My Empire

Chapter 117 - Evil thoughts

When it comes to fuel consumption, it’s not just the army that drinks fuel now. The real big fuel consumption is those air force units that have been equipped with hundreds of fighter jets. In order to ensure the air safety of one’s own army units, these aircrafts are required to operate together with the main army units.

The terrible production speed of me-109 fighter jets was vividly reflected at this time. It took less than a year for Airan Hill’s air force to grow from scratch, but the number of fighter jets provided in the factory has already reached. An astonishing number of nearly a thousand.

If it were not for the engine production capacity and the total amount of fuel, the current Airland Hill might have 1,300 fighter jets. At least 400 fighter airframes have been manufactured. Only when the engines are in place, they can be assembled into new fighter jets. Air combat.

The good news is that because of the magic ball of knowledge of the Holy Demon Empire, Ailan Hill’s air force training speed is really rapid. After deploying so many fighters in one breath, there has been no shortage of pilots.

On the one hand, it’s because the skills are taught, and the magic ball of knowledge is much more efficient than listening to lectures. On the other hand, it seems that the physical quality of mortals in this world is slightly stronger than that of earth civilization.

It is understandable if you think about it. After all, humans on the earth only need to face tigers and lions. In this world, they have to live under the teeth of giant dragons, and humans will naturally evolve into stronger physiques.

In short, in the selection of pilots, although the reduction rate is very high, there are still a large number of qualified personnel who can become Air Force pilots or air force reserve pilots through the knowledge magic ball and night school learning.

In addition to air defense fighter jets in large cities, Ailan Hill has also assembled a field air force of about 200 in the south. These fighter jets must accompany the army to advance in combat. The fuel consumption is even more amazing.

However, these “oil-drinking dragons” are not useless. They made Chris and Alan Hill’s senior management determined to give up part of the anti-aircraft production capacity. In this way, the saved steel and the demand for shells can be used to supplement the production of new products such as automobiles.

Chris vigorously produces cars and improves the caliber of artillery, while equipping new weapons such as tanks to improve the combat effectiveness of the army. He did not produce armored vehicles because of his own considerations.

On the one hand, the opponent does not have strong firepower to threaten the infantry accompanying the tank battle, so Chris feels that his army does not have such a strong demand for armored vehicles. In comparison, the army hopes to equip more trucks to improve the mobility of the army. ability.

On the other hand, armored vehicles are also big fuel-consuming consumers. Before completely solving his own oil supply problem, Chris could not make his troops fully mechanized. He must control some fuel consumption so that the troops have the ability to continue fighting.

If it hadn’t been for the Higgs Kingdom to open up oil exports, and willing to cooperate with Ailan Hill to increase its own oil production, Chris would not even dare to equip his troops with advanced equipment such as tanks.

It is precisely because of the increase in oil production capacity on the Higgs Kingdom that Chris started mass production of the m4 medium tanks that had already prepared drawings for the factory. However, compared with airplanes, the production speed of tanks seems a bit too slow. Chris plans to form two tank battalions within two months, equipped with about 90 tanks, for testing and training.

In fact, this is already a very bold development plan, because after all, the oil fields of Alanhill are still in the hands of the Higgs Kingdom. Once there is a supply problem with oil, Alanhill will inevitably suffer from a shortage of oil.

In order to deal with such an extremely bad situation, Chris, Desaier and others have drawn up a secret plan of action, ready to mobilize the instructor near Seris and the 1st Army at any time to cooperate with the 2nd Army in the direction of Naaru. , Launched a pincer offensive at the fastest speed, occupying the entire Higgs Kingdom.

It is conceivable that, in order to ensure its own oil supply, Ailan Hill will not hesitate to directly put the most important instructor and the two armed forces with the oldest qualifications, the most complete equipment and the strongest combat effectiveness, 1 and 2. This has already shown Its emphasis on oil supply.

You know, even for the seemingly more powerful Arante Empire, Ailan Hill only deployed the 4th Army and the 6th Army on the front line. The 5th Army led by Bourgeois, deployed in Fallen Dragon City, actually assumed a defensive task.

Ryan, who was sitting in the tank, did not know that he had attracted the attention of countless famous generals. He was commanding his tank, merging with two other tanks, and concealing the fighting state of cooperating with the charge through radio coordination.

