My Empire

Chapter 1579: Falling flame

“The other party is bombing the tree of life… The atmosphere structure is still stable, but it is estimated that it will not last long.” An officer reported the latest situation to Andre with a little frustration.

In the dimly-lit underground headquarters, officers at work were busy walking around. Some people were watching the latest frontline battles in front of their computers. The surface of the planet controlled by the Alanhill Empire forces had been compressed very narrowly.

Although in such a deep underground bunker, Andre couldn’t hear the enemy’s rumbling cannons, but in fact the enemy was indeed not far from his headquarters.

The fastest advancing enemy force was already less than 90 kilometers away from where he was. Supporting these lines of defense were the Alanhill Empire forces with fewer and fewer weapons in their hands.

Most of the troops are quite exhausted, and they lack a reserve team and they can no longer take turns to rest normally.

Under the repeated offensives of the Guardian’s troops, which basically did not need to rest, these tired troops became more and more exhausted and less and less energy to launch counterattacks.

Almost as what Andre had previously expected, after consuming a large amount of weapons reserves, his troops began to collapse.

On the front of the defense, including self-propelled artillery, he can easily assemble more than 300 heavy artillery to provide powerful fire support.

And now, he can mobilize 100 artillery to support his troops, it is already considered a big hand.

There is no way, as the opponent’s artillery is getting denser, the opponent’s air force bombings more and more frequently, the use of weapons is increasing, and the number of self-propelled artillery he can use is decreasing sharply.

Without the support of spare parts, maintenance has become relatively difficult. Coupled with the continuous increase in the rate of battle damage, the artillery forces have gradually become unable to support the existing scale of operations.

Modern warfare is like this. If there is a problem in one link, the burden will be shared on other links, directly overwhelming all links, leading to the total collapse of the army.

The same is true for the troops of the Ailan Hill Empire. The disadvantages of the Air Force eventually consumed a large number of air defense missiles. The exhaustion of air defense missiles transferred the pressure of air superiority to the ground forces. Large targets that were easy to be hit: artillery, tanks, cars, etc. Heavy damage, and then all the pressure fell on the light infantry.

Without the cover of heavy weapons, the grenadiers who have lost air support can only fight alone, and the speed of loss naturally becomes exaggerated.

Now, the millions of reinforcements have almost been lost, and what remains in Andre’s hands is almost only more than 2 million soldiers with incomplete organization.

What disturbs him is that even if these 2 million soldiers collapse within a few hours, it won’t make people feel strange.

Because before his 2 million troops had 100 combat numbers, now his 2 million units belong to more than 500 command units.

There is no way, the formed units that were eaten up by the guards are very few, and most of them are shards that have been replaced and rehabilitated after losses.

Sadly, it was originally stipulated that the unit that lost 1,000 people would be replaced and rehabilitated, but because of a problem somewhere, it was sent out hastily. Then the unit that lost 2,000 people was withdrawn and rehabilitated, and then it became half of the loss. Only eligible for rotation.

Until a few days ago, Andre had begun to organize the logistics and civilian personnel into temporary combat teams and dispatch them to perform reinforcement tasks.

Unsurprisingly, these miscellaneous troops, which were temporarily organized and trained into the army, have not been withdrawn to rest after being dispatched, and they have all lost!

Andre is very clear that it will not take long for the broken troops in his hands to begin to decrease sharply and quickly return to zero. At that time, it was the moment when his commander was martyred.

His adjutant pointed to the holographic map and introduced to Andre: “The remaining two armored divisions were concentrated in a relatively flat direction according to your order, but they can’t support it for long when calculating the consumption speed. ”

While speaking, he pointed in another direction: “General Adair is blocking the enemy’s attack here, and here is also the direction of the enemy’s focus. The opponent has invested a large number of conquerors, and these conquerors are very difficult to deal with. ”

“We no longer have nuclear weapons, and there are few missiles left. There are a lot of rockets and ordinary artillery shells…” Andre said, staring at the holographic map.

