My Empire

Chapter 1601: Agent found

On the bumpy landing spacecraft, the commander holding the handrail with one hand looked down at his soldiers, and said: “First of all, we must establish a surveillance zone nearby! Enemies entering our defensive positions must be eliminated!”

“Check the ammunition! Our spacecraft has dropped to 3000 meters! Get ready for battle!” As he spoke, the pilot who piloted the spacecraft turned around and reminded him.

Ignoring the pilot’s reminder, the commander continued: “The enemy’s villages are all around, and the enemy’s high-level combat power may reach the battlefield in a very short time!”

“The terrain is not complicated. When the spacecraft lands, each team must control the commanding heights and establish defensive positions!” He could feel the spacecraft under his feet gradually stabilized, and the shock of rushing into the atmosphere from outer space had begun. calm.

“Cover each other! Save ammunition… The coordinate we launched is about 40 kilometers away from the signal transmitter… If our person receives this coordinate, he should be nearby in a short time.” He said. After introducing the mission in one sentence, he opened his mouth and asked: “After receiving the target person, we will immediately take the spacecraft and leave! I will confirm it one last time. Any questions?”

“Sir! Is there any air cover?” an elven special soldier holding his electromagnetic rifle, asked.

The leading commander shook his head and answered his question: “This time there is no air cover for the combat operation…but we have magicians, who can provide short-term air support.”

“Sir, how long are we going to stay there?” A human magician raised his arm, motioned for a moment, and then asked.

The leading commander stretched out his fingers wrapped in the power mech, and gestured: “We have to stay in place for about an hour… But it takes time for the opponent to organize a siege, so the battle will last 30 to 40 minutes. .”

At this time, the pilot of the spacecraft once again loudly reminded: “Okay… Gentlemen! The height is 2000 meters!”

“The spaceship is a necessary tool for us to leave here. We give priority to protecting it so that the enemy can’t directly fire at it!” Pointing to the spaceship under his feet, the commander in the lead reminded once again.

“Understand!” everyone replied loudly.

“Altitude is one thousand meters!” After a brief silence, the pilot once again reminded: “We have entered the airborne altitude!”

“Open the hatch!” Almost at the same time as the commander of the special forces shouted out the order, the hatch on the spacecraft slowly opened.

“Go! Go! Go!” All the restraints were lifted, and all the special forces stood up from their positions.

In front of them, air flow poured into the cabin from the opening of the door, and everyone’s mechanical visors closed in the frantic wind.

Then, these elite soldiers wearing heavy power mechas jumped out of the spacecraft’s cabin one by one, letting themselves soar in the sky and the earth.

At the speed of free fall, these special forces of the Ailan Hill Empire hit the ground almost without slowing down. At a distance of tens of meters from the ground, the anti-gravity thrusters under their feet suddenly began to work.

The descending speed of these soldiers dropped sharply, and finally landed on the ground safely one by one.

Frankly speaking, this violent landing method is very overloaded and makes people very uncomfortable. However, this airborne method can greatly reduce the exposure risk of paratroopers, so it is widely used in the Ailan Hill Empire.

“Ka…Ka…” Twisting his neck, a special soldier who landed first slowly got up from the state of kneeling on one knee and held up the rifle in his hand.

Behind him, another soldier also stood up, the sensor on his face flickered with faint fluorescence, scanning everything around him.

After a strong special soldier arrived on the ground, a dense cluster of small drones scattered behind him. These drones are already very small, basically only the size of a fist, with a faint sound, and they immediately disperse under the control of a computer.

Accompanied by the buzzing sound, these small drones hovered over the treetops, or landed on some high places nearby intelligently, and became the sentry of this unit.

On the other side, a special force of the Ailan Hill Empire inserted a probe-like object into the soil, and then there was a muffled sound, and a foxhole appeared in front of him.

With the use of these little things, the soldiers of the Ailan Hill Empire quickly established a circular defensive position.

On the high ground on all sides, in a small trench that has been formed, a soldier set up an electromagnetic machine gun on the soft soil, overlooking the open plain in front of him.

Just behind these soldiers, the two spaceships responsible for picking them up landed on the ground one after the other.

Immediately afterwards, from the landing spacecraft, more soldiers rushed out and filled the position, making the entire circular defense line stronger.

“Huh…” A drone quickly passed the treetops and hovered on the edge of a quiet small village. It is like a hummingbird, looking at this strange place with a camera.

This village has actually been abandoned, and since the elder Taishang took the elders and children of the Divine Sword Sect and escaped here, the world’s economy has completely collapsed.

The sudden influx of people caused the original economic ecology here to be destroyed in an instant, and with the rebel criminals who fled from the Ailan Hill Empire in the past ten days, everything in this world collapsed.

The Heavenly Sword God Sect, which did not pay much attention to the economy, had already let the people live here. In five years, all the aborigines on the planet had dropped by two-thirds.

Now all of the patches here have been abandoned, and the village that has barely been supported for five years now thinks that most of the rebel criminals have come to have been abandoned.

Moreover, this is still the situation near the place where the Heavenly Sword God Sect’s sect is located.

Inside the drone’s vision sensor, there were still some clay pots and shreds that were too late to clean up in the deserted village.

The dilapidated windows and the rotten doors tell everyone who saw this scene of the miserable decadence of this village.

It seems that no one lives here for a long time. At least a few months ago, the residents here have left their homes.

“This place is behind our most barren planet…” A special soldier who saw the picture said helplessly.

Just when he was complaining, the radar detector on the landing spacecraft detected many targets rushing over quickly.

“Warning! Enemy aircraft is approaching! Warning! Enemy aircraft is approaching!” Inside the headset, a tireless sound of mechanical notification sounds came.

