My Empire

Chapter 122 - Your Majesty the Unreliable King

“Look at how my clothes are dressed? Is it a bit crooked? I always feel a bit crooked and uncomfortable.” Inside the magnificent palace, the huge glass window imported from Ailan Hill, Let the whole room become bright. A handsome middle-aged man looked into the mirror and arranged his dress himself.

The dresses he wears are all Ailan Hill’s styles, but with a little modification in some details, his figure is really very good-looking, just as enviable and jealous as a movie star.

Such a man is definitely a peerless lover in the minds of women. They are willing to lie down on the bed for such a man, and are willing to show their most charming and charming side for such a man.

Standing behind the man, the princess of the Higgs Kingdom was dressed in a heroic uniform with an unhappy expression on her face, and she persuaded: “I think you are too nervous, Father!”

Cape Kastner adjusted his collar again, shook his head in front of the mirror with his chin held high, and said without looking back, “Of course, of course I’m nervous! That’s the envoy from Elan Hill. Of course I feel nervous.”

While looking at his handsome self in the mirror, he continued, “It’s like, if I saw the envoy of the Holy Demon Empire before, I would feel nervous and uneasy!”

With a sigh, Cape Luna felt that her father was really as worried about the IQ as those fans, and she said: “You really think that country can already be like the Holy Demon Empire. We must treat it with care. ?”

“No! Luna! No! It is not the same as the Holy Demon Empire! That is a mortal country, that is our monument, and it is not comparable to a country like the Holy Demon Empire.” Kape Castner shakes He shook his head and corrected what his daughter said.

Luna couldn’t help it a bit, and questioned very uncomfortably: “You really can’t wait to give Higgs to a stranger who has never met before, even tall, short, fat and thin?”

Kastner snorted, and continued to correct his daughter on his own: “I heard that he is quite tall and well-proportioned, not a fat man.”

“Father, I think you are really hopeless!” Luna said like a deflated ball, with another breath of pressure that suppressed her emotions.

If there are people in the room at this time, the conversation between the father and daughter will be very interesting.

After stopping to tidy up his clothes, His Majesty the King Capel Kastner turned his head to look at his daughter, and said solemnly: “Please have the most basic courtesy to the dragon slayer! Na! Remember the ancestral training of the Cape Family?”

“Remember! I can hear the cocoon coming in my ears!” Luna grumbled reluctantly: “Any dragon slaying warrior, the descendants of Capet must be kind; all the dragon slaying emperor, descendants of Capet must serve… “

“So, we should stand on Ailan Hill’s side!” Cape Castner smiled and turned back to the mirror, continuing to adjust his clothes.

He looks very handsome, it can be said that he is definitely a handsome man. No wonder Luna looks so beautiful, because as long as her mother can make it through, she will not be too ugly.

In fact, Luna’s mother is also a rare beauty in Higgs. When she married the King of Higgs, Cape Kastner, it also left a story about a beautiful hero.

Luna, who was very reluctant to talk about the ancestral training of the Capet family, decided to divert the topic and asked about welcoming the envoy this time: “Then this time, the request of the envoy of Ailan Hill, you Are you planning to accept them all again?”

She didn’t believe in any ancient legends in these ancestors, she only believed in her own philosophy: those who caused harm to the Higgs people would have to pay the price, nothing more.

It’s just that her father was very concerned about the ancestral training, and even a little bit to the point of conviction. I only heard His Majesty King Kastner say: “Why not? They asked for oil. I satisfied them. Now our taxes have increased seven times.”

He seems to be confident in his country’s economic take-off. After more than a year, the figures on the books are really exciting: “They proposed free trade. I agree. Our income has tripled! And this number is still increasing.”

Luna felt that she should pour cold water on her father at this time, so she cruelly exposed the truth of Ailan Hill’s economic invasion: “But our people are about to become their people! Father!”

“There is nothing wrong with this! Luna! It is not a shame to bend over to the strong. Sometimes kneeling also represents honor.” In Castner’s eyes, economic strength is also a kind of strength. , Higgs fell to the strong, but he didn’t think it was a shameful thing.

