My Empire

Chapter 1556 - Royal Fleet

  The huge red flag is supported by a special flagpole in the universe. The red flag that can be used as a sail is extremely small against the super huge hull below.

  The diamond-shaped white hull gradually emerged from the dark universe, and the huge energy launching device that had begun to heat up and brightened, began to reveal its dangerous outline.

   “Keep the course!” The officer in a snow-white military uniform stood in his command position with his hands folded, his chin held up and looked at the warring universe ahead through the porthole, and said loudly.

  ”Keep the course!” The puppet robot sitting in the control area held the joystick with his hands as steady as Taishan, repeating the commander’s command with a mechanical voice.

  ”The trajectory calculation of the Star Destroyer Artillery is completed!” The weapon commander standing in the weapon command area also carried his hands on his back, and was dressed in a white uniform.

  ”Star Destroyer is charged!” He was in front of the weapon status interface. A green interface proved to him that the weapon system on the entire battleship was in very good condition. So he loudly reported the weapon state of the battleship, and his steady voice lingered in Cambridge.

   “Fire!” The captain, who had been sitting in the first position, stared calmly at the battlefield situation projected in front of him. The Watcher battleships that were moving were clearly exposed within the range of his battleship.

  ”Don’t waste the opportunity that the heroes won for us!” He said coldly, with a wave of anger in his tone.

  ”Star Destroyer…fire!” The weapon officer repeated the captain’s command loudly. With his shout, the round energy device in front of the battleship dazzled brighter.

   “Tweet…” A beam of energy comparable to the sun’s rays rushed into the distance, carrying the power to destroy the world, and finally disappeared in the distant darkness.

  Almost at the same moment, more light illuminates the darkness of the universe on the two wings of this warship, and the energy flies into the distance before being swallowed by the boundless darkness of the background of the universe.

   Then, in the darkness millions of kilometers away, a brilliant light suddenly lit up, as if the sun was rising from the horizon.

In the bridge of the battleship closest to the enemy, the captain in the lead stared at the energy ray going away, and hummed a new Erlanhill nursery rhyme: “If you are not afraid of death, come, I will kill you. Regardless of burying!”

  The Warden Warship, which was preparing to encircle the Intercept Fleet of the Ailan Hill Empire, was suddenly overwhelmed by a fierce gunfire from the side.

An Arbiter warship that was turning to approach the Airanhill Empire battleship, the huge mountain-like hull was pierced by radiant energy lines, and then the circular wound was melted, and there was a tragic explosion. .

  The Arbiter warship, who had just faced the Alanhill Empire destroyer and still flaunted its might, immediately became vulnerable under the attack of the Star Destroyer.

  The slow arbiter warship stopped turning and began to reposition its bow, aiming it in the direction of the incoming light.

  However, as the warship slowly adjusted its bow, a light hit its hull from the side and penetrated its hull at an angle of about seventy degrees.

  Then this ray of light penetrated about one-third of the hull, penetrated from the other side, and then gradually dissipated into the dark universe.

  And this Arbiter battleship, which was penetrated by one-third of the hull, immediately exploded. The entire hull began to collapse, and the huge hull broke apart one by one, and then drifted away with the explosion.

  A violent explosion spread across the universe. The World Destroyer warship that was as huge as a planet guarded by the judge in the center began to slowly retreat backwards. It seemed to want to adjust the details and find a chance to counterattack.

   Just as the World Destroyer battleship retreated a little bit, a new round of shelling of the Ailan Hill Empire came once again.

  Hundreds of battleships of the Ailanhill Empire, which occupy an absolute advantage, are stared at by these warships arranged like a galaxy, and they have been embarrassed by the intensive artillery fire.

  The super huge World Destroyer battleship just retreated less than 200 kilometers, when the star destroyer beam hit the tail, and the end of the hull began to explode violently.

  The thick and heavy shell that can withstand the direct shot of the magic laser cannon was exploded and flew into the universe, hitting a section of the bridge wreckage of the Elanhill Empire destroyer floating in the universe, and then drifting away in opposite directions.

  A powerful beam of energy burned all the wreckage of the destroyer in the path, until it collided with the warship hull of the watcher and penetrated the hull of the warship, and finally stopped.

   Sitting in the darkness of the constantly exploding World Destroyer battleship, the commander of a watcher reluctantly watched the sweepers under his hand repairing his battleship in vain, and stood there without saying a word.

