My Empire

Chapter 1546 - What happened

“The people above move their mouths, our group of cannon fodder will break their legs!” The commander leaning on the tank sighed helplessly after putting the last bite of bread into his mouth.

They have been fighting for more than three hours. Just now, they have destroyed the 13th Destroyer tank, becoming the vehicle group that destroyed the most enemy tanks in the entire battalion.

It’s a pity that their excellent performance did not help their own troops to achieve suppression on the battlefield-they have killed all the way to their current position, annihilated countless enemies, but still did not see the hope of victory.

This is really frustrating despair. No matter how many enemies they have eliminated, it seems that the enemy will always be able to replenish them, and continue to fight with them, without giving up.

The battalion they belonged to had a total of three tank companies, each with three tank platoons, and each platoon had 5 tanks. Including the command tanks of the battalion, there were 47 tanks in total.

The battle has been fought until now, and their battalion now has only 21 tanks that can be battled, not even half of the number.

A few minutes ago, they added tanks from the 1st Battalion and merged with the 1st Battalion to form a new battle group. Now they have 42 tanks in total-not enough tanks from the original battalion.

The above news is that after daybreak they will wait until the supplementary tanks and crew members sent by the logistics forces-each battalion supplements 3 tanks, and then resumes independent combat formation to continue the mission.

However, looking at the current situation, no one thinks they can support until dawn, waiting for the help of the illusory three tanks…

“Hurry up and take a rest…Fifteen minutes later, we will continue to move forward.” The gunner came back from the bushes on one side. He just went to “release the water”.

The use of short rest periods on the battlefield to recover physical strength is a battle experience summed up by all surviving veterans. The ability to close your eyes and sleep for a while anytime and anywhere is a necessary skill that every soldier on the battlefield should master as soon as possible.

“How long do you think I can sleep with my eyes closed now? Two minutes?” The captain casually threw the wrapping paper beside him and shrugged his shoulders.

On his forehead is an eye-catching QR code. This is his production number. You can inquire about his gene sequence, or directly inquire about the production factory, learning combat experience, and so on.

Every cloned person has such a mark, on the one hand, it is convenient to manage, on the other hand, it is also to distinguish them from natural persons.

There was also a QR code on the gunner’s forehead. He sat down on the armor plate of the tank and looked at his feet hanging outside the skirt of the tank’s armor plate: “Have you seen the obituary?”

“I see. Colonel Rick is a good commander.” The captain sniffed, stood up, and slapped his **** twice.

“Such a high-ranking officer, just inexplicably killed…” The artillery commander sighed, and looked at a tracer shot from the anti-aircraft gun that kept firing in the distance.

Farther away, the twisted and rising trajectory of the anti-aircraft missile has not completely dissipated, and the flames of those explosions illuminate the distant horizon.

Not only here, but also farther, farther and farther, the battle is going on. This was the second night the enemy arrived, and the sound of guns never stopped.

“What’s so strange. Before Suman’s tank exploded, he was still talking to us.” The captain jumped onto his tank, climbed up the turret, and looked at the twisted external response of the turret. Armor, said to the gunner beside him.

The location he checked was the place hit by the enemy’s energy shells in the previous battle. The explosive reactive armor rescued the tank, and they exploded to offset most of the jets formed by the energy explosion.

So the main armor was not penetrated, only some dark burnt marks were left. And around this circular trace, there are still some left on the hooks hanging from the edges of the twisted explosive reaction armor box.

“Go back here and do some repairs. Don’t be unlucky and get hit again.” He murmured, and then got into the hatch of the tank.

“Huh…huh…” At this moment, the whistling voice crossed his head, and a new round of shelling of the Ailan Hill Empire began.

This is also another reason why he didn’t take the time to rest just now. Before launching an attack, the Ailanhill Empire would prepare for an unprecedented round of artillery fire.

The roaring shells and the earth-shaking explosions, not everyone can sleep peacefully in such an environment.

The new battle began in the howling explosion of the artillery shells, the armored forces of the Airanhill Empire continued to advance, and the guards continued to block.

On the dark battlefield, the tanks of the two sides collided once again, and there were pictures of artillery shells flying everywhere.

At 2 o’clock in the morning in the middle of the night, the armored forces of the Ailan Hill Empire finally penetrated the Guardian’s line of defense.

The battlefield is full of the paralyzed Destroyer tanks and the wreckage of the lightly smoky Ailanhill Empire electromagnetic tank.

Some cloned grenadiers are simply cleaning the battlefield, and a sweeper whose arms and two legs have been chopped off and made into a “human stick” is struggling with the special lock that secures him.

This is a wounded sweeper. The grenadier captured him when he was cleaning the battlefield. Because it might need to be studied, the grenadier planned to transport him to the rear as soon as possible.

On the side of a dirt road full of craters, a small tree that had been discounted by shells was pressed on the wreckage of an electromagnetic tank whose turret was broken and deformed.

A man covered in blood suddenly opened his eyes, and he struggled to sit up, the pain of the wound distorted his entire expression.

After taking a deep breath, he adjusted his breathing, only then reluctantly used the starlight to see the surrounding environment clearly.

The circuit boards were deformed and damaged, and the monitor fell down and was pulled by the wires and hung in the air. He stretched out his hand, fumbled in the familiar environment, and finally removed a flashlight from a fixed point on the wall.

Turning on the switch, he looked for by the light, and finally saw the driver’s body lying under his feet.

Then he looked to his other side, the captain, who was fastened to the seat by the seat belt, had his head hanging down, and a sharp fragment of armor was stuck in his chest.

The blood has long since drained, and the captain with his head down has been dead for a long time. When it was penetrated by the Destroyer, it was like hell. The vibration caused the gunner to faint, and he regained consciousness just now.

He was also seriously injured, with a wound to his head, and possibly a broken leg. Fortunately, his tank did not explode or burn, which allowed him to survive.

“Kacha…” A grenadier opened the detached hatch and saw the surviving gunner inside-he saw light coming from the gap, so he came to check.

“My God! Damn! What have you experienced…” Seeing the survivors, the grenadier showed an excited smile. He turned his head and shouted excitedly into the distance: “Hey! Come and help! There are wounded here!”


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