My Empire

Chapter 141 - Real magician

“Recently, I have rarely encountered a dragon knight who does not live or die, and he has appeared alone in our airspace! The Saint Demon Empire is probably poor in skills!” On the radio, Orange said easily to his wingman.

The two of them have so far achieved more than 30 dragons, making them the most dazzling combination in the entire Air Force. Their noses were covered with dragon head logos, and rows of them looked majestic.

There is a legend of their own in this airspace, which is a great legend about fighters slaying dragons.

“The fool also sent the dragon knight to die. The previous large-scale harassment operations are no longer suitable for them.” The wingman replied happily.

Because of the radar, the dragon knights couldn’t pass Elan Hill’s defense line silently. The more they flew towards the high altitude, the more clear and incomparable signals were left on the radar screen.

The clouds can’t protect their whereabouts, which they won’t realize until death. Just as Ailan Hill was not comfortable with fighting the Magic Empire, the Holy Demon Empire also knew nothing about the science and technology of mortals.

In fact, as long as they descend and let the dragon fly at a low altitude, they can effectively avoid radar searches, and the characteristic that the dragon can take off and land vertically can also allow them to fall on the ground to hide and avoid the patrolling fighters.

But they have no experience in this area, and before testing out the blind spots and characteristics of the radar, the dragon knights are about to be shot down and lost: it is impossible for the prisoners and the dead to bring their experience back to share with their companions, so the dragon knights The infiltration operation is destined to be a tragedy.

“Keep height! Keep searching! I have a hunch, today we will definitely gain something!” Orange looked down at the ground under his feet, carefully distinguishing everything between the ground and him.

“There is no news from the radar station. There is nothing in this airspace except us!” The pilot of the wingman looked a little bored, and said boringly, “There are no dragons, no enemies, it has been almost two days.”

“Yeah! If it weren’t for battle patrols every day, I think I would think that the war was over.” Orange also felt that this kind of patrol that could not meet the enemy was very boring. He controlled his fighter jet slightly to lift up, bringing the clouds above his head closer to him.

While the two pilots were boring to pass the time, the ground command center’s hurried warning came from their headsets: “Patrol Team 7! Patrol Team 7! Team 11 in the airspace right in front of you has lost contact! They have lost contact. Before contacting, report that you saw a suspicious target! Be careful! Check if there is an enemy situation and keep in touch at any time!”

“Team No. 7 understands!” Oaken suddenly became energetic, holding down the phone to answer, and then commanding his wingman: “Come on! Someone has come to the door!”

“Be careful! It’s been a long time since we lost two fighters! The 11 team is not a rookie, and the enemy that can shoot them down may not be easy to deal with.” The wingman turned on the intercom and reminded Orank.

Of course, Oaken knew the severity, and while searching the sky, he agreed: “No target was found at the radar station. What is going on? The enemy has hidden his whereabouts?”

“If the Holy Demon Empire had this kind of magic, it would have been used long ago, and will it wait until now?” The wingman said in disbelief, “I think they used low-altitude flight to avoid the radar warning zone…”

“You are responsible for searching the ground and hand it to me directly!” Orange also felt that the magic of hiding his whereabouts was a bit nonsense, and said to the wingman: “Don’t let go of any suspicious places, pull the formation, don’t get together!”

The two planes searched and flew forward one after the other, seeing that they were about to enter the airspace where Team 11 was responsible. As a result, at this moment, Oaken seemed to have seen something unbelievable.

“What is that? Damn it!” He yelled on the radio, and then repeated the scene he saw frantically: “I saw a man flying in the sky! Not a dragon knight! Not a dragon knight!”

Now he finally understands why the radar station did not detect this target, because the target is too small, so small as the current radar clutter…

The man flying in the sky on the opposite side seemed to have seen Orange and his wingman, so he rushed over at the speed of a fighter plane. The robe on his body was shaking in the wind, and the light of magic engulfed around him. Dense like a thick fog.

In the deadly wind, the man stretched out his palm, and the clouds above Orange became irritable. In the cockpit, Orange felt the distortion of the airflow, and his plane seemed to be out of control.

