My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 751 Double Standard Aesthetics

Single egg spheres evolve extremely quickly.

Not long after the actors crossed the canvas suspension bridge, this little thing that looked like it was lodged in jelly acquired its new form.

[Your single egg cell ball evolved into a double egg cell ball]

"Don't say that, you're so ugly."

Kashiwagi raised his eyebrows slightly.

The actor's Pokémon are not slow to acquire, nor are they slow to evolve. Currently, there are only two members left before the full roster.

Such "efficient" travel has become the cornerstone of his rapid growth.

[You have returned to Sail City, and the familiar sails have brought back your memories]

The narrator's narration made Kashiwagi know that Fanba City was the actor's hometown, but he seemed not to be able to see the joy of returning to his hometown.

He stopped in front of a house for a long time.

[You gave up your plan to visit your mother. She has already formed a new family like your father. You are just an outsider]

The actor's mood is as low as the narrator expresses.

His parents divorced and started a new family. At the age of ten, he went to Pokémon Hollywood alone to realize his dream of becoming a star. Who would have thought that after his status as a child star faded away, he would face a fate called box office poison.

The life of an actor is not without its ups and downs.

Fortunately, things are about to turn around for the actor.


Kashiwagi feels that the actor's life is about to turn around.

[You start to challenge the Sailbar Gym]

The actor came to challenge the gym, and the owner of the Famba Gym surprised Kashiwagi.

"Boss Ju? The younger version?"

He looked at the little pixel man inside which was slightly different from the model of Boss Ju, and wondered whether this man was Boss Ju in his youth or Boss Ju's father.

Is the latter more likely?

The idea was verified because "Boss Ju" used a rock-type Pangyan monster.

The previous generation was the leader of the Rock Gym...

The actor sent out the newly conquered Double Egg Cell Ball. It has the [Magic Defense] property and can ignore all damage except direct damage.

That is, the continuous blowing of sand in sandstorm weather is ineffective against it.

Subsequently, the double egg cell ball resisted the rock avalanche and rock blast of the Pangyan monster, and rushed over to use its recklessness to reduce the opponent's physical strength to the same level as it.

Although the double egg cell ball was defeated by the head hammer, it also gave the magic wall puppet who appeared later the opportunity to directly take away the Pangyan monster with mental force.

And because the double egg cell ball accompanied Pangyan Monster for enough time, the sandstorm ended quickly.

Facing the Rock Temple Dweller Crab released by Boss Ju's father, the Magic Wall Doll once again began to create a maze to trap it in it.

"So patient."

Kashiwagi had to lament the actor's obsession with the maze routine. It would be difficult for him to take the initiative to do this behavior that would extend the battle time indefinitely.

After all, the longer time passes, the more opportunities the other party will get.

Seeing that Chichi Yandian's resident crab failed to get close to the magic wall doll, Boss Ju's father decided to give it a try.

He first asked the Rock Temple Crab to abandon its huge rock shell, and then ordered it to use the shell-breaking method to increase its attack, special attack and speed, and directly used the rock cannon to smash the transparent wall in front of it.

Invisible walls shattered.

There are constantly crackling and shattering onomatopoeias appearing in the battle field, just like reading comics.


When the rock cannon smashed the last transparent wall in front of the magic wall puppet, the magic wall puppet behind it disappeared like an illusory afterimage.

A stand-in?

Kashiwagi raised his eyebrows, where did the body of the magic wall doll go?

The narrator gives the answer.

[You used the reflective effect of the reflective wall to successfully mislead the Gym Leader and the Rock Hall Crab]

The figure of the magic wall puppet suddenly appeared on the other side of the broken transparent wall.

Kashiwagi: "..."

It stands to reason that watching the battle from a god's perspective, it is impossible for him not to see the magic wall puppet. After all, the reflecting wall is not pointed at the sky.

However, in order to enhance the effect of the show, the simulator made the Magic Wall puppet invisible, which made him think that the actors had done some big job that he didn't understand.

Thank you emulator.

However, this move still shocked the owner of the sailing hall. The rock cannon, which was unable to move for a while, was killed by mental force without any resistance.

Due to the broken shell, the physical and special double defenses are reduced, and it is almost impossible to block the attack of the Magic Wall Doll.

The last one of the owner of the sailing hall, a huge and burly rock snake.

It seems to make a maze composed of transparent walls not much higher than the magic wall puppet ineffective, but at such times, the actor often likes to send out his dance partner.

Gothic girl who is good at flying bricks.

It can be seen that the actor really likes the scene where the opponent is controlled by spiritual power, otherwise Miss Goth would not have to come out to finish every gym challenge.

[You defeated the Samba Gym Leader and obtained the Sailba Badge]

Got the fourth badge.