  He knew that everything was too late. This time he ignored Sorens’s order to concentrate his forces on the assault on the Higgs 5 planet, and led his troops into the rear of the Ailan Hill Empire without authorization, and his attempt to expand the theater of operations failed completely.

  Sorens will not come to reinforce him, or even care about his life or death. The fleet he brought is destined to be wiped out here, and nothing will be left.

“Sorens! God has given you endless power! But you regard the duty of the watcher as a game! You are destined to be punished by God! You have dusted the glory of the watcher!” Facing the darkness, the watcher The commander roared.

“That’s why you betrayed me and didn’t listen to my orders? Naive…” Sorens’ voice came from the darkness, with a hint of ridicule: “You thought I didn’t know that you took your small fleet to act without authorization. Thing?”

After a pause, Solrance’s unpleasant voice came out of the darkness again: “I deliberately asked you to test the thickness of the enemy’s defense line… The result is not surprising, even if I send more fleets, it is nothing more than That’s nothing more than a loss!”

“You will regret it! The opponent’s warships are as many as stars! The speed of self-reproduction of these bacteria is far beyond your imagination! If there is a mistake in the task given to you by God, the guardians will be implicated!” Another explosion came, In the shock, the guardian commander roared in anger.

   “Don’t worry! You definitely can’t see that day is coming…” Sorens’ voice was full of pride: “Moreover, these bloated humans will also pay their due price for their crimes!”

Then he continued: “Wait! Higgs 5 will soon be restored to its original appearance… and then other planets… Eventually, I will eat the self-proclaimed emperor named Chris. , Personally bury this civilization that rebelled against the oracle!”

  In the arrogant laughter of Sorens, the interior of the World Destroyer battleship began to explode, and the flames engulfed the Guardian Commander who was standing motionless, and swallowed the sweepers around him.

  Finally, the splendid explosion completely disintegrated the World Destroyer battleship. The astonishing hull shattered, and the energy contained in it spewed out of the river, spreading to all the surrounding Arbiter battleships.

  It was like being beaten by waves. The judges suspended around the World Destroyer battleship were affected by the storm formed by the energy explosion, and collided with each other. Two of them even collided together and exploded.

  At the same time, on the front of the enemy fleet, inside the bridge of the intercepting fleet that had been passively beaten, the gray-bearded commander widened his eyes and saw the battleship formation whose flanks could not be seen at a glance.

  Those huge gray-white ship hulls are slowly moving forward in the universe, and the red-glowing outline lights flicker and dim, like festive lights dotted with the boring universe.

  When he saw the red flags flying on these warships from the monitor, he subconsciously got up from his position, walked to the porthole, and looked at the fleet as magnificent as the Milky Way in the distance.

  ”Red…red flag!” He muttered subconsciously, and the first officer who heard him was taken aback, then suddenly realized something, and also looked at the huge fleet: “Royal 1st Fleet!”

In the bridge of the 1st Fleet of the Royal Guard, the super battleship “Goddess”, the fleet commander, the imperial concubine, and the grand prince Andrea sit in the first place, a pair of beautiful and flawless eyes watching constantly on the monitor The exploding world destroyer battleship.

   “Your Highness! The enemy fleet is retreating! It is expected to be wiped out by our army in seven minutes!” A female officer of the Elf race, dressed in traditional silver armor, with a sword at her waist reported in a heroic tone.

  Standing on the other side, a handsome male elf officer holding a helmet, received a message from the communication officer who came by.

He glanced at the above content and reported the content of the message to Grand Duke Andrea: “The 17th Patrol Fleet Commander Malik Lake, on behalf of all the 17th Patrol Ships, to all officers and soldiers, send greetings to the great imperial royal family. Good health!”

“Call back… the imperial elf princess, the imperial prince thank you for your sincere greetings from the 17th Patrol Fleet, and wish you all the best.” Andrea glanced at his son who was standing quietly beside her, without squinting eyes It is full of love.

   “Yes! Your Highness!” The communications officer stood at attention and saluted, and turned to send the message. On the battlefield, fewer and fewer Guardian fleets are collapsing, but the artillery fire of the Ailanhill Empire battleship is getting denser.


On the ground battlefield of   Higgs 5, I saw the sweeper of the palm-sized drone hovering in front of me. After all, he shot out, destroying the threat that was close at hand.

  The palm-sized drone was hit by the black energy cluster, and there was no residue left, and it evaporated in the hot energy explosion.

