My Empire

Chapter 1575: A trap

In the depths of the universe, the mighty, numerous Guardian warships gathered together, like a black hole in the universe, swallowing all the surrounding light.

They block the light of stars and even the distant starry sky. Among these huge ships as huge as mountains, the super battleship with the largest volume flew forward slowly.

Inside this battleship, the commanders of the guards are holding a meeting. A commander from the front line, with some guilty conscience, reported to his leader the situation of the battle: “We have never encountered this kind of situation, Lord Sorens… We can no longer rely on speculation to judge the situation of the opponent. .”

His voice reverberated in the darkness, still that unpleasant, as if the sharp sound of metal friction: “We are not good at this…in the past, our enemies were weak and could not withstand our attacks.”

The shadow of the other commander moved a bit in the darkness, and his voice was also unpleasant, but it was slightly better than the one just now: “Even before, the one we destroyed on the way here is called the Heavenly Sword God Sect. Civilization is actually very weak.”

“We only moved our fingers, and the civilization that had embezzled magic power was wiped out!” He proudly showed off his achievements, and then continued: “How could we fail…”

Indeed, compared to the tenaciousness of the Ailan Hill Empire, the Heavenly Sword God Sect seemed too weak. In the course of their resistance, they didn’t even organize a decent counterattack, and they were crushed to pieces by the guards.

In addition to cutting off Cambridge to escape, the Heavenly Sword God Sect had no way of doing anything. The sect was destroyed, the senior disciples were wiped out, and even the suzerain was dead. It is not clear that compared to the Ailan Hill Empire, their performance can be said to be extremely poor.

Of course, and all of this, the guards don’t actually know. They didn’t know that what they had defeated was actually a weak Heavenly Sword God Sect that had been defeated by the Ailan Hill Empire.

Before their arrival, the Heavenly Sword God Sect civilization had fought a war with the Ailan Hill Civilization, and the result of the war was that the main force of the Heavenly Sword God Sect suffered heavy losses, and most of its high-end combat power was consumed.

This kind of Heavenly Sword God Sect, before he had time to recuperate and regain his strength, he met the guards…so there was no way to fight back, and he couldn’t even struggle for a while, so it was a matter of course.

The sharp voice that spoke first emphasized this time again: “But now, the civilization we are encountering is called the Lanhill Empire. In terms of frontal combat effectiveness, they are actually comparable to us.”

“So, our weaknesses are exposed. We are not good at calculations and have no experience in tug-of-wars.” The voice was a bit annoyed, and even a little illegible: “In the past, our enemies have invested so much in us. After participating in the war, the troops of China had completely collapsed at this time.”

“But now, we have to think about what kind of conspiracy the enemy is hiding on this **** Higgs 5!” After he said this, he didn’t say anything.

Sorens moved his huge body a bit, not knowing if it was an illusion, his huge body hidden in the dark seemed to have become slimmer.

Moreover, his voice is no longer so unpleasant, it becomes a little heavy and a little hoarse: “Conspiracy? What kind of conspiracy do you think the other party will have? Or, what kind of conspiracy, for us, has a chance to work. of?”

At this time, another voice rang. The owner of this voice was closer to Solrance, and what he said seemed to have more influence on Solrance: “Master Solrance, if we talked about Higgs 5 The planet is a trap may be just a speculation, so now, after we are blocked in attacking Higgs 4, we can basically confirm that the other party did some tricks on Higgs 5.”

“Go on, I want to listen to see if what you are saying makes sense.” Sorens snorted coldly, twisting his body, somewhat reluctantly suppressing his emotions, and said. .

“Yes! Lord Sorens! When we attacked Higgs No. 5 before, the resistance we encountered was greater than any civilization we encountered before.” That voice almost started his own analysis.

What he said was eloquent, and it gradually caused Sorens to put away his anger, and began to listen carefully to what he said: “Their troops are very powerful, and they have a large number of advanced weapons, which are enough to compete with our sweepers. The troops contend.”

Being able to control the watcher, become the spokesperson of God, and have existed in this universe for countless years, Sorens is not a fool who is prone to rage.

On the contrary, he just disdain to spend his brain on the germs that are destined to be extinct. Now he encountered a difficult opponent, which gradually made his rusty mind turn and began to work for his master.

The clever IQ re-occupied Sorens in the Highlands, and realized that he was underestimating his opponent.

They had always thought that the Ailan Hill Empire was a toy or game for them for a long time, but they later found that the game was a bit difficult to play.

Later, they began to take the Airanhill Empire seriously. They believed that the Airanhill Empire was a prey, a cunning prey, more intelligent and more difficult than games or toys.

Now, they finally… finally realized that the Ailan Hill Empire may be an opponent, an opponent that may threaten their guardian status!

The voice never stopped, but continued: “Although our troops crushed the opponent in numbers, even though we have always had an advantage on the Higgs 5 planet, our attack progress is really too slow. ”

“Aren’t these questions the evidence that the other party has invested in the main force and barely supported it? They are about to be overwhelmed by us… Wait a minute… eh? This inference seems to be untenable…” Sorens just wanted to refute the other party. I realized that my previous speculation of underestimating the enemy was probably wrong.

The owner of that voice heard that Sorens realized that there was a loophole in his judgment, and continued to speak: “Yes, Lord Sorens…this inference is really starting to fail. If the other party has put most of his power into it, Fighting with us in the Higgs 5 area, then…what is going on with the power in the Higgs 4 area?”

