My Empire

Chapter 138 - All the way north

In Serris, the situation on the battlefield in Higgs has changed so much recently that everyone has to convene a pre-war meeting to discuss the great performance of Her Royal Highness in Higgs.

In short, although the princess stubbornly returned to Higgs, he played an active role there. She not only stabilized the local situation, but also vaguely opened the way for Ailan Hill’s counterattack plan.

The civil affairs officials in charge of the refugee evacuation were extremely excited and took the lead in reporting: “Almost all civilians who withdrew eastward have become organized teams. Under the command of a few young people, the young and old women retreat in an orderly manner, and the efficiency is higher than before. At least three times.”

He heard what he said in Chris’ ears, and the translation was: “This princess is really useful. Your Majesty, you should marry and raise it quickly.”

Before the civil affairs officials here finished speaking, the road management officials over there added: “The roads in all east-west directions are unimpeded. The crowds marching in the opposite direction are now actively avoiding our army. The speed of our advancement has changed from The slowest became the fastest.”

The officials of the railway department followed the pit, and said, “Almost overnight, we had an extra railway… The role of Her Royal Highness is really unexpected…”

Chris really wants to ask the other person, do you think it’s better for me to marry a railway home and be the queen, or is it more appropriate to marry a princess? Or, simply, the title of the queen is called Railroad, right? The Queen of Rails, sounds very fanciful…

“One railway? I think at least two… General Lester called to thank him, saying that he seemed to have three more car transport regiments overnight…” On the other side, a general from the military followed excitedly.

“The replenishment speed of ammunition has increased by 20%. There are countless civilians in the vicinity of the battlefield who voluntarily transport and unload ammunition for us, and almost no ammunition is lost. This is simply a miracle.” Speaking of this, the general gushed. Endless posture.

Okay, Chris sat in the first place, and smiled bitterly again in his heart: before he was the queen of railroad tracks, now he has become the queen of cars. Why does it sound like a strong car model?

With the support of the people, the entire Higgs area seems to be the rear of the Allan Hill troops, and even in some respects, it is more reliable than the rear.

The officer of the wounded statistics department reported the good news. He first talked about the predicament of the army’s placement of the wounded: “The day before yesterday, only 2,100 wounded were placed in the local area. We spent more than 7,000 gold coins to relocate these wounded. “

Then he talked about the improvement in the last few days. The gap between the two is so big that the difference between the two is so big: “Yesterday, because of the help of Her Royal Highness, Higgs accepted 4,900 wounded on the spot. A family seems to be helping, and our morale is increasing at an incredible rate.”

“Although they are not professional, these locals are really reassuring in terms of providing training grounds, caring for the wounded with limited mobility, and restoring the mentality of the wounded. Soldiers are no longer afraid of being injured, which is of great help to the battle. “A minister added.

“The Battle of Higgs has evolved into a people’s war. The Queen’s role there is beyond imagination. We underestimated the role of the people. This is worthy of our review.” A staff officer said with some emotion his own views. “Before, we were fighting away from home. The refugees caused us countless troubles, but few locals helped us. Now, Higgs is our home court.”

This is the first time that Allan Hill’s staff has organized such a large-scale battle. In many respects, they only have theoretical knowledge, so many problems have arisen in scheduling and other aspects.

Unlike fighter pilots, they cannot practice their own campaign ideas through hard training. Therefore, after the war broke out, it was the time when they began to exercise. This caused the front-line scheduling to fall into chaos and caused many unnecessary losses.

They had to clean up the hearts and minds of the Higgs area, but ignored the pressure created by the large-scale migration on the roads. In the traditional control area of ​​Ailan Hill, such road pressure can be offset by the strong road conditions, but in the Higgs area, where the road conditions are average, it becomes a headache.

Facts have proved that it is not enough for a group of good combat staff to rely solely on the magic ball of knowledge to instill knowledge. What they lack is more practical experience in commanding large-scale operations, rather than strange theoretical knowledge.

Now, there is someone who helps them solve a lot of troubles, and they are really grateful. The General Staff now admires Her Royal Highness, and even thinks that such a talent can work in the General Staff.

For His Majesty the emperor Chris, this war, training his staff within the range that can withstand losses, is considered a very cost-effective thing. After such a war, his staff can stand alone and work out a more reliable campaign plan.