The hidden special forces of the Ailan Hill Empire took up their weapons and aimed their electromagnetic rifles at the sky not far away.

In the next second, the swordsman flying almost close to the ground broke into the line of defense arranged by the special forces of the Ailan Hill Empire.

“Suddenly!” A special soldier on the outermost periphery fired the first shot of the battle. The enemy came faster than estimated, but it came less than they estimated.

After all, those who can react so quickly are among the elite in the Heavenly Sword Divine Sect, and naturally there cannot be too many.

Most of these are old lecturers, or some newly promoted masters, and the overall combat effectiveness is very strong.

It’s just that they and the hundreds of swordsmen are so cheap that they can be sacrificed at any time.

With this burst of fire, a master of the Heavenly Sword God Sect with his feet on the flying sword fell unpreparedly.

One who saw that his companion was sieved by an attack from the ground in an instant, his face changed a lot and wanted to say a few ruthless words, but at the end of his words he only squeezed out one word: “You… …”

On the other side, a swordsman from the Heavenly Sword God sect shouted, and he was regarded as a courtesy first and then a soldier: “Let down your weapons! Surrender immediately! Our large troops will be here soon…”

Then, the battle transitioned from an outbreak to a fierce heat-before the swordsman instructors of the Heavenly Sword God Sect had time to do it, the special forces of the Ailan Hill Empire did it first.

Countless bullets flew toward the faces of the remaining swordsmen of the Heavenly Sword God Sect, and they were so scared that they immediately scattered like birds and beasts.

“This is not an army at all?” An Ailanhill Empire sniper on a commanding height silently slipped another fleeing swordsman into his scope, and said coldly.

The observer lying next to him put down the telescope, and said with disappointment: “I don’t look like it…”

“Bah!” Before his words landed, the sniper next to him fired another bullet. This time, a Heavenly Sword God Sect swordsman who was running backward was hit in the back and fell to the ground and struggled twice.

“Shrimp soldiers and crabs…” The deputy shooter who confirmed the results through the binoculars gave a very pertinent evaluation.

The sniper thought it was very appropriate, and he added: “It’s just a group of skirmishers!”

“Isn’t there a member of the Ministry of Internal Affairs with an identification friend or foe approaching?” A sergeant holding a weapon asked the technical officer who was debugging the identification device.

The technical officer shook his head and said, “I haven’t found…but the reflected signals on the radar are really increasing now.”

In space, within the bridge of the Invincible-class battleship, the Great Dragon Duke Albert is listening to the news from the ground with his back hand.

“Grand Duke… sir… Our agent has not arrived at the designated location. The enemy is attacking us… The pressure is not great for the time being.” Through the monitor, the commander of the special forces, led by the commander, reported to Albert.

“Continue with the mission.” After the captain gave the order, he temporarily closed the video.

He looked at the weapon officer next to him, and asked, “How is the charging going?”

“It will take less than 15 minutes for us to complete the preparations for the Star Destroyer Gun. The output can be adjusted to the maximum, about 5 minutes or so, to destroy the core of the planet!” The weapon officer said confidently.

“Very good! Keep preparing! As long as our people leave this planet, we will activate the Star Destroyer!” The captain nodded and ordered firmly.

“Yes! Sir!” The weapon officer replied without any hesitation.

“Report! Sir! A group of video connection requests for non-use frequency bands have been uploaded on the ground.” At this time, the communications officer frowned and reported a strange phenomenon.

“Oh? Take it.” The captain was taken aback, and then realized something, and ordered with a sneer.

Soon, an ugly head appeared on the display: “Hello, respected commander, I am old Polk, the patriarch of the Polk family…”

“No need to introduce myself. I know who you are. I have been looking at your pictures in the last few days… To be honest, you look pretty ugly… Of course, it doesn’t matter. What I want to tell you is… …You are dead!” The captain coldly interrupted the other party’s self-introduction.

Some awkward old Polk was silent for a few seconds, then shouted in anger, “Damn it! There are hundreds of millions of people on this planet. If you give me time, I can make them all belong to the Ailan Hill Empire.” Subject! Empire has always needed population, right? Can you call the shots?”

“Just let me talk to the Prime Minister or His Majesty the Emperor for a few minutes, and he will forgive my faults! Just like forgiving Frenzberg! This true ruler, won’t…” He still hugged I have an illusion and feel that I have a bargaining chip in my hand.

“Nothing?” Great Dragon Duke Albert interrupted the other party and asked with a sneer: “Didn’t you hear what the Captain said to you just now?”

“If I were you, I would take a shower, and if I have any unfulfilled wishes, I can quickly do it… You can find a few women, or take a few more sleeping pills…” Albert suggested: “Oh… if If you want to be decent, maybe you can try, shoot yourself directly in the head, or swallow some cyanide.”

“So you can walk a few steps earlier and don’t have to worry about traffic jams when you go to hell! Bastard!” After speaking, he stared at the clown in the monitor and said disdainfully.

“I think you should…should ask your majesty the emperor…” Old Polk didn’t plan to give up, and continued to speak.

“Shut up! Bitch, every time you mention His Majesty the Emperor, I can’t help but kill you now! Wait for death! Bitch!” Albert suddenly violent and roared.

Then, the monitor in front of him showing old Polk exploded with his coercion.

“Sir!” Almost at the same moment, another monitor lit up. It was the special forces commander on the ground: “Just now, we received a special signal from the Ministry of Internal Affairs! The agent has been found!”

“Bring him back safely…I kind of don’t want to waste time here! Everything here should be destroyed!” The captain said with a gloomy face.

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