My Empire

Chapter 1588: Overlooking an ant

Seeing, a huge, hundreds-meter-long cruiser broke in a tragic explosion. The high bridge broke away from the hull in the explosion, floating in the space like garbage.

After pulling out a handle from his waist and connecting to the energy transmission, a slender energy lightsaber lit up in Zaku’s hand.

This is from the method of the Heavenly Sword God Sect. The huge lightsaber condensed into it is like an entity, and it easily cuts into the heavy steel plate of the cruiser.

It was like butter cut by a hot dinner knife. This section of the bridge that had been separated from the battleship was cut into two sections horizontally, and then there was another tragic explosion.

“Suddenly!” On the adjacent battleship, countless anti-aircraft guns fired a series of tracer rounds. A row of tracer bombs hit the magic defensive barrier behind Zaku, splashing sparks.

Realizing that the threat was coming to him, Zaku suddenly changed the direction of his flight, shook off the series of shells that hit him behind him, and flew to another empty space.

Seeing the enemy’s battleship approaching the cruiser on the side, the chief test pilot reminded his comrades: “The other side is shortening the distance! They hope to use mutual cover to increase the density of air defense firepower!”

“Can’t give them a chance! Find a way to get into the inner circle! Get rid of those annoying near-defense guns!” Pilot No. 2 dodges the incoming artillery fire and flexibly shuttles between the shells, the same said.

Pilot No. 4 had just not gotten a chance to attack, so this time he was the first to start an accelerated dive.

He controlled his huge body to charge quickly, not only the main thruster behind him, but also the posture adjustment thruster on his feet.

As a result, his speed became faster, like a meteor, rushing to the battleship that spilled ammunition everywhere.

He reminded his companions loudly in the communicator: “Cover me! Cover me! I’m diving! I’m diving!”

The chief test pilot drove his Zaku through the light of the cannonball, his legs kicking back and forth in the air, quickly changing his direction, making his flight trajectory impossible to capture.

At this time, on the battleship of the opposing rebel army, the commander in the bridge finally realized that what they were facing was not something they were familiar with like the Z fighter.

“Those **** flying machines are not fighters! They… They are more like… humans! Humanoid mechas!” A weapon officer from an old noble merchant stared at the image on the screen and shouted to his chief.

The thing on the screen is not the same as all the small aircraft he has seen. To be precise, it is a humanoid mech flying in space.

This humanoid mech is like a giant in armor, with flames jetting from the soles of its feet, its speed is extremely fast and its flight trajectory is unpredictable.

The thing is flying along an irregular trajectory, so the computer’s automatic near-defense gun with an attack trajectory preset can not shoot in advance, and can only rely on the barrage to disperse these annoying flies.

“It must be a new thing made by the damned **** emperor! He can always make some messy things!” An operator gritted his teeth in hatred and whispered.

He really couldn’t figure out what was in the head of the emperor he had betrayed so that he could continuously put forward ideas and design concepts to promote the progress of the times. He would definitely not have thought of it. It was two trees.

The other rebel crew member sitting next to him also yelled at his comrades beside him depressed: “Shut up! You know or not, now he is our enemy!”

Another rebel commander standing behind them said nervously: “This is not good news. Before our rebellion, no new weapons have been developed for a long time!”

He didn’t want to betray when this kind of weapon suddenly changed. Maybe the empire would develop a new type of weapon. Their old warships were eliminated, so how to play?

“Impossible! Don’t scare yourself!” The commander-in-chief of the rebel army interrupted these rounds with a pale face, and shouted loudly: “Absolutely impossible!”

Another rebel general nodded and said: “Yes, even if the guards invaded, the empire did not put in new weapons!”

“Don’t quarrel! We don’t know, it doesn’t mean there is no! The Empire’s weapon research and development department has always been making some messy weapons?” In the bridge of the battleship, the leading male businessman glanced at the business woman beside him. Said with a pale face.

“What shall we do now?” The business woman next to him was also a little bit out of ideas. After all, they have countless calculations, and they have not counted the fact that the empire still has mental weapons and new technologies.

According to the truth, the empire has not invested in new weapons and new technologies for five years. There is a saying that the empire has now entered a bottleneck period of development, and there is no way to make technological breakthroughs in a short time.

This is also a theoretical basis for their rebellion. Since everyone can only wait for opportunities for technological development, they may not have the opportunities that the empire has.

It is also because they firmly believe that they can follow the path that the empire is taking, that they dare to initiate a rebellion at this time.

But now, at the same time they rebelled, the empire actually put in a new type of weapon, which made them not calm.

Seeing that the situation seemed to be developing in an uncontrolled direction, the commander of the rebel army at the head immediately shouted: “Don’t be afraid! They only have five! As long as we eliminate these five, they will have nothing to do with us!” ”

“Fight against!” Another general who understood what he meant, also shouted. He knew that if he didn’t fight hard now, there would be no chance afterwards!

If you really wait for the Empire to start mass production of these weird humanoid fighters, then they can only become more and more passive, and eventually there will be nothing left to be hunted down by the Empire.

At this time, the rich man who came back to his senses slapped the arm of the chair and shouted loudly to his relatives and his subordinates: “Fight against! Let them see and see, our secret weapon!”

For this rebellion, he also prepared something. Although these things looked a little rudimentary, they could be regarded as a private army that he could secretly form.

He commanded loudly with confidence: “Lean on to our aircraft carrier! Launch those small spaceships! Hehehehe!”

At the other end of the battlefield, three super huge space transport ships are slowly advancing. It is larger than the Giant-class aircraft carrier of the Ailan Hill Empire military, and slightly smaller than the super-giant aircraft carrier.

In terms of power, this kind of transport ship seems to be insufficient. Its speed is very slow, so it has just been left behind. At this moment, it reluctantly joins the battlefield.

