My Empire

Chapter 132 - Declare war

“I’m sorry! Grand Duke Kastner! Although I am also very concerned about my fiancee, Princess Luna, there are more important things waiting for me to do.” Chris looked at the people coming by at the end of the corridor, full Said to Kastner apologetically.

“I understand, Your Majesty, I fully understand your feelings! I came here just to inform you of this news. Next, it is time for your Minister of Defense to be loyal to you.” Castner was somewhat loyal. Replied with embarrassment.

“Okay! Gentlemen, let’s go and meet the people we should meet!” Chris sorted out the dress he was wearing, and was the first to take a step forward and walked to the castle terrace.

Following him were the ministers of Serris who remained behind. There are Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs Strider, Secretary of State for the Interior Dines, Secretary of Finance Dessel, and Secretary of Defense Castner.

Following these people were the magical adviser Frentzberg and William, as well as Minister Gurlo, Minister of Industry Smith and others. These people were mighty, and finally walked onto the terrace, facing everyone on Serris Square.

“This is the first time that a radio broadcast is broadcast live. Everyone should be more energetic.” At the end of the wire connected to the microphone in front of Chris, the staff who have already adjusted the equipment encouraged each other and they were broadcasting a radio speech simultaneously. This is the first time that humans can synchronize their voices to other cities.

Chris glanced at the dense crowds standing in the square in front of him, then glanced at the staff on the side, and after seeing the other person’s thumbs up, he nodded his head slightly, and then slowly said: ” Dear people of Airanhill! I am your emperor, Airanhill Chris.”

“Two hours ago, I was shocked to get the news that the Holy Demon Empire had undeclared war against us and attacked the border of the Higgs region of our country.” He said while watching the silent crowd, his tone of voice was not in a hurry. slow.

“This is a serious provocation to Ailan Hill and a cruel trampling on our country’s honor!” His tone was full of regrets, but it was full of calmness and firmness that made people feel at ease: “We will fight to the end! Freedom to fight for truth to the last minute!”

“Now, as Emperor Ailan Hill, I formally declare war on the Holy Demon Empire, the Steppe Empire and the Dothan Empire that are allied with it…” When he said this, he spread his arms and clenched his fists. : “Blood debt, blood will be paid!”

After speaking, he stood there, quietly motionless, as if waiting for something. And beside him, Desaier and other ministers raised their right hands and waved to the sky: “Alan Hill is undefeated!”

“Long live Ailan Hill!” Suddenly, countless people shouted from the square, as thick as the mountains and as vast as the sea. The shouts were higher than the waves, countless people waved their hands, and Chris’ eyes were boiling.

“We will kill the enemy in the sky, we will kill the enemy on the plains, and we will defend our country with our own lives! The Ministry of Defense has now announced that Allan Hill has entered a state of war and the mobilization has begun! Every worker, Every youth and every family must fight for our freedom!” After cheering, Castner read out the Ministry of Defense’s order on war mobilization, marking the entire Alan Hill entering a state of war.

“Cancel vacations! Implement a 24-hour overtime system! Metal, food, fur…all are listed as controlled items. Without permission, they are not allowed to be sold or embezzled for other purposes.” Then Gurlo began to read the interim war bill to unify Manage all war-related materials in order to organize production.

The entire Ailan Hill began to transform into a war machine at this moment, and the modern and new war mode that was different from the ancient empire began to manifest itself in this country. A few hours later, the country’s industrial production speed has increased by one-fifth, which can be said to be something that I couldn’t even think of three years ago.

Such a powerful efficiency is directly reflected in the production speed of war materials. The number of m4 tanks doubled on the afternoon of the first day when Ailan Hill declared war on the Holy Demon Empire! A large number of tanks from the factory did not even dry up, so they were directly handed over to the combat troops who came to collect their equipment.

In the bullet factory, trucks and carriages filled with ammunition can hardly see the end, and they continue to drive out of the factory and continue to the distant highway. The ammunition produced by the weapons factory even exceeded the front-line consumption. Under the pressure of the war, Ailan Hill’s ammunition inventory increased reversely for the first time in a state of war.

The training camp was overcrowded that evening. According to the Allanhill Military Service Law, every youth who is not eligible for exemption must report to the nearest conscription office after the national mobilization.

