My Empire

Chapter 1592: Cautious shelling

Yes, this experimental battleship with 5 Zagu is here again! It has now completed the transition and just appeared on a fixed route orbit at the far end of the capital of New District 6.

Immediately afterwards, on the radar screens of all the rebel destroyers, there were five light spots that were so small that they were almost imperceptible.

“Those monsters are here again! Damn! They are here again!” The rebel operator staring at his radar screen shouted in horror.

Accompanied by his yelling, a destroyer in the distance has begun to launch its long-range missiles to intercept these rushing stars.

“Launch missiles! Launch missiles!” The shouts echoed in the bridge, and the frightened commander’s voice was already trembling.

On both sides of this destroyer at the core of the fleet, one after another huge missiles flew out of the vertical launching array, with shining light, rushing to the dark distance.

In the direction in which these missiles were flying, a red Zaku easily avoided an attacking missile, and continued to fly forward flexibly.

In the universe, the flexibility of missiles is significantly reduced because they cannot use missile wings to correct their flight direction.

Zaku, who has a more flexible propeller, dodges missile attacks at medium distances is a piece of cake.

The drivers who control Zagu as freely as they control their own bodies feel that they are like urchins in the woods, running around some motionless trees.

“Disperse! Prepare to attack! Avoid those near-defense guns! Disperse their firepower! Don’t let them run anymore!” The lead Zaku pilot, who was the first test pilot to fly Zaku, commanded calmly. Tao.

“Yes!” In the earphone, the voice that responded to him became a piece, and then the four Zakus surrounding him suddenly dispersed, like a blooming flower, and rushed into the destroyer fleet.

“Boom!” A few seconds later, a destroyer that was not stopping the near-anti-aircraft fire was violently exploded. The booster at the end of the battleship was pierced by the particle beam and began to explode violently.

At the edge of the explosion, a Zaku adjusted its flight direction, carrying a super huge rocket launcher, and rushed to another target.

Just as the destroyer on the Zaku flight track was busy turning, ready to adjust its posture to meet the enemy with the most artillery, this Zaku pointed the rocket launcher on his shoulder at the distant enemy ship.

In the next second, the rocket launcher shot out a thicker energy beam, directly piercing the destroyer’s magical defense barrier, piercing the hull, and completely melting the middle of the hull into a hole several meters in diameter. !

Because of the excessive energy output, the rocket launcher carried by Zaku was also short-circuited after firing, splashing sparks and completely scrapped. The shell of the rocket launcher and the muzzle were melted by the huge energy, and it could not be used again.

The previous design of this rocket launcher was for the launch of nuclear bombs, but it was later discovered that nuclear bombs were too primitive for the current Ailan Hill Empire, and it was eventually improved into a weapon that uses nuclear bombs to excite particle energy for super bombardment.

The principle of this weapon is similar to that of the Star Destroyer, except that it is slightly weaker and has a very short range, which is incomparable to the main guns on battleships.

But it also has advantages, the advantage is that it gives Zaku the ability to carry out powerful attacks at long distances!

Because of its size constraints, this weapon is still a one-time use, and can be discarded after one shot.

“What is that! What is that? How can such a small device produce such a powerful beam of energy? Why? Why?” The rebel captain on a destroyer saw the dazzling beam and was frightened to grab it. The collars of the people around him asked hysterically.

He had never seen such a weapon before, before he rebelled, the most powerful battleship of the Ailan Hill Empire could be equipped with similar weapons and devices!

But now, those new weapons that are only a dozen meters high and are smaller and terrifying than destroyers are equipped with such terrible weapons. How can he not be afraid?

A new and unseen weapon is raging in front of him, and all he can do is to watch the battleships in front of him explode and destroy one after another. This despair has completely destroyed his will.

“Stop him! Stop him! Don’t let them come! Quick! Turn around! Start the jump! Get ready to start the jump!” The captain pointed at the target that was getting closer and closer outside the porthole and commanded loudly.

The subordinate swallowed a mouthful of saliva and replied nervously: “Sir! We haven’t recharged the jump engine yet…”

“No? Then go charge! Come on! What are you waiting for? Waiting for death? Stay here and wait for death!” The captain was already mad, questioning his subordinates loudly.

Seeing his horrible look, the rebels in the entire bridge were distracted. The morale that was already damaged quickly collapsed under the shake.

