My Empire

Chapter 104 - Humiliating treaty

In the slightly dim conference hall, the beating flame made the Alan Hill Foreign Secretary Strider feel very uncomfortable. The incandescent lamp he used in his office in Ailan Hill was the latest produced incandescent lamp, not to mention the bright and stable light, and the eyes would not feel uncomfortable for a long time.

In the city of Serris, many buildings have been banned from the original defense function. They have been converted into huge windows, which can take in enough sunlight when there is sufficient light.

In short, everything there seems to be very different from what is in front of you, even people’s spirits are not the same. Looking at the ministers of the Arrant Empire who bowed slightly in front of him, Strider felt that the workers he saw on the streets of Serris were more energetic than them.

However, these things are not things that Strider needs to worry about. What he has to do is to bully the weak here, turn Ailan Hill’s will into a shackle, and put it around the neck of the Arante Empire.

“Mr. Strider! These conditions are too harsh for you? Although the Arante Empire is defeated, it may not be capable of a battle…” When Clark met, he did not recognize Strider in front of him, although The two met once more than a year ago. He pointed his finger at the agreement document in front of him and complained to Strider.

Strider nodded and said in agreement: “Oh? You still have the power to fight? That’s great. I will pack my things and go back. Let’s talk about victory and defeat between our two countries on the battlefield. That’s the most intuitive.”

The Prime Minister Clark, who was choked, opened his mouth for a while and didn’t know what to say. After all, no one dared to speak like this in front of him for a long time.

A minister in charge of foreign affairs next to him reacted fairly quickly and quickly explained: “No, no! The war finally stopped, and we can’t let it go on.”

Some of the remaining ministers hurriedly turned aside the subject and helped their prime minister to make the rounds. They thought about him, and finally made Strider give up on this topic.

Because of the lack of news, Strider didn’t know that a young man named Lester led the three reserve regiments to endure and had already occupied Farud. The Arante empire desperately resisted, and a hundred thousand troops were wiped out in Farud. Prince Lumbak and General Zorn fled to Tunsk and barely stabilized their position.

The news came back to Alanticus, the royal city of the Alante Empire, and was tightly sealed off. Because negotiations with Alan Hill were in progress, Clark was afraid that Strider, who had received the news, would intensify his demands. .

Looking at Clark, the bald Strider recalled the scene when he visited the imperial prime minister. At that time, he humblely knelt in front of the Prime Minister, and even his voice was trembling.

At that time, the Arante Empire was so powerful that he could only look up, and even after being mocked, he didn’t have the courage to show even a slight dissatisfaction.

However, in less than two years, he came back here again, wearing extremely gorgeous clothes, sitting at the negotiating table, and the man who had been on the opposite side could only maintain a humble attitude towards him at all times.

To such a change, Strider suddenly had a feeling of good fortune. He felt that it was really good that he was in Ailan Hill, where the smell of soot in the air was faintly scented at the moment when he thought of it.

Thinking of this, he reached out and touched his bald head. The middle-aged bald man looks really interesting now. Chris often makes fun of his bald head, but in the eyes of the Arante Empire, he There was a fierce charm in this slick head, no matter how you look at it.

“I have a gift that we got from Ailan Hill. It is a very memorable thing. I hope the Prime Minister will laugh.” After speaking, Strider took out a sharp one from his pocket. Things are on the negotiating table. The thing was white and smooth, like a small dagger.

“We killed 17 dragons in Fallen Dragon City! This is a dragon tooth pulled out from the mouth of the biggest dragon… Haven’t you seen how big the dragon is, just one head can hold it? The whole adult.” Strider smiled and pushed the dragon tooth to the Prime Minister Clark and introduced.

Although his words were not unfriendly at all, they were full of threats and intimidation in the ears of everyone in the Arante Empire negotiating team. They swallowed involuntarily, and their spine became more severely curved.

A country that can kill giant dragons and pull out their teeth to show off, a country that can kill giant dragons without being avenged by the Holy Demon Empire… It is indeed not an existence that the Alantian Empire can provoke.