At this time, even if the actor does not deliberately promote himself.

Through word of mouth among the gym leaders, as well as other challengers who often quietly watch the battle in the auditorium but are ignored by the actors, some people in the circle of trainers in Hezhong gradually became aware of his existence.

Some people began to inquire about the actor and learned about his situation and past.

[You meet trainers who challenge you, and passers-by claim to like your movies. You know that your choice is not wrong]

The scene flashed on the screen where the actor was competing with others and the actor was asked for an autograph by passers-by.

Kashiwagi was inexplicably happy and felt very strange.

In the past, four badges in the Hezhong region could greatly increase a person's reputation, but now in the Fengyuan region, eight badges were lost to everyone.

If he had not made an appearance in the gorgeous competition before, no matter how wonderful his performance in the league conference was, his fame would not be as high as it is now.

It can only be said that today’s gym challenges are too closed. If gym challenges are held as grandly as in the Galar region, the gold content of badges will definitely return to the past——


By then, the number of badges issued will inevitably decrease significantly.

Therefore, the gold content of badges is not as good as before, but it also gives more trainers the opportunity to obtain badges.

【You left Fanba City】

The actor continues on the planned journey.

In the tourmaline cave on Route 6, he was chased by a large group of electric spiders. The reason was that an electric insect that ran to him and absorbed static electricity scared him and was thrown out by him.

[You have never been able to deal with insect-type Pokémon, and the pursuit of electric spiders reminds you of a classic horror movie - the unknown spider-type Pokémon in it will lay Pokémon eggs inside the human body]

"Hey~ Does the Pokémon world also have such heavy-flavored movies?"

When Kashiwagi saw this narration, he couldn't help but recall some monster movies and plasma movies in his previous life.

He took out his cell phone and searched quickly, deciding to watch it with Big Mouth Baby in two days. It would be interesting to see the prude young lady turn pale with fear.

Ha ha.

within the light screen.

The actors who survived the disaster successfully arrived in Fukiyose City, and the twin-egg ball also gained new evolution in the fierce battle with the electric spider swarm.

[Your double egg cell ball evolved into an artificial cell egg]

Come to the final form.

The actor’s positioning for it suddenly became clear——

A Pokémon with super powers that can be used in melee combat.

Although it is not clear whether the actor knows that the special attack of the artificial cell egg is actually stronger than the physical attack, he obviously intends to make the artificial cell egg go dark on this road.

Key narration reveals that the Cyborg itself also enjoys punching its opponents.

The actor even showed it a boxer's line so it could follow the boxer's line and learn how to punch.

Quite magical.

[You have arrived in Fukiyose City, a city where flowers and leaves gather in the wind]

The most eye-catching thing about Fukiyose City is that it has a huge airport. This was true even in the era where the actor lived.

The actor took the Pokémon around and then headed straight to the gym.

[You challenge Fukiyose Gym Leader]

The gym leader is a middle-aged man who claims to be a pilot and often helps spray pesticides on farmland with his Pokémon.

no doubt.

His Pokémon, like future Fukiyose Gym Leader Furu, is of the flying type.

The difference is that Fenglu's representative Pokémon is Dancing Swan, while his representative Pokémon is a proud male pheasant, whose crest is quite eye-catching like Dance Mask.

The classic house bird Pokémon.

The Magic Wall Doll's maze tactic basically can't trap air units until it can't make the transparent wall bigger and taller, so its good helper, the symbolic bird, comes forward.

In a gravity environment, all flying units are equal.

It has to be said that this move can defeat all Pokémon that rely on wings to move. If it cannot be broken, even if the Phoenix King comes, it will have to land obediently.

The success made Fukiyose Gym the easiest gym for actors to play in so long.

There was no need for Miss Gothic to come on stage to finish. The artificial cell egg, while wielding the thunder fist, transformed Heart Bat and Vulture Na into electric bats and electric vultures.

[You defeated the Fukiyose Gym Leader and obtained the Fukiyose Badge]

After the gym challenge, the actor asked the gym owner if there were any Pokémon with super powers around. He learned that Heartbat was a Pokémon with super powers, but he remembered what it looked like...

[You politely rejected the museum owner’s kindness in entrusting the Heart Bat to you, saying that Pokémon must be conquered by your own hands]

The actor Chou declined.

The narrator says that he can accept the symbolic bird and the artificial cell egg because the former has the special beauty of ancient mysterious history.

The appearance of the latter is a bit biased towards the theme of the recently popular science fiction movies. In the future, he may be able to use artificial cell eggs to participate in the film. The heart bat really makes him unable to think of how to arrange it.

"It's actually not that ugly."

