My Empire

Chapter 1552 - Flying sword in the trench

In the trenches, a grenadier of the Ailan Hill Empire clone inserted a magazine on the electromagnetic rifle, then stuck his head out and pointed his muzzle at the distant target.

“Suddenly!” He squeezed the trigger, shot out a row of bullets, and knocked back a sweeper who was penetrating his head over there.

The opponent was suppressed by the fierce blast, and he was not an idiot, he retracted his head and disappeared. There is a small reverse slope, and it is estimated that there are already a lot of sweeper soldiers behind it.

“Coordinates 7-9, single shot suppression!” Seeing the opponent retracted to a place where he couldn’t hit, the grenadier of the Ailan Hill Empire called out for artillery support.

His communicator can directly contact the company’s mortar artillery behind him, which can be regarded as a kind of timely communication on the battlefield.

Sure enough, after a few seconds of silence, behind the hillside over there, a deafening explosion lifted the mud up into the sky.

The power of the shells fired by the 120mm mortar is really beyond imagination, and it is not a boast to demolish a building with one shot. The mud lifted by this gun flew into the sky more than ten meters high, and the dust raised did not disperse for a long time.

The grenadier hiding in the trenches pointed out his weapon, and the camera on the side of the weapon helped him simply see the situation on the battlefield.

The opponent’s location was still submerged in a smog, so he stuck his head out and used the main sight in front of him to look for possible targets in the smoke.

In the next second, a sweeper poked out his weapon to attack the opponent from the smoke. His arm was aimed at the position of the Airanhill Empire, and a cloud of black energy flew directly to the trenches of the Ailanhill Empire. Behind, fell in a forest.

“Boom!” The explosion also lifted up mud, which fell on the Iolanasir Empire soldiers in the trenches.

“Suddenly!” The Ailanhill Empire grenadier who was aiming at that position pulled the trigger, and the sweeper in the distance fell over.

In fact, the Guardians are also summing up their combat experience. Judging from the experience summed up by their continuous offensives for about ten days, the defense of the Ailan Hill Empire is clearly divided into primary and secondary lines.

The main line of defense is usually guarded by soldiers wearing solid armors. The combat effectiveness is very strong and the firepower is stronger.

The secondary line of defense is that some magic puppets with significantly slower reactions are defending, and their combat effectiveness is weak, which is easy to attack.

Therefore, the guards are changing their tactics recently. They concentrate their forces on attacking the main line of defense of the Ailan Hill Empire, because once the defenders on the main line of defense collapse, the secondary lines of defense on both wings will completely collapse.

This kind of focused offense has made the fighting between the two sides near some main lines of defense become extremely fierce, even to the point of white-hot.

Many times, the soldiers of the Airanhill Empire have just been wiped out, and the guards have not had time to eat the corpses to destroy the fortifications, and the Ailanhill Empire will counterattack.

With such a brutal battle, the losses on both sides are also rising in a straight line. Thousands of soldiers are killed every day, and the bodies of the guards who are constantly dissipating in front of the position have never really disappeared.

“Didn’t they have been fighting all night yesterday? Why haven’t they taken a good rest until now?” The clone grenadier who had killed the distant target and poured ammunition on several sweepers who had just emerged. Asked while strafing.

“I don’t know either!” A companion in a weird costume grumbled and replied amidst the explosion of the sweeper’s attack.

The man’s attire is really post-modernist. What he is wearing is a dirty white sword robe that has been broken, and the original embroidery pattern and style can hardly be seen.

On the outside of the clothes that had been damaged and stained with mud and blood, there was also a tactical vest commonly equipped by the light infantry of the Ailanhill Empire.

The outside of the tactical vest is a thick bulletproof flap, and there are several grenades hanging on the outside of the flap. On the shoulder of the tactical vest, a communicator was connected to the earphones and plugged into the man’s ears.

Behind the tactical vest, he carried a simple long sword, which was fixed behind him with a modified spear strap.

At the place where the saber was originally at his waist, the man was wearing an armed belt with a holster hung on it, and a pistol was inserted into the holster.

“It’s a pity! If this scene can be broadcast live, they will definitely regard me as a hero!” The man complained with some regret while wrapping his wrist scratched by the flying gravel with a cloth strip.

“You should be thankful! Fortunately I just threw you down! Otherwise, what you need most now is the blood bag and soul rejuvenation!” While firing at the opposite side, the young clone grenadier murmured.