More than 100 specially modified spaceships were mounted on this huge and slow battleship.

These small spaceships mounted outside the giant spaceships are equipped with electromagnetic cannons, which are very fast, and after modification, they can be regarded as rebel carrier-based aircraft.

It’s just that these carrier-based aircraft are much slower than the Z fighters, and they don’t have the ability to launch nuclear bombs. The rebels do not have advanced weapons such as nuclear weapons.

On the other side, the Zaku troops of the Airanhill Empire, which had already approached the enemy warships, in the cockpit of No. 2 Zaku, the pilot had targeted another cruiser that was firing: “Find a way to disperse their firepower! ”

The chief test pilot said loudly while doing the side-flying motion. “Number 4! Number 4! Release the missile! Interfere with the opponent’s air defense interception system!”

“Understood! Missile launch! Missile launch!” Pilot No. 4 has locked on the huge target in front of him and pressed the launch button with his mind.

In the next second, within the missile launching nest he was carrying, one missile after another flew out, dragging a long tail flame, and rushing to the distant cruiser.

The near-defense guns on the cruiser began to fire violently, and the barrage sprinkled in the direction of the missile.

Soon one missile was detonated by an oncoming shell, followed by the second and third. These missiles were intercepted by shells close to the gun, and they were all destroyed on the way.

After seeing the loopholes in the opponent’s anti-aircraft guns, the chief pilot controlled his own Zaku and immediately began to dive. And while diving, he shouted loudly in the intercom: “Cut in! Cut in!”

His Zaku rushed into the empty space of the opponent’s anti-aircraft gun first, and a particle energy cannon came towards the middle of the battleship.

A dazzling light passed through the cruiser, and the magical defense barrier was penetrated as soon as it condensed at a short distance.

“Boom…” The surroundings of the armored cruiser hull melted slightly, and the cabin that was penetrated by the beam fell into a vacuum in an instant.

The crew inside was sucked into the universe, and, like various objects in the cabin, turned into **** floating in space.

Almost at the same moment, another energy beam hit the bow of the cruiser. The huge cluster muzzle of the magic laser cannon peeled off the hull in the explosion. Many cables and broken magic array devices were also splashed with the explosion. Into the universe.

Before the rebels on the battleship could react, the cruiser behind them was also devoured by the tragic blast.

Two Zakus flew out of the explosion flame one after the other, overlooking the boiling fuel and energy under their feet.

“Freedom 2 is over… Damn it!” The rebels were in the “carrier-based aircraft” approaching the battlefield. A pilot looked at the explosion in front of him and said bitterly: “Disperse! Disperse! Don’t let these **** emperor’s lackeys Ran!”

Following his orders, the carrier-based aircraft transformed by these small civilian shuttles began to disperse, relying on their absolute superiority in numbers, and began to encircle the Zaku troops of the Ailan Hill Empire.

At the same time, the chief test pilot in Zagune looked at the civilian shuttles dumbfounded, and asked his companions: “Are these insurgents… crazy?”

“I don’t know! But their brains are definitely not very good!” Pilot No. 4 overpowered his Zaku and flew to the chief test pilot’s side, also looking at the small enemies approaching.

“Mao Gong…how to fight this? Free play?” The chief test pilot asked a little bit dumbfounded when he transmitted everything he saw before his eyes back to the mothership.

Soon, Miss Cat’s voice came back: “The news from the Imperial Army just now…Don’t take prisoners…”

“Disperse! Don’t take prisoners! Get rid of them all!” The chief test pilot coldly looked at the approaching shuttles and ordered.

“Understood!” Both Unit 2 and Unit 4 sent a reply at the same time. Then, three meteors rushed into the ocean of shuttle units approaching.

“What kind of monster is that?” In a shuttle, a rebel pilot controlled his shuttle and passed by oncoming Zagu.

He didn’t hear anyone’s answer, because the shuttle he was on was chopped in two by a lightsaber just as he passed by.

In the shuttle group, a missile launching nest on Zaku’s shoulder was fully fired, dozens of missiles instantly scattered and flew in all directions, and then almost all of them hit the enemy plane, turning the entire battlefield into one. Fireworks feast.

There were explosions everywhere, and the wreckage of disintegrated shuttles everywhere. Before we had time to figure out what happened, only one-third of the shuttles that rushed to the battlefield were left.

The matter was far from over. When the Invincible-class battleship was looking forward to the shuttle group to save itself, their shuttle group had already dispersed.

“Help…Help! He’s here! He’s behind me…Ah!” In the channel of the intercom, all the rebels on the bridge of the battleship listened to the screams and wailings of the pilots of the shuttle unit with horror.

“Quick! Quickly tune to the public channel! I surrender! I surrender! Don’t come over! I surrender! Ah!” In a distant place, another flame lit up, and inside the battleship bridge, silence was accompanied by these screams spread.

“Their speed is too fast! Turn to… Lean on the lighthouse No. 1 battleship! Quick! Let the battleship cover us…” The shuttle pilot’s nervous shout echoed in the battleship’s bridge.

Everyone in the bridge was speechless, because they originally expected the shuttle unit to use the number to protect the battleship they were on…

And not far from this battleship, the commander of the shuttle unit who just wanted to rendezvous with his battleship had been cut into two by a lightsaber.

In front of him, a huge steel giant held a long sword in his hand and pierced the cockpit where he was located. The red-glowing vision sensor was looking down at him coldly, as if looking at an ant.

“No. 4, the heading calculation reverse thrust data has been transmitted to you… You go find the mothership equipped with these shuttles, and kill them all…” While commanding, the chief test pilot turned his Zaku around, facing To the rebel battleship that was escaping in the distance: “Number 2, keep up with me… don’t let them run away!”

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