My Empire

Chapter 108 - Dragon Drinking Oil

Meyn’s automobile production line has been completed. Because it is the hinterland of Ailan Hill, the location is very safe, and it has become a production center for automobiles and airplanes. The precision parts are processed in Seris and then transported here by train for assembly.

A jeep has rolled off the production line. It is not the first car made by Allan Hill. In recent days, Ailan Hill has produced more than 100 cars, most of which are directly handed over to the troops near Mayne for training and use.

Stroking the car in front of him, the engineer in charge of this factory sold himself and praised the products he produced: “This car is really cool! I like it when I look at it!”

“Yeah! I like it too.” An officer stood beside the car with his hands behind his back, the smile on his face couldn’t hide. This kind of car that can run as long as you drink oil is much more stable than a horse. Sitting on it is not tiring at all and can even sleep.

As long as there is a driver to operate, the remaining passengers can rest on the road. And this kind of car can also tow heavy weapons and equipment, for example, a heavy machine gun that was originally towed by a carriage can be towed by it.

This is just the beginning. The second workshop is already assembling and producing trucks. The six-wheel truck has a stronger towing capacity. It is said that it can tow larger artillery and can carry more soldiers.

After the gasoline engine can be mass-produced, this kind of equipment is more popular than the steam engine. Because of its small size and light weight, many aspects have begun to demand this kind of equipment. For example, the Army hopes that while equipping cars, it can also equip such small machines to generate electricity.

After all, whether it is a field phone or a radio, it needs a stable power supply to support its work. Relying on human power generation is still not stable. Now that there is a better choice, who would use the less perfect choice?

The engineer looked at the jeep and curiously pointed to the engine compartment cover and asked, “But why do all the car engine covers have a huge golden eagle painted on it?”

He felt that this kind of obvious pattern was not conducive to air defense concealment. Such a bright golden eagle was facing the direction of the sky, as if it was beckoning the opponent to attack him.

The officer didn’t think so much. He directly answered the most standard answer to the other party: “This is how your majesty’s design is drawn…”

Shrugging his shoulders, the engineer felt that he must not be as far-sighted as His Majesty Chris, so he gave up his immature ideas, nodded and said, “Yes, your Majesty’s aesthetic is really impeccable.”

In fact, Chris painted this pattern not only for beauty, he also has his own considerations. In the future, he feels that his fighter force can protect the safety of his frontline forces, so he thinks it is more important to prevent accidental injuries by the Air Force.

Of course, this is only one consideration, and the other consideration is Chris’ obsession with another world: he really likes the white five-pointed star design on the engine compartment cover of the American Jeep, so he applies it directly. On his own golden eagle national emblem.

“Are all the newly produced cars sent to the interior?” The officer came this time to pick up a new batch of produced cars. These cars will be sent to Ferry City and handed over to Air Force pilots and their commanders to use them.

“Yes, they were all sent to the suburbs to the newly established car driving school.” The engineer thought of the driver training courses, and felt that it was more appropriate for him to learn to drive with the Magic Ball of Knowledge: “The Magic Ball of Knowledge is still too precious. So I didn’t give up on training either.”

While talking, he walked out of the factory floor and said to the officer around him: “The new car factory is established in Meyn. The largest production workshop is in Wallavo, and the foundation has been completed. The output of cars will only increase. You are surprised.”

“Occupying Volavor has brought us more resources.” The officer sighed, and followed the engineer on the path between the factory buildings.

Unlike the plains everywhere, there is also Naaru in the city of Fallen Dragon with dense fertile fields, and the vicinity of Wallavo is close to the mountains.

This mountain area is very huge, in fact it blocks all the roads between Mayne and the ferry and Wallavo. To the north is Mayne and the ferry, and to the south is Wallavo.

At the southernmost end of this mountain, there is a vein of magic concentrate, half alive around this vein, there is a large amount of iron ore and coal. With these resources, at least in terms of iron production, Ailan Hill is already sufficient.

After all, there is still compensation from the Arante Empire. The treaty has already been implemented. Trucks and trucks of iron ingots are being transported into Farud. To deal with these iron ingots, Farud also opened a factory to smelt metals and manufacture them. Civilian products.

“That is to say, I heard that 3,000 professional workers have been transferred, and 10,000 miners have been supplemented by criminals and captives… This is not a trivial matter.” The engineer said of the content of the last meeting of the industrial sector. There was a proud look on the room.