Therefore, Ailan Hill, who originally had only 1 million regular troops, expanded his army to 3 million within 24 hours after the outbreak of the war! Although many of these troops can’t even get their weapons, these recruits are still training in accordance with orders, waiting for their weapons to be transported and distributed to their hands.

In comparison, Ailan Hill’s opponent, the Holy Demon Empire, had just sent the news that he needed reinforcements to the governor of the Eastern Province Bakaroff in the afternoon. As for mobilization or something, it is nothing at all.

The gap between the two sides in the ability of war mobilization has been vividly demonstrated in this process. When Ailan Hill’s 100,000 main force rushed to Higgs, the army of the Holy Demon Empire was still slowly advancing towards Higgsnar.

“Hurry up! I know I’m going to do this waywardly, but I still can’t let go of my people!” Riding on horseback, Princess Luna looked at the knights next to her and urged.

“His Royal Highness, the Dragon Knight may have entered Higgsnar. We are now in the past, and it is estimated that we can only see a ruin.” The headed guard was a little nervous and persuaded his Royal Highness.

No one can stop the dragon knight’s harassment tactics. The opponent can easily cross the defense line and attack the enemy’s depth. Except for some tightly fortified places, most villages and towns will become hunting grounds for dragons.

At least in the eyes of the Higgs, this is a war with no chance of winning, even if the army of Ailan Hill, judging by the eyes of a mortal, is already a very, very powerful existence.

“Even if I can only save one person, I have to work hard!” Princess Luna said firmly: “I can’t just watch my people suffer, but I marry a man who I don’t even know in the back.”

“Your Majesty Chris is still very valiant, Your Royal Highness.” Following Princess Luna, the captain of the **** team seemed to be a small follower, arguing for the Emperor, who swore allegiance to himself.

He really felt that he was in a dilemma now: on the one hand, the princess he had been following, and on the other hand, the emperor he had just sworn allegiance to. It was a nerve-wracking thing to make a choice in the middle.

“If he is really heroic, he should wear armor to the forefront like me at this time, so that his soldiers can see that his emperor is standing with them.” Luna curled her lips, seeming to be concerned about her future. The husband dismissed it.

The captain of the knight who followed her wanted to correct the misunderstanding of the princess, but finally chose to shut up wisely. He knows that the princess has a stubborn temper, so he feels that he is still more convincing by following her honestly to protect her.

So far, no country that has declared war on the Holy Demon Empire has been able to maintain security in the rear. So even if she has seen the strength of the Ailan Hill troops, Princess Luna still does not believe that her hometown will not be in this war. Turn to ashes.

So regardless of the approaching marriage date, she decided to take a look at Higgs’ battlefield by herself, and see the Higgs civilians who were destined to be in desperate situation when she wanted to come. It’s a pity that the road ahead is too difficult to walk, and the difficulty makes the Princess Higgs a little annoyed.

Tens of thousands of the main force of the 1st Army, including their weapons and equipment, and logistics, are on the way to Higgs at this moment. Some troops have to close roads for secrecy, and cavalry and infantry units can only be scattered on all nearby roads, and the entire road is occupied by the army for a while.

Even the merchants who came and went were forced to stop, and the roads were full of military supply depots and rest camps. Counting the supply station and the dispatching station at full capacity, all the roads from Seris to Higgs were already overcrowded.

Under such circumstances, it is simply as difficult to rush to Higgs to keep his princess identity secret. For one day, Princess Luna was still stuck in Seris, which made her rushing to Higgs to be anxious.

“How come there are so many troops rushing to Higgs? They keep so many things, aren’t they afraid of going bankrupt?” Princess Luna, who was dressed in disguise, frowned and looked at the truck troops passing by her. Envy those Ailan Hill grenadiers who can easily drive on the road in the car.

“Let’s discuss with the local army commander and enter Higgs with the car unit… Otherwise, it is estimated that it will take 10 days to get to Higgsnar.” The Knight Captain of the Princess Guard was a little embarrassed. Suggested.

“Go and ask… Tell them, I won’t go back anyway…” Luna felt so tired. After a long time of trouble, she still had to borrow the power of Ailan Hill, which made her heart proud. She was very upset, very upset…——

Today is more here, everyone don’t have to wait…Thank you for your support and love, Long Ling will continue to work hard.

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