My Empire

Chapter 1554 - Moths to the fire

In the universe, a steel bridge like a hill is collapsing, and a huge explosion lifted the heavy armor outside the battleship, destroying one cabin after another into wreckage.

Around the broken gap, dozens of puppet robots were drawn into the dark universe by the vacuum airflow, and the entire battleship shuddered and collapsed in the explosion.

“Report! The cruiser White Lobster was hit! The defensive barrier collapsed and was seriously damaged!” On another huge battleship in the distance, a sergeant turned his head and reported loudly to the officers behind him.

“The frontal magical defense barrier of this ship has also begun to collapse…More than one-third of the warship’s magical defense barrier has run out of energy, and the opponent is still 170,000 kilometers away from us!… If this continues, we and the White Lobster will be finished. “An officer with the rank of lieutenant on his shoulders said to the captain with an ugly expression.

Just as he said this, another energy-powered cabin exploded on the cruiser White Lobster in the distance, pushing countless wreckage around it in all directions.

“The Captain of Cruiser White Lobster, Major Xico, is calling!” The officer in charge of communications tore off a piece of text from the receiver, and walked to his commander with his chin held high.

“Read!” The captain with a big white beard headed his hands behind his back and commanded without any expression.

“I’m sorry, the next officer and all the officers and soldiers of the White Lobster battleship are one step ahead. Long live the great Alanhill Empire!” The officer in charge of communications read the content of the message in his hands in a lonely manner.

“The forces on the right wing of the fleet have engaged the enemy… The situation is not very optimistic. The number of warships on the left wing is three times ours…” The robot watching the data analysis on the computer screen reported loudly without raising its head.

“Has the reinforcements come yet? It’s really anxious.” The captain Whitebeard murmured, and the situation was already very unfavorable for his fleet.

Three cruisers have been sunk, and among the remaining warships, at least four were injured. No matter how you look at it, he lost the small battle that broke out at 15.3 million kilometers away from Higgs 5.

After a few hours, or maybe even an hour, the fleet he commanded will be divided and surrounded by the enemy. Before long, he will be wiped out.

Fleeing here with these remnants of defeated soldiers, and letting them fend for themselves by throwing away those friendly forces that are destined to be unable to escape? This option does not seem to exist in his options at all. If he retreats, then the entire universe will be in danger, the enemy may intrude into the vicinity of Higgs 4, and the battle may collapse.

“If we can shrink our forces, we will still have the ability to counterattack until the battleship support force arrives in the theater.” The adjutant who had been standing next to the captain looked at the waveless face of his gray-bearded captain and suggested.

Although on battleships and cruisers, their numbers are at a relative disadvantage. But the enemy came from a long way. In terms of the number of small warships, the opponent obviously couldn’t compare with the Alanhill Empire Squadron fighting at home.

There are very few defender warships on the other side, and most of them are more powerful arbiter and world destroyer warships. Of course, if it weren’t for the accidental appearance of two huge and powerful battleships of the World Destroyer, their squadron would not have fought so embarrassed.

However, with these battleships in hand, against the powerful firepower of the World Destroyer battleship, it seems that it is not an easy task to persist until the battleship fleet of one’s own side arrives in the theater.

Even if you look forward to it with the most optimistic mentality, the small warships on your side can only use sacrifices to drag the enemy’s footsteps.

do not care! Even if it is to delay the time of destruction, this kind of attempt is still to be done! Captain Whitebeard, who was also the commander of this fleet weighed in his mind, and ordered: “Order, the destroyer fleet on the left wing abandons the task of protecting the supply ship and immediately advance to the enemy’s flank at full speed!”

Destroyer, this kind of small warship that has almost withdrawn from the war, has not participated in front-line combat operations for a long time.

In today’s Ailan Hill Empire, destroyers are performing **** missions most of the time, as well as orbital bombing missions, and they have never directly exchanged fire with the enemy’s main fleet.