He put the tablet in his hand on the edge of the table, and the screen also showed the specific quantity of stock ammunition.

This number is decreasing sharply, because at this moment the battle is not stopped, and the front-line troops are constantly consuming these ammunition.

Of course, there is another reason.

Putting his tablet on the table, Andre continued: “We used to expect to support weapons for more than a year, but now it seems to be only enough to support two months, and the consumption rate is six times the expected. Redesigned the computing model.”

“Many weapons are destroyed and not consumed normally. This is one of the reasons why our weapons are consumed too quickly.” The adjutant took the topic with some regrets: “Our army has no way to maintain air supremacy. The other side uses bombing. Many of our artillery positions and frontline bunkers were destroyed.”

“Many ammunition depots are directly destroyed, so the consumption of ammunition is much faster than normal.” Andre nodded, agreeing with his adjutant’s statement: “Rocket launcher, artillery, missile launcher, Many weapons and equipment have been destroyed by air strikes or enemy shelling, which has weakened our firepower to a certain extent.”

“Our data model has been sent out, and other lines of defense are summing up new tactics based on our defense experience… Our sacrifice is valuable.” The adjutant comforted.

“Of course it’s valuable!” Andre smiled: “Moreover, it’s not just as simple as being valuable!”

“Sir! Let me go!” A second lieutenant grabbed the arm of an officer in front of him, his face was full of unwillingness: “Let me go!”

“This is the last J30 fighter jet. How can I safely hand her over to you?” The lieutenant officer walking in front was holding a white helmet with a faint smile on his face.

He looked at the hand holding his anti-stress suit and raised his head to look at the pilot of his wingman: “You have crashed a plane, and you fly a fart! Let go! Let me go!”

After speaking, he pulled his arm, pulled the opponent’s hand apart, turned around and walked towards the fighter plane parked in the bunker on the hillside.

This airport runway was built in the mountain, and it took a lot of effort when it was built. Now it showed its value. The guards’ troops bombed almost all the field airports, but they didn’t find this hidden place.

“The enemy is attacking the tree of life. The anti-aircraft missiles have been exhausted, and the anti-aircraft artillery units have suffered heavy losses. At this time, when I don’t take off, when will I fly?” He climbed up the simple gangway and got into his cockpit. , Poked his head out and said to the wingman pilot who was unwilling to stand beside the plane: “Get out of the way!”

Although still reluctant, the pilot still let go of his palm holding the gangway. The simple gangway was folded up and retracted into a small door on the side of the plane.

“Don’t worry about me, I will try my best to kill it back.” The lieutenant pilot of the lead plane smiled, and then looked at the missiles full of the plane.

The ground crew who was in charge of refueling took away the oil tank, and the ground crew who closed the tank cover gave a thumbs up to the cockpit. Some pilots who survived the parachuting stood up and saluted the fighter, and the engine started in despair. Warm up roaring.

Thumbs up to the ground crew, and then pressed the button to close the hatch. The lieutenant pilot started to push the engine output control lever, banging the throttle.

The plane that had already adjusted its direction roared towards the entrance of the cave, and then broke away from the gravitational force under the sunlight and rushed to a clear high altitude.

And under the white clouds in the sky, densely packed Prowler fighters are guarding the heavy Crusher bomber, flying towards the huge tree of life.

Around the tree of life, the anti-aircraft gun positions uttered a low roar, and one after another anti-aircraft gun shot out shells in an attempt to disperse the enemy planes surrounding the tree of life.

“Boom!” A black energy group flew directly into the canopy of the tree of life, broke the branches, and finally exploded, flying countless leaves.

A sturdy branch was broken by the explosion, fell down, smashed the small branches below, and finally crashed to the ground, smashing an anti-aircraft missile launch vehicle with an empty launcher.

These launch vehicles have run out of missiles, and now they are discarded on these positions like scrap iron and used as fake targets.