“Okay! Regarding the matter of the Princess, let the Guards take care of it. What we are going to talk about now is the analysis of the battlefield situation. The staff, you can give a brief introduction.” Chris interrupted everyone to the princess. His Royal Highness’s “Friendly Opinion Conference” opened his mouth and ordered.

A staff officer stood up, walked to the huge map hung on the wall, pointed at the front battlefield with a pointer, and began to introduce: “Three days ago, the Holy Demon Empire stopped advancing to Higgsnar. It began to stabilize, and our line of defense began to consolidate.”

“The small-scale tentative counterattack on the front line proved that the Holy Demon Empire did not abandon their position, so we are not sure about their exact intentions to stop the attack.” The officer used his pointer on the opponent’s main attack direction on the front battlefield. After a stroke, he said skillfully.

For today’s speech, he may have practiced dozens of times in private, so the sentence is coherent and his thoughts are clear: “After inference, the staff believes that there is about a third of the possibility that they are standing by for help and waiting for the holy demon. After the reinforcements departing from the empire arrive, they will resume frontal assault operations.”

This staff officer introduced the possibility of the collective judgment of the entire staff. Which inference is specifically adopted is the matter of the front-line generals and your majesty: “In addition, they may have partly lost interest in attacking and are ready to wait for us. The counterattack, and then the trick is to be dismantled. As for the loss of interest in attacking, it is most likely that the force loss is too large, or the force is insufficient…”

“The third reason is the one we are most worried about. They may realize that they are going deep alone and are ready to make adjustments to eliminate their protruding parts.” After saying this, he took the pointer and stood beside the map. , Awaiting further orders from Chris.

“The air force’s reconnaissance made the other party’s intention to gather troops on a large scale obscured. There is indeed intelligence showing that the other party is drawing troops from the front line…” The Air Force, Commander-in-Chief Butoria also said.

Chris nodded, combined with the knowledge in his mind, and concluded: “We should not pin our hope of victory on the stupidity of the enemy. So I think we should consider the third situation.”

He looked at several chiefs of staff of the army, and said, “Draw up a battle plan according to the worst-case scenario, and immediately order Wagron to start a counterattack! Whatever the situation of the other party is, we can test it out! There is no need! Sit here and guess!”

“If the opponent is strengthening the defenses of the two wings of the protrusion, then we will try our army’s ability to attack. If the opponent does not strengthen the two wings, just hit them by surprise!” After issuing the combat order, he stood up and watched. Everyone in the entire conference room: “The outcome will be decided within a few days!”

An officer squeezed the confidential telegram summed up from the meeting and walked to the telegram room where the telegram was sent, and handed the telegram to the non-commissioned officer who professionally sent unintended telegrams.

The non-commissioned officer checked the emperor’s seal on the message, nodded and began to strike the firing pin in front of him. Soon a complete telegram was sent out, directly across the mountains, rivers and oceans, to the ears of Wagron’s radio unit.

The officer in charge of receiving the telegram pressed the headset with one hand, and quickly wrote the content of the telegram on the telegram paper with the other hand. After checking the translation, he copied the corresponding correct sentence neatly on another piece of telegraphic paper, and handed it to the long-awaited officer beside him: “Seris! Your Majesty’s order!”

The officer received the message, put it in the folder, and quickly got out of the tent, walked through the camp, and came to the outside of a huge tent. He opened the curtain, walked into the tent, and stood behind Wagron who was watching the sand table: “Commander! Serris! Your Majesty’s order!”

After receiving the message, Wagron saw that there was only one sentence: “Attack as soon as possible!”

He handed the message to General Walter next to him, and then ordered: “Let the armored forces attack!”

Following the attack orders one after another, at the field airport near the southern battlefield, one after another Il-2 attack aircraft began to take off, forming a dense attack echelon in the sky, and began to move towards the army of the Holy Demon Empire. Fly away in the direction.

On the ground, the roar of the engine also continued. One tank after another began to advance to the front line. They ran over the grass, crossed the stream, raised billowing black smoke, and raised their majestic gun barrels.

Behind them were hordes of Elanhill grenadiers. They sang high war hymns and carried various weapons along the road, along the ridge, along the banks of the river, and Along the edge of the forest, all the way to the north.

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