Kashiwagi secretly complained that he has a very high tolerance for Pokémon, and even Smelly can find a bright spot.

When the owner of Fukiyose Hall saw the actor rejecting the Heart Bat, he said that a very special Pokémon once appeared in the Tower of Heaven——

Little gray monster.

[You heard that there was a little gray monster coming out of the Tower of Heaven, so you headed towards the Tower of Heaven without saying a word]

Kashiwagi: "Huh?"

Isn’t Heart Bat Ugly Little Gray Monster ugly?

He had difficulty understanding the actor's aesthetic.

But Kashiwagi soon learned that the reason why the actor liked the little gray monster was because of its symbolic meaning.

[You can’t wait to find the little gray monster because there was an alien movie that became a hit the year before last. You think that future alien movies will definitely be popular and popular]

Alien movie…

The little gray monster seems to be indeed considered to be a Pokémon that came to this planet on a UFO that fell into the desert. Although no one can confirm this, Kashiwagi feels that it is very true.

Isn’t Deoxys an “alien”? A humanoid Pokémon transformed by an alien virus.

【You have arrived at the Tower of Heaven】

Tower of Paradise.

It is a resting place for lost Pokémon similar to Hoenn's Sacred Mountain and Kanto Pokémon Tower in the Hezhu area. The actors who enter it quickly calm down from their restless state.

He launched a blanket search based on the clues given by the owner of the Fukiyose Museum, and also sent out the symbolic bird and Miss Goth, two beings with relatively keen senses.

The picture flows.

I don’t know how long it took, maybe a few days.

The actor found his target outside the Tower of Heaven, where he lit a campfire and decided to continue camping until he found the little gray monster.

Who would have thought that the little gray monster would take the initiative to appear next to the bonfire.

One person and one Pokémon stared at each other in silence, chasing each other closely!

The panicked little gray monster wanted to teleport away, but Miss Gothic used provocation to stop it, and was sealed by the symbolic bird, making it difficult to use other superpower moves.

In the end, the little gray monster had no choice but to be captured and was subdued by the actor.

[You have conquered the little gray monster, and the number of alien actors has increased]

The actor who got the little gray monster did not hesitate and began to teach the little gray monster how to act with the magic wall puppet. He was determined to use the power of the little gray monster to open up his own acting path.

Acting and acting.

The little gray monster actually evolved.

[Your little gray monster evolves into a Daewoo monster]

The actor was very pleasantly surprised. He thought that the existence of the Big Woo Monster might be able to convince the director who used the little gray monster to make an alien movie to make a second film.

The Dayu Monster can become the protagonist of the second part.

[While you are working hard to train Daewoo and other Pokémon, you have also felt the many benefits that traveling has brought to you. You feel that you should have traveled long ago]

The Daewoo monster joins the team, and the satisfied actor heads to the next city.


[You have arrived at Snow Flower City, the shining snow flowers in the sky are the specialty here]

It's a pity that the actor's timing was wrong and we couldn't see Snow Flower.

He went straight to Snowflake Gym.

The gym leader is a graceful woman who uses ice-type Pokémon.

The double Dodo ice with snowfall characteristics was just like the Pangyan monster he had encountered in Fanba City. The actor did not hesitate and directly released the artificial cell eggs.

the difference is.

This time he no longer needed to rely on reckless tactics. The artificial cell egg was already powerful enough, and he successfully defeated Double Dodo Ice with two puffs of his arm hammer.

The artificial cell egg, which was preparing to go all the way in the physical attack, showed no signs of holding back the team.

The second Pokémon Tundra Bear appears.

The artificial cell egg was not afraid to go up and fight with this huge white bear that stood more than two meters tall. Unfortunately, the speed reduction of the arm hammer caused its punch speed to decrease, and its swimming ability also decreased.

He fell under the impact of the tundra bear's icicles.

The artificial cell egg has lost, and its replacement is undoubtedly the Magic Wall Doll.

Only this time the actors did not use maze tactics, and the transparent walls changed from a large maze to a "box" that restricts the tundra bears' movements.

At the same time, it returns to the original control and wall attack.

It has to be said that this routine is as effective as the maze tactic, coupled with the newly learned thickening technology of the Magic Wall Doll - combining multiple layers of transparent walls together to become like double-sided bulletproof glass.

Greatly improves the hardness of transparent walls.

The tundra bear was trapped in a "box" and couldn't move, becoming a polar bear in the circus.

As for the Snowflake Hall owner's third Pokémon, Geometric Snowflake, it fell under the mental impact of Miss Goth. Now the latter's mental power can "distort" space during operation.

That is the reflected starry sky introduced in the illustrated book.

[You defeated the Snowflake Gym Leader and obtained the Snowflake Badge]

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