“Thank you! I’ll invite you to drink when I go back!” The man smiled, showing a mouthful of yellow teeth. “Jiuyou is definitely a good place, outstanding people!”

“Farts are outstanding people! That bad place is expensive to travel to death.” The grenadier dismissed it and continued to spit.

“Hey! Do you even know about this?” The male swordsman from Jiuyou grinned and grinned, as if he didn’t care about being spit out in his hometown.

They were sent to Jiuyou not far away, and they had just built a new swordsman world there, and they had to face another attack from a foreign enemy.

Even, everyone didn’t have a sense of belonging, so they left their hometown again and started this journey across the stars.

As a swordsman of the Heavenly Sword God Sect, he came to Higgs 5 and stood at the forefront of the entire war.

I don’t know if it was his reckless self-deprecation, or the mockery of the clone soldiers who were destined to have no holidays and no travel possibilities. He continued grinning and said with a smile, “The news is exposed as a typical example. , The Tourism Bureau named and criticized.”

The cloned grenadier who was actually impossible to travel followed nodded, “That’s not! You are really ruthless! 2000 gold coins as a souvenir, it turned out to be an ordinary stone carving…”

“Suddenly!” He squeezed the trigger and fired, knocking down a sweeper who rushed up from a distance. One of the opponent’s arms was swept off by bullets from the electromagnetic rifle, and he flew out with blood for a long time.

“Destroyer!” As the two of them were fighting and chatting, a trembling voice came from the headset.

Looking in the direction of the shouting in the noise reduction headphones, they saw a Destroyer tank, braving the rain of bullets fired by the soldiers of the Ailan Hill Empire, and quickly climbed up the reverse slope, revealing the other Thick and long barrel.

The Alansill Empire had captured a severely wounded Sweeper before, and this captive brought a lot of information about the enemy forces that the Alansill Empire wanted to know to the seniors of the Alansill Empire.

Although this information is not very important, at least it can be regarded as a real understanding of the group of powerful races claiming to be the guards of their opponents.

The other party didn’t seem to care about this information, and was even willing to cooperate in revealing some things that were of interest to the Ailan Hill Empire.

Just like the same telegram that the other party sent to the Ailan Hill Empire before, the captive gave the name of his troops and even gave a brief introduction.

It wasn’t until a few days ago that the Ailanhill Empire truly mastered the composition of the Guardian’s troops, knew the correct names of many arms, and distributed these titles to all participating troops.

Compared with the various types of troops and arms of the Ailan Hill Empire, it can be said that there are not many types of weapons and equipment in the Guardian civilization.

However, the number of these space battleships and ground forces can be described by astronomical figures.

The largest warship of the Watcher is a spaceship called the Guardian. This spacecraft is the aircraft carrier of the Watcher. The warship is equipped with a large number of small space fighter Killer carrier aircraft.

And the firepower battleship responsible for the decisive battle of the fleet is the same huge size as the World Destroyer spacecraft that the Alanhill Empire already knows. It is the super battleship of the Watcher, and its status is similar to the Invincible Tier 2 super battleship of the Alanhill Empire.

Corresponding to the Invincible-class battleship of the Ailan Hill Empire is the Warden’s Arbiter spacecraft. As the Warden’s battleship, this spacecraft is the backbone of the Warden’s fleet.

That kind of strange ball is the Guardian spacecraft, and it is also the Guardian’s landing battleship, so the firepower is not strong, and it also carries a large number of Sweeper cultivation cabins, which is the Guardian’s cruiser.

Under normal circumstances, the Guardian’s landing force will first launch probes to the surface of the planet. This unit is the Guardian’s electronic warfare and detection platform, similar to data terminals such as radar stations.

The Sweepers, as the most basic infantry unit of the Watchers, are responsible for almost all the combat tasks of the Watchers. They are responsible for operating the warships in the warships, and they are the most basic infantry on the ground.

The larger and more powerful Destroyer is the armored force of the Guardian troops. They are huge in number and powerful in combat. They can be said to be the backbone of the Guardian ground combat troops.

The Guardians actually have powerful magic warriors. These warriors are tall and resemble sweepers. They are called conquerors, and they are the elites of the Guardian army.

As for the H-shaped Watcher fighters flying in the sky, they are called Prowlers. They are fast and powerful. They are also the enemy of the Air Force of the Empire of Ailan Hill.

