My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 759 The seal is lifted

A fine afternoon.

Kashiwagi, as usual, operated the unmanned deep aircraft to explore the seabed.



He suddenly stopped the forward joystick, adjusted the camera and made the Shenzhen aircraft take a few steps back. A dark cave suddenly appeared in front of him.

What's more important is that there seems to be some kind of pattern printed on both sides of the cave. He almost missed it because it was blocked by seaweed.

He manipulated the robotic arm to pull the seaweed apart, and soon a large amount of algae adhered to the surface, and many strange and incomplete murals appeared in the camera.

"Doctor! Come and take a look at this!"

Kashiwagi immediately turned his head and shouted, and the three people on the deck filed in. At a glance, they saw the mural that was slightly blurred due to seawater corrosion and algae growth.

Dr. Hodaka said in surprise: "Yes! This is it!"

He was operating on a computer next to him, and a picture suddenly appeared on the front screen. The similarity to the cave paintings was astonishingly 80%!

"Finally found it!"

Asahi excitedly grabbed Kashiwagi's shoulders and shook him.

They finally didn't find the target in the last unexplored sea area, even if the remaining areas were not much different from the last one.

A Jian didn't say anything, but a look of relief unconsciously filled his brows.

Kashiwagi asked: "Should we go in and explore directly, or should we go around the cave first to clean up the seaweed nearby and collect more mural information?"

"Let's collect information first. If there are murals that are not included in the data, it will be a major discovery!" Dr. Hodaka suppressed his excitement.


He agreed.

Although he was very much looking forward to entering the bulletin stone room to decipher the ancient Braille, Kashiwagi knew that the purpose of Dr. Hodaka and the others' coming here was not so much to find the three sacred pillars, but to use them to find a more distant history.

The scallion duck you got won't fly far, so take your time.

"Leave it to me." A Jian suddenly said: "Next-"

"Stop, I understand, I'll give way."

Kashiwagi raised his hand and quickly moved out of the way, handing the control panel of the unmanned deep aircraft to A Jian.

It is not difficult to remove seaweed and algae from the walls, but if you are doing research, you must ensure that the content of the murals is not destroyed, so the removal speed must be infinitely slowed down. This will be a troublesome task that consumes extremely energy and physical strength.

A Jian obviously wanted to take over this tiring job, but he wouldn't say it so bluntly.

It's just weird.

Anyway, Kashiwagi was not interested in listening to the awkward words of a grown man. He once thought that if A Jian suffered a loss because of his character, that would be what A Jian deserved.


Just be glad you live in the Pokémon world, boy.

He patted A Jian on the shoulder. The latter frowned and didn't quite understand what he meant, but he didn't care much.

The most important priority now is to collect intelligence on the murals.


Just as Kashiwagi thought.

Even with the help of high technology, digging ancient ruins is still a very tiring task.

The three of them and Dr. Hodaka worked overtime to clean the murals. It still took them four or five days, and they even returned to Kaina City once for supplies before they were able to clean all the murals near the entrance of the cave.

Fortunately, it has been fruitful.

“The traces of history are so fascinating!”

Dr. Hodaka looked at the mural scanned on the computer with a hearty smile on his face.

The content of the mural is very similar to Kashiwagi's imagination. It is an abstract painting of human sacrifices to Regice, Regirock, and Regischiru in ancient Hoenn, with many raised dots underneath.

no doubt.

These are the writings of ancient civilizations.

Dr. Hodaka said: "The biggest difference between ancient Braille and modern Braille is that it has different meanings based on the length and shape of the Braille symbols. It is a very complex language system."

Kashiwagi asked: "Is it difficult to decipher?"

"It was more difficult in the past, but there have been many people involved in ancient writing research over the years, and I happen to know one of them." Dr. Hodaka said with a smile, and an email message popped up on the lower right side of the computer: "Here he comes!"

He clicked on the email, and a series of translations corresponding to the pictures appeared in front of everyone.

"Eternal giant, we are willing to give everything"

"Eternal giant, may you always protect us"

"Eternal giant, where is the hope for the future?"

"Eternal giant, please forgive us"

"Hymn?" Asahi asked curiously.

Kashiwagi said: "Rather than praise, I think it is the history of the development of civilization...I have heard that this civilization first lived in caves?"

Dr. Hodaka responded: "Yes, they first lived in dark caves to avoid natural disasters, and Braille was also developed at that time.