“Captain…” A female chief mate dressed in a bulky spacesuit walked up to her captain and handed a message to the yawning boss in front of her: “A message from the Speeding flagship.”

“Ah, is it our turn to die? It’s really straightforward.” The captain, who was almost 35 years old, reached out and took the message, stretched his waist and looked at the content of the message while mocking.

At this time, as long as you are not a fool, you know that the main force fleet is being passively beaten. At this moment, if you send a message, most of the circumstances just can’t stand it. Let the destroyer fleet go up and send a wave, so as to delay some time.

His first mate is a beautiful woman with a shrewd and capable look. It’s a pity that there is a square QR code on the adjutant’s forehead, which shows that she is a clone.

As expected, the humans serving on the destroyer are almost always clones. This is also a personnel arrangement that everyone knows well…

“Notify everyone that the thrusters are fully powered on, and the course will be corrected to 95-33 in two minutes…” The captain crumpled the message into a ball and stuffed it into the heavy spacesuit worn by his female first officer. Huge pocket: “Charge the energy torpedo launcher! All personnel are ready to fight!”

“Get the power room ready! For a while, we have to get as close as possible to the enemy warship, and we can only launch energy torpedoes at close range to cause trouble for the other party!” He pulled out the battle suit from under his position, and the captain wore it. While continuing to order: “Shoot the battle alarm!”

“Woo!…” As the stern battle alarm sounded, the atmosphere on the entire space destroyer became tense.

The nearly 40-year-old captain looked at the clone officer on his left: “Be prepared to open the defensive barrier! Open the barrier as soon as you approach the edge of the enemy fleet!”

Then he looked to his right hand side: “Order all gun positions to play freely, and fire if you have the opportunity!”

“The captain of destroyer 12682 called to ask: Are we really going to rush over?” The female adjutant wearing a spacesuit and holding a huge helmet received a second telegram and immediately asked her captain for instructions.

“You will be shot when you escape…” the captain looked at his female adjutant and replied. He knew that the reason why the female chief mate would ask this question was actually because of the jokes of his captain.

So he was very responsible and explained: “Fighting may not necessarily lead to death, but it is more uncomfortable than death to escape.”

“The people above let us go to the front, obviously they want to use us as a defensive barrier to consume… If you need it, I can take over your command and you can take the escape pod to leave…” The female chief said for herself Justified.

“Don’t even think about commanding my ship… Okay! Action! We have to buy time for the battleship captains who are still on the road…” The captain looked at the boat he commanded cynically. : “Who let us only have secondary artillery and torpedoes!”

“Haha!” He laughed self-deprecatingly, with a bit of self-confidence and stubbornness: “Let the big people see, the little ones are determined, and we are determined to live!”

After speaking, he looked at his female adjutant, stretched out his hand and brushed the other’s cheek: “I will take you to live!”

“Captain…” The female adjutant lowered her eyes to look at the finger that passed her cheek: “If you do this again, I will sue you for harassment…”

“Sorry, sorry…” The captain retracted his hand, rubbed his nose, and a lingering fragrance instantly refreshed him.

“The 514th **** destroyer fleet began to advance at full speed, and cut into the flanks of the battlefield after 3 minutes and 50 seconds!” In the short-range communicator, the command for the entire fleet to accelerate was repeated mechanically.

“Destroyer No. 14571 starts to accelerate! Destroyer No. 12682 starts to accelerate!” Not far from the port side of the warship where the captain was, a huge engine at the tail of the warship began to emit blue light.

“Leave the task of avoiding the enemy’s shelling ballistics to the detector and the computer, and the robot will operate it!” Sitting back in the position of the captain, the middle-aged captain looked at the vast universe ahead and continued to give orders.

Far away, the cruel battlefield is full of light from explosions and energy remnants. The vast universe and the dazzling stars dotted around the battlefield have a fascinating beauty.

The destroyer with hull number 11402, which has been soaring slowly in the universe, followed closely behind the destroyer No. 14571 and the destroyer No. 12682. Under the dazzling blue light, it went away a little bit, leaving only the dense supply fleet behind. Sailing in the boundless universe.