However, compared with the many types of ground support aircraft of the Airland Hill Imperial Air Force, the ground bombers of the Watchers are relatively simple. The Air Force Commander of the Airland Hill Empire only recently learned that they are called Crushers.

After knowing the enemy’s name, the soldiers of the Ailan Hill Empire can finally call their enemy correctly.

It is a pity that because the captive chose to die after confessing these questions, the Ailan Hill Empire has no way to continue interrogation and grasp more secrets of the enemy.

“Anti-tank! Bazooka!” A grenadier wearing a power armor beckoned to his subordinates in the distance, beckoning and shouting loudly in the call channel.

A soldier carrying a bazooka galloped through the trenches until he reached a place not far from the side of the Destroyer tank, and then stopped.

“Three, two! One! Fire cover!” The captain stretched out his palm, gave out three fingers, and retracted one finger every time he counted. After counting to one, he picked up his rifle. Facing the distance, he pulled the trigger, “Suddenly!”

Behind him, a row of grenadiers poked their heads desperately, and started a frantic blast at the sweeper soldiers on the opposite side.

The weak light from a series of electromagnetic rifle bullets connected into a huge fishing net in the air, and instantly enveloped the sweeper infantry who were advancing rapidly on the opposite side.

“Suddenly!” Accompanied by the command to fire, the grenadiers in the trenches desperately swept far away with their rifles, and the bullet hit the shell of the Destroyer tank, sparking a flash of sparks.

With these bullets flying towards the enemy began to take effect, and seeing some Sweeper soldiers fall one after another, the soldier carrying the rocket launcher of the Ailan Hill Empire finally stuck most of his body out of the trench and obtained the aim. opportunity.

Before his gaze, the aperture that had been floating around the crosshairs finally set in the center of the crosshairs. Then he pulled the trigger and fired the anti-tank missile.

The one-time anti-tank missile rushed to the line control with a parabola, followed by a vertical drop, and penetrated the majestic Destroyer tank from directly above.

A huge explosion was close at hand, and even some of the shells and energy liquid on the Destroyer splashed into the trenches.

“Pretty!” The commander of the grenadier leader shouted loudly, celebrating the return of his defensive position to safety again.

Just as he yelled, a black energy line swept across the trench where he was, and pierced his body all at once.

The attack was so sudden that the other soldiers hadn’t realized what happened, and the subsequent explosions took off several clone grenadiers on both sides.

“Boom!” The concrete-reinforced trench breast wall was pierced and shattered in an instant, and the flying masonry debris hit the steel plate of the power armor with a crisp sound.

“Asshole!” A soldier next to him grabbed his rifle in the tumbling smoke and fired a series of bursts in the direction of the opponent’s energy attack.

However, the black energy did not stop, but attacked again where he was. Accompanied by a loud noise, the grenadier who fought back in the first time was also punched through his body, and fell silently.

“Conqueror! It’s a conqueror! Retreat! Retreat! Contain him with firepower on both sides!” A soldier got up from the ground, ignoring the dirt on his body, and shouted to the remaining soldiers.

On the other side of the explosion, the young grenadier also struggled to get up from the ground, looked at the same embarrassed swordsman, and shouted, “I will cover you and go to the bunker over there! Prepare…”

“Shut up!” The swordsman suddenly interrupted the soldier and said, “This time I will cover you! You go to the bunker! Go!”

“…” The young clone grenadier who got up from the ground didn’t say anything in the end. Instead, he stepped forward and ran towards the bunker not far away with his rifle.

He knew that when he got there and found the individual missile inside, he had a chance to compete head-on with the enemy conqueror.

So he ran without looking back, hoping that he could threaten the opponent with a heavy weapon that could counterattack before all his companions were killed.

Behind him, in the short trench that ran, a grenadier who fired back was hit by the black energy line from the conqueror and fell into the trench.

And at the gap in the trench that was still burning with flames and dripping with blood, a warrior wearing a bulletproof vest with a grenade on his chest and a long sword on his back slowly drew the long sword from behind him.

“It’s up to you! Brother!” He brushed the quaint long sword with his hand, muttered in his mouth, and then the spiritual energy on his body surged, and the long sword also became alive in an instant, suddenly from his hand. Floating, hovering over his shoulder.

“Go!” He put his fingers together, pointed forward, and shouted, the long sword hanging on his shoulder flew out, and lightning rushed toward the tall target in the distance.