The output of coal mines in Wallavo has doubled. A coal mine is being built to refine gasoline. It is said that it will be put into operation soon, but the oil quality is not so good and it can only be used exclusively by the Army.

The iron ore over there has more uses. I heard that a railway extending from Wallawar to Naaru to Seris will be built. The team that explores the road conditions has been out for more than a month.

“Looking at the number of people, the scale over there is not smaller than this one.” The officer said with pleasure when he heard the news about the development of the iron ore side.

After all, the more iron ore is produced, the more weapons the army can obtain, so more soldiers can be recruited and more new troops can be formed. And I heard that the navy already has plans to build an experimental battleship with an all-metal hull that uses steam engine power…

Thinking of this, the officer breathed out involuntarily. Fortunately, the navy did not rob him of gasoline, otherwise the oil production would be really not enough.

As he was thinking about it, the engineer spoke again: “Of course, I heard that it is several times larger than the iron mine here…The scale of the coal mine is not small, comparable to that of Tubao.”

The engineer seemed to have been frustrated by the oil production issue for a long time. He remembered that the production of coal, iron and other metals was increasing rapidly, but the increase in oil production was slow, and his heart was full of emotion: “It’s really tangled, we are all like this. There are many territories, and there is no oil…”

The officer also looked helpless when he mentioned the oil, but he still comforted him: “Don’t tell me, isn’t there a small oil field on Hanhai? I heard that the output has been increased, but it still smells like a drop in the bucket.”

When the engineer heard this, he laughed and poured cold water into his mouth: “Ha, seeing more and more cars and less and less gasoline at that point, the Air Force is applying for gasoline control. “

The implication is: What is the use of that little oil? There are so many airplanes and cars produced every day, gasoline consumption is increasing every day, and oil is obviously not enough.

The army officer felt aggrieved when he mentioned this matter. Their army has made great achievements, but in the end, they are always a poor one when it comes to resource allocation: “That group of air forces is really… I heard that the Knowledge Magic Sphere is their use. Now they even use gasoline. Are they all under their control?”

It’s no wonder he didn’t understand. With the magic empire’s first batch of command magic **** paid for purchasing rifles, there are more than 6000 command magic **** in the hands of the holy magic empire, and the air force has almost 1,500! This is not a small amount, because after all, not all magic **** are provided to the military.

The army only took about 2,500 in total, but the Air Force consumed more than half of it. The navy was also welcome, and took 600 of them in one go, leaving only 400 for the army…

This matter has made the Army very dissatisfied up to now, because they also have new weapons in service, and they also need a lot of magic **** of knowledge to increase the number of professionals in the army. In the end, everyone had a meeting to discuss. The 1500 magic **** that the Air Force took away were no less than one. The Army allocated another 100 magic **** to supply the Navy…

It feels bitter to think about it. When the army officer heard about this incident, the army really couldn’t laugh or cry, and the army yelled at the meeting and redistributed. In the end, he lost another 100 magic balls. This is simply a realistic version of the move. I hit myself in the foot with a rock.

Looking at the officer’s face with a wry smile, the engineer also remembered the army’s “sorrowful past”, so he comforted him: “Don’t worry, I heard at the cabinet meeting that the air force’s request was not passed… It seems that your majesty has already subscribed to that. Orders have been issued to ensure the supply of air force training fuel.”

As if venting his dissatisfaction, the army officer returned to his senses and bitterly complained to the Air Force: “The planes equipped by the Air Force are like dragons that drink oil!”

The engineer also nodded in agreement and said, “Isn’t it…that’s a group of dragons drinking oil!”

But all of them know that no matter how much oil they drink, the air force must be built. After all, the anti-aircraft guns cannot cover the entire Ailan Hill, and the best and most economical way to deal with the Dragon Knights is the iron bumps flying in the sky.

As for the oil production capacity, I have to leave it to your Majesty to worry about it. Anyway, I heard that your Majesty and several engineers drew a device called a double donkey head pumping unit, which increased the oil production of Hanhai Oilfield.

If it doesn’t work, let your majesty draw a few more drawings.

For the Ailanhill Empire, there is no problem that can’t be solved by a design drawing. If there is, let your Majesty draw another…

Humanoid self-propelled plotter, that is not a vain name…

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