Just as the captain screamed desperately, on the side of the destroyer, avoiding the strafing red Zaku near the gun, he drew the hilt from his waist, poured energy, and ignited his hand. Lightsaber.

The fiery energy penetrated into the vertical missile launcher of the battleship, and then moved horizontally, drawing from one side to the other, until it cut through a near-anti-cannon that was constantly firing far away and stopped. .

This Zaku, which used a lightsaber to draw a gap of tens of meters in length, flexibly avoided the explosion behind him, and stayed away from the warship that had begun to explode non-stop.

Standing in the bridge, the captain felt the huge vibration from under his feet, and then realized that his battleship seemed to have completely lost its power.

He saw the deck in front of his battleship being lifted off by the explosion, and saw the heavy steel plates being torn into twists and floating towards the depths of the universe.

Those heavy armor and large-caliber electromagnetic guns once gave him an endless sense of security, but now, these things are gradually leaving him in the explosion.

A terrible explosion was spreading towards the bridge where he was on little by little, and the warped hull was also shattering one by one, becoming fragments and floating in the universe.

He wanted to look back for the spacesuit under the seat, but time was too late. The huge explosion engulfed the bridge he was on, shredding the rebels inside as well as the armor plates that wrapped the rebels.

In the eyes of other warship captains, that was another destroyer completely finished. It was destroyed in the flames and turned into shimmering fragments in the universe.

The rebel destroyer fleet staying in the orbit was in chaos. In this chaos, a Zaku landed on the deck of a destroyer.

The pilot pointed the Zaku’s chest at the bridge of the warship not far away, and then began to fire violently with the electromagnetic cannon on his shoulder.

“Suddenly!” The tracer flashed with fire, hitting the heavy armor and portholes, sparks splattering everywhere.

The shells of the machine gun cannot penetrate the armor of the heaviest bridge on the destroyer when hitting the armor.

However, a part of the tracer hit the fragile portholes, and suddenly penetrated these reserved observation windows for observing the surrounding situation.

The air flow suddenly leaked out, and the air pressure in the entire bridge instantly dropped. The rebel officers who were running inside the bridge were pumped out by the terrifying air flow and flew into the universe.

The automatically isolated hatches fell one after another, closing the passage to the bridge. The rebel soldiers in the corridor had been frightened and fled to a place that they thought was safer.

“Help!” They yelled loudly as they ran away. A group of people crowded in the passage leading to the escape pod, pushing and shoving to keep it busy.

While they were pushing, a beam of energy penetrated through the corridor they were in, and through the cabin on the other side, and finally through the shell of the battleship further away.

The blazing energy instantly melted everything that passed by, and the edges of the steel that had been burnt crimson glowed with red light.

Most of the rebel soldiers who were congested in the corridor melted in an instant, and the rest were swept out of the ship by the turbulent airflow and floated in the universe.

The destroyer began to fracture at the place where this huge hole was. The steel plates twisted and collapsed one by one, and the supporting steel frame that fixed the steel plates broke and deformed with great force.

In a blink of an eye, seven or eight destroyers had been destroyed and exploded, and the remaining destroyers had also fled for themselves, and had no energy to manage the slaughter Zaku.

As soon as a destroyer completed its turn, several large propellers at its tail exploded. The energy rays of particles fired by Zaku hit these flame-spitting engines and detonated together with the internal fuel.

The flames quickly engulfed the entire destroyer’s tail, exploding one by one, and many of the fragmented armor and the shell of the battleship turned into sharp shrapnel, accompanied by the explosion.

These expensive warships did not go to the front to fight for the destiny of mankind, but one after another became cosmic rubbish.

When the last destroyer was about to complete the jump charge, five Zaku surrounded it and destroyed the tail of the warship with the lightsaber in his hand.

The dark starry sky was once again illuminated by the flames of the explosion, and then everything returned to silence.

“None of them ran away!” Putting away his energy lightsaber, overlooking the fine cosmic dust under his feet, the lead test pilot said without joy.

“The mission is complete…Should we break into the atmosphere?” The driver of Zaku No. 2 looked at the beautiful planet that looked far away and asked.

“Didn’t the prisoner who interrogated that. They are involved with the rebellious Supreme Elder of the Heavenly Sword God Sect… We enter the atmosphere, maybe we will be taken advantage of by the other party.” Inside the headset, Miss Cat’s voice came.