Luna gritted her teeth behind her father’s back: “His Majesty, the Emperor who was a little lord two years ago to Ailan Hill, kneels, represents honor?”

“Trust me! That really represents honor!” Kastner smiled into the mirror, nodded and said: “Even I think, later, we don’t even have the qualifications to kneel for such a great emperor. .”

“I think you are crazy! Father!” Luna seemed to be completely desperate for the world and her brain-dead father.

“Child! Even though I don’t think this is necessary anymore, I still want to teach you the tricks I’ve been tired of.” Castner’s tone suddenly became solemn.

“Do you know when Maricha changed her name to Fallen Dragon City? That was more than a year ago!” He asked without looking back.

Without waiting for Luna to answer, he said to himself: “Then, in one year, why didn’t the Holy Demon Empire destroy this city that symbolizes humiliation? Why didn’t they destroy that city as they did in the past. City, kill everyone who knows this, and then pretend that nothing happened?”

“Because! They can’t do it! They are afraid of Ailan Hill, so they want to hoard their strength, study Ailan Hill, and want to figure out Allan Hill before doing it!” Castner has actually seen through it a long time ago. Thanks to the strength of Ailan Hill, this is what really made him fall to Ailan Hill.

As a king, he has his own calculations and his own considerations. On the one hand, he felt that supporting the rise of the mortal empire was a very meaningful thing and worthy of his investment. On the other hand, what made him make up his mind to make this big bet was that he saw the potential of Ailan Hill.

Therefore, he opened his mouth and asked with emotion continuously: “How many years did the Cape family wait? How much time was wasted? Only after waiting for such a mortal country that can make the Holy Demon Empire fear three points?”

Finally, after finishing his analysis, he slowly asked the daughter behind him: “Now, you tell my father, do you still want to wait?”

“But, Father! If we guess wrong, then our Capey family will become nothing…We will lose our ancestors’ territory, and even our family’s future.” Luna still argued somewhat unwillingly.

“Don’t be afraid! Luna! When did the Capet family be greedy for life and fear of death? We have always been the most noble bloodline among mortals, so we have to be responsible for the blood flowing in our bodies! Even if in the end we will eventually be destroyed, then we too You should face it with your head up, right?” Kastner stopped, standing generously in front of the mirror and said.

As the emperor of a country, many people think that his contribution to Higgs is to give birth to a good daughter. But only those close to the core of power know that this handsome king who conceals his talent also has his own responsibility and strategy.

Speaking of this, Castner smiled slyly and looked at his daughter: “What? A country that can slaughter dozens of dragons without hurting vitality, isn’t it enough for us to try?”

At this time, a waiter pushed open the door, stood at the door and bent over to report: “Your Majesty! The Allanhill Mission has arrived…”

“Okay! I’ll go out to meet you! Prepare the highest etiquette, we are a very hospitable country!” Castner stepped confidently and walked outside the door. Luna frowned, pressed her long sword, and gave it to her father’s back.

A few minutes later, His Majesty King Cape Kastner, who was sitting on the throne, yawned listlessly, listening to the Alanhill envoy reading aloud requesting the Higgs Kingdom to allow the Alanhill merchants to raise funds to build a railway road. Content of the treaty. The relationship between the two countries has been maintained fairly well, especially after Higgs liberalized investment in oil production.

He was absent-minded, calming his angry daughter Luna with his eyes, and suddenly interrupted the special envoy Ailan Hill: “Okay, don’t read it! I know what you mean, it’s so boring!”

After finishing speaking, looking at the a little embarrassing special envoy of Ailanhill, the handsome and a little embarrassing emperor stood up, walked to the special envoy of Ailanhill, and took the treaty.

After flipping it casually, he handed the agreement to the attendant next to him, and said: “Seal the national seal. I agree to all the above. Isn’t it just building railways and roads? Up!”

In the embarrassing expressions of the special envoy of Elan Hill and his entourage, His Majesty King Cape Kastner asked a question that made everyone in the whole hall even more embarrassed: “I plan to Marry your daughter, Princess Cape Luna, to His Majesty Chris, the Emperor of Ellenhill… Do you think, how should I write the national letter?

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