The long sword whizzed away, and the tall conqueror on the opposite side also realized the danger is approaching at this time. An energy barrier floated around him, surrounding him like a magic barrier.

This level of magical energy barrier can be said to be very powerful, because even an electromagnetic sniper rifle cannot penetrate it.

After the flying sword collided with the barrier, after leaving a series of splashing sparks on it, it circled around and suddenly dived down from the other side, hitting the barrier again.

However, another spark flashed up, and the heavy defensive barrier was still solid. If the flying sword rushed from the left to the right, it would not be able to penetrate this transparent defensive energy shield.

On the battlefield, the swordsman who had been watching his flying sword chopping back and forth seemed to have realized that it seemed not a good choice to consume his aura in this way.

So when he thought about it, that long sword gave up attacking the conqueror and instead slaughtered the sweeper soldiers who were more likely to be killed.

Once the target is changed like this, the effect is completely different. The flying sword that was as fast as lightning was like a tiger entering a flock of sheep, and it chopped down three sweepers in an instant.

“Boom!” Under the cover of the conquerors, the surrounding sweepers had already gained an advantage. When they were attacked by flying swords, they immediately began to fight back with their own weapons. Several black energy groups just slammed into Love. Near the trenches of the Ranhill Empire.

The intensive explosion lifted up a whole cement clot. Like a huge boulder, this large rock was lifted high and then smashed down heavily, hitting the trench full of corpses, and lifted it up again. A cloud of smoke and dust.

The swordsman who was severely disturbed by this one had to bend over to adjust his position. He didn’t want to be killed by stray bullets without the flying sword guard.

Because it lost the power to drive, the flying sword immediately flew back, no longer attacking those sweepers, and quickly returned to the trenches filled with smoke and dust on the side of the Ailan Hill Empire.

“Can’t hold on!” The swordsman leaned on the trench, looked at his arm cut by the flying stone, squinted and complained, “Let you pretend! Let you pretend! Is it over? Are you dead here? “

While muttering, he stood up again, drove his flying sword, and attacked the enemy on the side of the smoke.

As he was driving the flying sword, a cloud of black energy just fell beside him, and the shock wave formed by the explosion sent him to the ground, and at the same time swallowed the other two clone grenadiers who were firing.

The entire battlefield has already begun to be chaotic. After that powerful conqueror appeared here, the situation on the battlefield took a sharp turn. The Ailanhill Empire defenders, who had no high-end combat power, were clearly in a passive state.

The defenders of the Airanhill Empire, who had lost their firepower, began to passively exchange blood with their opponents. This style of play is the most favorite of the guards, because as long as they can exchange to the enemy, their losses are fine. accept!

It was another round of volleys from the guards. The black energy regiment baptized the trenches of the Ailan Hill Empire. Seven or eight soldiers were injured by the energy regiment. They fell in the trenches and twisted and struggled to stand up and continue fighting. .

The battle was not over yet, and even just started. When the young clone soldier rushed into the bunker and took out an anti-tank missile from it, the seemingly unstoppable conqueror hit it with one shot. Bunker.

The energy cut off the branches camouflaged outside, melted the concrete, penetrated the bunker bunker, and directly caused the explosion of the ammunition inside.

The grenadier who had just picked up the missile and wanted to come out, together with the four machine gunners who were firing inside, was swallowed by the inflating air current, and then they were lifted into the air together.

The unimaginable explosion directly lifted the upper cover of the entire bunker, and the shattered bunker roof shattered in the air and fell in all directions.

The Alanhill Empire defense line, which lost another flank machine gun firepower point, instantly became shaky, leaving only a few soldiers bending over in the trenches to avoid running, trying to re-establish a complete defense line.

“Uh…cough! Cough!” The swordsman who finally regained consciousness coughed violently and sat up from the ground.

He leaned exhaustedly on the wall of the trench, squinting at the surrounding corpses through the blood on his face.

A grenadier stepped over him quickly, then turned around and knelt on one knee, looking down at his face. After seeing his forehead clearly, the grenadier shouted at his companion not far away, “Here is the wounded! Take him away! I need fire cover! He is a natural person, take him away first!”

Hearing his shout, several grenadiers who were firing at the gap hurriedly gathered. A medical soldier with a hollow white cross on his arm knelt beside the swordsman on one knee, checking his injuries.

At this time, a sweeper had already leaped into the trench beside the ruins of the collapsed bunker in the distance…

One more chapter.

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