"Later, they used the power of the legendary giants to get out of the cave and further developed a splendid civilization. Unfortunately, it ended abruptly."

A Jian didn't express any opinions and silently flew the unmanned deep aircraft to the cave.

It’s time to explore further!

Amid everyone's expectant gazes, the drone slowly entered the cave. The high beam was turned on to illuminate the interior environment of the cave. What came into view was a deep and straight tunnel.

There was no sign of any wild Pokémon activity.

At the end was a fork in the road leading to two different directions: left and right. After a short discussion, everyone decided to explore to the right first.

I never thought that this would be a reverse road.

Nothing was found.

Seeing the thoughtful expressions on the three people's faces, Kashiwagi asked, "Could it also be a mural with text?"

Dr. Hodaka immediately said: "Kashiwagi is right! Look carefully to see if there are any patterns or raised Braille on the wall!"


A Jian controlled the drone to search carefully.

Soon he found a rock wall covered by a large amount of dust. After carefully cleaning away the dust, a few lines of Braille were revealed.

Dr. Hotaka quickly sent it to his friend.

The other party was also very efficient and replied within five minutes.

"The Hall of Words is above here"

Asahi saw this and said: "Above? Does that mean there is a passage that can be walked on?"

A Jian turned the camera around without saying a word, and as Asahi said, he found a new passage above the rock wall.

The drone rose rapidly, and it made a sudden crash.

"Is it surfaced? There is a big hole here!" Asahi exclaimed.

Kashiwagi squinted his eyes. Although it was slightly different from the situation in his memory, overall this was indeed the announcement stone chamber of the Liberation Pillar in the game.

at the same time.

Ajian has completed the survey of the cave and confirmed that there are no signs of living things nearby, and that the air content in the cave can support human activities.

"It's our turn."

He stood up and said to Kashiwagi.

The unmanned deep aircraft does not have land-travel capabilities, so specific exploration of the cave can only rely on manpower.

Kashiwagi had been looking forward to this for a long time and immediately went to organize the equipment.

Diving in the Pokémon Animated World is simpler and safer than in the previous life. There is no need to worry about decompression sickness, and ear pressure balance only requires a little attention.

The human body is strong enough to overcome anything.

Just like Xiaozhi dived to a depth of tens of meters without wearing any equipment in the theatrical version of "The Prince of the Blue Sea", and kept swimming up for air to pick up the prisms used to control the Temple of the Sea.

The only thing you need to pay attention to is the wild Pokémon that may attack, such as Megalodon, Gyarados, and Stinging Jellyfish. They have a wide range of activities and are very common.

Before diving, Aken was taught the identity of captain by Dr. Hodaka, and neither Kashiwagi nor Asahi had any objections.

"Pay attention to the light on the waist of the person in front of you, don't be distracted by unnecessary things, and use team communication in time if necessary."

he said seriously.

Naturally, it was impossible for the two of them to have any objections. They were used to hearing this kind of thing said before every dive.

Wear a hood and enter the water in sequence.

Plop! Plop!

The sound of the gurgling water echoing in his ears made Kashiwagi excited, and when the deep and magnificent underwater world gradually emerged before his eyes, the little expectation in his heart was satisfied.

A different scenery...

What are the benefits of the Pokémon Animated World?

Don't worry about suffering from phobia of the deep sea, there are only Pokémon here, and even if some kind of behemoth appears, it is a special kind of Pokémon.

For example, the super giant dragon appeared in Zhenghui's lighthouse.

What's more, no matter how ugly the Pokémon in the deep sea are, can they still be uglier than the Hunterfish and the Ancient Coelacanth?


The communication band beep brought Kashiwagi back to his senses quickly. He looked forward and found A Jian and Asahi looking back at him.

"How's it going?" Asahi's voice came over, sounding muffled.

"no problem."

Kashiwagi shook his frog webs and followed.

In order to save their energy, Dr. Hodaka moved the boat closer to the Bulletin Grotto in advance, so not long after, the three of them came to the cave tunnel and floated up to the interior of the grotto.


Kashiwagi breathed out, took off his fins, hood, oxygen bottle and other equipment, and put on the shoes and gloves handed over by A Jian.

Porygon II came out of the phone. Before Asahi and Ajian could say anything, white light lit up all over his body and split into another Porygon II.

The Porygon II flew over the Hall of Words, releasing a strong light that illuminated the dark grotto.

"Porygon II is so awesome!" Asahi praised.

