My Empire

Chapter 1599: Where else can you go

On the Higgs 3 planet, an electromagnetic tank smashed a tree with the thickness of a wrist, protruding its own slender electromagnetic rail gun from the jungle.

Then, a heavy shot directly blasted the turret of a Destroyer tank opposite the end of the wilderness, kicking off a local skirmish.

The Sweeper troops launched a charge in groups, and the Alanhill Empire heavy-armored grenadier troops in the woods also showed off their electromagnetic rifles and started frantically strafing.

Fierce battle broke out suddenly, and black energy flying horizontally and tracer bullets in straight lines were everywhere on the battlefield.

A Z-30 helicopter suddenly jumped to the top of the tree, and the rockets mounted on the side instantly baptized the entire battlefield.

The cannon hanging on the side of the aircraft fired fiercely, suppressing the sweeper troops on the ground. Before the opponent reacted, more electromagnetic tanks rushed out of the woods, and the sound of machine guns was so dense that it numbed the scalp, and the sweeper troops immediately collapsed in the direction that was riddled with holes.

“Tututu!” After a commander with an electromagnetic rifle lighted up the ammunition of a magazine, he took a new magazine from the robot that assisted the transportation, waved his arm forward, and commanded loudly. : “Offensive! Push these **** guys back to the radiation zone!”

“The radiation signal here is already a bit high! We are about to approach the electromagnetic radiation area of ​​the nuclear bomb!” A soldier with a test sensor looked down at the display on the wrist outside the armor and reminded loudly.

Seeing several grenadiers in powered mechs flying fast and carrying machine guns to establish a fire position on a high ground not far away, a second lieutenant of this force carried his weapon behind his back and said to his officer: “Right The troops on the side have established a defensive position at a high place! Sir! According to the plan, we should retreat and leave here within five minutes!”

“I understand! Call for fire support after the interruption… Two minutes later, we will be out of frontal contact with the enemy troops!” The officer in the lead nodded and looked at the Z-30 helicopter that was already flying far away.

Because the Alanhill Empire still holds the air supremacy on the battlefield, many weapons of the Alanhill Empire can still rampage on the battlefield unscrupulously.

At least the tanks on the ground will not worry that they will be attacked by the overwhelming prowlers, and the Z-30 helicopter can also suppress the ground with firepower.

This time, it was the sweeper’s turn to feel uncomfortable. They had to face the complete system of the Ailan Hill Empire troops, such an enemy could be much more difficult to deal with than they encountered on the Higgs 5.

However, they were actually prepared, because when they defeated the Higgs 4, they had already learned the strength of the Ailan Hill Empire.

“Pack up all the magazines! Take away everything that can be taken away! The enemy’s corpse is cleaned up!” The ensign heard his commander’s command and immediately turned and shouted to the grenadiers behind him.

The commander headed by    curled his head and motioned to the second lieutenant: “You take people away first! I will personally be the queen…”

“Move faster! This place is about to be bombarded!” Seeing the Ailan Hill Empire grenadiers cleaning the battlefield, the second lieutenant reminded loudly in the communication channel.

These puppet robots that clean the battlefield have specially designed sensors that can search for dropped magazines and other odds and ends.

“Huh!” Not far from the ensign, several soldiers were using powerful flamethrowers to clear the battlefield.

After proving in the laboratory that the guardians are all lives constructed by magic, the technology department of the Ailanhill Empire also verified many conjectures.

Includes the Sweeper being able to swallow the companions, or swallow the corpses of the companions, to achieve the assumption that the magical energy is recovered.

After proving this conjecture, the Alanhill Empire Military Department began to formulate a new combat plan, requiring as far as possible to destroy the opponent’s body after the opponent was killed.

There are many methods of destruction, and the flamethrower is the more convenient one: just let the puppet robots gather the corpses of the guards, and then burn them together.

Incineration can effectively wipe the corpses of the sweepers and soldiers, so that these corpses lose their “nutrition” and become waste products that the sweepers cannot recycle!

“Huh!” At almost the same time that some heavy armored grenadiers left the battlefield with their weapons on their backs, the engineer squad armed with flamethrowers followed the heavy armored grenadiers who left quickly.

The battlefield returned to silence, as if no one had been here. Only the flame on the corpse became the only thing still active here.

After thirteen consecutive days of landing operations, Medias put the Guardian’s landing troops on the ground in a planned way.

Because I have always worried that the other party will be angry and directly destroy the Higgs 3 with powerful means, so after a limited resistance, the enemy troops will be placed on the ground to give the other party some hope as much as possible, which is set by the General Staff. Established strategy.

Then, Medias found that in order to weaken the Sweeper forces, the passive defense effect is not as good as the active offense. Although he is good at defense, offense is more suitable for the current situation.

So the old general immediately changed his tactics and formulated a “tidal tactic” to gather and annihilate the Sweeper troops.

Speaking of this tactic is actually very simple, it is just how a continuous cycle of “attack-retreat-offense-retreat-re-offensive”.

is like the tide of the sea, rising again after receding, endlessly moving in and out.

Attack, destroy the guards’ troops, then destroy the body, take away the garbage, and leave nothing to the sweepers.

In this way, the opponent cannot use the Devouring skill to supplement their losses, and the attrition war of the Ailan Hill Empire becomes meaningful.

When the guards accumulate their own troops to a certain number, Medias will use nuclear weapons to weaken the opponent’s troops and give his offensive troops the greatest advantage.

Frankly speaking, this kind of tactics is really very wicked. The commander of the Watchers once planned to abandon the Higgs 3 battle. The loss of their ground forces was more than five times that of the Higgs 5 battle!

Previously, two Sweepers exchanged for a cloned soldier of the Airanhill Empire. Now they have to pay the price of ten Sweepers before they can exchange a cloned soldier of the Airanhill Empire.