Behind them, on the mast of the huge transport ship, a code signal that the gods bless the Ailan Hill Empire flashed. This is a useless but sincere blessing from the officers and soldiers of the transport fleet.

Soon, these small destroyers were discovered by the Wardens who had been trying to encircle the Empire Fleet of Aranhill.

The guards on the flanks were forced to turn around and start attacking because they discovered these small but menacing Elanhill Empire destroyers.

At this time, the distance between the two sides is still very far, far from the distance that the destroyer can release energy torpedoes. Just when the captain just wanted to open his mouth and order the battleship to prepare for the battle, a few dark energy rushed towards him. Rays.

The energy cannons on the Guardian space battleships are also divided into levels. The power of the energy cannons on the Guardian is similar to the power of the magic laser cannon of the Ailan Hill Empire, but the energy cannons on the Arbiter battleship are even more powerful. .

Not to mention the terrifying main gun of the World Destroyer, its huge energy can easily smash all the defenses of a battleship at once.

This bombardment was a volley of the Arbiter’s battleship. For the destroyer fleet that had just approached the battlefield, being hit was basically a cool rhythm.

Fortunately, the accuracy of these energy guns is affected by the distance, and it is unlikely to hit a target the size of a destroyer at the extreme distance.

These “small” destroyers have some unique advantages at least in the area where they are hit.

“Good risk…” The middle-aged captain looked at the energy cannon shells passing by his warship, swallowed his saliva, and murmured in a low voice. If you just approached the war zone and just hit an energy cannon, it would really be a dead end.

But not all destroyers have such good luck as the captain. Destroyer No. 14571, which was just in front of the destroyer No. 11402, just hit the black beam of an energy cannon.

In an instant, the entire destroyer’s hull disintegrated and melted in the black beam of light. The huge hull burst and shattered in an instant, leaving only a section of the tail, and the uppermost bridge floating on the side of the track where the battleship had just moved. , From time to time some fragments are scattered.

“My God…” The female adjutant who saw such a tragic scene for the first time stood beside her captain, swallowed her saliva, and murmured subconsciously.

“Turn on the energy barrier! The secondary artillery is ready for battle!” The captain stared straight ahead at the universe where he could not see any enemy except for the explosion, and issued a combat command: “Continue to move forward at full speed! Use the afterburner to the maximum! It doesn’t matter! The biggest!”

“Huh!” At the rear of the destroyer, the huge jets side by side ejected dazzling flames, and the entire destroyer began to rush forward more rapidly.

“Charge the energy torpedo launcher! Guys! We only have one chance, don’t waste it!” The captain leaned on his captain’s command chair, tapping his armrest quickly with his fingers nervously.

“Our 23 cruisers are right in front…There are at least 7 battleships behind…” Seeing the situation briefing sent by the command system, the female adjutant felt a bit dry in her throat.

They only have one energy torpedo, and even if they achieve the greatest result, they can only cause some trouble for a judge warship. What’s more, what is their ability to break through the line of defense composed of dense firepower like this and launch that energy torpedo with a small range?

They came here to die, even if they did successfully launch an energy torpedo, and then the torpedo hit the target by chance, it couldn’t penetrate the enemy’s shell and sink a ruling warship…

In other words, just like the poor T-26 tank facing the German Tiger King tank, even if it is fired against the Tiger King’s front armor, it has no chance to destroy its opponent and win.

The two sides are not at the same level at all, and the chance of victory for the weak is zero! There is no possibility of one in ten thousand! The reality is so cruel!

And the only function of these destroyers being sent is to disperse the enemy’s firepower and delay time… to create opportunities for the arrival of the main fleet!

“Course 705! Go ahead at full speed! Let 12682 follow us!” The man sitting in the captain’s position, as if he had never thought of the situation he was about to face, put his hands on his chest and released a message like a rainbow. Of the order.

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