My Empire

Chapter 148 - future

“Only a fool puts everything on the mercy of others.” Chris looked at Vivian, who was going away, and said to Desaier who was standing at the head of the city.

Even under the premise that he was saved by the other party happily, Chris didn’t like the feeling that his destiny was in the hands of others. He realized his insignificance, and he also saw clearly the world he faced.

“Yes, Your Majesty, we are still too weak, we are frighteningly weak.” Desaier nodded, looked at Vivian’s back, and said.

This time the castle was attacked, making everyone aware of the power of the magic empire. Although a powerful magic empire has maintained a good relationship with them for the time being, they also saw another terrible enemy called the Puppet Empire.

The other party can send a terrifying puppet that is so powerful to make people directly attack Ailan Hill, which in itself is a very worrying thing. In the face of this kind of puppet, Ailan Hill, whose individual combat effectiveness is obviously insufficient, is difficult to defend.

What’s more terrifying is that Vivian told Chris that not only the Puppet Empire has such a powerful combat power, but those sparse elves, mysterious dwarves, and terrible dragons all have similar strong presences.

“Have you heard what she said about the magical world? No one of us knew before. We didn’t know that the dragon knights we had seen were not so-called dragons at all. We didn’t know that magicians could attack more than us. The Yunbang bombs that haven’t been mass-produced are even more terrible.” Chris sneered and said with a mockery.

After he finished speaking, he looked at Desaier and continued: “I took out almost all the good things I could take out to scare people, so I think we have to speed up a little bit.”

Desaier nodded: “Yes, Your Majesty! The Shadow Forces that are only responsible for you have already started work. According to your order, we have launched the latest weapon research and development plan… Everything is ready, just waiting for yours. command.”

“Very good! The project codenamed 596 project can be fully started! Centrifuge and various devices have been produced, as long as the geology department finds that element, it will start immediately…” Chris pressed his hand on the wall of the wall. Come back, let’s go, my friend, come with me to see, our only secret now.

He walked down the city head, led Desaier back into his castle, walked down the basement full of lights, and stood in front of a huge iron gate. The guards on both sides stood at attention and saluted him, and then helped him push the door in front of him.

Desaier followed his emperor and walked into a huge room full of iron cabinets. There is a complete air-conditioning system, but it still feels hot.

“Welcome to the future! Mr. Desaier.” From time to time in front of Chris, researchers in white coats passed by him and saluted him. He pressed his hand on a huge iron cabinet, side by side. His face turned to Desaier: “This is what I didn’t show Vivian, our real future!”

“Is this?” Seeing these staff members busy working around these iron cabinets, Desser looked at Chris with a puzzled face.

“The result of the God of Wisdom Project, our first mainframe computer in Ailan Hill! With this…we have truly embarked on the fast lane of development!” Chris smiled and looked at his cronies, the expression on his face Very exciting.

The most powerful aspect of modern civilization lies in the sharing and convergence of information. The leaps in computing speed brought about by computers and the interaction of knowledge systems brought about by the Internet have allowed human civilization to truly achieve rapid development.

As long as we enter the information technology environment, the weaknesses of human beings will be truly compensated. A huge network connecting every corner will unite human society with real strength.

Any knowledge will flow in this network, converging into a transmission speed like rivers and seas, which can destroy any old information communication channels, and can even evolve itself.

“Do you know how powerful this machine is?” Chris showed off his new toy to his confidant. He asked the dazed Dessell: “How many calculations can a mathematical genius do per second?”

“Once, no matter how clever he is, he can only calculate it once.” Desaier answered without hesitation, and then he looked at the cases in front of him, and said with some unconfirmed guesses: “You mean, this thing Can it be calculated once a second?”

“It can perform 10,000 calculations per second! Desaier!” Chris said triumphantly: “I’m already working on developing my second-generation computer! When it comes into service, we can perform dozens of calculations per second. Ten thousand or even millions of times!”

“What are you kidding?” Desaier was obviously frightened by the powerful performance of this giant machine, and he swallowed a mouthful of saliva before muttering in shock.

If such a machine can calculate a large amount of data in one second, can many problems in the future be solved with the computer in front of you?

“It’s not a joke. In the future, we will have more advanced computers. This is the real magic of our mortals!” Chris said.