Prime Minister Clark looked at the Dragon Tooth in front of him, and also remembered that the bare head in front of him was not like a minister, but rather like a soldier. He remembered the appearance of him kneeling humblely in front of him more than a year ago.

Maybe at that time, I was kinder and formed a good relationship, so today I won’t be so uncomfortable. Before he knew it, Clark tasted a bit of bitterness at the corner of his mouth and felt a emotion called regret.

“Well, we agree to the cession of all territories north of Farud! It’s just that the war indemnity of 5 million gold coins, we can’t get it out for a while.” Clark sighed in his heart and shook his head. Said.

“Elan Hill’s three banks can provide lending services! 5 million gold coins can be repaid in three years, and only 1.89 million gold coins need to be paid each year.” A man sitting next to Strider answered with a smile. .

He is one of the negotiators dispatched by Allan Hill this time, representing the banking system. This victory was a capitalist carnival. Everyone was waiting to make a fortune, so they simply sent people they trusted to form an advisory group.

Hearing this three-year repayment plan of more than six hundred thousand gold coins, Clark felt his teeth hurt, and he could even feel his flesh twitching. But he looked at the dragon tooth in front of him, and had to swallow all his dissatisfaction back into his stomach.

“The annual payment of 390 million catties of steel and supplies requires a total of 3 years, including at least 90 million catties of Huitie. This condition is too harsh.” Another official of the Arante Empire looked at the number in front of him. , His face paled in anger.

How much steel can the Atlanta Empire produce in a year? They have to be handed over to Ailan Hill, isn’t that a joke? Not to mention 300 million, he is unwilling to hand over even 3 million catties of steel.

However, the situation is stronger than that of people. This time Ailan Hill spent countless steels to win the war. Naturally, these materials had to be paid for by the defeated State of Atlanta. If there is no profit, does the meaning of this war cease to exist?

“Look clearly! We will provide technical support to your mines to ensure your output! Isn’t this enough?” Strider pointed to the terms of the agreement and sneered.

Ailan Hill needs a lot of steel and coal, rubber and oil, and these things may not be produced on the existing land in Ailan Hill. Therefore, the exploitation of the Arante Empire has become an inevitable thing.

“This is impossible! This is absolutely impossible! Lord Strider! We have to contribute all the kerosene output, as well as provide rubber and 400,000 catties of copper ore per year?” Another minister of the Arante Empire looked at The astronomical numbers of the last one next to each other can hardly believe my eyes.

“Yes, this is all our compensation request this time. With the commercial remarks clause, our request is still very low.” Strider looked at Clark who was about to lift the table and nodded with a smile.

“Unconditionally support the free trade of Alanhill businessmen, and the Arante Empire shall not arrest any Alanhill people for disposal. The Alanhill people commit crimes must be handed over to Alanhill for trial.” Interpreting the treaty verbatim. For each item, Clark felt that this was a treaty of subjugation.

But he had to sign this treaty, because he knew that the soldiers of Ellen Hill had already entered Farud, and the next step was to hit the gateway to the king’s city of Alanticus, Tonsk.

If these Alan Hill soldiers cannot be stopped, after about a month, the Arante Empire will consider things like moving the capital. Compared with the fall of most of the country, it seems that these humiliating clauses are not unacceptable.

But what should we do in the future?

As the prime minister of the Arante Empire, Clark was naturally at some level. He now has no greed for money, his mind is naturally spinning fast. He doesn’t think about the things in front of him now. What he is thinking about now is what will Arrant do after the three-year peace treaty ends.

In three years’ time, Ailan Hill’s army will double or even triple, and their new weapons will be more, and Alantra obviously has no support from the Holy Demon Empire.

Although he is greedy, he is not stupid. Of course he knows that Ailan Hill is only lack of troops and cannot immediately annex Arrant. This gave him the opportunity to negotiate. As long as Alan Hill is ready, when the next war breaks out, there will be no need for the Arante Empire to seek peace.

As long as Airanhill’s troops continue to attack south, the Arante Empire will fall apart in an instant, and even the Dothan Empire cannot stop the iron hoof of Ailanhill’s troops going south. In less than three months, Chris will be able to register in his hometown Serris and become the co-owner of mortals.

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