Porygon II raised the corners of its mouth proudly, and looked provocatively at Ajian, who had previously forbidden it from helping.

Ajian: "...Come out, martial arts bear master!"



A martial arts bear master appeared in the cave.

whispering sound!

Porygon II showed disdain. It hated this kind of self-righteous guy who thought he was caring and trying to improve others.

Does its trainer need your care?

"Doctor! Can you hear me, doctor?"

Aken contacted Dr. Hodaka in the sea, and after confirming that the communication was normal, he said to Kashiwagi: "From now on, your official team test begins. I will not provide you with any further help. Your performance will be included in the final test." score."

Kashiwagi nodded to express understanding.

Asahi released a combo of Ryū Budo Bear Master and patted him on the shoulder: "Come on Kashiwagi! I will look forward to your official joining the team!"

Then you will be disappointed.

He secretly cursed that it was fun to pursue various legendary Pokémon with Dr. Hotaka, but he never forgot the true purpose of coming out.

The three of them began to explore this hall of words.

Kashiwagi went straight to the front, looked at the wall with ancient Braille written on it, and tried to recall it.

It seems like... digging a hole?

But it was too reckless to destroy it directly. He took pictures of the ancient Braille from all angles and sent it to Dr. Hodaka so that he could find friends to help translate it.

He turned around and was about to talk to Asahi and Ajian, but the two started communicating on the channel in a serious tone.

It seemed that the contents on several other stone walls reminded them of the Braille alphabet.

What is the Hall of Speech?

That is, a place where people can correctly understand the meaning of ancient Braille.

They correspond to the unknown totem one by one, and the unknown totem represents another ancient language. The important thing is that with this alphabet, Dr. Hodaka himself can translate ancient Braille.

By the way, if there are errors in previous translations, they can be corrected.

This is a very important discovery!

Kashiwagi listened to the joy in Dr. Hodaka's voice when communicating with Asahi, Aken and others on the channel, and felt that the joys and sorrows between people were indeed different.

He walked around the stone wall and took a look, then touched it and said, "The braille on that wall seems to want us to dig it out. It says there is a place called the Key Hall inside."

"Do you understand the ancient language represented by the unknown totem?" Asahi asked in surprise.

A Jian also looked over.

Kashiwagi smiled and said: "I understand a little bit."

He learned the ancient language from a calligrapher, and he is indeed in the category of having a slight understanding of it. He is not afraid even if someone takes the test.

After taking pictures of all the contents on the rock wall and sending them to Dr. Hodaka, the three of them came to the rock wall.

Asahi suggested: "It would be a pity to dig them up directly. These are precious historical relics. Let's remove the Braille on them first and then dig them out."


As the captain, A Jian immediately agreed.

Kashiwagi took care of himself and took out a small hammer and shovel from the bag containing various tools.

The three of them squatted or stood and dug slowly.

It happened that there were nine Braille characters on the wall. One person and three people dug it out quickly with their hands and feet. A Jian carefully carried it to the accompanying drone, and Dr. Hodaka controlled it and transported it back to the salvage ship.

And when he comes back.

Kashiwagi had already sent Boscodora to dig through the rock wall, very quickly and without making any big noise.

Ajian was stunned and didn't say anything.

Porygon II separated its clones as usual and flashed the light inside.

Under the strong light, the Key Hall, which was very similar to the Hall of Speech, appeared in front of the three people.

It's just that the key hall is larger, as big as several squares combined into an open space, which causes Porygon II to have to climb higher and increase the brightness at the same time.

"It's a stone wall again."

Asahi did not step forward rashly. She waited until A Jian came in first before she entered. She glanced at the stone walls on both sides, "The number is much smaller."

Kashiwagi pointed directly at the deepest stone wall as usual, glanced at the braille, and was about to turn around and tell the answer to the two people who were exploring other stone walls, when he suddenly paused.

Wait a moment.

Were the Howling Whale King and the Ancient Skycanthus called these two names before?

They are indeed the two names in the game, but if there are other names in the animation... I can explain it by arguing, but just to be on the safe side, let’s translate it to avoid mistakes.

He turned on his phone and started translating according to the content recorded in the Hall of Speech, comparing it with the ancient Braille text -

It's true that the Roaring Whale King is called the Roaring Whale King, but the Ancient Coelacanth is not called the Ancient Coelacanth.

The reason is that the name of the modern ancient coelacanth comes from the discoverer. If it was also called this name in ancient times, it would be a fool.

"Rock-faced fish...what a strange name."