“Would you like to be so cautious?” The driver of Unit 2 grinned. He saw the corpses of some rebel crew members without spacesuits floating in the universe, mixed with the cosmic garbage, and he felt extremely comfortable.

He hates these people, hates these bastards, at such an important moment, he betrayed his motherland!

If because of their betrayal, the Alanhill Empire loses the war against the Guardians, then these **** in front of them are sinners of mankind!

Not to mention dead, even if they are evaporated, annihilated, or obliterated in various senses, they will not be able to make up for the crimes they committed!

“Your Majesty’s order is to be cautious!” Miss Cat’s voice came through the earphones, and then she continued: “According to the information we collected from the Heavenly Sword Sect and the Nine Nether Sect, the fighting power of this Supreme Elder is at least equal to The strong of the dragon clan is almost… we don’t need to be strong.”

“Then we just wait here? Watch them making waves on the ground?” The chief test pilot looked down on the planet under his feet and asked unwillingly.

“In a few days, the reinforcements will arrive at us… Don’t worry, we just need to maintain air supremacy here.” Miss Cat sat in her seat, staring at the cream cake in front of her and fiddled with her ears.

“Our space fleet is over…” Putting down the communicator in his hand, Old Polk staggered and sat down on the ground.

In front of him, the long transportation team is still advancing toward Cambridge. These rebels who dream of going to the new world to enjoy life don’t know that their fleets no longer exist on top of their heads!

“Will they immediately attack us from the Nine Heavens? Stop us from transporting these things?” The elder Taishang, who stood beside him with his hands behind his back, asked coldly.

“That…that won’t…because the opponent is just a battleship…the orbital bombing accuracy can’t be too high, they will only interfere with us at best.” Old Polk realized that he had lost his temper and stood up from the ground to explain .

“Then don’t worry too much…If they come down and enter the atmosphere you mentioned, I will personally take action to help you get rid of those monsters!” The elder Taishang said confidently.

As long as the battlefield is not in space, he has the ability to shoot, and naturally he won’t be so embarrassed.

“I said… I said it!” Old Polk exclaimed with a sigh of relief immediately: “I will be relieved if you take action!”

While the two of them were talking, in space, on the main deck of a new type of warship specially designed for Zagu, the electromagnetic gun began to turn uniformly under the control of the computer.

“Prepare for orbital bombing! I can’t let them live comfortably!” Miss Cat stared at the ballistic data and ordered: “Aim at the Cambridge Pass as much as possible! Fire!”

“Fire!” On the orbit, one after another electromagnetic cannon began to roar. The shells shot out over a distance of thousands of kilometers and rushed into the atmosphere, drawing out a splendid light and fire, like a meteor.

The ground shook and the mountains shook, and a series of electromagnetic artillery shells fell on the surface, setting off an earth-shattering explosion.

The widows and children of the Heavenly Sword God Sect who gathered near Cambridge looked at the collapsing mountain peaks in the distance and the rubble that was blown into the clouds, their faces pale and speechless.

Many of them are the first to see such a power that destroys the world, it is not a power that humans can face directly, it is a terrible power that can change the terrain!

It’s a pity that there is only one battleship of the Elanhill Empire in orbit. Because of the large amount of experimental equipment and enough warehouses to carry Zaku, this battleship has not installed enough electromagnetic guns.

Otherwise, these poor elders and children of the Heavenly Sword God Sect will surely realize what destroys the world in a true sense.

“Let your people transport things to our world as soon as possible! It seems that the situation here is really getting out of control.” The elder Tai Shang looked at the explosion in the distance, feeling the vibration of the ground under his feet, wrinkling Raised his brows and said.

He has already felt that the situation here is gradually out of his control. Those distant things that fly in the Nine Layers of Heaven can easily destroy a world. This is not something he can solve.

The Heavenly Sword God Sect is not without the magic array sword array that can attack that distance, but that needs the support of the sect large array, and it can’t easily be activated.

Moreover, the elders are very clear that the two sides are not at the same order of magnitude. If he can hit the opponent’s sect, he will have to pay a heavy price and a huge amount of energy before he can counterattack the Ailan Hill Empire battleship in space orbit.

