My Empire

Chapter 1568: A production line

  The Mayne region near the core of the Ailan Hill Empire, the Mayne 2 planet, the Empire’s fifth heavy equipment manufacturing plant, the lights of the factory stayed up all night.

When sunlight shines on the neat factory building, the lights in the factory are automatically turned off. On each production line, the working robot puppets stopped working at almost the same time.

One minute later, a series of shift-shifting puppet robots walked into the factory gate. Their movements were neat and uniform, and they went to the shift-shifting positions and completed the handover with the robots standing there on standby.

The robot that has given up its position bypasses the robots on duty, rearranges the team, and walks to the gate step by step.

The puppet robot that came to the post immediately began to work. The production line rolled up again, and one part after another was manufactured and transported to the other side of the factory floor through the conveyor belt.

In the largest workshop of this factory, brand-new electromagnetic tanks that have been manufactured one after another are waiting to be installed.

Under the huge factory roof crane more than ten meters high, these newly produced tanks are next to each other, and you can’t see the end at a glance.

The entire plant is at least 1 kilometer long, and the latest electromagnetic tanks are parked inside. This factory can produce hundreds of these tanks in a day.

Every day there will be transport spacecraft, carrying these manufactured electromagnetic tanks to various planets on the front line.

If calculated according to the number, a total of 10 armored divisions can be armed here every day!

“Ah!” A workshop director took the notebook in his hand and walked into the workshop yawning. He was wearing a spotless white coat and wearing a safety helmet in accordance with the production requirements. There were still tears in the corners of his eyes. .

This is his daily work. Every day, he has to check the operation of the workshop on time and check the working status of the equipment to ensure that every robot can work at full speed.

The puppet working robots that left the factory buildings walked out of the branch factory buildings, gathered into a neat queue, and finally walked to a standby “robot dormitory”.

Here, they will be strictly checked by some other working robots, and their parts will be replaced at any time, and they will be replaced with new energy batteries and magic spar.

After such maintenance, after nightfall, they can once again go to the factory building, replace another batch of puppet robots, and continue to produce weapons and equipment for the empire.

And they do not need to rest, do not need overtime wages, only a few personnel to maintain, they can complete a lot of work.

“Good morning!” A clone supervisor smiled and greeted the workshop director of the factory. This is his immediate boss and one of the few natural persons in this factory.

“Morning! How is the production schedule today?” For routine questions, the workshop director picked up the signature pen and prepared to record the supervisor’s answer.

“Everything went well last night. The production target of 700 tanks was completed in full without any accidents.” The supervisor replied with a smile on his face.

As he said, he pointed to the location of the office upstairs: “The consumption amount of materials has been counted by the material allocation department. I have only one sign-off value here, steel, ferroalloy…I have entered the specific number into the computer. The written documents are in the old place of the second filing cabinet. There are four copies in total, and the one that needs your signature is on the top.”

It was true that everything went smoothly last night. There were no mechanical failures and no robot problems, so 700 electromagnetic tanks were produced, not many, but not many.

“I was a little more free when you were on duty. Last time, Sean was on duty. Three robots broke down on the entire production line. As a result, production was resumed when the replacement robots were in place, and three tanks were produced.” The workshop director said depressed.

He is just a workman, and now he can basically mix a small skilled worker in the factory. Which one does not care about hundreds of puppet robots?

It is his daily work to enable these robots to produce honestly and finally complete the production tasks arranged by the empire.

“Sean is also very conscientious, but he is a little unlucky.” The clone supervisor said comfortingly.

“Help me get a cup of bitter tea, and then get off work!” The workshop director gave an order, and he held his record book with his arm and continued to walk along the aisle in the workshop.

“Okay, Director!” The clone supervisor nodded slightly, and went to the office on the second floor to find the director’s water cup.

There is a second floor on one side of the entire factory. This second floor is an office on one side and a simple tool warehouse on the other.

The functionality is actually not very strong, and the design is also very backward. However, since the rise of the Ailan Hill Empire, the factory building has probably been such a structure, similar to the tradition, and it has been passed down in this way.

The huge ventilating fan is still spinning non-stop, the speed is not too fast, it just spins a little bit like that, spinning listlessly.

The clone supervisor who was about to get off work walked up the concrete stairs, step by step to the second floor, supported the wooden railing, and looked down at the huge production workshop.

This is the workshop for the production of tank hatches, one after another standard-size hatches are produced here, and then transported to the assembly workshop and installed on the tank body that has been welded.

Originally, the stairs and handrails were supposed to be made of iron, and they would make a sound when walking on them, but because of the lack of steel now, all the factories are built with wood and cement as much as possible.

The masonry structure that I looked down on before, and felt that the construction speed was too slow, has now been taken out again, and it is highly respected.

After all, all the steel is gathered and sent to space, producing battleships, making star rings, and so on. The metal is precious, and the houses began to return to their ancestors, using the original masonry structure to build.

Because of the scarcity of steel bars, most houses are only about three stories high. After all, there is no shortage of land nowadays, so no one thinks that there is anything wrong with tiling.

Pour the hot water, and when the clone supervisor walked back to the workshop holding the water cup, it took a lot of effort to find the workshop director who was inspecting the production line.

He handed the plastic space cup in his hand to the workshop director, and then said goodbye to leave: “Then, director, see you tonight…”

“See you tonight!” The workshop director smiled and nodded, then carried his own space cup and continued to inspect his production line.

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