He has seen such a future with his own eyes. Computers can control machine production, can assist fighter jets in aerial combat, can drive cars instead of humans, and can even act as guardians of humans.

The powerful ability makes the computer an extension of human beings and the completion of human beings. When the computer participates in the level of computational decision-making, the speed of biological-level computational thinking can’t keep up at all.

“With the aid of this kind of thing, we can carry out research on biotechnology and microbial technology on a large scale…For us, this is also a magical thing.” Chris is full of confidence in the progress of these technologies. Because he has many theories waiting to be published, but they are only restricted by the lagging technical level.

With a computer, a numerical control machine tool, a series of advanced equipment, a perfect level of sealing equipment, etc., he can let his men really come into contact with dangerous “super weapons”.

I don’t know if magicians can maintain their grace when faced with bacterial weapons, chemical weapons, and even genetic weapons.

“In addition, after being delayed by Vivienne Mage for so long, did we… forget something?” After showing off his new toy, Chris looked back at Desaier and said.

“I think so, we did forget some things, some things that must be settled!” The smile on Desaier’s face gradually faded, and he nodded and said.

In March of 2nd, when the weather improved, the 5th Army of Airanhill began to move south, bypassing the Fallen River Defense Line of the Dothan Empire, and advanced 30 kilometers. At the same time, General Modler’s 4th Corps bombarded the southern bank of the Fallen River, and the Dothan Empire was shocked.

At the end of March, the Ailan Hill 1st Army closed the encirclement of the Higgs Outburst and encircled the 40,000 troops of the Holy Demon Empire. It almost wiped out the 10,000 troops behind the Holy Demon Empire that blocked the advance of the First Army, and completely destroyed the Holy Demon Empire. Eastern Front Combat Forces.

In April of the same year, the 7th Army and the 8th Army, newly formed by the Ailan Hill Empire, stormed the grassland imperial king’s account, and finally broke the king’s account, smashed the grassland imperial emperor Nicholas Weiss, and captured 174 people in the prairie imperial slaughter .

In May, the prairie empire was declared dead, and all the land was merged into Ailan Hill. For the first time, the prairie civilization and farming civilization merged under the rule of an empire, and Ailan Hill also completely eliminated its hidden dangers in the north.

In mid-May, the Saint Demon Empire lay down their weapons and surrendered to the 40,000 Saint Demon Emperor ** team in the Higgs encirclement. Ailan Hill won a complete victory. The vanguard troops crossed the “quarantine zone” and were in the border area of ​​the Saint Demon Empire. Occupied a small bridgehead.

For the first time in the history of mortals, a counterattack entered the realm of magic, which made the people of Airanhill rejoice. The Emperor Chris of Airanhill carried out a victory parade and reviewed the 7th Army representatives who had rushed back to the capital from the Prairie Province.

In June, the 7th and 8th armies of the Ailan Hill Empire entered Higgs, and the Eastern Front of the Holy Demon Empire was defeated across the board. In the end, the Holy Demon Empire had to admit defeat, return all the territory of the Norma Empire, and ceded the eastern province to Ailan Hill.

On the same day, the poor governor of the Eastern Province Bakaroff signed the surrender agreement on behalf of the Holy Demon Empire. At the same time, he promised himself that before he swore allegiance to His Majesty the Emperor Eranhill, if he failed, he would be loyal to Eranhill. Emperor’s.

The poor consul had now fulfilled his promise, and was transferred to the Forbidden Realm by Chris, and went to Ferry City to continue working as his consul.

And Chris, who had obtained the eastern provinces, finally stepped one foot into the gate of the magic empire. He can now be said to be the emperor of a quasi-magical empire. Compared to mortal emperors such as the Dothan Empire, that is a level of existence.

In June, the Dothan Empire surrendered to Ailan Hill, promising to return the original Arante Empire territory south of the Fallen River. The two sides signed a peace treaty, and the Dothan Empire compensates Alan Hill for a large amount of rubber every year to compensate Alan Hill for the losses suffered in the war.

Alan Hill, who was really unwilling to go to war in the southern region, finally chose to calm down and reap the benefits and develop silently. After all, Chris knew much more about the magical world than Emperor Dothan knew, so he cared more about Greken than the tiny Dothan.

For the first half of the 2nd year of Ailan Hill, Chris had revenge and revenge, ending the battle of Higgs and sitting on the top spot of the Eastern overlord.

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