Sorens was also thinking about why the Ailan Hill Empire would have the power to launch a counterattack against the guards near Higgs 4.

According to reason, the opponent shouldn’t hold such a huge force and allow the guards to wreak havoc on the Higgs 5.

Unless, unless the opponent doesn’t care about Higgs 5’s gains or losses, or they did dug a big hole for the caretaker on Higgs 5.

At this time, another voice sounded in the darkness near Solrance on the other side: “We have contained the enemy on the Higgs 5. This is something we have done with confidence, so we will make decisions later. In China, a plan for a sneak attack on the Higgs 4 planet was drawn up.”

Obviously, the owner of this voice also has a very good position within the guards, and he is trusted by Sorens. Unlike Sorens’s slightly hoarse and thick voice, this voice is clear, not so unpleasant, and closer to the voice of a normal person.

Just listen to him continue to say: “The plan to attack the Higgs 4 planet is a large-scale operation to expand the area of ​​the theater and give full play to our military’s numerical advantage. This plan was decided temporarily, and it did achieve results in the initial stage…”

He paused and continued: “But, after we invested in a new combat force and a large number of space warships, we discovered that the other party could still block this hole and attacked our army near the Higgs 4 planet. Launched a counterattack!”

“The enemy’s space fleet is trying to encircle our fleet deployed near Higgs 4…” Soon, the voices of some frontline commanders also rang in the dark.

The Guardian’s fleet near Higgs 4 is indeed being flanked by both sides. On one side of them is the 5th Fleet of the Aranhill Empire, which has been standing in place, and on the other side is the 6th Fleet of the Aranhill Empire, which has been reinforced on the battlefield.

In fact, if you count the Royal 1st Fleet under the command of Andrea, who is also cooperating nearby, the Allanhill Empire is attacking the Higgs 4 Watcher Fleet in a three-pronged bag.

It was a bit stretched to face three fleets at the same time when facing the 5th Fleet, which was still dominant in number.

Because of this, Sorens has just issued an order to reinforce Higgs 4, and a large number of Guardian fleets are bound for the Higgs 4 space. This is also an important reason why the guards will hold a combat meeting at this time.

“The enemy’s ground troops deployed on the Higgs 4 planet are counterattacking our army… This kind of thing has never happened before. This is the first time for us… the first time we have been counterattacked by the enemy on a planet!” Normal voices echoed in the darkness, and some guard commanders were also whispering around.

Ignoring those whispered communications, the owner of this voice continued: “All indications indicate that the Ailanhill Empire has a reserve force. They have a huge fleet and more ground troops… but they did not enter the battlefield. !”

“They did not put more power in the vicinity of Higgs 5, even if they stationed such a large force in the Higgs 4 area so close, they did not try to reinforce the disadvantaged Higgs 5. Planet number…” The voice on the other side of Sorens took the conversation and continued.

“You mean, Higgs 5 is a trap? A trap they dug for us?” Sorens’ voice rang with a hint of disdain.

“It’s very possible! Lord Sorens… But, we haven’t actually figured out how to deal with this matter.” said the slightly natural voice beside him.

These sounds are slightly chaotic, because the masters of these sounds cannot be seen, so only the guards themselves can determine who made the sounds.

They all hid in the darkness, as if they were afraid of encountering the light. These guards seem to like this way of communicating in the dark, and not seeing each other seems to have no effect on them.

“We have never seen anything like this, and our enemy has never had the strength to dig traps for us.” Sorens snorted and explained to himself: “According to our power evaluation, even if the enemy deploys traps. , We can also destroy everything head-on…including traps against us.”

“But in the face of Ailan Hill… Empire, we are worried that blind self-confidence will bring serious consequences to God.” The voice who spoke first beside him said: “War… is consuming God to stay in this world. The resources on earth…wasting God’s legacy is the most serious sin.”

“But this is the task God left us! To blaspheme God and consume God’s resources, it must and can only be eliminated!” Solens continued to emphasize the necessity of war.

“Master Sorrens, if we fail, we are also consuming God’s resources! Please don’t forget this…” the guard with a slightly more natural voice reminded Sorens.

“It’s really ugly… We were forced to this point by a blasphemous civilization…” Sorens seemed to be stung, and his voice was full of anger again.

“Put away your playful thoughts! Gather the troops… No matter what, we must let the so-called Emperor of the Ailan Hill Empire re-acquaint our guards!” The slightly natural voice continued to persuade. .

“My lord, don’t we avoid this trap and withdraw troops from Higgs 5?” A front-line commander lowered his voice and asked.

“No! Order the subsequent fleet to attack other universes! I want to completely expand the war! From their area called Dothan, the war zone has been spreading to Atlanta! I want to burn every inch of the empire’s land, let Here it returns to its original appearance.” Sorens’s angry voice oscillated back and forth in the darkness.

From his voice, you can hear that he is very irritable, angry, and even with a trace of cruelty.

After everyone was silent, he continued to order: “Also! I want to open a breakthrough here on Higgs 5! Then attack on Higgs 3! I want to see this so-called Ai Lanxi Uh…how many soldiers are there that we can devour as much as we want!”

“Continue to attack!” After the last sentence, Sorens was no longer in the dark.

“Yes! Your lord!” Various voices echoed in the darkness.

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