  However, in the next second, an extremely precise electromagnetic rifle bullet penetrated the sweeper’s head, penetrated into the face, and flew out from the back of the head, bringing out a thick, warm liquid.

  The sweeper fell on his back, and the surrounding sweepers raised their heads from the state of biting the corpse and looked in the direction of the gunfire.

  A sturdy figure stood in the direction of the sun, which made people look at it. But this figure stood on the ridge, standing in the center of the entire battlefield, as tall as a mountain.

   “Take out… the body of the hero you ate…” A thick voice echoed over the battlefield. When this voice sounded, countless sweepers stood up from the ruins of the trenches.

   “Didn’t hear you clearly? I said…spit it out!” The man standing with his back to the sun again emphasized with his deep voice.

  A sweeper accidentally swallowed the flesh and blood in the unique spiky mouthparts, as if answering the other party’s words.

  In the next second, a flower flashed in front of the watcher, and the figure who was standing far away on the ridge just now reached his face.

   Before he adjusted the muzzle of the energy cannon on his shoulder, the man who had already killed him hit the guardian’s abdomen with a punch. The force was so powerful that it suddenly shattered the sweeper’s abdomen.

  With a giant white egg that was not fully formed, the stomach of the sweeper was completely torn apart by the force.

Before    had time to let out a scream, the sweeper’s head was screwed off and pinched in the hands of the sturdy man.

  No longer talking, the brawny man holding the head of the sweeper, like a baseball pitcher, flicked his palm and shattered the head of another sweeper with this head.

  ”Qiang…” With a crisp sound, this sturdy man drew a long sword from his waist, and the sword’s edge radiated a cold brilliance under the sunlight.

  ”For Your Majesty the Emperor!” Among the thousands of sweepers, a strong man in golden armor raised his long sword high, and his vigorous shouts echoed in the valley, and it didn’t go away for a long time.

   Accompanied by his deep shout, on the ridge where he just stood, one after another giant men in golden armor stood up.

  On the chests of these giants, the Demon warriors in black armors looked down at the enemies at their feet, exuding a dangerous aura.

“Dang Cang Dang Cang…” Accompanied by the sound of metal friction, an electromagnetic tank crossed the high ground. The front end was raised high and hit heavily. The grenadiers sitting on the tank jumped off from both sides one by one. He took up the electromagnetic rifle in his hand.

  Behind them, dense palm-sized drones obscured the sky above the valley like a swarm of bees.

   “My emperor… Long live!” A magician wearing a black cloak drew a long sword from his waist and slashed forward.

  ”Long live the Ailanhill Empire!” Countless cloned grenadiers followed him, crossed the ridge, and rushed along the hillside toward the same dense enemy.

   “Long live your majesty!” Elegant elves, simple dwarves, strong orcs… Countless soldiers shouted and took their steps.

  The giant wolf leaped forward in the crowd, and the giant snake hurriedly shuttled through the ruins. Just now, he faced Adair, who was alone in front of the guardian army, and suddenly stuck out his palm: “Energy…impact!”

  A fiery energy swept across the entire battlefield, where the thick light passed by exploded and swallowed all the Sweeper soldiers.

  The screams are endless, and the unpleasant sounds are like metal rubbing one after another in the explosion, and countless scorched corpses dissipate in this light.

“Thunder!” On the side of this energy, a human female magician leaped high. In the huge magic circle that lit up behind her, dense lightning bolts entangled with each other, twisting into a huge thunder, and hitting the sweeper. Among the crowd.

   Suddenly, a huge sword condensed with scarlet energy in the sky fell vertically and inserted into the roof of an advancing Destroyer tank. The tank was nailed to the ground, but the lightsaber did not disperse.

  A swordsman wearing a white robe pointed his toe on the hilt of this lightsaber, overlooking the enemy at his feet, his wide sleeves were windless, and the spiritual energy entwined outside his body was so thick that he could see it.

  Behind him, two **** puppets, one from the left and the other, broke into the crowd of Sweepers, and they knocked down dozens of opponents in an instant.

   “Damn… this magic puppet is completely different from the previous ones!” A sweeper uttered in horror.

Before he could say a few more words, an elven female warrior who was beautiful as a fairy leaped in front of him, and the long sword swept across the sweeper’s neck with the wind whistling, and the sweeper’s head Flew into the air.

Not far from   , another sweeper fired at a Grenadier of the Ailanhill Empire wearing a different armor. Two groups of black energy exploded on the side of the grenadier, stirring up a plume of smoke.