“Dodge the opponent’s attack! He is attacking us!” Orange controlled his plane, rushing out of the seemingly no longer stable air current around him. The moment he avoided the terrible air current, a flash of lightning came The clouds broke out and almost penetrated Orange’s plane.

Although the lightning was not strong, it really scared Oranke. If he were struck by lightning in the sky, his plane would not be much better even if it didn’t crash.

“My God! The other party actually flew in the sky by himself! Am I crazy!” The wingman was also turning his nose to avoid the person’s flight path. If Chris saw the sight in front of him, he would definitely think he saw Superman…

The man who was flying in the sky only relying on his body suddenly stopped in the sky. The opponent seemed to be curiously looking at the two fighters that avoided the attack, and seemed to be preparing for a more advanced attack mode.

Suddenly, the enveloping magic lingering around the figure suddenly dissipated, and a magic circle with steaming air gathered in the palm of that person’s hand. In this magic circle, one after another fireball shot out like a machine gun, just like The tracer rushed to the Orange fighter jet.

The fireball’s flying speed is not slow, at least many times faster than the fireball magic of the Holy Demon Empire. Although it can’t keep up with the flying speed of the air cannon shells, it is still a difficult continuous attack.

Orange didn’t dare to be careless. He was afraid that the lightning attacked him just now, so he could only immediately start flying the “S”-shaped defensive route, keeping a distance from the flying man, and avoiding the fireballs that were shot over.

The magic circle in the opponent’s hand that was steaming the surrounding air quickly dissipated, followed by a cloud of white mist forming in the opponent’s palm. The ice cones next to each other flew out again, this time faster.

Those deadly ice cones flew out not in the direction of Oakland, but in the direction of the wingman who was preparing to attack. The wingman pilot saw that something was not good, and immediately changed his flight path, so that he was not hit by those ice cones.

“Tutu! Tutu!” The opponent hovered in the air and did not move quickly, so Orange found an attack window and shot a row of shells at the place where the man was hovering from a long distance.

While strafing, Orankla lifted up his fighters to avoid possible counterattacks from the opponent. The tracer drew a beautiful curve in the air, rushing to the person hovering in the sky, and then, at a distance of about tens of meters from that person, it was stopped by the magic circle.

The cannonball hit the magic circle, sputtering a dazzling fire. But Oaken clearly saw that these shells did not penetrate the magical barriers like flashing plates, but splashed a ripple on it.

“This guy is stronger than a dragon! Air cannons are useless! Air cannons are useless!” Orange felt that he was less violent. Facing such a powerful enemy in the sky, even his weapons would not be able to injure the opponent. If you are negative, you don’t need to ask.

“Tutu! Tutu!” The wingman also found a chance to fire at this moment, and also shot a row of dense tracer bombs at the figure. These shells still hit the magic barrier, as if the opponent’s magic reserves were endless.

On the palm of the opponent’s outstretched hand, the magic circle that was lingering because of the temperature faded again, and then a new magic circle appeared, and the surrounding airflow became turbulent, just like the airflow that Oranke had just avoided.

“Ka!” A bolt of lightning split from the center of the opponent’s palm, and instantly hit the wingman’s wings. The huge destructive force tore off the wing of the me-109 fighter jet, as if an invisible arm tore off the skin on the wing of the aircraft and broke the keel inside.

The golden eagle’s logo broke in two under the attack, and the wingman that lost control turned to the ground. The figure flying in the sky seemed very satisfied with his attack, and retracted the dangerous palm into his robe.

Orange didn’t expect the other party to stop attacking. He drove the plane in a big circle, watching the wingman falling to the ground, not knowing what to do at this moment. The hovering figure suddenly moved at this moment and began to dive down rapidly, as if it were a reduced version of the me-109 fighter.

In Oaken’s surprised gaze, the figure actually leaned on the crashing me-109 fighter jet, and then the plane slowed down the speed of the fall, and was only gently placed on the ground in the end.

“Hey! Jack! Jack! Did you hear me? Jack!” Orange, who didn’t know the life and death of his wingman pilot, called out the names of his comrades over and over again on the radio, but unfortunately, he didn’t get it. Any answer.

The figure hovered in the low air for a while, and then began to fly east again. Oaken knew that he had nothing to do with the other party, so he could only use the radio to report what he had seen and heard: “I think…I I saw the real magician…”

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