The three tanks formed a triangular offensive formation in front and two back. The tracks ran over the slightly soft soil and quickly rushed up the hillside. They broke a row of fences and ran over some potholes, showing that they were better than the cavalry. Strong off-road ability.

This is also the most proud part of tanks. They can persist in fighting in many environments, but they are not as delicate as cavalry. As long as they are properly maintained and provided with sufficient fuel, these steel behemoths can continue to attack and hit the end of the world.

Including the machine gun on the tank turret, a tank must be equipped with more than three machine guns. These machine guns give the tank a simple anti-air defense capability and make the tank a mobile fortress for killing enemy soldiers.

If necessary, when the artillery attack is not required, the commander, the gunner or even the electromechanical personnel can use machine guns to attack the enemy’s infantry, and because of the condescending relationship, such an attack is more effective.

Under everyone’s gaze, these tanks attacked the high ground and won the demonstration and experiment of this exercise. Seeing these tanks turned around and drove down the hillside, and finally stopped in front of the viewing stand, all the officers stood up and applauded the tank soldiers.

They really like this new weapon. Unlike the truck that is responsible for transportation, this new weapon that faces the enemy is more likely to drive the soldiers crazy. This is also the reason why there were so many models of tanks in World War II, but few people remember the specific models of trucks.

“Crack!” opened the hatch on top of his head, and Ryan, who was half of his body out of the turret, stood and saluted the officers on the stand. Next to him, the gunner who also showed his head also placed his palm next to his temple with a look of excitement.

Only the unlucky loader couldn’t stick his head out, but he could relax and rest freely, and he didn’t need to stand upright to accept the inspection of the generals in the distance.

The three tanks were parked side by side and parked in front of all the generals at close range. It was really a very oppressive scene: in this era, it is not a derogatory term to describe tanks as tall and mighty, thank you The somewhat dull height of Ulman Tank was by no means a disadvantage in the eyes of Wagron and others.

After all, there is no concept of bombed area yet. In the traditional sense, commanders all hope that their troops have a better momentum. As for the idea of ​​hiding themselves, it is still an unfamiliar concept.

Therefore, Chris chose the m4 tank, which is taller and more comfortable with the internal space. Everyone did not object to it, and even felt a little relieved: the low and poor-looking t-34 tank, of course it would be better to give up…

“Very good! Your performance today is very good! I know that you have formed the first tank training company! The future of the army depends on you!” Wagron walked to the front of the tank and stroked the cold and thick body with his hand. The steel plate, praised with satisfaction.

He really likes such a heavy feeling. For him, being able to run a 50 mm thick welded steel plate at a cross-country speed of 20 kilometers per hour is definitely a thing to celebrate.

The weapon in front of us called the tank is stronger than the cavalry: it has a faster attack speed than the infantry, and its firepower is equal to that of the artillery, and its defense is even more terrifying than ever! If this thing is not to drink oil but to eat grass, Wagron even wants to equip 1,000 such weapons!

Unfortunately, he also saw the weapon performance introduction sent to his hand. This tank can only run 180 kilometers with full fuel. Although the distance is still very good, the distance in actual combat is not satisfactory. .

The good news, however, is that so far, the Army has not found an enemy weapon that can stop the advancement of this weapon. So on the book, the driving distance of more than 100 kilometers is almost the actual pushing distance of the attack. Looking at it this way, it can be tolerated as much as possible.

“I’m looking forward to the performance of the tanks in the future!” The second modeler who walked past these tanks still had an excited expression. Although the fuel consumption matter made him temporarily dismiss the idea of ​​deploying a large number of tanks, he still believed that The Army will equip more tanks for combat use in the future.

He is not alone in thinking this way. Army generals all believe that this kind of weapon can change the mode of combat in the future. At least for now, it seems that tank propulsion is accompanied by truck transport, and the advancing distance in one day has been expanded from 30-50 kilometers to the terrible 50-100 kilometers. From the perspective of time, it is possible to save more resources.

Although fuel consumption is higher, but food ammunition and even casualties may be reduced, which makes people feel that the investment in gasoline is worthwhile.

However, what makes people laugh and cry is that watching the tanks in front of them, the senior army generals, more than one person’s heart, an evil thought came out: “Is it right? Find some time to annex the Higgs Empire. a little better?”

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