This kind of battle was unbearable for the commanders of the Watchers, and they began to pin their hopes on the other side and attack their companions on the 4th planet of Higgs.

Unfortunately, the attack on the Higgs 4 planet was not smooth. The Higgs 4 guarded by General Alfred was also inflexible, and the Guards had to find a new breakthrough.

One day later, the watchman’s fleet appeared near the border of the Dothan Region and was intercepted by the Alanhill Empire patrol fleet.

Fierce battle broke out between the two sides, fighting until the fleet of the Ailan Hill Empire arrived, and then annihilated this large-scale Guardian fleet.

On the 17th day when the Battle of Higgs 3 broke out, the Guardian’s fleet once again attacked Dothan, and the two sides conducted a large-scale fleet artillery battle near the border of Dothan.

In this battle, both sides used the main fleet. The commander of the 4th Fleet of the Airan Hill Empire, Maher, dispatched his troops, and a fierce battle broke out with the provoking Guardian fleet.

The Ailanhill Empire used 300 battleships, and the Guardian dispatched at least 200 Adjudicator battleships.

The result of the battle was the great victory of the Ailan Hill Empire. General Maher commanded the fleet at the cost of losing 52 battleships to wipe out the invading enemy, and none of them were let go.

This battle, known as the Battle of Dothan, ended in the victory of the Aranhill Empire. The commanders of the Watchers also had to recognize the reality and took their attention from the Dothan area.

In a blink of an eye, the decisive battle between the two sides on the Higgs 3 planet has been fought for 22 days, and the Guardian’s troops still have not made any progress.

Even, they are still trapped near the landing field, as if surrounded by enemies.

Sorens, who had no expectations for the Higgs 3 battle, was once again forced to divide his forces.

Nearly a month after the outbreak of the Higgs 3 battle, Solens once again dispatched a fleet to look for opportunities in Atlanta.

As a result, Alan Hill Empire Navy Admiral Pullen Eike led the 3rd Fleet to stand ready, and did not give the guards any chance at all.

The large-scale 3rd Space Fleet of the Ailan Hill Empire successfully sank 110 warships of the Watchers at the cost of losing 25 battleships.

After experiencing these two cosmic battles, Sorens can understand that the Alanhill Empire has deployed a large number of troops in the direction of his attack. He wants to find the flaws in the Alanhill Empire. It is not easy to say.

So, after no other better options, Sorens once again concentrated his forces and began to launch a more violent attack on Higgs 3.

Almost at the same moment, a space destroyer fleet of the Ailan Hill Empire, escorting seven or eight battleships as large as mountains, completed a space leap.

In the bridge of a battleship, a non-commissioned officer is operating the control panel in front of him. He checked the geographic data and reported to the chief executive behind him: “Signal detection…it is indeed here…”

Seeing the huge planet not far away, the weapon officer stood with his hands behind his back and stood in his command position, shouting in a strong voice: “The target has been locked…”

“The rescue operation will begin immediately…Release the detector and release the landing module of the special forces!” The captain glanced at the Great Dragon Duke Albert who was standing next to him, and gave the order.

“I can’t personally kill the **** who wasted my time, I’m really upset!” Great Dragon Duke Albert said regretfully.

“The Lord Duke joked. Since this is your majesty’s order, we have only one choice.” The captain looked through the monitor on the side and saw the soldiers doing the final preparations over there: “Remember, you only have Five hours.”

He paused, and then continued: “If there is no undercover personnel waiting for the data at the designated joint location… then give up the task! Understand?”

“Understood!” Even some special forces replied.

This time their characters are not complicated. Their only purpose is to bring back undercover personnel arranged by the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Then, after picking up the hero, the Alanhill Empire battleship hovering in orbit will activate the star destroyer to strike at the core of the entire planet.

In theory, as long as the power is enough, then the star destroyer on seven or eight battleships can really destroy a planet.

Finally, Albert, who hadn’t held it back, spoke. He was a little envious and itchy, saying: “I want to lead the team to perform this task.”

“My Lord Duke was joking, how could it be possible to put you in danger?” The captain smiled and refused the request of the dragon prince Albert.

He doesn’t want to make extravagant problems, and complicate such a simple attack mission.

The death of a few special forces and the death of an empire duke are really two completely different concepts… The captain is really afraid that Albert will be red-eyed on the surface of the planet, then he will really be in the universe. Crying no more tears.

“Report, the probe entered the atmosphere… The detection results have come out, and our order has been sent to the undercover hero through the password.” The adjutant came over and handed a document to the captain.

“Action!” The commander of the special forces, who had been guarding the landing spaceship a long time ago, waved his hand and signaled all personnel to board the plane after seeing the information returned by the detector.

The special forces soldiers with different statures and completely different power mechas, carrying their weapons, quickly walked into the spaceship waiting for them.

With the sound of releasing pressure, they were fixed in their seats. Then the landing spacecraft carrying them rushed out of the dock on the side of the battleship.

“We need to ensure the safety of our personnel…” The special forces commander standing inside the spacecraft watched his subordinates and emphasized: “If the information leaks, the rebellious army may greet us…So, don’t take it lightly!”

“The task is very simple! Take our people back! Don’t let the hero sacrifice in vain! Understand?” He shouted loudly.

“Understood!” everyone replied loudly together.

On the ground, the Ministry of Internal Affairs who sent back the signal undercover, looked up at the sky, then lowered his head and ran in the agreed direction, desperately running quickly.

“Hey! What are you going to do? If you don’t assemble this before eating, you will be punished!” A rebel who knew him saw him running away and shouted loudly.

Seeing him disappearing to the other end of the street without looking back, the rebel shook his head and spit out disdainfully: “Fuzzy! It’s all here… Where else can you go?”

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