But each of the Ailan Hill Empire battleships in the orbit of the universe has the ability to attack the surface, and some can even directly destroy a planet!

It all depends on the energy conversion efficiency of the two parties, which is very different from the technology. Therefore, before mastering and developing new technologies, the elder Tai felt that he should avoid the huge monster of the Ailan Hill Empire as much as possible.

“I have already ordered! But the other party started orbital bombing at this time. Although the accuracy is not high, the impact on us is really a bit big…” Old Polk glanced at the business woman next to him and explained with his head down.

The core reason why the rebels have the courage to betray Alanhir and the reason they dare to resist the rule of the Alanhir Empire is that they think they can win the victory after the betrayal.

They feel that they and the forces behind them can win and take advantage, and they are the vested interests of these benefits. They will participate in the distribution of the cake to make up for the regret that they were late when the Ailan Hill Empire rose.

But now, they have actually failed, and what they are doing now is just saving themselves. In this case, the morale of the army is completely different if there is a little bit of trouble.

Those blind followers who didn’t know that the space fleet had been annihilated, the entrapped turfgrass, in front of the orbital bombardment in front of them, instantly began to collapse.

The original population of hundreds of thousands of people gathered deliberately, transporting vehicles and supply vehicles escorting all kinds of materials, immediately fell into chaos at this moment.

Many people had other thoughts before they were desperate: if they escaped, hid, and waited for the army of the Airanhill Empire to kill, they would come out crying and pleading, saying that they were coerced and coerced. , Will you be forgiven?

Rebelling in the end, following the rebels to escape through Cambridge is an attempt, and surrendering halfway is naturally another attempt.

So, on the invisible roads in the distance, on the side roads, by the jungle… Countless women and children, or old men and strong men, just flee organized or unorganized in this way.

Some equipment was left on the side of the road, some vehicles were abandoned in the wilderness, and the follow-up personnel were infected by this miserable sight, and more escaped and more scattered and hid.

And the backbone of the rebels who were busy fleeing, at this moment, they no longer have the mind to take care of these fugitives.

In space, a non-commissioned officer handed a shelling assessment report to Miss Cat, and immediately saluted the report: “Sir! Because the correct coordinates were not obtained… the effect of orbital bombing is not obvious. We are an experimental spacecraft with electromagnetic guns. Very few, and the software update has not been completed, most of the shells fell in the deviated zone.”

Needless to say, everyone understands that this kind of thing is essentially just an aircraft carrier. Using the aircraft carrier to bombard the target on the shore, how nonsense this effect is, you don’t have to think about it.

This is the same as an army bomber going to bomb a sea target. In most cases, it is intimidation, and the actual results are not expected at all.

“It takes time to make corrections. It may take several hours of calculation…” In the end, the non-commissioned officer gave his answer with his chin held high.

“No need, just keep this suppressive attack!” Miss Cat waved her hand and motioned to the other party not to care: “Our reinforcements have arrived!”

After the rebels lost their offensive capabilities, the small fleets stationed in other new areas of the universe no longer had the task of passive defense.

Without the threat that the enemy might use mobility to hit the door, these small fleets that were originally immobile have all gained the ability to maneuver.

As a result, the patrol destroyer fleet deployed in the new 4th area, the new 7th area and other newly developed universes of the Ailanhill Empire was ordered to support it.

Much faster than the time calculated by the rebels, a mixed destroyer fleet has reached the star region where the capital planet of the new 6th area is located.

Fearing the tragedy of being attacked again, Miss Cat ordered her warship to stay away from the Alanhill Empire warship that had just arrived in the war zone.

A few minutes later, the Alanhill Empire fleet, which lined up one after another, began a new round of orbital bombardment of the new 6th district capital planet.

And this time the orbital bombardment was not just an aircraft carrier making a fuss against the coastline. More than 30 destroyers, hundreds of electromagnetic guns, started an imposing bombardment.

The senior officials in other new districts who are eager to express their loyalty to the empire, and the families that influence these senior officials, this time can be considered to have lost their money.

They even paid for the depletion of the fleet by themselves, in order to completely wipe out the rebellious Polk family from the map!

For the rebels on the planet of the new capital of District 6, the disaster began. The dense orbital shelling came too quickly and came more accurately. And the important equipment they transported, as well as a large amount of materials, is still far away from Cambridge at this moment!

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