.


The giant steel snake entered the scene, and the ground shook slightly.

Appearing opposite it was the equally huge pitch-black giant crow, whose pitch-black eyes looked a bit penetrating.

Steel-Armored, a Pokémon with steel and flying attributes.

This attribute combination has fewer weaknesses, more resistance, and two immunity attributes. Coupled with its dual defense that is not a hindrance, it cannot be overstated to say it is excellent.

As for Zhengyi Qingtian's choice of a steel-type Pokémon, it was not because he was out of his mind.

Just because he knew better than Kashiwagi when the sunny day would end, but Kashiwagi would send out the big steel snake, which was a bit unexpected for him.

Is the super evolved Boss Cordora the third one?

Political meaning is hidden in the heart.

no doubt.

The Super Boss Cordora left a deep enough impression on him last time, so many of his preset tactics in the past week revolved around Boss Cordora.

Of course, there are also tactical arrangements for other situations, but after all, there are not many that involve Boscodora——

"Mega evolution."

Under the blank gazes of Zhengyi and the young trainers in Silica City, Kashiwagi took out the key stone and completed a spiritual link with the giant steel snake.

The familiar bright light overwhelmed the false sun in the sky, but the object that emitted the light felt extremely strange to them.

After a few short breaths.

The super-large steel snake, as tall as a mountain and majestic as a peak, looked down at the steel-armored crow flying in the air with its cold, ice-blue eyes.

The fishbone-like horizontal crystal pillars are brewing with terrifying energy that is unimaginable to ordinary people.

"Super evolved... big steel snake!?"

Even a big-hearted person like Zhengyi could not hide the surprise on his face when he saw the super-large steel snake.

The third Mega Evolved Pokémon!

It is difficult for ordinary people to own even one, but Kashiwagi actually has three that can super evolve!

There is no justice!

The young trainers in Silicon Beryllium City felt like they were struck by five thunders. Huang Tiezhen's reaction was mediocre because they had seen it for a long time and lacked knowledge of super evolution.

I even thought they were making too much of a fuss. After all, it was just a super evolution and it wasn't the first time I used it.

"Steel-armored crow uses provocation!"

Zhengyi quickly came to his senses. He knew almost nothing about Mega Steel Snake, but he understood that after Mega Evolution, the Pokémon is completely different from the one before.

When you don't know what it's good at, it's easiest to use Provoke Seal to change its moves.

It's just that he was a step slower.


When the eyes of the steel-armored crow lit up, the super-large steel snake stood upright first and poked the ground with the tip of its tail. There were more four pairs of horizontal crystal pillars and free metal fragments than the ordinary steel snake. Like a fan, it rotates rapidly visible to the naked eye!

In a blink of an eye.

rumble--! !

The overwhelming violent gravel emerged out of thin air, and the false sun in mid-air dispersed silently, not daring to compete with it!

Everyone kept exclaiming.

Zhengyi raised his hand to block the fine sand and dust coming towards his face, then quickly put it down, looking at the sandstorm in front of him in disbelief, no, it was a sand wall storm!

The yellow sand covering the entire venue is as thick as a wall, and its height reaches the dome of the arena. It is so watertight that not even a small arrow bird can fly in.

Naturally, he could not see the slightest glimpse of the scene inside, but the gravel was spinning at a high speed and continued to release terrifying air waves. Even if he stood there, he felt like he would be sucked in at any time.

And he was obviously used to the smell of wind and sand blowing against his face, so why did he feel like his face was being slapped in pain now?

Must calm down.


"I can't take it back now even if I want to. Can we just wait?"

Masaki suddenly remembered that when Kashiwagi and Genji fought, the two-in-one move of Sandstorm and Quicksand Hell used by Genji's Desert Dragonfly was so similar to this moment.

The only difference is that the Super Steel Snake did it with only Sandstorm.

He could only hope that the Steel-Armored Crow could persist until the end. Fortunately, the steel-type Pokémon was not afraid of the energy damage of the sandstorm. Can the Super Steel Snake take out his hand to attack if it continues to maintain such a sandstorm?

the answer is--


In the terrifying sand wall, the super-large steel snake like a giant pillar looked up to the heights to find the weak point. The steel-armored crow broke through and launched an attack without hesitation!

The rapidly rotating metal fragments around it suddenly shrank, and a large amount of gravel enveloped it, turning into golden boulders and launching them towards the steel-armored crow.

Hoo ho ho!

The golden boulder flew as fast as an afterimage. Although the steel-armored crow reacted quickly enough to detect the incoming object immediately and made highly maneuverable dodge movements, it never imagined that the super-large steel snake could pass through the inside of the boulder. The metal fragments steer the direction of the boulder.


The cry of the steel-armored crow is hoarse and shrill, and its dexterous movements are worthy of the praise it has received in the Galar region for thousands of years.

However, in the limited space, its huge body is difficult to completely dodge.


The sound of stone hitting metal was followed by the shattering of the boulder. The steel-armored crow suddenly fell in a straight line. Its left wing feathers had multiple cracks, but the most important thing was that the golden light of the boulder was attached to its wings.

It was unable to flap its wings and was hit by [Shoot Down] and fell into [Shoot Down] state. This special state does not need to be exchanged and eliminated, and it only relies on time to survive for an extremely long time.

It's a pity that the steel-armored crow didn't have any chance.

As soon as it hit the ground, it suddenly shattered and dented. A funnel-shaped quicksand vortex was formed in the terrifying shock. Just as the steel-armored crow was about to take a step forward, the vortex with its own suction swallowed it up inch by inch!


The steel-armored crow screamed and struggled. It emerged from the sand a few times and was quickly swallowed. This was repeated about three times before it completely stopped moving.

Off the field.

The trainers on both sides were whispering to each other, rehearsing what would happen in the sandstorm.

The sand wall really hinders the viewing experience. We can't see what's going on inside, so we can only wait for the results slowly, which is really unbearable.

Zhengyi frowned. The Steel-Armored Crow hadn't given him feedback for so long that he had given up hope.

The main thing I'm thinking about right now is the possibility of the Coal Turtle competing with the Super Steel Snake for weather. The Coal Turtle in its heyday might actually be able to take over. Now...

The other side.

Kashiwagi looked at the sand wall with emotion, "You are so powerful in the game, so you won't be called one of the weakest megas. The power of sand, I didn't know it was so powerful if I didn't use it."

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