  The plume of smoke had not dissipated, a spherical magical defense barrier tore open the smoke and dust, protecting the grenadier inside from rushing out of the smoke.

  It wasn’t until this time that these sweepers realized that the grenadier in front of them wearing armor with different powers and the cloned grenadiers before… are not the same thing at all!

   “Boom!” The booster behind the grenadier ignited briefly, helping the grenadier jump up and quickly cut into the sweeper. The muzzle of the electromagnetic rifle in this grenadier’s hand flickered, and the dense ammunition immediately swept down a group of obscure Sweeper soldiers.

  And there is not only one such grenadier. Behind this soldier, hundreds of grenadiers, wearing the same armor, rushed into the crowd of sweepers equally bravely.

  Like wolves entering a flock, their offensive is almost unstoppable. Compared with clone soldiers whose weapons and equipment are obviously inferior by a grade, these grenadiers in the true sense are several times stronger.

  Of course, the sweepers cannot be passively beaten. When the first-line troops were tortured and collapsed, the second-line troops had already begun to reorganize the offensive.

The Destroyer tanks next to each other have already reached the edge of the battlefield. The energy cannons behind them are aimed at the powerful Elansill Empire who is killing the Sweeper troops. Countless Sweepers are following these Destroyers. Behind him, he couldn’t see the end at a glance.

  It’s a pity that the drones all over the sky began to fall like raindrops. They selected their respective targets, like a precise missile, and exploded in front of the sweeper.

  Grenadiers of the Ailanhill Empire assembled a large number of elite weapons. As soon as they came out, they used a grand explosion feast to greet the proud and complacent enemies.

  There was dense smoke from explosions everywhere, gorgeous fireworks everywhere, broken bodies everywhere, and a scene of **** everywhere.

  Finally, the devastating energy impact collided with a heavy energy shield and dissipated. Adele’s gaze fell on the target that blocked the energy pouring at this time.

  The opponent’s size is about the same as that of him, and that tall body stands out among the sweepers, and it looks so conspicuous.

   “Cut… finally there is a fight-resistant!” Adair sneered with a long sword, and strode towards the conqueror: “Leave this to me, you will divide the rest!”

   While he was talking, he bullied himself closer, and the sword looked directly at his opponent with the sound of breaking wind. When the sword edge was about to touch the opponent’s body, it was blocked by the energy defense barrier, and a burst of sparks spattered.

“Chang!” The piercing sound of gold and iron reverberation echoed in the air, and Adair felt a shock from his sword’s hand. He felt that his long sword was not slashed on a person’s body, but rather On a piece of hard solid steel.

  After the conqueror took Adair’s sword forcibly, his strong body couldn’t stop backing backwards, and it took seven or eight steps to stop before he stopped.

  He looked at Adair in front of him, his guard posture proved his caution at this moment. At the same time, he gathered energy and shot a black ray.

With a wave of Adair’s empty palm, more than a dozen magic defense barriers lit up in front of his eyes. After the powerful black energy thread penetrated these magic defense barriers, it also disappeared into the air.

   Just between the electric light and flint, the two sides completed a fierce confrontation, Adair occupies a clear advantage, after all, his strength is also at the top of the Ailan Hill Empire.

   “But so!” Adair waved his sword and prepared to step forward again, not forgetting to grin and taunt at the same time.

  Unexpectedly, the conqueror on the opposite side even uttered words and mocked in a nasty, sharp voice: “You feel proud to fight against a conqueror? It’s really an inferior species!”

  While the conqueror ridiculed, another conqueror lit up the energy shield and stood beside the conqueror.

  It turned out that, unknowingly, several conquerors have been reinforced here, and the conqueror fighters that are not often seen on weekdays have appeared as many as seven or eight at the same time.

“Interesting! This is interesting! Originally I was afraid that there was only one, and it would be boring after the fight! Since there are so many, that would be great!” Adair watched more and more powerful conquerors, with a smile on his face. He also became sincere: “The warm-up exercise is over…Let’s play something real!”

   Facing the sunlight behind him, a row of black dots, if there are seemingly nothing, approached the battlefield little by little. No one noticed that the sky battleship of the Ailan Hill Empire was ready for battle in the distance!

  A new battle begins on a new day——

  Insomnia last night, I stayed up all night and finished writing the owed more. Today’s update plus the chapters that I owe everyone to serve together, Long Ling went to bed!

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