In fact, it is to deceive the opponent to attack and attract a part of the bombing firepower, which is a model of making the best use of it.

The lieutenant who climbed to a high altitude saw the densely packed enemy targets on the battlefield through his fighter radar.

Before the outbreak of this war, the Air Force pilots of the Ailan Hill Empire had never seen so many enemies on their radar search interface.

In fact, for most of the past, the pilots of the Ailan Hill Empire have seen more friendly or enemy identification signals on the radar than the enemy’s radar identification signals.

Who would have thought that there would be such a day when the Air Force of the Ailan Hill Empire would lose air supremacy and could only reluctantly stage such a drama of going to the meeting alone?

Leaning on the tree of life, the lieutenant pointed his nose at the countless radar signals in the distance. He opened his missile launch insurance with his thumb, and then locked the target to attack.

“Come on!” He whispered, and then pressed the red button to attack. Along with the slight vibration, the missiles on both sides broke away from the aircraft pylon one by one, rushing towards the distance quickly.

“Boom!” Below the clouds, inside the Prowler fighter group being escorted, the explosions after being hit by the missiles one after another.

Some of the Prowler fighters that were suddenly attacked began to climb, some began to slide, and they suddenly dispersed.

“Huh!” Having seen the oncoming enemy planes, these Prowler fighters began to fire black energy bombs.

Because there were too many enemy planes, these black energy groups seemed to be like fishing nets, covering the only J30 fighter that was flying on the face.

At this time, the soldiers of the Ailan Hill Empire on the ground saw an unforgettable scene.

An airplane, braving the sky of artillery fire, rushed into the dense formation of enemy aircraft, with an indomitable momentum.

No one would have thought that this precious picture recorded by the sensor camera on the power mech would be transmitted in real time and sent to outer space.

The lieutenant who piloted the plane saw the black energy group flying over the sky, and slightly twitched his joystick. The fighter jet immediately gave him the response, turning his body and passing through the dense black energy.

In the next second, he rushed into the formation where the enemy plane was, and then quickly turned to the left, locking a prowler who was turning in the same way.

The moment the locking aperture in front of him caught the opponent’s flashing light, the lieutenant pulled the trigger and fired a short burst.

The tracer drew a curve in the air, passing by the Prowler fighter. The lieutenant was forced to abandon the subsequent attack in order to avoid the attack of the enemy plane chasing from his tail.

Without the support of wingmen, and at an absolute disadvantage in terms of numbers, the technical gap between the two sides is completely unimportant at this time.

The lieutenant with a wry smile looked at the swaying figure of the Prowler fighter jet biting its tail projected on the rearview device, and turned the joystick to aim the heavy crushers not far away.

These bloated large bombers do not have superb maneuverability. As long as they are bitten, they are basically destroyed.

Only because there are fewer and fewer fighter jets in the Ailan Hill Empire, these crusher bombers are becoming more and more rampant. In the past, these crushers rarely went deep into the control area of ​​the Ailan Hill Empire to carry out bombing missions, because the guards really couldn’t afford to lose these huge guys.

“Suddenly!” This time, another row of bullets cut through the sky, and the light of the tracer bomb penetrated the wing of the Crusher bomber, leaving a row of holes in it.

The suddenly damaged structure was unable to support the huge air resistance, and the damaged wing of the Crusher bomber was overwhelmed and broke apart in the next second.

Passing by the crusher who had begun to crash, the lieutenant saw the Prowler fighter that was besieged and killed through the cabin glass.

He shook off the prowler that was chasing him behind him, and launched an attack on another crusher not far away.

“Suddenly!” Another series of bullets shot out, and the crusher exploded in the air, bursting out a splendid flame.

Almost at the same time, the j30 fighter jet that was hit by black energy from all directions exploded and turned into a ball of burning scrap iron, which quickly fell from the air.

Everyone is healthy for Dragon Boat Festival

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