Kashiwagi withdrew and found A Jian and Asahi, who just happened to translate the content on the rock wall.

"We live in this cave, we live here. 』

"It's all thanks to them. 』

"However, we sealed them. 』

"Because they are so scary"

"Brave people, people full of hope for the future"

"Open the door, the eternal giant is inside"

"Is there still a door ahead?" Asahi looked at Kashiwagi.

Kashiwagi said: "No, it says that the rock-faced fish begins and the roaring whale king ends. Everything will eventually be opened."

A Jian and Asahi looked confused.

"Rockface Fish? What kind of Pokémon is this?"

"Did you read that correctly?"

"Of course you read it right. I have already sent it to the discussion group. You can compare it and see for yourself." He spread his hands and said.

Asahi took out his cell phone to look at the pictures in the discussion group, and A Jian came directly to the stage and reached out to touch them.

The two fell into silence.

Dr. Hodaka said: "I haven't found the existence of Rockface among the extinct Pokémon. Maybe it is some kind of existing Pokémon with a changed name?"

"I think so too. I vote for the ancient coelacanth." Kashiwagi said bluntly: "Among the fish Pokémon, the ancient coelacanth is the most worthy of the adjective rock face."

Asahi exclaimed: "Ancient Coelacanth! Ah! That fish Pokémon living fossil! When you say that, I think it looks very similar!"

The two looked at A Jian.

Who would have thought that Ajian not only did not object, but even praised it unexpectedly: "That's a good idea. The Ancient Skycanthus really fits the characteristics of the rock surface. Your understanding of Pokémon is worthy of praise."

Kashiwagi had no reaction. Asahi laughed and patted A Jian, "You know how to praise people too! It would be better to be more straightforward!"

Dr. Hodaka expressed his approval in the channel: "It is true that the ancient coelacanth matches the characteristics of the rock surface. I didn't expect Kashiwagi-kun to recognize the ancient coelacanth. This is a very, very rare Pokémon.

"As far as I know, there are not many existing ones in the world, but you actually thought of it all at once."

It’s certainly easy to find the process with the answers.

Kashiwagi smiled, and did not treat the others as fools. They just didn't think of it so quickly. It would take less than ten minutes to confirm it if they were given an illustrated book.


Dr. Hodaka went to borrow the Ancient Skycanthus and the Roaring Whale King.

There are not many existing ones in the world, but Dr. Hotaka can borrow them from others... How much energy does this person have?

Speaking of which, being able to attract so many people, especially Xiaomao, to participate in the Dream Project is to some extent a testament to Dr. Hodaka's connections. Legendary Pokémon that are rare for ordinary people to see in their lifetimes are regarded by him as test recruits. Task.

How can ordinary people have this strength?

The three of them rested for a while, and Asahi, who was more talkative, chatted with Kashiwagi.

Not long after.

Dr. Hodaka's voice rang in his ears, "I borrowed it! Do you need me to transport it down by drone?"

"Wait a minute, doctor, it was mentioned above that the coelacanth is the beginning and the roaring whale king is the end. Why don't you release them directly on top of the cave and try the coelacanth facing the direction of the mural?"

Kashiwagi said bluntly: "It is difficult to contain the Roaring Whale King where we are."

Dr. Hotaka heard this and said, "That's fine."

Only two bangs were heard, followed by a long buzzing and the sound of spitting water.

Aken used a compass to confirm the direction and informed Dr. Hodaka of the specific direction.

next moment.

The earthquake has begun!


Everything in front of him became blurry.

The ancient Braille on the rock wall at the end glowed brightly, but the three of them quickly moved closer regardless of looking at it.

A Jian said without hesitation: "Let's get out!"

Relics are precious, but if there is a landslide, how many people will be buried in them?

They hurriedly ran out, but before they took two steps, the earthquake suddenly stopped, as if it had never happened.

The three of them looked at each other.

Dr. Hodaka asked about their status on the channel. After confirming that they were safe, he asked: "Has there been any change in the grotto?"

"Nothing, everything is as usual." A Jianhui reported, standing on the stone wall at the end and looking around, "There is no open door."

Failed to break the seal?

Ah Jian frowned, and Asahi looked confused.

Only Kashiwagi knew that three ruins scattered on the Hoenn Continent had been opened - I remember they were small island caves, desert ruins and ancient tombs.

Dr. Hodaka remained silent for a long time. After a few minutes, he ordered several people to go ashore to make plans.

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